Marina Perry | Personal coach
Marina Perry
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25.01.2022 2020 can kiss my ass and take its leave. I’m sending it off with huge thanks for all the lessons, learnings and epic times. It held so many highlights and beautiful paradoxes. Expansion with contraction. Connection with isolation. Liberation alongside domination. Deep Communications alongside hightened censor. A year of stark contrast. . . And. I’m done. I’m ready to roll about you?... . Time to shed what no longer serves us and step into the new fresh versions of us that are waiting... . Anndddd...if you want support getting clear on YOUR path forwards, what you want to call in and create next, plus HOW to activate aliveness in all our goals... . I got you. . Join me and claim your FREE month of The Growth Academy this January. . It’s online, so you can join from anywhere in the !! . The months module we’re diving deep into is ‘VISION & GOALS- Becoming our higher selves & living our BEST LIFE’. . As I say... . There’s zero risk. You’ve nothing to lose, except your limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviours! . Let’s flow BIG, BOLD, BRAVE & BRILLIANTLY into 2021!! . Who’s joining me?! . If you’re a YES to this container & community of CHANGE... All you need to do is head to the link in my Insta bio or here: and register for your FREE months membership. We kick off on the 1st!! . . Oh, and Tag a bestie you want to GROW through 2021 with...The more the merrier. . . #growth #grow #change #innerwork #selfsovereignty #selfdevelopment #selflove #selfcare #dreambuilder #higherself #bestlife #vision #goals
24.01.2022 This group . This Program. This work . . Feeling deeply grateful to everyone who said to this powerful process. (The DREAMBUILDER Experience) . Who chose to step in... so they could step up. ... . Who reclaimed their power, and their light. . Who shed the outdated , ineffective stories and limits...and rose. . #iseeyouiamyouiloveyou . Thank you to my amazing guardians for their energy and wisdom: @caitlinmareeeichperger @miss_ades @madge_kuzo @jozy.b . And to myself for all the learnings and life that has gone into the alchemy of this elevating and expansive embodiment container of change. . . A reminder for us all... say YES to the ideas, desires and dreaming of your spirit and soul, because they will not only ignite you more fully . They will serve others powerfully too. . The world needs you #whole, #aligned #illuminated. . . . @theschoolofgrowth #coach #coachescoach #coachingcertification #dreambuilder #bestlife #higherself #losinglimits #livingdreams #lovinglife #growthgetter #innerwork #theonlywork #expansion @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
17.01.2022 Yesterday was a really hard day emotional. And equally, simultaneously and amazing day too. That’s the ying and yang of life. . Any parent knows the pain of being powerless to life life-ing for your child. It can be excruciating if I’m honest. . Harlow had her brain surgery yesterday, and whilst she is now in recovery and beginning her healing journey today....when we had no word 6hrs in to what we were told was a 2.5hr surgery, I’ll be honest... my emotional... Mumma mind made up some pretty scary stories for me to sit with. (*this photo is not from yesterday! However it was taken recently and makes my heart happy ) . . Yesterday was tough. There was anxiousness, apprehension and fear. And yet (so far as we can tell right now), we will have a great outcome. . Hanging out at a children’s hospital a lot this year, I’ve learnt that many are not so blessed. Heartache and suffering occurs daily to those who do not deserve it. . Life is by its nature is unknown. And it’s common to resist this truth at times. . And yet, that’s very much also the beauty of it. . My heartache yesterday stemmed from deep love. . Aren’t I deeply blessed to have someone I love sooooo much. To be a Mumma to my little girl. . Life is a paradox. And being here for the highs, means being here for the lows. That’s the gift and the gravity of ‘being here’. . And, I’m here for all of it. The fear and the faith. The heartache and the happiness. . Yesterday was rough, yet it was also glorious. I’m so far beyond grateful my baby is here still and is now even further along her healing journey. I’m also deeply grateful for all the love and support within (& for) my tribe. . . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. . . Q: How would it feel to engage in life without the expectation of it always having to be summits and ups? How would it feel if we danced in the full landscape of life...if we allowed the valleys, nights and heartache to crack us wider open to the ALLNESS that’s available to each of us to experience?! To dance with the dark as well as the light, perhaps recognising that they are the same!? . As always, #justsomwthingtothinkabout. . #iseeyouIamyouIloveyou See more
16.01.2022 Anyone else doing this more right now?? This is an oldie but a goodie. One of my faves of us. Is anyone else noticing that without actual travel available right now that they are flipping back through old photos re-experience old trips, times and memories?! Or just me ?? inner #jetsettinggypsy is aching for some global adventure. How about you?
13.01.2022 It’s a Tough-love-Tallulah (one of my alter-egos) kinda Tuesday. . Some times we just need a straight shooting reminder to stop complaining, comparing & competing....and simple change what isn’t working for us. . We have that power .... . So what’ll it be homies??? . . #yourlifeisagift #stopwastingtime . . #growthgetter #thegrowthacademy #growglowgive @theschoolofgrowth . *** Link to claim your FREE month membership of The Growth Academy is available via the link in my bio ...this months module is all about calling in, claiming & creating change. See more
12.01.2022 1 more sleep, till 2021and ‘till The Growth Academy swings open it’s doors! There’s still time to grab the 1 FREE MONTH membership to this epic online self-development school I’ve been yabbering on about and GROW into the new year with grit and grace! . I hope you do join me and the @theschoolofgrowth team. . Irrespective though, I hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ... . Send big love . Peace out 2020 . Ps- link to the best decision you could possibly make is in my bio team See more
11.01.2022 A: Everything. [Spoiler alert: You are] . . .... . . . #coach #coachescoach #coachingcertification #transformationalcoach #humanpotentialcoach #changework #innerwork #growthwork #growthisthegoal #growthgetter #selflove #bestlife #higherself #dreambuilder
11.01.2022 PERMISSION to: Evolve, Expand and Elevate. That the real game. 9 years ago I launched a 3 Day Program called DREAMBUILDER. . It was all about becoming your higher self and building your dream life (across the board). . It’s positioning statement was: ... . Losing Limits. Loving Life. Living Dreams. . Tomorrow we run it again. . As we set up today, I feel the familiar excitement of knowing what’s waiting inside this transformative embodiment experience for attendees and I smile... . ANDDDD.... . I am also reminded (and so I’m sharing with you, ya welcome!)... . That the original program 9 years ago was wayyyyyy different to what we’re move through this weekend. . The current iteration is more powerful, magical and quite simply wayyyy more impactful and effective at achieving the intended outcome. . . Looking back, the original version pales in comparison. . . Yet, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t fact I know it literally changed people lives powerfully even then. . I’m sharing this as a reminder to: . Start. . Share what you’ve got. . NOW. . If I hadn’t started then.... . and continued to journey on my growth path investing in my skills, my personal activations and awakenings... and adding with each new qualification and life lesson to the program.... . the insanely unique program that’s alive today, wouldn’t be here now. . Don’t wait till you know everything. You never will. . Don’t wait till you’ve got experience. Starting is how you’ll get it. . . Just start. . Share your magic and your light. . NOW! . I’m excited for my weekend and I hope you are for yours too! . Sending you all the vibes... . Peace lovers . . #wholenesscoach #selfdevelopment #selfsovereigntycoach #growthgetter #dreambuilder #bestlife #higherself #change #startnow #magick #liveyourlight #coachescoach
10.01.2022 Happy Monday & welcome to FINAL week of 2020!! Let’s play... This vid is from a class I taught this morning at @purehealthclubs, in it we’re working our booties... so my question today is this: . What are you ready to leave BEHIND (see what I did there ) in 2020? What do not want following you into 2021? .... . Take an actual moment and sit with this fir a few moments... . It Might be a vibe/energy/feeling. Might be a habit/behaviour/pattern. Might be a situation or circumstance..... . What are you choosing to shed? Thereby making more space for new and different experiences/possibilities? . Comment below if you feel like sharing yours, I’d love to hear them . #growth #mindset #innerwork #personaldevelopment #growthgetter #tsog #thegrowthacademy . . PS- if you want GROWTH in 2021- you have 4 days left to secure your FREE month of ‘The Growth Academy’...your online personal development portal- the powerful container that offers you workouts (and transformations) for the parts of you that aren’t your body (although it will benefit too!!). . . It’s time to reclaim your power...expand, evolve and elevate. . Link to join us is in my bio or via @theschoolofgrowth
08.01.2022 The horizon is an ever evolving reality...just as you, your life and your dreams should be. . When was the last time to sat with the metaphorical horizon of your life ....and grew it without any existing context, but rather from the seat of your soul? . If you’d like support creating and calling in a compelling (live activating) vision plus the exercises and steps to have your goals grow into your reality....... . That’s precisely what we’re doing this month in The Growth Academy the new online self development portal fir your expansion, evolution & elevation!! . ...And your FREE month is waiting for you to claim it via the the link in my bio (or here ) . Whatcha doing still reading this post. Come join us already...your higher self and best life are waiting xx See more
04.01.2022 Who wants to change (anything) but seems to just learn more about what they’re doing wrong. Meaning more theory (talk) but the results (walk) aren’t showing up dispute the’s a quick response I gave to a question about ‘how to you really bring change about’. It covers a little know truth about ‘change-work’ plus outlines a 3 tier approach. Hope you find it helpful. Save, like, comment or share if it is! xxx
02.01.2022 Self awareness is always the first step to access change. This is a small excerpt from an epic podcast episode with @drew_wild all about ADDICTION . ......and whether you identify as an addict or not...if you ever feel powerless to, a pattern, or experience ineffective/undesirable feelings/results from habits and behaviours in your life..... . Please remember you always have the opportunity to explore that and reclaim your power by addressing it and integrating the under...lying issue at play. . You are a complex magical being. Understanding how your system works isn’t just personal development’s personal power... back in your hands . . #justsomethingtothinkabout #iseeyouiamyouiloveyou #selfsovereigntycoach #wholewomanhoodcoach . To catch the whole episode search up ‘The marina Perry Podcast’ in your podcast platform, or use link in my bio See more
02.01.2022 Ekkkkkk!!! You know that feeling when you’ve been working on, and talking about something for sooo long that you forget as you launch it, that others (aka the rest of the world) don’t already know about it.... . And in that realisation, you get EVEN MORE EXCITED!! . Well...that’s me right now!! ... . Hello. Please let me introduce you to The Growth Academy!! . The newest offering from @theschoolofgrowth giving individuals access to world-class coaching and a transformative container (& process) for real positive AN AFFORDABLE PRICE!!! . BOOM!! . We all know I am a growth girl through and through and that I am a stand for investing in powerful personal development...I’ve literally spent hundreds of thousands myself . But honestly, I’m sick of seeing the people who need the insights, tools, tips and activations THE MOST missing out (and being shamed at times) because they literally can’t afford thousands of dollars to access them. . . The Growth Academy is not just an affordable portal for self-development that supports you to expand, evolve and elevate.... . It’s an ONGOING support system to keep you in the game of growth... . Not dropping in and out constantly, as your bank account permits it. . There is sooooo much I want to share with you about this membership and community, and I will over coming posts...but for right now I want to tell you to simply head to the Link in my bio and REGISTER for 1 Month FREE... so that this January you can join our monthly module on ‘Vision and Goals: Be your best self & Live your best life in 2021’ and receive all the TGA experience at no cost and zero risk!! . A FREE MONTH YA’ll- You’ve got nothing to lose....except limiting-beliefs, stuckness, smallness, sabotage-patterns, confusion, apathy, get my point . . If you want to reclaim your power and really reach your potential... . . If you are a #growthgetter... The Growth Academy is for you! . See you on the other side . . #growth #growthistheonlygoal #growthgame #redesignyourreality #reclaimyourpower #thegrowthacademy #change #innerwork #selfdevelopment @ The World
02.01.2022 It’s time. We need to stop actioning on autopilot and start ALIGNING. To stop ‘doing’ out of habit and start dropping into your souls deepest desires. . The time has come for us to quit the charades, drop the people-pleasing, the habituated living and let old, out-dated identities go. . It can be hard. Excruciatingly so. I feel you. We are wired to want approval and to avoid abandonment.... . But nothing destroys true contentment more than the abandoning of self. More than the suffocation of your own soul. . That (oft-ignored pain) is when we start reaching for numbing tools (cue: food, alcohol, drugs, screens, shopping, socials, achieving/being busy and the rest) stick to the plan and proceed at all costs. . So check in. . For reals. . Because the cost is big... it’s your Joy & ease. Your life force. Your magick. These are no small things. . . There is no longer room for: ‘But I’m good at it’ or ‘it’s too late’ Or ‘they need me to...’ . Or whatever other excuse is keeping you stuck... and stranded, separated from your spirit. . RISING requires us to let the dead-weight fall away. . Free yourself. . Liberate yourself from all the stories of what ‘has to stay/be/happen’. . Because the truth’s all changeable. All editable. All of it. . ALL. OF. IT. . So... . Which stories stay? . Which ones get ripped up.... . And what new ones do you get to write? . [PLS NOTE: Rising and stepping into your truth/alignment may not involve a ‘bigger game’ it may in fact involve down-sizing, simplifying or simply shedding the story of the ‘chase’ and choosing contentment with the current now. This post is simply meant as a reminder that the world needs us all the live in our ‘current truth’ instead of ‘trying’ to ‘be’ something other than our PRESENT-moment whole, complete illuminated selves]. . . As for me, today I’m looking forward to an authentic alignment deep dive in tonight’s Growth Circle Coaching call with The Growth Academy members. (Link to join free is in my bio and at @theschoolofgrowth) . . . #growth #alignment #truth #higerself #bestlife #vision #change #rise #growthgetter #innerwork #coach #personalsevelopment #tsog
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