Marie-Claire Yoga in Heathmont, Victoria, Australia | Health/beauty
Marie-Claire Yoga
Locality: Heathmont, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 413 359 237
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24.01.2022 Happy Easter! Welcome to Term 2 Classes Recommencing Easter Tuesday 7pm @ Bhava, Warrandyte Gentle, inclusive and conscious practice Termly passes, Intro passes, 5 and 10 class passes and casual class options available ... All welcome - hop on over See more
24.01.2022 Chakra 7 Our final and seventh chakra along this journey brings us to the crowning jewel... Sanskrit: Sahasrara ... Also known as: Crown Chakra Location: Top and centre of the head Symbol: 1000 petalled lotus (within Bhuddhism symbolising purity of the body, voice and mind...rooted in the muddy waters of attachment and desire, rising on a long stalk up above the muddy waters to bloom and achieve enlightenment) Colour: Violet, gold or pure white light Element: All of the elements combined from chakras 1-5 (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether/Space) Governs: Upper brain, cerebellum, entire nervous system Concerned with: - Enlightenment; infinite experience of light; state of bliss or ectasy - Our connection with universal energy; divine energy; the portal between the self and collective - Profound sense of ONENESS with ALL THAT IS Energies: Deep contentment, inner peace, wisom; the deep realisation that what is in me, what is in you is one and the same; divinity Seed mantra: Silence replaces a seed mantra for this chakra Affirmation: 'I understand' Affirmation from class this week: "I am one thing only I am a divine being of light and love And within me dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of all that is, ever was and will be. Namaste" Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening / balancing chakra 7 this week: Wear a touch of violet or gold or white Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the top of your head amidst your day-to-day activities as much as you can Meditation - finding silence and stillness within Mindfulness - being present, in each moment, without judgement; practising 'being with what is' (even if 'what is' is not quite to our liking) Reflection - taking time to pause, connect with stillness and reflect Yoga poses (asana) explored in class this week including: Inversions such as - Balasana (Child's Pose) - Uttanasana (Standing Hanging Forward Bend) - Hanging Bat pose - Vipareeta Karani (legs up the wall) - Inversion on crown of head (variations including feet, knees and hands on earth or removing hands or knees) Hand Mudra for Chakra 7 (see photo) Visualising lotus at crown of head with petals unfolding with each outbreath Connecting with Chakra 7's affirmation "I understand" or silence (no seed mantra) within the breath whilst holding your awareness on the space of the crown of the head.
23.01.2022 Final class for Term 1 this Tuesday evening 7pm at Bhava Yoga Centre... Drawing inspiration from Mother Earth and the inherent wisdom of Autumn...we consider surrendering parts of the self that are no longer serving us. Whether it be an expectation, a stagnant thought, a limiting attitude/belief, bad habit or something more tangible such as material possessions... What could you let go of this season to move towards a healthier, happier more peaceful you?
22.01.2022 Chakra 1 ~ Mooladhara This week through our Yoga practice we are exploring the very first Chakra... Sanskrit: Mooladhara or Muladhara ... Also known as: Base Chakra, Root Chakra, Earth Centre Location: Base of spine, perineum, pelvic floor & between feet Symbols: 4-petalled lotus & the elephant Colour: Scarlet Red Element: Earth Governs: Feet, legs, hips, spine, large intenstine Energies: Grounding, centring, stability, strength, connection with nature and a trust in her laws Seed mantra: 'Lam' Affirmation: 'I am' Affirmation from class this week: I am grounded. My Spirit is grounded deep in the Earth. I am calm, strong, centred and peaceful. I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe. I am divinely supported at all times. I am. Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 1 this week: Wear a touch of red each day Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the base of the spine and the soles of your feet during your day-to-day tasks Spending some time in nature, connecting with the earth Yoga poses explored in class including Warrior 2, Elephant Vinjasa, Tree of Life Balance (see photo for some examples) Mudra (hand gesture) for Mooladhara - similar to Chin Mudra - see photo Connecting with Chakra 1's affirmation 'I am' or the seed mantra 'Lam' during your day (eg reciting inwardly or aloud; eg reciting on the in or outbreath)
21.01.2022 Yoga Practice this week...Moving into quieter moments of stillness for the body and the mind so that we can connect with our own inner wisdom and guidance Saturday 9:30am Fernwood Mitcham Tuesday 7:30pm Bhava Warrandyte
21.01.2022 Kinesiology and brain gym with a lovely lady...
21.01.2022 How to keep it together amidst the chaos of the Silly Season? It starts with a Y and ends with an A. YOGA. Join me in keeping it together this week and two weeks of term! Tuesdays 7:30pm and Wednesdays 7pm at Bhava in Warrandyte ... Inclusive and gentle practice that will calm the nervous system and bring life back into perspective See more
21.01.2022 Join me for Yoga this Tuesday evening 7:30pm at Bhava in Warrandtye...more positively influencing what you think, feel and ultimately create in our world...gentle and inclusive practice reconnecting you with peace and stillness
18.01.2022 We are so happy to welcome Marie-Claire Ryan to our teaching staff! You can do a class with Marie-Claire on Tuesday nights at 7:30-8:45pm. "At this time in my... life I am blessed to wear a number of hats; I am a wife, a mother of 2 little bundles of energy, I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, an occupational therapist, a Yoga student and a Yoga teacher. I have been journeying this path of Yoga for the past 15 years and sharing my learning as a Bhava-trained teacher for the past 5. My classes are gentle yet with moments of strength, reflective and calming in nature. They invite focus towards conscious movement, the breath, the energetic body (Chakras) and the wholeness of the MindBodySpirit." Marie-Claire. See more
18.01.2022 Last class for the term...Tuesday 7:30pm in Warrandyte...welcome to join us for an inclusive and gentle practice reconnecting you with the love, truth, light and peace within
18.01.2022 Chakra 4 - Anahata This week through our yoga practice we journey further on to the fourth Chakra... Sanskrit: Anahata... Also known as: Heart Centre, Heart Space Location: Centre of the chest Symbol: 12-petalled lotus & 6-pointed star (two interconnecting triangles creating a Shatkona; Hindu Yantra symbol representing the union of male and female forms) Colour: Emerald Green Element: Air Governs: lungs, heart (circulatory and respiratory systems), thymus gland (builds body's resistance to disease) Concerned with: Connectivity between the self and all other living creatures on Earth Forgiveness Gratitude Unconditional Love towards the self and towards others Energies: Joy, Peace, Love - self love and love towards all other living creatures Seed Mantra: 'YAM' Affirmation: "I love" Affirmation from class this week: Remember, in our inmost being, we are all completely loveable because Spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned Spirit stands, shining with a love nothing can tarnish" Deepak Chopra Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 4 this week: Wear a touch of green each day Eat green foods Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the centre of the chest whenever you remember to Practicing an attitude of gratitude (eg gratitude jar, journal) Practicing forgiveness - of others and most importantly the self Yoga poses explored in class including: Marjariasana (cat pose) and Ustrasana (camel pose) - opening through front line of body and chest Mudra for Anahata; different for female and male (see photo) Connecting with Chakra 4's affirmation "I love" or the seed mantra "Yam" during your day-to-day tasks; reciting inwardly or aloud, writing it down, posting it on the fridge
16.01.2022 Regain your Life Balance this Tuesday evening through Yoga with Marie-Claire...7pm practice at Bhava in Warrandtye. Join me in finding our balance between effort and surrender...both on and off the yoga mat. Your MindBodySpirit will thank you!
16.01.2022 Restorative Yoga with an incredible Yoga teacher
16.01.2022 Life is full of business, noise and distraction - not only in the world surrounding us but also within our own minds. Without momentary escape this can be overwhelming for many of us. Yoga and meditation balance this noise and distraction with moments of stillness and quiet for the body and mind in the present moment. Enabling you, through this quiet, to connect with your own inner wisdom and guidance. 7pm-8:15pm practice at Bhava all welcome
15.01.2022 Even the Christmas Elves and Fairies need Yoga to keep it together in our household this Christmas Hope youre all enjoying the magic and Spirit of this beautiful season
13.01.2022 Return to The Self in 2019 Turn up to your own Yoga practice be it at home or in class Classes return this Tuesday 29th Jan 7pm @ Bhava Yoga Studio in Warrandyte Gentle inclusive practice offering time and space to return to The Self through:... breath awareness gentle asana with moments of strength and presence within each moment as it passes
12.01.2022 Yoga with Marie-Claire tonight 7pm at Bhava Yoga Studio Warrandtye... All welcome for an inclusive and gentle practice with moments of strength. We will be exploring the Ujjayi breath - an ancient breathing technique that has been used for thousands of years within Hatha Yoga practice. On your mat it will protect you through engaging your abdominal muscles whilst giving you a thread of awareness to synchronise body movements with the breath. Off the mat (in daily l...ife) it can anchor you in the present moment, calm your nervous system and clear your mind. What's not to like about any of this?! See you there See more
12.01.2022 Spiritual Warrior ~ Variation of Virabhadrasana Warrior II Spiritual Warrior Sequence by Andrew Mournehis For those lovely students who keep asking me to share; sorry it has taken me so long! See each photo for guidance with the breath and affirmations for each pose and breath. Connecting with energies of strength, stability, courage, grounding, centring...whilst opening the heart space
12.01.2022 Chakra 5 A little late.... Sanskrit: Vishuddhi or Vishuddha... Also known as: The Throat Centre Translation: Pure or Purification Location: Centre of the throat Symbol: 16-Petalled lotus & golden ring / circle (the 'gateway' through which we move from our lower chakras into higher levels of consciousness) Colour: Sapphire Blue Element: Space or Ether; that which is lighter than air Governs: Throat, neck, jaw, mouth, teeth, thyroid glands (regulating energy, metabolism, calcium absorption) and vocal chords Concerned with: Gift of expression through the voice (spoken word, singing, chanting) Speaking our truth; expressing our authentic and individual self Communicating our needs and wants openly, honestly, clearly Energies: Awakening, Awareness, Transformation through our gift of expression Seed Mantra: 'HAM' Affirmation: "I speak" Affirmation from class this week: I open to the universal truth within me I express my thoughts with clarity and confidence I acknowledge the power of my word to create what I intend I am aligned with my highest truth and communicate this with love and honesty Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 5: Wear a touch of blue each day Be creative write/paint/colour/draw in blue Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the centre of the throat as much as possible as you go about your day Listening to others to allow them the gift of speaking their truth Within interactions with others, taking a moment to connect inwardly with what your truth is before expressing it outwardly Singing at the top of your lungs in the car or shower Yoga poses (asana) and breathing practice (pranayama) explored in class including: Gentle release through neck and shoulders Neck and shoulder bridge (Khandarasana) Inversions; legs up the wall (Vipareeta Karani), Plough Pose (Halasana) or Shoulder Stand half or full (Sarvangasana) Ujjayi 'seashell' breath Bhramari Humming Bee breath Mudra for Vishuddhi (see photo) Connecting with Chakra 5's affirmation "I speak" or the seed mantra "Ham" during day-to-day tasks whilst holding your awanress over the throat centre.
11.01.2022 Chakra 2 ~ Swadhisthana This week through our Yoga practice we continue the journey to our second Chakra... Sanskrit: Swadhisthana or Svadhishthana ... Also known as: Sacral Chakra, Water Centre & 'The dwelling place of the Self" Location: Below navel, pelvic region, lumbar spine Symbol: 6-petalled lotus & Crescent Moon Colour: Orange Element: Water Governs: Lower abdomen, pelvis; reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, higher part of large intestine Concerned with: Individuality expressed through creativity, sexuality, pursuit of sensory pleasures in life, emotions Energies: Flowing with life and the self; embracing life's unfolding flow of change Seed mantra: 'Vam' Affirmation: "I feel" Affirmation from class this week: I love all dimensions of my life I honour and respect my emotions My desires guide my soul I deserve pleasure in my life I trust my instincts and sensations I embrace the unfolding flow of change and I delight in weaving the creative tapestry that is my life Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 2 this week: Wear a touch of orange each day Eat orange foods Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the pelvis / below the navel during your day-to-day tasks Slow down to appreciate the simple beauty of a given moment through your senses; the smell of a flower, the sight of a sunset or the warmth of the sun on your skin Yoga poses explored in class including Marjariasana (Cat Pose), Chandra Namaskara (Salute to the Moon); see photos for some examples Mudra for Swadisthana (Dhyana Mudra - see photo) Connecting with Chakra 2's affirmation "I feel" or the seed mantra 'Vam' during your day; reciting inwardly or aloud; eg reciting on the outbreath
10.01.2022 Join me this week for Yoga practice focussing on the powerful and ancient Ujjayi or 'Seashell' Breath; calming the nervous system, body and mind; grounding you in the only moment that ever exists ~ the present moment. 7:30pm Tuesday evening at Bhava in Warrandyte. Gentle and inclusive practice inviting inward focus and awareness of the wholeness of your being; mindbodyspirit
10.01.2022 Chakra 1 ~ Mooladhara This week through our Yoga practice we have been exploring the very first Chakra... Sanskrit: Mooladhara or Muladhara ... Also known as: Base Chakra, Root Chakra, Earth Centre Location: Base of spine, perineum, pelvic floor & between feet Symbols: 4-petalled lotus & the elephant Colour: Scarlet Red Element: Earth Governs: Feet, legs, hips, spine, large intenstine Energies: Grounding, centring, stability, strength, connection with nature and a trust in her laws Seed mantra: 'Lam' Affirmation: 'I am' Affirmation from class this week: I am grounded. My Spirit is grounded deep in the Earth. I am calm, strong, centred and peaceful. I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe. I am divinely supported at all times. I am. Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 1 this week: Wear a touch of red each day Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the base of the spine and the soles of your feet during your day-to-day tasks Spending some time in nature, connecting with the earth Yoga poses explored in class including Warrior 2, Elephant Vinjasa, Tree of Life Balance (see photo for some examples) Mudra for Mooladhara (similar to Chin Mudra - see photo) Connecting with Chakra 1's affirmation 'I am' or the seed mantra 'Lam' during your day; reciting inwardly or aloud; eg reciting on the outbreath
09.01.2022 Welcome to our journey through the chakras Over the coming 3 months in class we will explore the 7 major chakras and how we can connect with, strengthen and balance these through our Yoga practice. 'Chakra' in Sanskrit translates to 'spinning wheel'. Let's take a few steps back for a moment though... ... Alongside the physical body we also have an energetic body; an etheric or subtle body. 'Prana' is another sanskrit word meaning energy, vitaility or life force which travels through channels/pathways in the body known as 'nadis'. The ancient masters of Yoga believed there are more than 72,000 nadis in the body. These pathways cross over at certain points within the body to create Chakras; 'spinning wheels'; powerful energy centres which hold so much energy that they spin. It is believed that thousands of smaller chakras exist within the body, with the 7 major chakras existing in our base colours along the length of our spine (this being our most significant nadi/pathway). Each of our 7 major chakras represent more than just a base colour; they are fields of consciousness within themselves, harnessing certain energies for different aspects of our lives. Deepak Chopra summarises it beautifully: " Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness and well being in our lives and in the world" Welcome to the journey of your Chakras; the incredible rainbow within. Can't wait to travel it alongside you
08.01.2022 Chakra 5 This week through our yoga practice we explore our fifth chakra... Sanskrit: Vishuddhi or Vishuddha... Also known as: The Throat Centre Translation: Pure or Purification Location: Centre of the throat Symbol: 16-Petalled lotus & golden ring / circle (the 'gateway' through which we move from our lower chakras into higher levels of consciousness) Colour: Sapphire Blue Element: Space or Ether; that which is lighter than air Governs: Throat, neck, jaw, mouth, teeth, thyroid glands (regulating energy, metabolism, calcium absorption) and vocal chords Concerned with: Gift of expression through the voice (spoken word, singing, chanting) Speaking our truth; expressing our authentic and individual self Communicating our needs and wants openly, honestly, clearly Energies: Awakening, Awareness, Transformation through our gift of expression Seed Mantra: 'HAM' Affirmation: "I speak" Affirmation from class this week: I open to the universal truth within me I express my thoughts with clarity and confidence I acknowledge the power of my word to create what I intend I am aligned with my highest truth and communicate this with love and honesty Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 5 this week: Wear a touch of blue each day Be creative write/paint/colour/draw in blue Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the centre of the throat as much as possible as you go about your day Listening to others to allow them the gift of speaking their truth Within interactions with others, taking a moment to connect inwardly with what your truth is before expressing it outwardly Singing at the top of your lungs in the car or shower Yoga poses (asana) and breathing practice (pranayama) explored in class including: Gentle release through neck and shoulders Neck and shoulder bridge (Khandarasana) Inversions; legs up the wall (Vipareeta Karani), Plough Pose (Halasana) or Shoulder Stand half or full (Sarvangasana) Ujjayi 'seashell' breath Bhramari Humming Bee breath Mudra for Vishuddhi (see photo) Connecting with Chakra 5's affirmation "I speak" or the seed mantra "Ham" during day-to-day tasks whilst holding your awanress over the throat centre.
07.01.2022 Beautiful practice this evening connecting with Chakra 2; The Water Centre; embracing the unfolding flow of change that is Life
06.01.2022 Join me for a yoga practice focussed on grounding and centring this week; exploring our root and base chakra alongside the age-old wisdom of a tree. Tuesday evening 7:30pm in Warrandyte; a gentle and inclusive practice reconnecting with your roots and keeping you firmly grounded.
06.01.2022 Join me this week for Yoga practice focussing on the powerful and ancient Ujjayi or Seashell Breath; calming the nervous system, body and mind; grounding you in the only moment that ever exists ~ the present moment. 7:30pm Tuesday evening at Bhava in Warrandyte. Gentle and inclusive practice inviting inward focus and awareness of the wholeness of your being; mindbodyspirit
06.01.2022 Chakra 6 Welcome to this week's exploration of our sixth chakra through our Yoga practice... Sanskrit: Ajna... Also known as: The Eyebrow Centre, The Third Eye Location: Between the eyebrows, Bridge of the nose, Forehead Symbol: 96-petalled lotus and the single flame Colour: Indigo (deep purples and blues) Element: All of the elements combined from chakras 1-4 (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) Governs: Head, brain (hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands), ears, eyes and nose Concerned with: - the Mind; focus for the mind - Visualisations, dreams, creative imagination (important for creating our own reality; we must dream/visualise it before we can become it) - Seat of our intuition, clairvoyance and inherent wisdom - Transcendence; furthering our spirtual evolution Energies: Clarity, Direction, Wisdom Seed Mantra: 'OM' Affirmation: 'I see' Affirmation from class this week: Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed; and nothing ever changes without a dream. Debby Boone Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening / balancing chakra 6 this week: Wear a touch of indigo each day (deep purples and blues) Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the forehead / eyebrow centre as much as you can during your day-to-day tasks Create a Vision Board - cut and paste aspects of life you would like to see in your own future, placing in frequent view Practice visualising a future desired change; see it, feel it, breath it, become it within those moments; planting the seeds from which this vision can grow Yoga poses (asana) explored in class this week including: - Apanasana (curled into ball, nose to knees) - Balasana (Child's Pose) - Ardha Paschimottanasana (seated half forward bend) - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) - Uttananasana (Standing Hanging Forward Bend) - Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) - Inversion of choice - Vipareeta Karani (legs up wall), Halasana (Plough) or Sarvangasana (shoulder stand half or full) - Mudra for Ajna (see photo) - Visualising flame at mind's eye, breathing into flame to expand with the outbreath Connecting with Chakra 6's affirmation "I speak" or the seed mantra "OM" throughout the day whilst holding awareness in the space of your third eye
06.01.2022 Chakra 6 Welcome to this weeks exploration of our sixth chakra through our Yoga practice... Sanskrit: Ajna... Also known as: The Eyebrow Centre, The Third Eye Location: Between the eyebrows, Bridge of the nose, Forehead Symbol: 96-petalled lotus and the single flame Colour: Indigo (deep purples and blues) Element: All of the elements combined from chakras 1-4 (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) Governs: Head, brain (hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands), ears, eyes and nose Concerned with: - the Mind; focus for the mind - Visualisations, dreams, creative imagination (important for creating our own reality; we must dream/visualise it before we can become it) - Seat of our intuition, clairvoyance and inherent wisdom - Transcendence; furthering our spirtual evolution Energies: Clarity, Direction, Wisdom Seed Mantra: OM Affirmation: I see Affirmation from class this week: Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed; and nothing ever changes without a dream. Debby Boone Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening / balancing chakra 6 this week: Wear a touch of indigo each day (deep purples and blues) Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the forehead / eyebrow centre as much as you can during your day-to-day tasks Create a Vision Board - cut and paste aspects of life you would like to see in your own future, placing in frequent view Practice visualising a future desired change; see it, feel it, breath it, become it within those moments; planting the seeds from which this vision can grow Yoga poses (asana) explored in class this week including: - Apanasana (curled into ball, nose to knees) - Balasana (Childs Pose) - Ardha Paschimottanasana (seated half forward bend) - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) - Uttananasana (Standing Hanging Forward Bend) - Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) - Inversion of choice - Vipareeta Karani (legs up wall), Halasana (Plough) or Sarvangasana (shoulder stand half or full) - Mudra for Ajna (see photo) - Visualising flame at minds eye, breathing into flame to expand with the outbreath Connecting with Chakra 6s affirmation "I speak" or the seed mantra "OM" throughout the day whilst holding awareness in the space of your third eye
04.01.2022 Join me in the present moment this week Tuesdays 7:30pm Bhava Yoga Centre, Warrandyte Saturdays 9:30am Fernwood Fitness, Mitcham
03.01.2022 Chakra 3 ~ Manipura This week through our Yoga practice we continue the journey through our third Chakra... Sanskrit: Manipura... Also known as: Solar Plexus, the Fire Centre, the Warrior Location: stomach region Symbol: 10 petaled lotus & the sun Colour: Yellow Element: Fire Governs: stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, digestive system Concerned with: digestion and nourishment, self-esteem, confidence, self-empowerment, will & ambition Energies: vitality, emotional strength, own inner warrior; personal power for speaking one's own truth and creating one's own way with calm, clarity & peace Seed mantra: 'RAM' Affirmation: "I do" Affirmation from class this week: I am courageous I am whole I am enough just as I am I am at peace with myself I live my life with integrity I open to the fullness of my power; speaking my truth with calm, clarity and peace I can; I will; I do Suggestions for connecting with and strengthening Chakra 3 this week: Wear a touch of yellow each day Eat yellow foods Mindfulness - holding your awareness around the stomach region Honouring your 'gut instincts' and what your chakra 3 is trying to communicate to you Having courageous conversations - saying 'no' if something is not right; stepping into your self-power to speak your truth with peace Yoga poses explored in class including Matsyendrasana (seated spinal twists), Virabhadrasana Warrior 2 (Spiritual Warrior variation), and Surya Namaskara (Salute to the Sun) Mudra for Manipura with hands resting at stomach (see photo) Connecting with Chakra 3's affirmation "I do" or the seed mantra 'Ram' during your day; reciting inwardly or aloud; writing it down
02.01.2022 Welcome to our journey through the chakras Over the coming 3 months in class we will explore the 7 major chakras and how we can connect with, strengthen and balance these through our Yoga practice. 'Chakra' in Sanskrit translates to 'spinning wheel'. Let's take a few steps back for a moment though... ... Alongside the physical body we also have an energetic body; an etheric or subtle body. 'Prana' is another sanskrit word meaning energy, vitaility or life force which travels through channels/pathways in the body known as 'nadis'. The ancient masters of Yoga believed there are more than 72,000 nadis in the body. These pathways cross over at certain points within the body to create Chakras; 'spinning wheels'; powerful energy centres which hold so much energy that they spin. It is believed that thousands of smaller chakras exist within the body, with the 7 major chakras existing in our base colours along the length of our spine (the spine being our most significant nadi/pathway). Each of our 7 major chakras represent more than just a base colour; they are fields of consciousness within themselves, harnessing certain energies for different aspects of our lives. Deepak Chopra summarises it beautifully: " Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness and well being in our lives and in the world" Welcome to the journey of your Chakras; the incredible rainbow within. Can't wait to travel it alongside you
01.01.2022 Some handy tips as we start the year afresh for filling the trolley and preparing meals from whole and healthful foods. Foods that will not only nourish the physical body but also mind and in turn influence how we think and feel. Thanks Lisa Licciardi for sharing your thoughts will you also do my shopping?!!
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