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Margs O'Farrell

Phone: +61 431 511 865


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to load big map

25.01.2022 There’s nothing like the feeling of things coming into focus. Of knowing what’s important and what’s simply an energy drain. Of being actually connected to a training goal rather than trying to mould yourself into trying for a goal that *other* people say is important. Working hard to impress yourself.... I’ve been enjoying training in the quieter times at the gym, taking the odd vid here and there to give myself technique feedback, making small steps of progress towards things that make me happy. Like overhead pressing. I’ve had a love/not love relationship with it for so long. I love it because it makes me feel strong. I do not love the fact that my shoulders are really not ok for overhead pressing. I love when I get my background programming right and I actually can perform this movement with minimal discomfort. I do not love that everytime I’ve ever gotten to a good-feeling OHP my ego has taken over, and predictably I’ve taken myself all the way back to square one with ridiculous 1RM efforts So why. Why do I pursue this movement even when I know my shoulders would rather chill with my hands well below them.. One of our important quality-of-life movements is to be able to reach over head. To be able to put a box up on a shelf, or reach up and grab an almost out of reach item. When you lose the ability to perform that movement, your body makes a number of mal-adaptations based on the fact that it doesn’t need to do that anymore. Your spine becomes less mobile. Your torso muscles tighten and become weaker. The breaths you take are more likely to be shallow. So with my ego firmly in check, overhead pressing has made a welcome comeback into my program. It’s a huge marker of progress for me, and a huge feel-good thing to be able to bring it back. Here’s to happy, healthy shoulders - one of my favourite ever goals to work towards. Bailey Fitness Muscle Nerds

25.01.2022 It’s beginning to feel a lot like Liftmas Jayme and Annika rocked up for some casual Tuesday deadlifts today, and somehow Shauna - the innocent bystander - wound up with a bar in her hands too Hohoho. Deadlifts to all, and to all a good night!

25.01.2022 The quickest way to my heart is with fresh produce Yesterday I arrived to my 6am Sprint class to find this amazing thank you gift from Lisa - a massive fresh produce box filled with all sorts of goodies. I’ve been lucky enough to work with Lisa since she came back to the gym after a significant injury earlier this year. She’s been cleared by her surgeon and her physio, and now she’s reclaiming all of the parts of the gym that have been off-limits to her up until now AND THEN special delivery of home-grown beets from Jayde and Steve not long after fresh from their own garden Day absolutely made

24.01.2022 There’s a time in every training session where you make an active decision to coast along, or to push. Neither decision is necessarily right or wrong. Making the decision to push when you are exhausted, when the tank is literally empty, that doesn’t serve you. Making the decision to coast along during those times means making the decision to hold your ground. That’s cool if you’re stabilising a new level of fitness or strength.... Every time you claim new ground you need to spend a little time holding it, fortifying it, before you add to it. This is also so important if you’re working your way back from a knock to your health, or rehabbing an injury, or life has just suckerpunched you and you’re still getting back to your feet. Come to the gym and move. The intensity doesn’t need to be there for you to benefit from maintaining a healthy routine. If you coast along through your gym sessions when you need to - when that is the right decision to make - when you are done with holding ground, you will be ready to push hard when it’s time to make the decision to push. - Margs See more

23.01.2022 The calm after the storm... A little decompression after a massive session with the Baldivis challenge group. It’s not all about the pressure and the sweat - the support that this group give each other is epic. ... Bailey Fitness #challengeyourlimits #bebaileyfit #strongereveryday

23.01.2022 Smiles, sweat, and so many lunges. ....what is WRONG with you ? there’s actually a really long list...

22.01.2022 When the weight of the world is on your shoulders, do squats... Danielle started a new phase of training today, having completed 2 phases of foundational strength, conditioning, and mobility work. Now we’re starting to focus on her specific goals - strength, and being strong in a bigger range of motion than what she had previously been able to use prior to completing the foundational phases. Do the background work, and it opens up so many opportunities for where to take your training to

21.01.2022 There’s a lot of different methods we can use to change the way someone moves, or how strong they are in certain positions of movement. In HollyAnn’s case, we have been consistently increasing her AROM for her squat for a long time now, and as we do that we need to increase the strength she has in the new range of motion that she has achieved. Changing tempo and/or foot position are two simple ways to achieve this. On HollyAnn’s last ‘squat day’ before her new program started..., I threw a few different variations at her that helped her to recognise (and consistently hit) her new range of motion. Paused squats - which have the added bonus of strengthening the drive out of the bottom of a squat. 11/4 squats - as much fun as they sound, the partial rep at the bottom emphasising the full AROM, and the extra movement there for each rep creates more strength there. Split squats - a favourite of mine for well-rounded glute strengthening, with the added bonus of increasing hip mobility. Heel elevated squats - a quad dominant squat variant that allows depth through minimising any restrictions at the ankle or hip, stronger knee extension with every rep Each of these squat variations requires no special equipment or advanced strength to perform - just a little desire to work through some interesting leg sensations for the duration of each set... And for a little while after each set... And for a day or two after... Super exciting to see how far your squats have come HollyAnn! Thanks for the fancy camera work B2!! See more

20.01.2022 There was a massive focus on team work today during the Bailey Fitness Challenge workout - and I can honestly say I was blown away at how this incredible group of people came together. Not only did they smash their own workouts, they got behind each other and pulled each other through right til the very end. A challenge is just that - find something that is hard for you, and go after it. Beyond proud of every single person who showed up and dropped sweat today ... Thanks for the pic Danielle Boneham!

19.01.2022 Just because you have grumpy shoulders doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good old fashioned chest day just as much as the next person. It might mean that you have to be a little more particular with exercise selection, and in choosing specific variations of favourite exercises, but honestly, show me the person who DOESN'T want massive slabs of deeply striated pecs rippling across the front of their rib cage and I'll show you the person who has never watched Terry Crews squeezing his pecs to make them bounce and had a try to see if they could do it too..... Now. Where were we... Ah ys, chest day. Grumpy shoulders tend to not like repetitive pushing exercises done a certain way. The shoulder is fairly complex, lots of tissue crossing a joint that is designed to be mobile in every direction, and it doesn't take a lot of inflammation for that tissue to run out of room. The resulting pinching and squashing of already angry tissue is most unpleasant. I can't speak for everyone's grumpy shoulders, but I can share what I find works best for mine. Firstly, if they need the day off, they get it. Trying to force angry and inflammed joints to bend to my will results in joints that are even more angry and inflamed. Pro-tip - listen to your body like someone who gives a sh*t about it. Secondly, warm up is key. I used to be a massive fan of using my bench as a warm up for my bench until I'd spent a little time a few years ago following some programming inspired by John Meadows. The selection of an isolation exercise to take a muscle through its full AROM prior to warming up the main exercise of the day changed everything for me. Thirdly, selecting variations of exercises that I love that are kind to my shoulders means I can keep doing the exercises I love. And I do love a good bench press. I favour the 45 degree angle for pressing for both dumbbells and bar (hence why I select the Swiss Bar for my bench), as the slight external rotation on this angle stops everything getting jammed up. Fourthly - always putting in a 'rehabby' exercise means I'm continually making positive progress with pain-free mobility. The exercise I selected for this workout was a Y Flye - fantastic for helping a grumpy subscapularis remember that it's ok to chill out... Finally - a 'finisher' doesn't have to be a balls-to-the-wall, dry-heaving sweat-fest... I selected an eccentric-focused push up that both allowed me to focus on correct core tensioning and squeezed every last drop out of my chest and triceps. The workout: Warm-up - Cable Flye - 3 sets, 20 reps A - Swiss Bar Bench Press - 5 sets, 8 reps B1 - Incline Dumbbell Chest Press, 8 reps B2 - Machine Chest Press, 8 reps B3 - Incline Dumbbell Y Flye, 16 reps (4 sets of this triset) C - Eccentric-Focused Push Up, 3 sets, max reps See more

18.01.2022 How often do we hold ourselves back by looking at things the way we think they *should* be rather than working with the reality of the way they actually are? It should be easy. I should be able to do this by myself. Why can't I do this. What is wrong with me?" Negativity does not feed positive change. When we let ourselves get bogged down with negative thoughts we stop looking for solutions.... Instead of getting stuck on what you think *should* be happening, if you think about what actually IS happening, AND what you’re going to do about it, you’ll find you make much better progress. This is harder than I thought it would be. I am going to ask for help." Be honest about what's really going on. That way you can identify problems and work out solutions.

18.01.2022 I’m a massive fan of keeping track of multiple markers of progress - even if you really have one main goal. It’s important not to get so involved with one aspect of your journey that you don’t even notice other positive changes occurring. Over the last few weeks of this phase of Prisches’ program, we’ve worked on developing strength and stability through her back alongside her main goals. And today it was kinda fun to show the progress that she’s made with a kettlebell rainb...ow - the dark blue kettlebell being double the weight of the one she started with for the exact same rep range. Her lifts were strong, and technically sound, and her new level of strength will come in super handy when it’s time to move into the next phase of her program. Very exciting to watch you getting stronger every week Prisches! See more

18.01.2022 The moment when you look at the program, and the program looks back

18.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to everyone out there performing the role of ‘Dad’ Love to everyone remembering those who have left foot prints and paw prints and claw prints in our hearts

18.01.2022 ...unless you make an active decision to form a new habit and then practice that habit regularly, you’ll just keep doing what you’ve always done...

17.01.2022 One of the great things about overseeing the training and development of personal trainers at Bailey Fitness is being able to share little snap shots of what’s accumulated in my head over the years that I’ve been pursuing my own on-going education. Sharing information - especially when it comes to exercise variations - isn’t just a matter of showing off a new move that the people in front of you haven’t seen before, and hash tag wowing them with your fancy sh*t. It’s sharing ...the how-to’s of a foundational movement, and then layering in variations along with the qualifiers, contraindications, and programming context of each of those variations. Ash and Doulton are practicing a Drifting Deadlift - purposefully (and with control) drifting the bar away from the body and then bringing it back. It’s a variation that emphasises all of the muscles responsible for spinal stability whilst the hamstrings are in the stretched and loaded position. As the bar drifts further out those muscles need to work harder to keep the spine stable. It’s not a commonly prescribed variation due to the fact that it comes with a higher risk:reward ratio than standard deadlift variations, however with the right client (and in context with their overall programming) it can be a useful tool. - Margs

17.01.2022 *cracks knuckles* Starting to hit my stride again...

17.01.2022 You can’t just rain fitness down on people. I heard Nathan Jones say this some years ago at a group fitness workshop that I was attending, and I had one of those moments - you know the ones - where the light bulb comes on and the *incoming* siren goes off. So much truth and so much understanding of what it is that we do as coaches, trainers, instructors in that one statement. We talk at length about how we *make* people do things. Make them follow our programs, make them s...weat, make them hurt, make them go harder, go faster, do one more set, do one more rep... Spoiler alert... ... ... ...we don’t. That’s a big slap to the ego, isn’t it?!? Well, it is if your ego is reliant on you as a trainer being the most important variable in the whole trainer/client/participant relationship. We are more like tour guides when you think about it. A supporting act. Our role is to show people the pathway, to explain the finer points along the way, and to make sure that the people who have come for the ride are getting the experience and the progress that they need so that they are inclined to come back for more. We literally serve no purpose unless we have people in front of us who want to be there, who find our *unique set of skills* useful. We cannot force someone to reach a different level of fitness - but we can light up the runway if they’ve decided that that’s what they want for themselves. In the gym, and in the group fitness room, we put the opportunity for a workout in front of people, ultimately they choose how much of that opportunity is right for them to take. They choose how much of themselves to give. If they found a workout or a class way more challenging than usual, it’s because they put the work in. I have so much love and respect for the people I see every week whose fitness, strength, health, confidence is all changing. I know it’s because of a concentrated effort to come consistently to the gym and to give what felt like the right amount to give. Nathan was so right, you can’t rain fitness down on people. They have to be ready to make it rain themselves. - Margs

16.01.2022 R U OK? It’s been a fairly hectic year for a lot of us - both personally and professionally - and when you add on a few layers of accumulated damage and collateral damage from years gone by, that can create some pretty big feelings. Often when you feel those feelings it’s easy to feel isolated, alone, unnoticed. And the kicker is that when you’re in that situation, it can feel beyond hard to find someone to tell that you’re not ok. Please consider talking to friends or famil...y - if one of them was feeling how you’re feeling now, you would want to know. Please consider talking to your GP and asking for a mental health care plan. In Australia you can have up to 10 free appointments with a mental health care professional every year - what an incredible resource to have there for when you need it! Please know that you’re not alone. It doesn’t help you or change your situation at all knowing this, but understanding that there are a lot of people around you who are most definitely feeling stressed or overwhelmed right now might help you to put some abrasive interactions or some missing messages from people you haven’t heard from into perspective. I know this isn’t for everyone but I find my own way through rough patches by looking for ways to be helpful, and deliberately kind - all while maintaining self-care boundaries. Lastly, I’m not going to offer you *hugs*. In fact if you try to hug me I will still defend myself with extreme prejudice. I can offer understanding, non-judgement, and (if you are looking) some suggestions of GPs to see to talk to about a mental health care plan. See more

15.01.2022 Well it’s time to wave goodbye to another Christmas - I hope Krampus was good to you this year! Me, I’ll be hiding my horns back under my hair and checking in with a few goals I’ve been working on to make sure I’m still hungry for them I love this time of year, I’m lucky that it’s a relaxed time of year for me. Several days of working and teaching cut out means both my mind and my body are enjoying some breathing space. I did think that I’d use this time to make some h...eadway on a new project I’ve been working on - but no... ultimately having actual time off has been far more beneficial. Rested me is so much more productive than over worked and under recovered me. As much as I like to think of myself as someone who can do all of the things all of the time, it seems I’m really no different to anyone else - while I can do all of the things all of the time, I do the things way better when I’m taking better care of me along the way See more

15.01.2022 It’s somewhat disturbing with all of the accumulated knowledge that exists in this world on nutrition, that there are still people out there telling us that fruit is the bad guy... Keto, Paleo, Zone, Atkins... They aren’t magic. They’re just sets of rules that stop you overeating the foods that you can’t seem to stop overeating.... Literally NO ONE has ever come to me and told me about their addiction to sweet navel oranges. When I look through people’s food logs I don’t see pictures of kilograms worth of sweet navel oranges that together put their week into massive caloric surplus. You know what I do see? Nearly no fruit. Nearly no vege. Late night cupboard raids that come after people have starved themselves all day in an effort to ‘be good’... Fast food... Thousands of calories worth of alcohol... A complete lack of awareness around exactly how often the above ^^ is happening... The fashionable low-carb diet du jour doesn’t let you do that - the rules forbid alcohol and biscuits and cakes and pizza and donuts... So your caloric surplus vanishes. Most people don’t need a *magic diet* that promises to cure your everything while you pretend to enjoy the raw spinach and air-fried protein salads that are now your life... Most people need to simply look honestly at what their current habits are, and decide which habits are helpful and which habits need to be kicked to the kerb. My number one recommendation for doing this is a photo food diary - take a picture of everything you eat and drink over a week, put each day’s meals and snacks into a collage, and then look over what you have. Look for what’s missing first - did your meals primarily consist of vege and protein or did they primarily consist of baked goods? Did you eat consistently or did you skip meals? Did you drink enough water? Start with these basics, and move out from there. Little tweaks to a non-magical but definitely sustainable dietary foundation are so much better than falling off a bandwagon, and dealing with the associated feelings of frustration and misplaced guilt that come with that.

15.01.2022 The face of someone who hit a PB on bench of 70 not too long ago and who is now pushing 67.5 for reps Emma has set some ambitious strength goals for this year, we talked over the ‘what’ of it all last night, today I’m getting the ‘how’ of it down on paper. Program design 101, the program’s intention must be aligned with the actual goals - sounds obvious? Simple things done well usually are Nice work last night Emma Imma give myself a little pat on the back too for being on point with some well-targeted spotting

14.01.2022 My Christmas wish for everyone this year is kindness. Be kinder to yourself, and where you are able to, look for ways to be kind - it really does make everything so much better This year’s Fusion Christmas donation made on behalf of our whole Fusion family went to Craig - an orphaned flying fox, who is being cared for by Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers. Where ever you are today, and what ever you’re doing, and who ever you’re doing it with, I hope you’re doing it with a smile... on your face Happy Christmas - Margs See more

14.01.2022 Prisches’ first ever set in the squat rack happened today - and I think we were both as excited as each other!!! Prisches and I have worked together consistently now for several years. It all started when she came into the gym I was working out of and asked if there would be any use in her getting a membership, if there would be anything she would be able to do. I happened to be there and offered to help her try a few things and see what she thought. She was coming in with v...ery restricted movement - following an awful spiral break in her ankle, and a frighteningly long amount of time having to have the joint completely immobilised, and having sought help from several physios to try and gain what use she could get back into the joint, Prisches hadn’t given up looking for a way to improve what she was left with. We started slowly and cautiously, and weeks by week, month by month, year by year, we made progress. Getting up off the ground using that leg was a massive milestone. Building strength in areas that hadn’t been able to be used at all for such a long time took time, but, as they say, slow progress is still progress, and as Prisches’ strength grew so did her ‘library’ of movement patterns that became part of her repertoire. Walking without a limp became something Prisches did more often than not. Today, getting into the squat rack, and playing with the purpose of claiming new territory in the gym () was the end result of Prisches having worked so diligently to improve ankle stability and mobility, leg strength, hip stability, core strength, shoulder mobility, and thoracic mobility. I could not be happier for you Prisches to see how far you’ve come - and I kinda feel like we’ve just unlocked a brand new level Bailey Fitness Muscle Nerds See more

13.01.2022 I love the sit-stand variation of squats. It’s impossible to cheat, and it exposes so many areas that may need extra strengthening attention in order to develop properly strong squats. It sounds surprisingly easy. Just sit on the box and then stand up. But if you’ve been neglecting core strength, glute strength, or you’ve made a habit of partial-repping your squats, this variation will be both humbling AND incredibly valuable in showing you what you need to train in order t...o take your squats to the next level. The other great thing about these is that they’re kind to joints My workout: A1 Sit-Stand 10 reps A2 Split Squat 10 reps / leg 5 sets B1 RDL 15 reps B2 SL Lying Hamstring Curl 8 reps / leg 4 sets C1 Cable Face Pull 15 reps C2 Standing Calf Raise 15 reps 3 sets Muscle Nerds Bailey Fitness

13.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to everyone out there performing the role of ‘mum’. Love to everyone remembering those who have left footprints and paw prints and feather prints in our hearts Ps - how cute is the little gift that Forrest got me he said they looked like little figurines of me and him ... - Margs and Forrest

12.01.2022 Just sharing a little (big) win of my own - graduating from split squats to lunges This is my first set of full depth reverse lunges and my first set of walking lunges in I don’t even know how long!!! So happy with progress!! - it’s been a long and slow road learning how to deal with a knee that regularly channels his inner puffer-fish on one side, and a cranky MTP joint on the other side... but progress is progress, the speed is irrelevant. The next phase will be all abou...t safely creating strength in the movement that I’m carefully reclaiming It’s so (SO!!) easy to become discouraged when you’re constantly hitting walls and finding things you can’t do. The power is in finding things you can do, and in doing them well. Action creates opportunity. Happy Sunday everyone! Muscle Nerds Bailey Fitness

12.01.2022 There is a great quote - it’s not motivation that causes us to act, it is in consistently doing the actions that we create the motivation. It’s too easy to sit around waiting for motivation to strike and not acting, or to blame ‘lack of motivation’ for getting in the way of practicing new habits. Just start. Once the actions have started to create progress, the motivation builds. Muscle Nerds... Bailey Fitness See more

12.01.2022 You know the old clichè - if it doesn’t challenge us it doesn’t change us - it’s funny how it only seems fun to apply that clichè to sweaty workouts at the gym, not to the sort of challenges that life throws our way... Every single one of us faced challenges, and many of us continue to face challenges from the fallout of last year. If there’s anything I’ve learnt in life, it’s that the challenges don’t stop coming. They aren’t limited to a specific month or a specific year. ...They usually come out of nowhere, and they’re called challenges because they, well, *challenge* us... We can’t always control the situation that we find ourselves in, but we can control our response to the situation. For me, this was a big thing that came out of 2020. Being thoughtful about how I choose to proceed in the face of challenges that I have limited control over. Being careful with the words I choose to apply to the situation - always honest, and expressing real emotional responses, by the same token ever-looking for a reason to say ‘thank you’ to random people, ever-looking for ways to be kind, seeking ways to be helpful, and choosing to reject negativity for its own sake in favour of looking for positive ways to look after me and mine. What can I do? is a powerful question when you’re seeking an answer that will create footsteps towards a positive outcome. I’ll admit that if you’ve fallen into the habit of looking for the tarnish on any silver lining, it takes a concentrated effort to retrain yourself to look past the tarnish and be thankful that the lining is still silver. Yeah, it’s a metaphor, make of it what you will. My point is this. The one thing that you can practice every single day that will affect your happiness levels regardless of the situation you find yourself in is your willingness to look for things to say ‘thank you’ for. You might not have the socks to remind yourself that it’s a ‘fcuk yeah kind of day’ but you do have the ability to turn around the type of habitual, daily negativity that ultimately turns into apathy and self sabotage. What you practice most becomes your habit, and your habits dictate your default responses in a challenging situation. Practicing gratitude allows you the mental space to make the best of the hand you’ve been dealt, even while you’re working on making sure things get better. Bailey Fitness Muscle Nerds See more

12.01.2022 So grateful to be back training with @moddy_mt69 I haven’t hit pads since mid-March and was feeling pretty rusty putting wraps on this morning, but a couple rounds in and some of the cobwebs were well and truly blown out. Thank you Mod for a fantastic technique-focused session that meant I learnt almost as much as I sweated. Thank you also for the ‘welcome back’ bruises... #padwork #fightfit #traintoteach #traintotrain #rolemodel #lesmillsbodycombat #wefightair

11.01.2022 When someone comes to me with shoulder goals I like to think I deliver a program that lets that person feel the effectiveness of it almost immediately

10.01.2022 It’s fair to say that people don’t go to the gym with an explicit goal of hurting themselves. When you ramp up activity levels - especially when it comes to high impact activities and high intensity (heavy weight or HIIT activities), you ramp up the risk factors with it. That is not a bad thing. I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in living in a movement-restricted world ‘just in case’......Continue reading

08.01.2022 Starting Monday off by sharing a win! My front squat is back For those of you that have known me a long time, you’ll know exactly how happy this makes me In my whole training history, my legs have always been the strong, dependable limbs. Due to the issues with my shoulders, it would not be unusual for me to go months and months at a time not being able to train upper body except with the most basic of rehab movements.... My legs carried me through those times. They were strong and brave and dependable. That all changed 2 years ago (yes it’s been that long!!) when my right knee chucked its toys and puffed up to more than double its normal size. What. A. Journey... Scans, xrays, 2 ex-phys’s, 4 different physios (I sacked the last one after he took my history and then prescribed banded crab-walks ), so much stretching and remedial massage and rehab work and time. So much time... And just when I was feeling like I was making headway, earlier this year my left knee decided that he’d done enough. He’d carried Right Knee for far too long and he was done being the stronger brother... I won’t lie. At this point I started questioning everything I ever knew about biomechanics and anatomy, and I really started doubting my decisions over my own rehab.. Maybe the banded crab walks were the thing I needed after all.... No. They weren’t. What I needed was to take a breath and get over my frustration and keep doing all the right things. Consistency over time. And with enough time passing, strength grows, swelling and pain reduce, functional movement restores. I’m not out of the woods yet, both knees are still ‘delicate’.. so I won’t be rushing into any 1RM attempts anytime soon. But just being able to do movements like the front squat again - that used to be staples of my training - it feels so good Happy Monday everyone - Margs See more

06.01.2022 Part of training following injury - or even just time off from training - is the feeling that one side of your body may be out-performing the other side. One limb may feel weaker, or tighter, or less co-ordinated than the other. That’s certainly nothing to freak out about, it’s just a good reason why unilateral training can really be your best friend coming back into the gym no matter what the reason that you were away from it was. Unilateral training simply means letting limb do it’s own share of the work. I’m also a massive fan of slowing everything down - easing muscles into stretched positions at the end of their range of motion rather than surprising them with a sudden drop that they just aren’t ready for. A focus on feel and quality of movement is the third part of the back-to-training trifecta. Moving for the sake of moving will always be surpassed by moving with intention. My workout: A1 - standing TKE (5 x 15 @ 2020) A2 - front foot elevated split squat (5 x 8 @ 3030) B1 - dB RDL (4 x 8 @ 2020) B2 - leg extension - 2 up 1 down (4 x 8 @ 2020) C1 - seated row (3 x 10 @ 3010) C2 - machine rev flye (3 x 15 @ 3010) The wins I had with this session were awesome - greater ease of movement through both Puffy the Party Knee and the angry MTP joint on the other side being the most significant See more

06.01.2022 Muscle Nerds turns 5 today!! Congratulations Luke and Zoe - your vision was to take incomparable education into all the corners of the world, and reach trainers and coaches who desperately want the tools they need to be informed critical thinkers in this industry, and look at how far you’ve come! Five years of courage and stress and sweat and determination to keep refining courses and seminars that were already in a class of their own have marked you as true leaders in thi...s field. So grateful I’ve had the opportunity to be a small part in this incredible movement towards always seeking first to understand. You guys rock. #learnthescience #learntheart See more

06.01.2022 A blast from the past! Facebook memories bringing up that time I got my profile board attached to a slightly bigger board, all the way back in 2011 What’s changed and what’s different? Well back in 2011 I was only 2 years into this Personal Trainer Lyfe. I was preaching eating vegetables, working hard on getting enough sleep, suggesting people train ‘smart’ rather than thrash themselves every time they hit the gym, and I was handing out a GBC program to anyone who wanted Sounds pretty similar to what I’m preaching now Maybe with the exception of throwing GBC programs at anyone who makes eye contact with me Since then I’ve been through a Giant Sets phase, a Deadlift Everyday phase, a Bench is Lyfe phase, a couple more Giant Sets phases, I’ve dabbled with powerlifting programs and strongman programs and physique programs, and athlete-specific programs... And there was even a time where I convinced a young and impressionable Matthew Kerr to squat every day while we increased both volume and intensity every day... Good times The one thing that’s always come back to me through the years is that the quality of the program you give to someone is almost as important as the energy and attention to rep quality that the lucky program recipient is willing to invest in it’s execution. Details matter. Now I’m more likely to say let’s see how well you lift before I say let’s see what you can lift. If anyone does want a GBC program, HMU, I still love that sh*t. Just be aware that the program by itself is not the magical key to progress. You are. Bailey Fitness Muscle Nerds

03.01.2022 Doing vs Being.. Matters, it does..

03.01.2022 Forrest wants to talk about mobilisations today - as a dog with some orthopaedic issues, he’s all too aware of how important it is to move all the muscles around each joint through their safe AROM to keep the joint feeling strong and fully functional . Mobilisations for various joints don’t have to be wild and convoluted movements. In fact they can be hiding in plain sight and dressed up as good old fashioned strengthening exercises. Take side lunges, for example. A person... performing this exercise for the first time might find some of their muscles too weak or too tight to allow much movement laterally - or they may struggle to get much in the way of depth. Over time, as the legs and hips benefit from stronger muscles, the lateral step becomes longer, the depth becomes lower, and the movement becomes more fluid. Some of my favourite mobilisation exercises are the ones that use time efficiently, creating comfortable movement and reducing joint discomfort simply by moving and strengthening. See more

02.01.2022 Putting in a little Friyay sweat Find what you didn’t know you had, So you can do what you didn’t know you could. ....yeah, ok, so I’m quoting myself from a GX class today

01.01.2022 Me: well I’d best go get my deadlifts done... Also Me: *does bench* ...and this is why I need a trainer Photo Credit: the man, the legend, Jy

01.01.2022 I may have discovered the perfect area of the health and fitness industry to specialise in... If this is your goal for 2021, let’s talk.

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