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Margot Broug in Newcastle, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Margot Broug

Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales

Phone: +61 418 992 166


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Beyond understanding impacting behaviours from others, how can we practically deal with them?

23.01.2022 She Is Tentative Pen drawing 2017 . . .... my woman mincingly walks one foot carefully in front of the other one foot crossing over the path of the other so when the other goes to step the first nearly trips her up she loses balance - walking like this; so very carefully my woman is not sure, not sure at all or so she thinks even though she will never say will never utter this dooming thought but her path is made narrow and precarious by keeping it inside i'm not sure; she thinks and so she stumbles and trips ashamed of her tremulous gait she knows she should be more... show more... of herself, of her might show some fight stick out her chest and fist up in victory..... stick out her strong heart and reach out her opening fist in receival... ... and say; yes! to her body, her female soul, to life.... my body my soul my life my woman feels that words precede her my woman feels unwillingly and unwittingly birthed by thoughts instead of being born of her mother's body, of her family's soul into a life all her own so her life feels small, shameful, precarious and tentative each month she bleeds the birthing blood of her mother's and sisters' bodies blood that was many times in her heart; warming and enlivening the body of her soul the blood that keeps coming and the heart that keeps pumping! it's ok: says the heart it's ok: says the blood It's ok: says the body this is what is real 2017

22.01.2022 Small Transit an experience

22.01.2022 The joy and passion of discovering your own truth in your own feelings and ideas..... Read more below!

19.01.2022 REST is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be. Rest is the essence of giving and receiving; an act of remembering, imaginatively and... intellectually but also physiologically and physically. The act of hating ourselves for our procrastinations is the act of refusing the deeper, foundational layer of rest from which true action can come. To rest is to give up on the already exhausted will as the prime motivator of endeavor, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals. To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we are there to put it right; to rest is to fall back literally or figuratively from outer targets and shift the goal not to an inner static bull’s eye, an imagined state of perfect stillness, but to an inner state of natural exchange. The template of natural exchange is the breath, the autonomic giving and receiving that forms the basis and the measure of life itself. We are rested when we are a living exchange between what lies inside and what lies outside, when we are an intriguing conversation between the potential that lies in our imagination and the possibilities for making that internal image real in the world; we are rested when we let things alone and let ourselves alone, to do what we do best, breathe as the body intended us to breathe, to walk as we were meant to walk, to live with the rhythm of a house and a home, giving and taking through cooking and cleaning. When we give and take in an easy foundational way we are closest to the authentic self, and closest to that self when we are most rested. To rest is not self-indulgent, to rest is to prepare to give the best of ourselves, and to perhaps, most importantly, arrive at a place where we are able to understand what we have already been given. In the first state of rest is the sense of stopping, of giving up on what we have been doing or how we have been being. In the second, is the sense of slowly coming home, the physical journey into the body’s un-coerced and un-bullied self, as if trying to remember the way or even the destination itself. In the third state is a sense of healing and self-forgiveness and of arrival. In the fourth state, deep in the primal exchange of the breath, is the give and the take, the blessing and the being blessed and the ability to delight in both. The fifth stage of deep rest and arrival is a sense of absolute readiness and presence, a delight in and an anticipation of the world and all its forms; a sense of being the meeting itself between inner and outer, and that receiving and responding occur in one spontaneous movement. A deep experience of rest is the template of perfection in the human imagination, a perspective from which we are able to perceive the outer specific forms of our work and our relationships whilst being nourished by the shared foundational gift of the breath itself. From this perspective we can be rested while putting together an elaborate meal for an arriving crowd, whilst climbing the highest mountain, moving a herd of sheep along a Cumbrian country lane or sitting at home, surrounded by the chaos of a loving family Rested, we are ready for the world but not held hostage by it, rested we care again for the right things and the right people in the right way. In rest we reestablish the goals that make us more generous, more courageous, more of an invitation, someone we want to remember, and someone others would want to remember too. ... ‘REST’ In CONSOLATIONS: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words. 2015 David Whyte and Many Rivers 2019 David Whyte & Canongate Books UK ... DREAMER Photo David Whyte May 16th 2016

18.01.2022 A poem from 2015 rediscovered Click on image to see full poem...

16.01.2022 Does life knock at the door of your heart? Here's a little something I wrote back in February 2018 In my heart life keeps beating... Keeps knocking at the door Let life in let life in At times I haven’t heard the knocking but have known rationally it was there. At one time it knocked far too loudly and insistently Maybe not, as commonly understood, because of a malfunctioning But because of urgency ‘Let Life IN!! Let Life IN!! Is there anybody at home? Hello-o!!?!’ And at the time I felt the urgency. I knew of the knocking and I felt its urgency The urgency made me scared to Let Life In even more It was the urgency and insistence that made me disappear to the other part of the house where I couldn’t hear the knocking. See more

16.01.2022 A little video of me talking to Anne about my piece 'Reach For Each Other' for the group exhibition 'Stole: The Show'

16.01.2022 Only Ever Right Now

15.01.2022 Giving Shape To Freedom: The Art Of Living Read how you can shape your freedom to experience what you want and support yourself to not fall back into old habits and emotional patterning.

13.01.2022 True & Ready July 2019

12.01.2022 This Mandala has always been part of my workspace. From 2005

12.01.2022 Have a lackless day!

11.01.2022 Beautiful poetry by Mary Hamilton from her book 'The Dragonfly Principle: An Exploration of the Body's Function in Unfolding Spirituality'

10.01.2022 Grief: we all have it in our lives; old, new, hidden, overwhelming, ongoing, deep, heartbreaking. I wrote this just over a year ago and reread it this morning when I really needed to hear it. Can I hold myself or allow myself to be held, while my heart comes apart and also together again?

09.01.2022 At The Edge Of Failure with Duet pencil drawing from 2017

09.01.2022 You have always been who you are now Drawing in colour pencil from 2017

08.01.2022 Here is my first podcast!! Snake Dream In it I share a snake dream I had and what I did with that dream to inform my daily life. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings!!... Just under 8 minutes listening time... Click on the below link to listen:

07.01.2022 As Nature Intends

06.01.2022 An afternoon in the studio


04.01.2022 It is ok to accept yourself as a good person; a good human being; kind, thoughtful etc. A good person, not just in relation to others but also to yourself. In fact, it is crucial to your happiness to not impede yourself with an unnecessary or exaggerated negative view of yourself; in your own eyes or those of others. You have a part to play, a life to live, a best self to uncover; for your own satisfaction and ours! Go easy, travel lightly Ease that heavy burden you have held... so tightly. Trust that who you are is what is wanted and needed. So what you have to give is seeded Among your sisters and brothers and those countless living others See more

04.01.2022 FB asks me every time.... 'What's on your mind?' And usually there is something on my mind; from shopping lists, memories, plans, negative expectations (ouch) to what's for dinner and what's on the telly tonight. This morning though what is on my mind is about what is actually in my body. The body IS a mind of all its own, whereas we have been conditioned to think that the brain has a mind of it's own; comprising mental faculties, intelligence, logic, rationality, ideas, cre...ativity you name it! And we forget the body, or don't even realise the body as having intelligence, wisdom, creativity etc. The body is an 'organ of consciousness' (from The Dragonfly Principle by Mary Hamilton). Your body is an organ of your consciousness. Your body is an expression of your 'flavour', as I like to think of it. Your flavour is what came into being when you were conceived and Life went: 'Hmmmm, I wonder what this one tastes like! And then started creating a body with that flavour of consciousness!! And that flavour is still there in every aspect of you! The best way to get in touch with and enjoy this flavour for yourself is to actually sit and notice the physicality of your body. What you'll notice when you uncover this flavour with your awareness, is that it feels familiar, it feels like YOU and it might even feel quite momentous. Some of what you encounter might feel quite confronting, however... whatever you encounter WILL open a door into a much bigger experience of who you are! And that is because your body as an organ of your consciousness, as the expression of your flavour, is a much bigger well of experience, possibility and expression than can ever be fathomed by your thinking mind. Thinking mind is full of stories about you and your life, your identity; all things that contributed to your shaping from when you were very young. And there is nothing wrong with those 'shapings', but they are however only aspects of your PAST experience and they can contract and diminish your experience of your Self. This contraction and diminishment can be experienced as anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, sadness, feeling trapped or not good enough etc. So get into your BOODY!! To get started or reconnect, here is my recording of the very simple and practical tool for coming into the body: See more

03.01.2022 A lovely review I received today :) Margot's use of holistic counseling and body-oriented psychotherapy not only treats the outward symptoms but gets down to the core issues that are trapped inside the body and are sometimes unknown to the mind. Margot's techniques are soft and subtle and create ongoing coping strategies in a safe and caring environment. If you're not one for traditional psychotherapy Margot is definitely the person to see as she incorporates the body and movement in the healing process which helps you to create your own safety and creates a greater and deeper healing of the body and mind. Margot is funny, friendly and brilliant at what she does.

02.01.2022 My latest podcast: Episode 2 Remedy Statements: Life-Changing Thoughts in the Moment To listen click on the link below..... Today's podcast is about about remedy statements. In a nut-shell, ‘remedy statements’ are statements that undo the damage done to the body and mind by unconscious detrimental thinking. Often our unconscious habitual thinking is full of commentary, beliefs and identifications that we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy. Find out how to recover from the effects of harmful thoughts that affect your life and your body.

01.01.2022 Here is my first podcast!! Snake Dream In it I share a snake dream I had and what I did with that dream to inform my daily life. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings!!... Just under 8 minutes listening time... Click on the below link to listen:

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