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Shamanic witch Maria Filo in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Astrologist & psychic

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Shamanic witch Maria Filo

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 435 008 199


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25.01.2022 Little Lisah doesn't like to hug, but ends up being squeezed anyway We wish you a great Tuesday and hope your week is going fine! The energy has been very chaotic recently, but it gets better now. Stay focused! #witchygirl #witchesofig... #witchesofinstagram #metalheadgirl #metalsinger #altgirl #altgirls #altgirlsofinstagram #altgirlsofig #metalbabes #mycat #lovemycat #witchfamiliar #psychicreader See more

24.01.2022 Best talismans for protection: Eihwaz, Raidho, Thurisaz, Perth, Hagalaz and Nautiz. Buy them all for ultimate protection from evil-eye, curses and hex!

24.01.2022 Powerful rune talismans for health , money & love with 60% off In times of need we all need courage to face difficulties and hope that everything will be fine. But when we are stressed it is hard to believe in bright future and let our fears go. I know how it feels that’s why I decided to make a sale of my handmade talismans so more people would be able to get help from Higher Realms. No matter what God you believe in, the Universe has one source and runes let to conne...ct to this source and get exactly what you need at this moment. I use runes for myself and often ask them for help, and 100% times I get it, so I have no doubt that you would be able to benefit from them as well! I have wide range of talismans in stock, and describing each of them would take whole day, so instead I offer you free consultation to help you choose right ones. Feel free to contact me and I will answer all your questions regarding my talismans. You can also leave a comment under this post and I'll contact you. Every talisman is made of real crystal and engraved rune symbol. It is really beautiful artefact and you will enjoy using it during meditation or just holding it in your hand. Every talisman costs 19 AUD with free delivery without tracking (tracking will cost you 6 $ extra) If you decide to take a set of 3 talismans for 57 AUD you will get free shipping with tracking! Normally I sell my talismans for 45 AUD on Etsy, but due to COVID situation I desided to make special sale for Australia only. I have never sold them for such a low price before and most likely will never do that again, so if you are tired of walking in circles of your problems and fears, this is the best time to invest in your future and use this challenging time as an opportunity to change your life for better. Blessed be, Maria Filo

24.01.2022 Ultimate health talisman set Those Runes have proven their effectiveness when it comes to health. Even one of this Runes might already be beneficial: Uruz - the black one - is a channel for life energy, so called prana. This energy is crucial when it comes to healing and feeling more active. Berkana - moon stone - is representing completely different energy, more calm and relaxed, but it is still very helpful! Berkana is very gentle energy, which slowly heals whatever needs t...o be healed and don't give "wow" effect, instead it just makes you better day after day. Inguz - rose quarts - is really amazing! It can be a bit harsh for those who don't really hear their body, so basically it will make this call that loud that you will "hear" it. It is bringing to your attention roots of the problem and insists on solving it. So all together those Runes compliment each other and make some Runes to be more active and other more gentle. You can now buy a full set with a discount, 60 usd instead of 90. DM me if interested #rune #runes #talismans #talisman #amulet #amulets #amuletshop #healingenergy #paganwitch #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanic #asatru #vikingamulet #vikingrunes #vikingstyle #futhark #odinism @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

23.01.2022 Are you tired of walking is circles and not knowing how to break through? Sick of relationships than don't serve you? Or maybe you want to start something new in your life: new business, new job, new love? Feeling lost and scared is absolutely OK in those situations, what you need is insight and fresh view on your situation. Tarot cards and runes reading is a great help in those situations. Unlike Fortune telling my reading is more concentrated on "what YOU can do", less "w...hat's going to happen". Most of the time our problems are created by ourselves, our patterns and lack of love towards ourselves. My cards show those patterns and get to the core of them. The reading with me is always a dialogue between you and your subconsciousness. We all have all the answers within, my job is to help you find the way to your true self. Sometimes we might see that it's going to be too hard for you to solve your problem or achieve your goal just by yourself. For those cases I have lot's of different techniques such as Runes magic, Pranic healing, Cleansing, Handmade amulets and talismans. I've seen absolutely desperate people who have been suffering for many-many years and almost lost hope. Together we created better life for them which was true wish of their souls. The best thing is that later on they came to me not because old problem came back, but because they have changed and new challenges appeared in their lives. Together we can make any miracle come true. To book a session with me call or text me 0435 008 199 or send me PM in FB.

22.01.2022 Do you believe in fate? I have a story to share which made me think that I don't have a fate, but my future still can be predicted Last two years were very intensive, and in the same moment I was working hard on developing my psychic abilities. That meant that I had to be less attached to the reality and more aware of energies. As a result I started seeing variations of my future. For me it felt like reality, I could lay in a bed and almost physically feel things whic...h might happen in the future. I had such visions before, but they were mostly during night time or when I was almost asleep. This time it was different, it could happen in the middle of the day, anywhere, anytime. It wasn't something useful at all, as I didn't know how exactly I came to that particular future line. I have to explain that I believe in concept of multy universe and so there are millions of future variations which are interconnected one to another with cause-depending bond. So I could feel and see only result but never my path. And the funniest thing is that I could almost feel that this future I've seen was kinda programmed. Like it would be another loop for me, which didn't feel good or bad, but to say the truth everything I wanted was to stop those "hallucinations". I couldn't control them and even if I could define reality from those visions I still felt that it is wrong. So I believe that I "ruined" that possibility with my own actions, as I chose my own interests and decided not to be comfortable. I think that those vicions were a bait for me, as I saw something I wished for, but I wasn't naive anymore. I had to double check everything and as I started doing that this future line broke apart. The person it was related to disappeared which was ridiculous, because in the beginning they were trying to manipulate me and just replicated people I've met before. I was so sick of abuse that pushed this person away in a very harsh way. That was right decidion. When they left I felt relief. Like something awful passed by not touching me. This event reassured me even more that witches create their own destiny even if there is one prepared for them. See more

21.01.2022 That's what happens when your abuser finally leaves you alone. :) ladies, don't be scared of being lonely and abandoned, be scared of loosing yourself! In my readings I always put you on the first plane and seek for opportunities for you to grow and develop. Remember, every loss might become your best gift, just don't give up yourself. BTW, we can even attract better man in your life with a bit of magic

21.01.2022 Another picture that I've made 2 years ago, but decided to add gold leafing, and oh, I'm glad I did! This art incorporates sacred geometry symbols of "flower of life" and "merkabag". I felt that they would look stunning together. This picture is one of my favorite, it's very detailed and relaxing. #spiritualart #spiritualartist #witchyart #shamanicart #sacredgeometryart #sacredgeometry #meditativeart #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #witchygirl #altgirl #pagangirl #healingart #witchsociety #witchyvibes #occultart #occultist #occultism

19.01.2022 Back to work after a break! It's being a while since I last burned wax after finishing cleansing ritual. Love doing that at night at the presence of the Moon Blessed be witches, magic is everywhere #spiritualhealing #witch #tarotreader #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #auswitch #brisbanewitch #spiritualcleansing #traditionalwitchcraft #eclecticwitch #pagansofinstagram #paganwitch #pagancommunity

19.01.2022 Mastering my Vriksasana. I look so happy and relaxed One of my favourite asanas. I want to remind you that there gonna be a weekend retreat in August which I organise for my lovely ladies on Bali. If you want to relax, practice yoga and meditation with like-minded people is amazing place, DM me and I'll provide you with more details! The prices are great! Only 200$ for stay in shared room (4 girls in one room) and 300$ for stay in double room. Can't wait to see you and my knowledge! #yoga #yogaretreats #yogainspiration #yogateachers #yogaretreat2019 #asana #meditation #meditationretreat #retreatyourself #retreat #spiritual

18.01.2022 Thanks for the kind words! (review from my Etsy shop) "Like that they have given a small and a bigger crystal...can be used in multiple ways due to varying sizes." Aparna Marathe There is also a sale in my shop and free worldwide delivery so hurry up and grab your talisman with 20% discount! ... #etsy #runes #talisman #amulet #asatru #pagan #vikingamulet #witchesofinstagram #witchvibes #pagansofinstagram #powerfultalisman #paganwitch #vikingstyle #amulets #talismans

17.01.2022 Another future art. I plan to put Vegvísir over it, but I'm also open to other suggestions. Any sigils, bindrunes, signs of power are more than welcome. I personally prefer Nordic tradition, but I can see how everything is united in a core, so if the symbol calls me, I'll paint it. This is 25x25 cm canvas , I used acrylic paint to make this background image. I'll post an update when I finish it with gold leafing. If you like it and want to buy it either with Vegvísir or your personal symbol send me DM. #spiritualart #spiritualartist #acrylicpainting #healingart #artoftheday #spiritualartwork #healingarts #healingpainting #energyart #energyartist #abstractpainting #abstractpainter #abstractartists #spaceart #spaceartwork #paganart #witchyart

17.01.2022 A sad post today I I have to share it with you. Couple of days ago I've seen a video on YouTube about mica mining. A journalist visited India and discovered that indian children are labouring in mica mines and cosmetics producers who use mica for highlighters and eyeshadows have no idea about it. Those children start to work in only 4-5 years old and have no possibilities to study or have better life. They work, because their parents don't get wage which can feed the family.... Just imagine, they get less than 45 cents per kilo of mica! And then compare those amounts to the prices we pay for cosmetics. Some companies start to use artificial mica because they don't want to sponsor this injustice, but it's not helping to solve the problem. I think that we as a whole society have to unite and let everyone know that we don't support child labouring and as a small act that everyone can do, let's buy cosmetics with transparent structure of ingredient supply and fair trade. As a humanity we all are interconnected and it is our duty to support those people. Thank you for attention, I hope that some of you will spread this info among your friends so that more people will be conscious about their life choices. Big changes start with small steps and daily choices. Blessed be! yoga #yoga #yogaposes #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogafit #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogafun #yogaretreat #yogalifestyle #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spirit #spirituality #spiritedaway #spiritually #spiritual #spiritualguidance #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualpath #spiritualhealer #childlabouring #fairtrade

16.01.2022 Hence I'm not at home now and can't properly celebrate Mabon , at least I can share with you some tips and inspiration for your own celebration! At Mabon, the time of the autumn equinox , there are equal hours of light and dark. It is a time of balance, and while summer is ending, the winter is approaching. This is a season in which farmers are harvesting their fall crops, gardens are beginning to die, and the earth gets a bit cooler each day. Symbols of Mabon -Wine, and grapes -Apples, cider, and apple juice -Ears of corn -Pumpkins -Seeds, seed pods, nuts in their shells -Baskets, symbolizing the gath Have a great Mabon! Wish you to spend it with your loved ones! ( It is you, just for the record )

16.01.2022 #wunjo is a perfect talisman for those who need more joy in their life. Traditionally Wunjo corresponds with successful end of something and celebration because of it. So I find it benefitial when you feel depressed and low energy, especially if it was caused my emotional burnout. Another great thing about wunjo is that you really can't use it wrong way, it is one of the safest Runes to use. It shows you the bright side of life and makes you more positive about yourself and p...eople around. It brings happiness and peace of mind I still have some wunjo talismans in stock so hurry up and order one for yourself. I also will add a spell for you to connect the talisman to your energy and charge it with proper intention. #futhark #vikingamulet #pagan #asatru #odinism #crystalmagic #talisman #amulet #amulets #crystalsforsale #runes #rune #runestones #witchyvibes #witchystuff @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

15.01.2022 Part of cord-cutting spell Cord-cutting spell is performed when one person has an unhealthy emotional connection with someone. For example ex-partner or someone who passed away. It happens because we still have energy cord that connects those 2 people and most of the time it's very exhausting as you might have obsessive thoughts about this person or have disturbing dreams. This cord doesn't dissolve if some words were left unspoken, feelings not expressed or relationship...s were traumatizing. Our subconscious mind tries to get answers and can't let these memories or hopes go. It's okay to grieve for a while, but if you feel stuck and unable to move forward, that means that you need to "manually" cut the cord. If you find it hard to forget your ex or want to get rid of a person who's "leeching" your energy send me a message in WhatsApp or give a call 0435008199 and I will perform cord-cutting ritual for you. You will feel so much lighter after it! #witchcraft #spellcasting #spellcaster #witch #witchy #australianwitch #auswitch #spellcraft #spellcastingwitch #ritualmagic #magick #cordcutting

15.01.2022 Most of my regular clients need reading ones a year, sometimes twice, but never every month. I believe it is this way because 1) They are very mature and smart, just need a bit of guidance in times of crisis and uncertainty. 2) My readings are really in depth and don't cover just surface of "problem" but dig deep into the core. 3) I always share relevant techniques which help to improve the situation and it takes time to apply them. 4) I'm also healing my clients during a re...ading even if it's not a healing session, so there is a prolonged effect after a reading. 5) I always encourage my clients to take responsibility for their lives and not rely on anyone, even me in their decisions. I use a lot of coaching in my sessions. 6) My readings are always triggering inner transformation and for some people, it's a bit too much to cope with if they have a reading more often than every 3 months. So that's why I don't define myself as a fortune teller or a clairvoyant who knows your future, hence I definitely have psychic abilities. I simply don't believe that someone can tell you how to live your life! We have religion for that If my approach resonates with you, I'm available for face to face readings in Brisbane or Facetime for those who live in another country or city. If you are ready for changes in your life and want to become a better version of yourself, I'm happy to support you in this journey #psychicreadersofinstagram #psychicreader #witch #witchesofaustralia #auswitch #clairvoyant #psychic #psychictarot #tarotreader #tarotreadersofig #tarotreadersofinatagram #tarotreaders #runereading #pagangirl #pagansofinstagram #pagangirl #heathen #psychicsofinstagram #brisbanewitch

15.01.2022 There's a popular service "Past life trauma healing". A lot of people believe that if they have a pain if a leg its coming from their past life where they were shot in it. Various healers " remove" arrows and daggers from those aching areas and some of their clients even believe that it worked. I myself worked with such people and had psdt life regressions and unfortunately came to a conclusion that its not as effective as "Spiritual psychology". With my own journey and examp...les of my clients I can tell that 99% of those problems have nothing to do with past life. Those are problems which appeared in this life and you don't need to dig that deep to get healed. Sometimes this pain might be caused by a curse or toxic environment, which means that the natural flow of energy in your body and aura gets violated, energy gets stagnated and it leads to imbalance. We can bring this imbalance in our energy by ourselves when we suppress our emotions cause we don't feel safe enough to express them. Those emotional issues don't come from past life either, this is something we learn as children. It is called " Childhood trauma" and can be approached both spiritually and psychologically. A lot of techniques I use are borrowed from psychology, which was developed from yoga and other ancient spiritual practices. Other technique I use is shamanic cleansing and meditation. It helps to pass the veil that divides conscious mind of subconscious where we store every memory both processed or suppressed. When we work on that level we effect energy directly and facilitate all processes which leads to rapid self-healing. That's why I love to work with client's who either go to therapy or had it in the past. Therapy can not be replaced with energy healing, as much as energy healing isn't therapy. I say that working with energy makes your practices and meditations at least 3 times more effective, so you can achieve faster results and get healed. But unfortunately due to inert nature of our psyche childhood traumas take more time to be healed. Same with old curses or hexes. The longer your body and mind have been affected, the more time and effort will be needed to get rid of this program. See more

14.01.2022 Performing a wax cleansing ritual. It helps to eliminate all negative energy that was build up in aura by stress, unexpressed emotions or negative influence. Depending on situation several sessions might be needed. I'm my situation, I just had a lot of stress and emotions to be released, so I guess I won't need another cleansing in near future. Anyway, it's very beneficial, like taking regular bath, to keep aura clean and healthy. I have filmed only tiny part of this ritua...l, as it also includes playing on shamanic drum, smudging, reading chants and on the end I burn this wax in the evening, so all the negative can desintegrate and transform into pure energy. #shamanism #shamanichealing #auracleansing #auracleanse #spiritualhealing #witchcraft #spellwork #spiritualcleansing #shaman #shamanic #greywitch #witchylife #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #witchesofaustralia #auswitch #australianwitch #occult #spellcastingwitch #occultist #occult #witchyvibes #witchy

14.01.2022 This is one of my most powerful and favourite rituals to perform. I can feel that lately my life has made a huge twist and it's hard to let some things and people go. This ritual always helped me a lot in the past, so I decided to make it now, so I can have a fresh start in 2021. The whole ritual will take 3 days to perform, building up it's the power each day, after that the main wave of energy will flow into my situation. This is one of the most intense cleansing rituals ...I know and that's why I love it, but also don't perform it too often. It's great for cutting energy cords between people, making intentions of other people clear and removing obstacles on the way to fulfilling a higher purpose. I perform this ritual for other people as well, so if you feel stuck, if you have a reoccurring karmic situation, feel confused, anxious or even depressed, send me a message. I am 100% sure that runes would help you too and make your life better.

14.01.2022 Check out my first meditative song for shamanic journey and healing

14.01.2022 Burning wax after the cleansing is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing parts of cleansing ritual. After hard work of pouring numerous portions of wax into the water with nonstop chanting you can finally let all this sh*t burn I'm so glad that I found this Cauldron, before or was so hard to utilize wax without danger of burning everything around. Wax itself is quite flammable but after the ritual it bacomes crazy and might make explosions #magick #witchcraft #blackmagic #spiritualcleansing #traditionalwitchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witch #australianwitch #auswitch #shamanism #shamanichealing #shamanic #whitemagic #pagan #paganwitch #oldschoolmagic #energycleansing

13.01.2022 Some witchy vibes from my recent wax cleansing. With all this coronavirus pandemic and my own personal problems I somehow got sick and couldn't sleep within past week, having nightmares and many other health issues So I decided to make spiritual cleansing for myself and was shocked! There was so much negative energy and my cards told me that I have some kind of hex or curse on me Not surprised as it perfectly explains why despite my hard work every day I felt worse and ...worse... Unfortunately being an empath for me still means that I am very sensitive to negative energy and can't fully block it I'll keep you updated how it will work! Let me know in the comments if you would like to know what challenges I have faced this past months. I am a bit shy to share personal info with others as I still have negative belief that witches don't have problems and if I do, that means I'm a bad witch... Anyway I have a lot of news and insights and if someone can learn from my experience or feel better, I will gladly share everything ! Music used in this video : Heilung - Norupo what a shame that I found them just couple of weeks ago! #witchy #witch #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchessociety #pagansofinstagram #paganwitch #odinism #runes #asatru #heathen #heathensofinstagram #spiritualcleansing #energyhealer #shamanism #shamanichealing

13.01.2022 My favorite deck of all times "Tarot of Thoth" by Alister Crowley. I've done a spread for myself to see how can I improve my financial situation. Even without knowing positions you can notice that I'm having a huge conflict between my feelings and my ideas. That's pretty accurate picture of my current state, I'm quite lost and can't intellectually find an answer to my questions. You can also see Aeon card here and it's the answer for a question "what resource should I use". T...hat's very interesting as well, as I'm going through a process of reprogramming my brain and rewriting my patterns which don't serve me anymore. So it seems, that I'm on the right track, concentrating on my inner world. Futility card is the answer for the question "who can help me". Ahaha, obviously I shouldn't listen to anyone as their ideas are limited comparing to minr. And the middle card - Knight of pentacle is the final outcome. Very nice to see some money card in this position, especially stable and consistent one. Overall I could say that everything will be fine, I should listen to my feelings without trying to analyze or judge them (which I love to do ) I shouldn't seek help or advice from other people, as it's my inner work and only I can find right path for myself. My personal transformation and changes I'm going through are my main resources, I should find a way to utilize it, but anyway, I should stay connected to my feelings and emotions, even if others don't agree with that. As soon as I align my thoughts with my emotions and find inner peace, I'll clearly see my path and won't have any troubles with money. #tarotreader #tarotreadersofig #tarotreaders #tarotreadersofinatagram #tarotreading #psychicreader #australianpsychic #tarotspread #psychicreader #psychicreadersofinstagram #psychictarot #psychicadvice #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #selfdevelopment #spiritualguidence #auswitch #australianwitch

13.01.2022 I've noticed that people are scared of facing the reality. Some can call it scared of "truth" but I devide them one from each other. Reality is Real, it is here, you can touch it, you can witness it, truth is more an opinion. So I personally don't care about "truth", I have my own, but reality is really slamming in and destroying everything I believed was true. Love the way I imagined it - crushed and it was painful. Friendship? Destroyed in a very cruel way, but it gave me... freedom to be myself. Self image and Ego? HA! Forget everything you knew, it's a new world with new rules! I feel like I'm falling into pieces like I was a funhouse mirror and there is no way I can reflect reality anymore. Everything has to be started from the scratch. It is so frustrating and even depressing as I see how awful my life was! And I can't believe I was sure that this is happiness... I was treated like a pet, while I am actually a human beeing! I would rather be a bad human, that a good doggy I think that #awakening means that you finally see that all this time you were a prisoner. You had your food, a bad and even people around, but whole world around you was closed for you. You could see how others were using it and seemed to be fine, but for some reason you believed that you are "not good enough" , "will not survive there" , "won't fit it", you put your thought, I'm pretty sure you can add so much more It's like being a slave but for your own sake with a hint of Love! Like those captors care about silly you. But at the end of the day you look back and realize that it all was fake. I'm so happy to break free and finally start this journey. It is so scary, exciting and uncertain. I can't even imagine how terrifying it is if you are not a #witch... This is one of the reasons why I give consultations, because I know how it feels! I know that despair and fear of unknown. Spiritual advice might be really handy in that moment, so if you need one, I am here for you. I know how to help you and I will not sugarcoat you so you could keep sleeping, I would teach you how to be strong and independed. You don't need those toxic people to be strong, you need YOUR #trueself!

12.01.2022 Witchy vibes First time trying black lipstick, I think it suits me! I'm right in the middle of performing my 3 days ritual with runes and can already feel the difference! I'm having extremely realistic dreams and feel a bit lighter. Hopefully I'll get even more clarity soon and finally get over the situation with my band. #witchygirl #witchystyle #altgirl #altgirls #alternativegirl #altgirlsofinstagram #altgirlsofig #gothgirl #gothicgirls #gothaesthetic #gothicstyle #gothgirlsofinstagram #gothbabe #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #metalhead #metalsinger #metalheadgirls #pagangirl #pagansofinstagram #pagansofig

11.01.2022 The Austrian Krampus parade looks like a Christmas party from Hell.

10.01.2022 I'm such a huge fan of this Pic! OH, and BTW, I have colored my hair bright pink yesterday! Omg, so happy with my hair #spiritualartist #spiritualart #spiritualartwork #witchy #witch #witchyart #witchythings #witchystyle #pinkhair #altgirl #pagangirl #paganartist #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #witchsociety #pagansofinstagram #paganart #occultart #occultist

09.01.2022 Yoga and magic of Nordic Gods in my daily life! For me yoga is not only about asanas and physical exercises, but this is a science how to deal with your problems. I had a very busy day full of stress! My Kotya is finally heading to Paris where he will spend 6 month before coming to Australia, where I will meet him. Sometimes I felt that I am on edge and just can't hold anymore, I didn't know what to do, I was lost, confused directions and had to make a huge loop. First, I'v...e asked my Gods to help me and guide me. I prayed to Odin, Thor and Tyr to guide me. They helped! I finally found the right place and started paperwork. Then a woman came to the office and offered her help. That was so unexpected! She guided me through the whole process, shower where to go next and helped with papers, as it appeared that there were some mistakes, and I had to do something about it. Then customs officer was very nice and helped me with paperwork, even though he was very tired and could just send me away as most of the time they do. This is true miracle! I do believe that I am blessed, because so many things could go wrong! Every time I felt that too stressed, I started doing #pranayama and felt how my stress is going away. I was able to stay calm and choose right words and intonations, so people will hear me out and help. This is true spirituality and magic for me. Its not about impressive rituals it's about beeing in control. I know, that my Gods guide me and I know that I'm not omnipotent, but I should do my best in any situation and take responsibility as a human, still counting on help of my ancestors where I can't do anything. I was praying for 2 years to get opportunity to bring Kotya to Australia, and when I got it I was so grateful! Please, don't give up your dreams! Keep asking and working, and when it will be possible, Universe will help you. Help Universe help you, don't just sit and wait. Make tiny steps and be patient, and your dreams will come true sooner than you expect! #witch #witchesofinstagram #witches #modernwitch #yoga #spiritually #spiritualawakening #spiritual #motivation #odinism #odin #runes #rune

07.01.2022 Bought this book today, resonated with a lot of things I already know and practice, hopefully I'll be able to find some good spells in it to add to my collection. I have realized, that being a witch always meant for me that I didn't need spells to manifest my wishes. I would just say something out loud and it will become true. As a child I had "an evil eye" so if I would even in my thought wish something bad to anyone, they will get minor injury or something like that. Same... with love, never had problems with finding lover, it's always been an issue that I didn't like anyone. So it seems that as much as I always wanted to be "white witch" or "healer" I am not. I am definitely grey and start thinking about learning some curses and hexes. Too bad it's hard to find one, everything is about manifesting your desire over a candle If you have any good suggestions, send me a I'm or simply leave a comment, I would greatly appreciate that. I prefer old-school magick with natural materials. #witchy #witchcraft #occult #pagan #paganism #occultbook #witchcraftbooks #witch #paganwitch #wicca #spellcraft #spellcastingwitch #spellcasting #auswitch #australianwitch #witchybooks #spellbook #spellbooks

06.01.2022 Fun post New way to get a message from your cheesy spirit guide

05.01.2022 My future talismans Do you have any suggestions about future properties of those babies? I'm thinking about protection, success and some money, also self love would be nice. Share your ideas in the comments!... #crystals #crystalhealing #witchcraft #pagansofinstagram #talismanjewelry #amulets #talismans #witchy #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram #paganwitch #runes #runemagic #odinism #paganism #heathen #pentagram #spellwork #spiritualcleansing #spiritualguide

03.01.2022 My dears! Fb have updated their application and I don't get your messages. If I don't respond, please send me message to WhatsApp or text 0435008199 My dears! Fb have updated their application and I don't get your messages. If I don't respond, please send me message to WhatsApp or text 0435008199

02.01.2022 Money drawing talisman. These siquence of Runes doesn't have direct commection with money, but instead it grants the owner nessesary attributes such as : Luck Creativity Confidence... Charisma Ability to see things clearly Ability to understand other people needs. So basically it's making you the person who is able to get profit anywhere! This talisman will help you make better decisions and always find right words to convince other people to work with you. It will boost your attractiveness but not in a romantic way, but more like someone who is popular and in demand. The best thing about that is that you start to absorb those attributes if you wear a talisman long enough, so within some time you won't need it anymore, you will just become this kind of person whom money loves You can buy this talisman in my Etsy shop or sending me a DM. Blessed be and may the power be on your side! #talismans #talisman #talismanjewelry #pendantnecklace #crystalsforsale #crystallovers #runes #rune #asatru #asatruar #pagansofinstagram #paganism #pagan #pagans #vikingrunes #vikingamulet #amulets #amulet #amuletshop #crystaltalisman #luckycharm #luckycharms #wealthcreation #moneyamulet @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

02.01.2022 So called "ego" which is common to be repressed in spiritual community has nothing to do with real meaning of this concept. True ego is a part of our identity and picture of the world! Following the voice of your true feelings will never lead to despair and suffering, so instead of suppressing yourself embrace your feelings, see and FEEL it! Be selfish and let yourself exist just the way you are, without neglecting shadow parts. Don't run away from joy, pain, confusion or fear. Respect yourself and let it flow. #trueself #selflove #selflovefirst #selfcare #embraceyourself #healthyego #healingenergy #spiritualhealer #australianwitch #auswitch #reiki #reikihealer #soulhealing

02.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls! I know a lot of people need a healing or a reading, but have to be thoughtful about their money. So in May I offer my services on a discounted price. Everything is 80$ an hour instead of 100$. Send me a DM on FB, or send a message on 0435008199 to book a reading, healing or cleansing. Blessed be!Hello beautiful souls! I know a lot of people need a healing or a reading, but have to be thoughtful about their money. So in May I offer my services on a discounted price. Everything is 80$ an hour instead of 100$. Send me a DM on FB, or send a message on 0435008199 to book a reading, healing or cleansing. Blessed be!

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