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Maria T Astrology in Bunbury, Western Australia | Astrologist

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Maria T Astrology

Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia

Phone: +61 418 858 826

Address: 27L Bonnefoi Blvd 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 R U OK? Talk Listen Talk Listen

24.01.2022 NOW It's Time to move FORWARD slowly & carefully PACE yourself The Universe is always talking to you Are you Listening?? Be GENTLE Be Shiny Astrology thoughts in my daily Walking Meditation... SATURN represents ... Saturn rules knees & Walking Slowly sometimes just one foot in front of other Looking DOWN finding problems Looks to the PAST examining what's happened before like the footprints makes sure ground is solid & safe Saturn symbolises building foundations makes a plan for a safe path Saturn symbolises fear so planning one step after another soothes fears symbolises nature natural environment JUPITERrepresents Rules Feet and thighs Looking UP finding the positives Looks to FUTURE moving forward looks ahead to new horizons & be INSPIRED plans & aims for distant high goals like when you look up to the blue sky & sunshine Btw this was during very low tide with New Moon #saturn #saturnrules #walkingmeditations #jupiter #jupiterrules #astrologyrules #astrologyrulestheuniverse #astrologyruleseverythingaroundme #mariatastrology

23.01.2022 RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg 15 March 1933- 18 Sept 2020 Fierce Powerful Fighter Amazing Woman fought & won so many battles Brilliant Worrior incredible Drive Vision & Energy never stopped working

19.01.2022 Find Your Moon Connection Planting Seeds in the Garden of Your Life ALL Welcome Sunday 29 November 4-6pm Bunbury Call Maria Book Place 0418 858 826 ... Info to print YOUR Birth Chart: Birth Date, Birth Place & Birth Time Learn how to YOUR Birth Chart & Moon Phases Ancient Astrology uses the Magic of the MOON especially the New Moon and the Full Moon. Some simple ideas You can use Astrology to align with the Energy of the Moon to Time Intentions, Rituals and set up Alters. Simple DIY Astrology can be applied to TIMING choosing when You initiate/start New Projects, Important Meetings Signing Contracts. #moonmagic #diyastrology #newmoonastrology #fullmoonastrology #astrologyworkshop #astrologytalk #astrologybirthchart #mooncalendar #moongardening #moontime #moontimemagick #moonphases #moonhealing #moonintuition #moonconnection #moonlight #moonplanting See more

17.01.2022 RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg 15 March 1933- 18 Sept 2020 Fierce Powerful Fighter Amazing Woman fought & won so many battles Brilliant Worrior incredible Drive Vision & Energy never stopped working

16.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries on Friday 2 October Everyone in the world 7 800 000 000 people will be experiencing the Full Moon! Astrology can be used like a "weather" report for everyone. What you need to know is Your personal weather report to find out how the Full Moon impact on YOU or how Mars Saturn or Pluto are focusing/manifesting their energy. That's when we look at how the Planets effect Your Birthchart with Transits.... IMAGINE how accurate looking at YOUR Birthchart would be! #astrology #astrologyforecast #ariesfullmoon #libraseason #birthchartastrology #natalastrology #transitsastrology #libra #cancer #capricorn #cardinalsigns

14.01.2022 Libra & Taurus especially difficult week for you (Sun, Moon or Ascendant) Venus Under Pressure this week, you'll feel the pressure to agree or say yes. Don't just say YES so that you don't upset people or to avoid conflict. Find ways to smile and listen to others but keep your boundaries without conflict. Sometimes saying "Yes, Yes but.... NO" with a smile can be a way to keep the peace. Pressure to say YES so be careful to what you agree to, especially isf your heart is not it. Stay true to Yourself It will get harder next week do it while Venus is in Libra #libra #taurus #venusastrology #venus #venusinlibra #avoidconflict #benicetopeople #clearboundaries #learntosayno #lerantosayyes #keepsmiling #underpressure #mariatastrology See more

12.01.2022 Feeling the Heat? If not You it'll be someone around you!!! MARS in ARIES is Retrograde 9th September till 13 November & WATCH these Dates Square SATURN 29th Sept Square PLUTO 9th October Square JUPITER 19th October... ATTENTION Peeps with ARIES SCORPIO or Strong Mars in Capricorn RESIST the urge to BITE or become involved in Fights that will deplete your energy or worse harm YOU. Great time to use this energy to learn ways of managing conflict in a positive way. Find ways to express that excess Mars. Fight for freedom to BE YOU!!! Call Maria and find out how it will impact YOU!!! #marsretrograde2020 #marsaries #marscapricorn #rageangerandhatemotivateme #dontletthedogsout #scorpiomars #libramars #taurusmars #frustration #conflictresolution #fightforyourrights #fightforjustice #fightforfreedom See more

11.01.2022 Watch these dates they are major Planet transits happening this week MERCURY moves into SCORPIO Planet 4all types of Communication Expect words, speaking, messages and thinking to be more Emotional Piercing Deeper Obsessive Lustful Secretive JUPITER conjunct joins Pluto Jupiter = teachers, leaders, beliefs, philosophies, good luck/money$$$ joining Pluto= Power, Hidden forces, Intense Power to change/transform... Expect some Big Power shifts between the people in power in your personal life You might get the strength to make some major powerful change you've been working on MARS changes direction going forward The return of strength & capacity to "take action", use your fighting spirit or just regain your physical energy if you've been feeling tired lately BE SHINY #mariatastrology #transitsplanetastrology #MercuryTransit #mercuryshadowperiod #jupitercapricorn #plutocapricorn

11.01.2022 Mercury will go direct on 3Nov VIRGO & GIMINI ruled by Mercury most sensitive Think of when you reverse your car looking back as you slow down then stop. Turn look forward and start moving again. MERCURY RETROGRADE is now a common term a 3week period where we can blame all sorts of glitches, delays and tech problems on poor Mercury. Mercury is a Significator for everyone for all types of communication eg speaking, emails, thinking, texting, messages. When Retrograde our a...ttention is like reversing... time to look back Reverse our focus look INWARD not outward. Mercury Direct will now travel forward but still be in the "Shadow Zone" retracing his path from 25Deg LIBRA to 11Deg SCORPIO If you have Planets in these degrees you will still be "In the Zone" until 20Nov . . . #virgo #gimini #mercuryretrograde2020 #mercurydirect #mercuryshadowperiod #mercurytransit #mercurysigns #libra #scorpioseason See more

09.01.2022 Watch that "Presidential Debate"??? MARS in Aries Extremely Powerful King in Rulership til 6 Jan 2021 MARS sending Rocket Boosters to these signs #ARIES #LEO #SAGITTARIUS #SCORPIO Sun Moon Ascendant or MC in these signs You're ON FIRE!!!... Ascendant is How You express Yourself Start things FIRE Ascendants Trump Leo Asc & Biden Sag Asc. MARS Activating BOTH Ascendants with Rocket Boosters to START A FIGHT!!! Trump Natal MARS in Asc so ALWAYS Ready to Start a FIGHT! Biden is a Scorpio with MARS in Rulership his MARS in Water Sign is Cooler & Slower to initiate a fight. Once YOU light that FIRE Risk Letting the Dogs Out ! ATM If you light that Fire GOOD LUCK Very difficult keeping tempers under control!!! How is Mars Activating YOUR Birth Chart? Are Your Buttons getting pushed? Know Yourself Get Your Birth Chart Reading #astrology #astrologybirthchart #birthchart #natalchart #marsaries #marsfighting #marsagression #trumpbidendebate #pushingyourbuttons #controlyourtemper #firesigns

03.01.2022 Mars Rules Aries this means he is Very Powerful. Activating signs #aries #scorpio #leo #sagittarius getting boost of FIRE When a Planet travels through a sign it is an opportunity to access the energy symbolised by that Planet. Mars in Aries is full of energy it's a HOT FIERY planet in a HOT FIRE sign. MARS is on Fire needs the Freedom Power to ACT & have a Challenge to chanel all this Fire. Mars has foot on accelerator Saturn Jupiter and Pluto are blocking a lot of this ene...rgy. What do you do when you're blocked? Delayed? slowed down? Do you know where Mars is in Your Birth Chart? Know how to best direct this energy find out more call Maria . . , #mariatastrology #marsaries #energywork #firesigns #firebelikeboom #birthchartreading #natalchart #knowyourchart #findachallenge See more

03.01.2022 We're in the middle of the stormy Astrological weather ATM the Cardinal Signs Aries Libra Capricorn Cancer hardest hit. If you have Sun Moon Ascendant between 20-25Deg you'll be feeling it the most. Mars in Aries has his foot on the accelerator while Saturn has foot on the brakes. Two EXTREME Enegies Mars=Go Go Go Been really busy, energised "on fire"? YES YES YES... Or Saturn=Slow Slow Snail Feeling tired needing lots of rest, loss of energy, needing to focus on carefully manage plan things? NO NO NO Or Feeling both extremes at the same time and going round in circles getting nowhere? Frustrated? Check your Birth Chart find which areas to best use this energy. Which areas of your life getting lit up? Use predictive Astrology timing when to say YES when to say NO #aries #ariesmars #libra #capricorn #capricornsaturn #capricornsaturnpluto #cancer #cancerzodiac #jupitercapricorn #jupitercalling #plutocapricorn #saturnsquaremars2020 #squareaspects #saturntired #saturntransit2020 #marsenergy

03.01.2022 Saturn Square Mars They will be squaring eachother ON&OFF till December!!! #saturnsquaremars

02.01.2022 Here is the Astronomy in Astrology Ancient Mariners used Astrology charts to navigate the seas when all the they could see was the horizon & Stars at night

01.01.2022 Happy ARIES Full MOON Every Year there is usually only One Full Moon in each sign this is the Only Aries Full Moon for 2020 Just wanting to give everyone the Heads Up & reminder to Keep Your COOL!!! Moon carries the Energy Light to other Planets. Over the weekend she will make aspects to ALL the other Planets... Unpredictable tensions Angry Words ALL in the Mix. Words or Actions the smallest things can trigger You Impulsive Texting Watch out for Hot Heads picking fights arguments Practice walking away Plus Flip side of MARS Passion & Sex this could activate your love/sex life You might find the Courage=Mars to make that call Reach out make new friends . #astrology #mariatastrology #ariesfullmoon #moonlight #impulsetext #walkawayfromfights #makethatcall #marscourage #marspassion See more

01.01.2022 Mars& Saturn Retrograde Time to do all those RE-Words when planets are Retrograde Think Back to March and some of those issues may resurface & have to be dealt with again RE-Flect RE-Think RE-Do RE-View RE-Peat RE-Construct... RE-Design RE-Peat RE-Vise RE-Vamp RE-Visit RE-NEW!! #retrogradeseason #retrogrademars2020 #retrogradesaturn2020 #retrogradeplanets2020 #retrogradeastrology #mariatastrology

01.01.2022 5 Planets Retrograde Be the Snail Energy....move forward slowly.... Try Not to be anxious with things moving slowly If you decide to PUSH THROUGH to move forward you'll need the strength to push against the Energy of 5 PLANETS!!! GOOD LUCK!!! My Advice is use this time to edge forward carefully & slowly... This is the Second "hit" with some very Powerful Forces hitting a series of different ROAD BLOCKS and DERAILMENTS Now MARS is RETROGRADE/moving backwards he will BUMP/Square into the same Planets he first confronted back in March In October things get really heated... More Planets join the SHITFEST PARTY!!! Then there's going to be a THIRD Round in November this party just keeps on going into 2021 sooooo... Don't lose Your Shit...Get organised...Make Plans...Find the right speed... Don't fight stupids... Practice Patience OM OM OM Call Me Given this marathon we can meet every 3months and Re-Set the Compass Map a path through the Pooh . . . #retrogradeseason #retrostyle #retrogrademars2020 #retrogradesaturn2020 #retrogradeplanets2020 #retrogradeastrology #mariatastrology #repeatpattern #renewableenergy #revampstyle #redome #reviseme See more

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