Marilyn's Wildflowers | Interest
Marilyn's Wildflowers
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25.01.2022 SOLD! I hope to do another one soon. Are you missing your wildflower trip this year? This riot of WA wildflowers might be just what you need! It is $80 for the first person to direct message me. Anigozanthos flavidis- Kangaroo Paw. Pimelea physodes- Qualup Bell, Phebalium nottii, Chorizema cordatum, Geleznowia verrucosa, Guichenotia macrantha, Darwinia macrostegia hybrid, Lechenaultia biloba, Verticordia staminosa and the heavenly perfume of Boronia megastigma lutea.
25.01.2022 WA wildflower themed arrangement. It might be just the tonic you need until the WA border opens! This one is a slightly larger box than the last post. It is $90. Message me if you would like to purchase this unique arrangement. It would have to be picked up from the wildflower farm at 105 Dysons Road, Mandurang this weekend. Anigozanthos flavidus -Kangaroo Paw. Pimelea physodes- Qualup Bell, Phebalium nottii, Chorizema cordatum, Geleznowia verrucosa, Guichenotia macrantha, Darwinia macrostegia hybrid, Lechenaultia biloba, Verticordia staminosa and the heavenly perfume of Boronia megastigma lutea.
24.01.2022 Bendigo Wildflowers. It’s been a long time coming. It has taken me years to propagate and plant enough wildflowers to pick from the wildflower farm. It even has home grown sphagnum moss. The wooden box (made by John) is 27cm x 10.5cm x 10cm. The arrangement contains: Acacia aspera, Philotheca verrucosa- Bendigo Wax, plus the Kangaroo Gully Crimson form of the Wax, Hardenbergia violacea, Micromyrtus ciliata, Pimelea linifolia, Hybanthus floribundas - Shrub Violet, Grevillea alpina -apricot, Daviesia ulicifolia, Chrysocephalum apiculatum. If you would like to purchase this arrangement or any other custom made arrangements please DM (direct message) me here, or email me: [email protected]
24.01.2022 Can’t beat local wildflowers! #Eucalyptus polybractea#grevillea alpina#Pimelealinifolia#banksiamarginata#dillwyniacinerascens#indigoferaaustralis #philothecaverrocosa#micromyrtusciliata #melicytusdentatus#oleariateretifolia#acaciaacinacea#plus others
23.01.2022 Covid-19 pick up point out the front. Birthdays still happen thank goodness. Happy Birthday Laura
22.01.2022 The real wildflower, whimsical, natural and very pretty.
22.01.2022 Verticordia grandis plonked unceremoniously in a champagne cooler. They go together well.
20.01.2022 Super excited today. I picked my largest order ever! ( It took 6.5 hours!) Over 54 different varieties of wildflowers for Bush florist at 917 Rathdowne Street, Carlton North. They are opening this coming Friday 6th November following the Covid lockdown. I purchased superb wildflowers on line from them for delivery in Melbourne during the lockdown. They supply ONLY Australian Native Wildflowers. Good luck Michael and team. @ Mandurang, Victoria, Australia
19.01.2022 This compact form of Goodenia amplexans from the Whipstick Forest flowers for months and makes a very showy border. Cassinia laevis has a devine perfume and the creamy flowers are wonderful in floral arrangements as are the lemon flowers of Micromyrtus leptocalyx (next photo) and Spyridium phlebophyllum.
18.01.2022 I’m wondering what your floating duck islands are made of? Are they pallets? Your posts are very informative. Thank you.
17.01.2022 Wildflowers always look special. Beauties in this bouquet include Ptilotus#Verticordia#persoonia#crowea#pimelea#leptospermum#cassinia
17.01.2022 Special. Late afternoon sunlight on Pimelea physodes-Qualup Bells
16.01.2022 Pretty wildflower combination#banksia integrifolia#pycnosorus chrysanthes- beauty buttons#epacris impressa#hybanthus floribundus-shrub violet and wild foliages.
15.01.2022 Verticordias are providing brilliant colour in my wildflower gardens over summer. #verticordiaoculata#verticordia pritzelii#verticordialepidophylla#verticordiamuellerianasspminor#verticordiadichromavardochroma# verticordiawemmsfind
15.01.2022 What a pretty bouquet of small flowered daisies and other wildflowers . This bouquet will dry perfectly and last for ages. Thanks Laura for this special request. I loved making it for you.
15.01.2022 Yellow!! So bright in the garden. Hope it cheers you up too. More Verticordia and Calytix too.
14.01.2022 Wildflowers ready for @libertineflorist. #australiannativewildowers.
13.01.2022 THANK YOU to everyone who came to my spring wildflower garden tours. They were very popular and groups of 10 were perfect for lots of questions and information. Requests have been made for autumn wildflower this space for further advice on that. A donation has been made to Type 1 diabetes research. This is where the tours started. Commersonia grandiflora, (white) Melaleuca rigidiflora, pink with Kangaroo paws and Pimelea in the distance.
12.01.2022 A bush walk in the rain this afternoon. Euromyrtus ramosissima. South Mandurang
11.01.2022 Taking cuttings this morning of Goodenia amplexans -Whipstick form because it is so hardy, flowers for months over summer and is the perfect little border plant 30cm x 30cm, and right beside it is one of my favorite plants. (I have too many!) Muehlenbeckia declina ssp declina (yes, it’s a Lignum!) with its exquisite perfume. It grows naturally in outback Australia, so is extremely hardy. It is 50cm x 50cm and also flowers for months. I’ve taken a close up of its dainty flowers. Better get those cuttings done rather than sitting here chatting!!
09.01.2022 Wildflowers to brighten your day. The mauve is Verticordia blephrophylla
08.01.2022 Picking flowers today! Not sure who was the most surprised!
07.01.2022 I will be open for Farm gate sales this Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th Sept. 10am to 4pm. The everlasting daisies are looking spectacular. Also for sale bouquets and bunches of wildflowers, some tubestock plants and grafted plants suitable for cutflowers. Square card payment or cash. Address -105 Dysons Road, Mandurang.
06.01.2022 Autumn wildflowers. Grevillea Moonlight, Ptilotus exaltatus and Verticordia chrysostachys and paludosa are the focal flowers in this bouquet.
06.01.2022 Such an amazing thing to do! I had a large stem of Eucalytus left over from Grace’s huge WA bouquet and left it in a bucket on the verandah at the kitchen window. We now have birds perching next to the kitchen table every day. It is so good. Try it.
06.01.2022 Gorgeous Croweas and local Everlastings, prostanthera magnifica , Eucalyptus pleurocarpa and Brachyscome basaltica-Swamp Daisy. I originally collected the seed from a swampy area at Nagambie. I love it- I’ve grown another 200 to be planted out this year!
04.01.2022 Correas. I love them. The red with white flair is a superb Correa pulchella seedling from John Barrie (the Daisy Patch, Coonalpyn). I graft it so that it grows well in my Bendigo clay. The 2nd Correa reflexa white with lime green tips has died and I’m looking for it. Can anybody help? (I will need to graft it) 3rd is another John and Julie Barrie garden seedling called Correa pulchella ‘Pink Punch’ a prolific flowerer. Again I graft this one to grow here. 4th is Correa reflexa ‘Desert Glow’.
04.01.2022 Book a Spring Wildflower Garden Tour! If you are interested in gathering a group together of fellow passionate gardeners we’ll organise a tour of the wildflower gardens here. $20 a head, minimum 10 people (smaller groups can join existing tours to make up numbers). Tours are available Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday at 9:30am-11:30am or 1pm-3pm beginning this Friday 30th Oct. PM me or email: [email protected] @ Mandurang, Victoria, Australia
03.01.2022 If anybody is looking for us after this period of isolation please check the veggie garden- we may have turned into pumpkins!!
03.01.2022 Wildflowers ready for @libertineflorist
02.01.2022 Very foggy morning here! These Australian wildflowers are sure to brighten the day. #australiannativebouquet#madeto order#pycnosoruschrysanthus#eucalytusalbida#grevillealadyo#pimileanivea#scholtziaparviflora#thryptomenecalycina#spyridiumparvifolim#eremophilawintergold#leptospermumburgundy
01.01.2022 More wildflowers ready for @libertineflorist. Gosh they have kept me busy lately.