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Marion Rams Cricket Club
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25.01.2022 ATCA 'B' GRADE SEMI FINALS FIXTURES B1 Prince Alfred Old Collegians Cricket Club vs Brighton Cricket Club @ TBC Trinity Old Scholars Cricket Club vs Grange Dolp...hins Cricket Club @ Waldeck Oval B2 Marion Rams Cricket Club vs Brahma Lodge Cricket Club @ Marion #1 Unley Cricket Club - The Gunners vs Adelaide University Cricket Club @ Kingswood Oval B3 Woodville South Cricket Club vs Adelaide Lions Cricket Club - ALCC @ Ledger Reserve Mawson Lakes Cricket Club vs Ingle Farm District Cricket Club @ Mawson Lakes Oval
25.01.2022 Today is your last day to purchase tickets to our Presentation Evening. If you haven't purchased your ticket yet, make sure you fix that and buy one. Come and celebrate the C2 premiership and the closure of season 2020/21.
24.01.2022 Men’s Senior Training is Thursday 1/10/20 - 5pm-Till Dark Saturday 3/10/20- 9.30am-11am. Starting next week, Training times will be Tuesday & Thursday 5.30pm-7pm for the remainder of the season. ... Cricket Season is just around the corner. New,Past and Present players all welcome.
24.01.2022 NO Senior Men’s training Tuesday Night this week due to the Melbourne Cup. Training will resume Thursday as per normal, as will selection upstairs at the conclusion of practise.
24.01.2022 Welcome to the Marion CC Senior Presentations. Put on your favourite tunes, grab a beverage and enjoy.
24.01.2022 Marion CC Senior Presentation award winners for season 2019/20.
23.01.2022 Hi all, just a reminder that all Junior and Senior trophy winners will be published tomorrow, Monday 13 April 2020, from 6:00pm on the clubs Facebook page and Website. The Committee will make arrangements for uniting trophies with their winners when it is appropriate to do so.
23.01.2022 MCC Christmas Themed Presentation Evening The club will be holding a Christmas themed presentation evening tomorrow after play. All players, partners and families are welcome to attend. At this stage, Santa will be attending so parents are encouraged to bring a small wrapped gift that Santa can give to your child. ... There will also be a jumping castle available to keep the kids entertained. The club will also have a bbq going, with raffles being held throughout the evening. MCC is a Good Sports club, so if you plan to have a few quiet beverages, please do so responsibly. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.
22.01.2022 To All SENIOR Past,Present or New players, It’s is a MUST that if you intend on playing cricket this season that you are present this week at either Tuesday or Thursday Training, or contact Warrick ASAP regarding your availability throughout the season. Go Rams.
22.01.2022 Hi everyone. Just a reminder that we have a social event coming up on January 17 at X-Golf Marion. Please get along to the event and support one of our valuable club sponsors. Please book via the following link ( Tickets are $25, but this gets you a whole range of benefits for the afternoon.
22.01.2022 Good evening everyone. Tonight sees our presentation evening move online. Junior awards will be available at approximately 6.30pm, with Seniors available from 7pm.
22.01.2022 Hello all. As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate our lives, the Committee thought it prudent to provide a final wrap-up message to our clubs community. SENIOR and JUNIOR PRESENTATIONS and TROPHY WINNERS: ... It will come as no surprise to everyone that Senior presentations the 2019/20 season is cancelled. All Junior and Senior trophy winners will be published on Monday 13 April 2020 from 6:00pm on the clubs Facebook page and Website. Please keep an eye on our social media pages for more information as we get closer to that date. The Committee will make arrangements for uniting trophies with their winners when it is appropriate to do so. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The AGM is likely to be scheduled during June 2020. The Committee has agreed to investigate ways told hold the AGM online so that those wishing to participate will have the opportunity to do so. The following Committee positions will be open for nomination/election: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Minimum of 5 Committee Members Please submit nominations to myself or Rob Stewart as soon as possible to assist with planning for the AGM well in advance of the event. On behalf of the whole club, I want to express my gratitude to the entire MCC Committee for their dedication to making this season as successful off the field as it was on it. Thank-you to Rob Stewart, Ryan Curnow, Erica Stewart, Josh Harmer, Nathan Gill, Chirag Shah, Andrew Supple, Vicki Treloar and James Burdon for your time and efforts. Special thanks also to Brett Jenner for managing the MCC website and to Warrick Stanborough for his outstanding management of our senior playing list. Thanks must also again go to our behind-the-scenes volunteers their time to help with coaching, scoring, managing, mentoring, transporting, umpiring, canteen service, providing afternoon tea and supporting Kanga Cricket BBQ and our Cricket Blast programs. To reiterate; volunteers make our club work, and without you our club cannot succeed, so thank-you. Congratulations to all trophy winners and to our four premiership winning teams in 2019/20. Wishing the best of heath in every way to you and your families during this challenging time. David Loy President, MCC
22.01.2022 Senior Cricket Update All games are to continue as scheduled.(Unless notified otherwise) Two Day games are Scheduled to start at 12.30pm. Report by 11.30am. One Day games 1pm Start. Arrive Minimum 30mins before play.... To comply with COVID rules, All Players must bring their own water bottle and Afternoon tea. Captains will update you regarding COVID rules at the Ground. Win,Lose,Draw or Wash Out, Get back to Club Marion after the match for Presentations, Food and Beverages. There will also be a new Wives,Girlfriend,Mums, Life Partners raffle along with the Traditional BBQ pack. Go Rams
21.01.2022 A GRADE DEBUT ALERT Congratulations to BEN STEWART who will make his A Grade Debut this Weekend Vs Flinders Park.
21.01.2022 Cheers Supple family, Braydon McPherson and Ben Huckel for helping with the blast program tonight - we really appreciated your help. Cheers Vikki, Dani and Kate Thomas for working in the canteen.
21.01.2022 Hi everyone, due to current government restrictions, we have had to postpone our Golf Day until the 17th of January. Please note the change of date for this event.
20.01.2022 Today, Cricket Australia strongly recommended that all cricket played within the community should cease, including community cricket and premier cricket. This recommendation is in response to the global coronavirus pandemic. In accordance with the CA recommendation, ATCA have officially cancelled the remainder of the 2019/20 season, and awarded premierships to all senior teams that finished the minor round games at the top of their respective grades. Below is a link to the Cr...icket Australia Official Announcement: EVENT CANCELLATIONS: Please be advised that ATCA have officially cancelled Senior and Junior presentation evenings. In line with this decision, I have decided that the MCC Junior Presentation event scheduled for this Sunday 22 March is also CANCELLED. Further information relating to junior trophy winners and trophy collection will be provided via MyCricket email, MCC Facebook page and MCC Club Website when the Committee have had an opportunity to decide on an appropriate course of action. This is a hugely regrettable decision, but I believe the only responsible course of action given the current circumstances. At this time, Senior presentations will go ahead as planned on Friday 17 April until further notice. MCC PREMIERSHIP TEAMS 2019/20: Congratulations to the MCC T20Div1, 2nd XI, 3rd XI and U16Div1 premiership teams on taking out the title this season. On behalf of the MCC Committee, I wish to express my appreciation to the entire MCC community for their involvement in our club this season. Id like to specifically thank those that have volunteered their time to help with coaching, scoring, managing, mentoring, transporting, umpiring, canteen service, providing afternoon tea and supporting Kanga Cricket BBQ and our Cricket Blast programs. Volunteers make our club work, and without you our club cannot succeed, so thank-you. Best Regards David Loy President, MCC
20.01.2022 Senior Men’s Reminder Trainings have now returned to TUESDAY and THURSDAY evenings. 5.30pm-7pm.
20.01.2022 Marion CC Senior Presentations up in 15 minutes. Grab a beverage of your choice and settle in for 7 minutes of rapid-fire awards.
20.01.2022 Hi everyone, Our tireless secretary Rob is working on a deal that will see the club helmets able to be purchased with the MCC logo on it. This all depends on expression of interest though. These helmets will be available to both juniors and seniors. If you are interested, please either comment on this post or send a message to Rob so he knows how much demand there is for this. Once we know numbers, we will have more info on prices.
19.01.2022 A very big congratulations to Marions Under 16 Division 1 side, who won the Grand Final on Sunday and completed an undefeated season! Special acknowledgement to Ozzy Robertson and Josh Beckham with 4 wickets each, and Zac Campbell for guiding the tricky chase with 54*! Well done to all! Go Rams!
19.01.2022 Senior and Junior Presentation Awards CANCELLED At last night Board of Management meeting a decision was made to cancel the ATCA Senior and Junior Awards night.... This decision is based on the evolving COVID-19 public health threat. Clubs will not be invoiced for any tickets and the association will inform clubs next week of the award winners.
19.01.2022 To all the junior Rams out there who want something to do during the holidays, and to all the parents that may be looking for a break from the kids...
19.01.2022 Marion Senior Pre Season Training Indoor Sessions have finished. Thank You Gillespie Sports Centre. Training now resumes every Saturday Morning 9am- 10.30am at CLUB MARION. Bring both Spikes and Running shoes. Training will go ahead regardless of weather. 4 weeks until Rnd 1. Go Rams
18.01.2022 *CONGRATULATIONS* Huge congratulations to one of our own! Much loved team mate, run machine and club man Haard Shah has been named in the Under 15 State Squad for the upcoming Prince Alfred College invitational tournament. Haard has already scored two fifties, including one in the senior grades, for MCC this year and we are thrilled to see his talent has been recognised. A fantastic effort. Get around him MCC!
18.01.2022 Just a reminder of our season launch this Thursday. Tickets are still available, but need to be booked by tomorrow night. If you haven’t booked your ticket, make sure you book it now.
17.01.2022 Marion Senior Men’s 2 Day Teams Round 7.
17.01.2022 Senior Teams (All will be on MyCricket this evening) A1s@ Marion Oval 12.30pm start Report at 11am.... Stanborough Stanborough Henderson Amarasinghe McAllister Shah Rowe Emerson Scott Sellaweha Williams. B1s@ Fulham 12.30 Start. Report at 11.30am Irons Manual Bartlett B.Stewart R.Stewart Jenner Tapscott Hehir Gaunt Strachan Ortega B3s@ West Beach Playing Fields 12.30pm start. Report at 11.30am Curnow Ellis Valente Valente Harris Woodberry Bailey Streng Holdback T.Perera Starling C2s@Marion #2. Start time 12.30pm Report at 11.30. Harmer F.Ullah Tokely H.Shah Harding Supple Pearson Gill Abhilash Babu Edachalil Khakurel Kandel. Lo7s@ Waite Reserve. Start time 1pm. Report before 12.30pm Clarke(C) B.Stanborough T. Rowntree M.Powell K.Powell Underwood Wilden Jose Kerrison M.Rowntree LO3s@St Peters Playing Grounds(Wilson Oval) Start Time 1pm Report at 12.15pm Field Burdon Collidge Smith Garrick Wood N. Kathiravan L.Capper Giri Kaushik King All Players don’t forget to Bring own drink container and afternoon tea. Good Luck Go Rams
17.01.2022 Fast bowlers, are you looking for a way to improve your bowling moving forward? Sign up to the below event. Be quick though, as the session is limited to 8 bowlers only.
17.01.2022 Senior Team Selection If anyone is available to play some Limited Overs cricket, we are a couple short. It would be much appreciated. A1s vs Flinders Park. Start 12.30pm. Report at 11.30am... W.Stanborough Henderson Shah Williams B.Stewart Amarasinghe Sellaweha Rowe Scott Emerson McAllister B1s vs Reynella @Marion Oval. Report at Oval at 11am for Covers Irons Manuel R.Stewart Strachan Ortega Gaunt R.Stanborough Bartlett Jenner Tapscott Ebert B3s vs Glenunga @ Margaret Reserve Report at 11.30am Starling Curnow Harris Woodberry Bailey P.Valente L.Capper Perera Streng Hehir Ellis C2s vs Reynella @Woodcroft College Report at 11.30am Harmer Holdback Pearson Burdon Gill B.Capper Abhilash Babu Edachalil Nikil Kathiraven Harding Supple Tokely L07s vs Grange@Marion #2. Report before 12.30pm Clarke Derer B.Stanborough M.Powell K.Powell Underwood T.Rountree M.Rountree L.Supple Wilden L.Jose
17.01.2022 Season 2020/21 Updates Coaching update The Marion Cricket Club is proud to announce the additon of Gordon Carey to our coaching ranks for season 2020/21. Gordon brings a wealth of experience to the club, and he will be using this to help mentor our next batch of coaches and players. The club thanks Gordon for taking on this important role for 2020/21.... Preseason update Preseason will begin on Saturday August 15. Our initial sessions will be held indoors at Gillespie Sports (Cross Road), running between 8am and 9am. New players are encouraged to contact the club via Facebook. If you have any issues with not being able to attend training, please either contact us via Facebook or get in touch with Cricket Director Warrick Stanborough. At this stage, there should be no restrictions on numbers but please keep an eye out in case anything changes. If you have ANY symptoms of COVID-19, or have travelled to known hotspots, we ask that you stay away until you have had a test and this has come back negative. Keep an eye out for more updates as well closer to the beginning of the season proper.
17.01.2022 Just a reminder that our AGM is on tomorrow night, beginning at 7pm. If you wish to nominate for the committee, please email Club Secretary Rob Stewart.
17.01.2022 Congratulations
16.01.2022 As per SA Health advice, all cricket has been cancelled for the next two weeks. Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to getting back into it soon!
16.01.2022 Congratulations Pete Valente and Nathan Starling
15.01.2022 Thanks to club secretary Rob Stewart, player statistics have been updated to include the end of the 2019/20 cricket season. Follow the links to view these records: 2-day player statistics: 1-day player statistics: We will also be sharing, via Facebook and our official website, updated team records. These will include batting partnerships, leading run scorers per season and other various records that Rob has taken the time to collect. We will post once these are up and available to view.
15.01.2022 Attention to any junior players/parents looking to trial for Southern Districts for next season.
14.01.2022 Just a reminder that our Senior Presentation Evening is on Saturday night. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the end of the 2020/21 cricket season.
14.01.2022 Still 11 seats available for tomorrow night's season launch. Booking time extended until 12pm tomorrow.
13.01.2022 DEBUT Recently named SACA U/17 player, Marion U16 and Marion Div 1 T20 Leading Wicket Taker Austin Robertson makes his A1 debut for Marion Cricket Club@ Marion Oval tomorrow and will take on Victoria in January. Congratulations to Brayden McPherson U18s, Rupert Males and Ryan Scovell, both U/16 on their Marion B1 debuts. ... #FutureRamStars See more
13.01.2022 Thank you to Nick Mallia, Max Treloar and Ben Huckel for helping Rob and Erica with the Junior and Master Blast program tonight - with 40 participants, we really appreciated your help. Cheers Vikki and Dani for working the canteen. With Saturday morning cricket starting, volunteers will be needed to help!! ...
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Ryan Curnow, Kahl Emerson, Nathan Starling and David Henderson on their 15 years Service Award to ATCA
13.01.2022 Senior Womens Team The Marion Cricket Club is looking for players for our senior womens cricket team. Registration is now open for this team (follow this link to register) and is open to all females for the age of 12 and up. All abilities are more than welcome. This team will complement our current junior girls team, so any member of that team is welcome to register with the senior team as well. Games are played on a Sunday afternoon and are played in the T20 format. We need to finalise number by the middle of September, so we encourage all potential members to register as soon as possible. For all enquires, please contact Club Secretary Rob Stewart at [email protected]
13.01.2022 Hello Marion Cricket Club Following the COVID-19 enforced restrictions I am pleased to advise that the AGM for the Marion Cricket Club has tentatively been scheduled for Monday July 6th from 7pm at Club Marion. This booking is subject to further easing of the social distancing regulations currently in force. If the social distancing regulations are not further eased, alternative arrangements will be made and these will be communicated to you.... In accordance with our constitution, please forward all nominations for committee positions to me via email ( [email protected]). I look forward to seeing you there and to an even more successful season in 2020/21. Best regards Rob Stewart Secretary Marion Cricket Club
12.01.2022 Grand Final - U16s div 1 Marion CC vs Unley CC Unley 93 at innings break ... #gorams
12.01.2022 All the award winners across junior grades for the 2019/20 Marion CC season.
12.01.2022 Looking to clean up your bat for next season? Get in touch with AR Bat Repairs. Young Aussie is a young Ram, so youll be helping out one of our own. Aussie is also offering $10 off for any Ram that send their bat his way.
12.01.2022 Marion Cricket Club hosted SACA school holiday clinic for 50 participants with a guest appearance from Adelaide Striker player Annie O’Neill plus mascot Smash. Perfect weather for day 1 but certainly different temperature for day 2 . Looking forward to the season break
12.01.2022 Hi all, Due to weather, the under 12s game scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. See you all at training next week!
10.01.2022 Attention parents of junior players. Hopefully by now you have all received an email that is full of information about the upcoming junior season. The attached photo has junior training schedule for this season. Please note the slightly different schedule this week, with the standard schedule beginning on October 5 (the October Public Holiday). We are still on the lookout for volunteers to coach, team manager, score or (very importantly) be a Covid Marshal, so if you can fill any of these roles, please get in contact with Club Secretary Rob Stewart, Junior Coordinator Josh Harmer or flick us a message on Facebook. We only have 3 weeks until games begin, so the sooner we fill all these roles, the smoother things will happen.
09.01.2022 Hello all. In response to the challenges of COVID-19, it is timely to remind everyone associated with the Marion Cricket Club of the importance of remaining alert to developing symptoms of any respiratory illness that may affect you and/or your team-mates, families and supporters. Please remember:... If you are feeling unwell, stay away from the club until you are fit to return. Frequent hand-washing and cough etiquette is the best way to minimise the spread of any contagious illness. Where possible, avoid contact with people. If you are competing in finals matches in the coming weeks, you are encouraged to bring your own personal drink containers that can be filled from club-provided drink containers. The club will also provide hand-wash for home teams and disposable cups for all finals teams. JUNIOR PRESENTATIONS: At this stage, junior presentations will go ahead as planned at 10am on Sunday March 22nd in the outdoor courtyard area adjacent to the canteen. There will be no food provided at this event, however canteen beverages will be available for purchase. Please note that it may be necessary to cancel junior presentations at the last minute. We will advise via MyCricket email, Facebook and the MCC Website if the Committee decide to take this course of action. MORE INFORMATION: It is important to ensure you are relying on up-to-date and credible information. We recommend the following websites: Australian Government Department of Health SA Health World Health Organization Alternatively, you can contact the Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080. David Loy President, MCC.
09.01.2022 ATCA C GRADE SEMI FINALS FIXTURES C1 Marion Rams Cricket Club vs Hope Valley Cricket Club @ Marion #2 Golden Grove Cricket Club vs Fulham Cricket Club @ Field C2 Adelaide University Cricket Club vs Marion Rams Cricket Club @ TBC Port District Footballers Cricket Club vs Payneham Dukes Cricket Club @ Largs Reserve
09.01.2022 Tonight is the Final Training before Round 1. New, Past and Present players, if you are intending on Playing or Not playing this season, please notify Warrick by no later then this evening. Go Rams
08.01.2022 Thursday night, our MCC girls had a great time with a Q and A with Australian players Tahlia McGrath and Megan Schutt prior to their series against New Zealand. Thank you SACA and Cricket Australia for this amazing opportunity, as Megan and Tahlia are welcome to Marion anytime!!
08.01.2022 Bowling Masterclass: One Day Skills for Fast Bowlers Learn how to: Bowl Yorkers Bowl Multiple Slower balls ... Bowl in the powerplay Plan your fields Minimise boundaries Execute under pressure Only 8 places for my latest fast bowling masterclass this Friday at Bice Oval. Book your place at
08.01.2022 If you missed the first round of orders for new club merchandise, never fear. The shop has reopened and you can again order merchandise. Head over to to order your new stuff. This merchandise is due to be delivered between round 1 and 2, so you will still have it for almost all of the season.
08.01.2022 Hi Marion Cricket Club Due to unforeseen circumstances the scheduled AGM has been delayed. The AGM will now be held on Monday the 13th of July from 7pm at Club Marion. ... As a reminder, if you are looking to give something back to your club and are willing to become a member of the committee, please send me your nomination via email. I hope to see you there. Regards Rob Stewart Secretary Marion Cricket Club
08.01.2022 Great win to the Div 1 team today v Unley. Batting first, we made 9/74 (Nicholas Mallia 25, Warrick Stanborough 21 n.o). In a thrilling innings, we were able to bowl Unley out for 71 (Sean Williams 3/13, Tim Stewart 3/25, div 1 debutant Austin Robertson, pictured with captain Warrick Stanborough and all round good guy Charlie Shah, with a brilliant 3/7 off his full allotment). Great start to our title defence. Unfortunately, the div 2 team went down in their early match v Unl...ey. Bowling first, we restricted Unley to 4/108. We were rolled for 96 (Craig Bartlett 23, Jimbo Hehir 21). Next T20 games are on Saturday October 24, with regular season games beginning next Saturday (October 17).
08.01.2022 ATCA B GRADE SEMI FINALS FIXTURES B1 Prince Alfred Old Collegians Cricket Club vs Brighton Cricket Club @ TBC Trinity Old Scholars Cricket Club vs Grange Dolp...hins Cricket Club @ Waldeck Oval B2 Marion Rams Cricket Club vs Brahma Lodge Cricket Club @ Marion #1 Unley Cricket Club - The Gunners vs Adelaide University Cricket Club @ Kingswood Oval B3 Woodville South Cricket Club vs Adelaide Lions Cricket Club - ALCC @ Ledger Reserve Mawson Lakes Cricket Club vs Ingle Farm District Cricket Club @ Mawson Lakes Oval
07.01.2022 Remember to book your tickets by tomorrow night.
07.01.2022 Senior Division 2 T20 @Cabra Dominican Oval East. 1pm Start. Report before 12.30pm Bartlett Smith... Field L.Capper Perera Harris Tokely F.Ullah B.Stewart Hehir Harmer Go Rams
06.01.2022 Senior Teams. REMINDER 12.30pm start time. Report at 11.30am. Go Rams
06.01.2022 Get excited folks! Cricket returns this week, with training's resuming from tonight! Please stay in contact with your coaches regarding availability, and keep supporting our volunteers as we continue to manage teams and COVID-19 restrictions. Senior training resumes tomorrow evening. Go Rams!
06.01.2022 To All 2019/20 MCC players and new players, On behalf of the Marion Cricket Club, I hope you have all had a safe off-season as we continue to navigate through a tumultuous year. I am writing to advise that online registration for the upcoming 2020/21 season is now open at Currently, the season is expected to proceed on schedule, with the first junior matches to be held on Sunday the 18th of October for the boys teams ...and Friday the 23rd of October for the girls teams. The MCC Committee will work diligently to ensure that trainings and matches abide to the health guidelines of the State Government, and we encourage you to register as soon as possible to help with organisation of this years teams. I encourage you to read the disclaimer at the conclusion of the registration process carefully. Any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself as Junior Coordinator at [email protected]. If you are a new player to Marion that has played at another club previously, please contact Rob Stewart via email prior to completing the online registration. Looking forward to a season of cricket!
05.01.2022 Junior Cricket Registration Update Hello everyone Thank you to those who have registered for the upcoming season.... For those that are yet to register, please log in and complete your registration as time is running out. Team nominations are due on 7 September, so registrations need to be completed prior to this date in order for us to nominate teams. Any registrations completed after this date may not be guaranteed a place in a team. To complete your registration please head to: and select the Junior Boys option. We strongly encourage you to log in and complete your registrations as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact either Club Secretary Rob Stewart ([email protected]) or Junior Coordinator Josh Harmer ([email protected]) if you have any questions or issues. We look forward to seeing you all again when pre-season training gets underway.
05.01.2022 Following yesterday's government announcement regarding COVID19 restrictions, ATCA has formally cancelled all games and training sessions for the next 14 days. In accordance with this, all training sessions at the Marion Cricket Club are also cancelled for the next 14 days. The cancellation includes all Senior and Junior training sessions including the Woolworths Cricket Blast programs. ... Please refer to the SA Heath website for the latest COVID19 updates and alerts including cluster locations and please ensure that you isolate and get tested if you are displaying any symptoms - especially if you have been in any of the identified locations during the last week. We will continue to communicate via MyCricket email and SMS as well as the MCC website and Facebook social media pages as the situation progresses, and will return to training as soon as is practical. Dave Loy President, Marion Cricket Club
05.01.2022 Welcome to the presentation of the Marion CC Junior award winners for the 2019/20 season. A special added congratulations to the U16 Div. 1 premiers. Enjoy.
04.01.2022 Marion CC Senior Pre Season Remaining Indoor Training Dates 8am-9am Sat 29/8/20 Sat 5/9/20... Sat 12/9/20. Keep an Eye out for any changes. All Past, Present and New players welcome to attend. Any questions, contact the Club via FB page. Go Rams
04.01.2022 The online shop is again open ( This round of orders will be open until Sunday October 11, with delivery expected around mid-November. Jump online and grab yourself some new Marion apparel. A reminder that we have Marion playing pants this year, so if you would like to look really professional, grab yourself a set of these. If you ordered in during the first campaign of orders, these should be arriving in early October (in time for round 1). Second campaign orders should arrive just after round 1.
04.01.2022 Hi everyone, just a couple of announcements. 1. Online Shop now open The online shop is now open. Follow this link ( to access it. We have added playing pants to our range this year, so check them out on the page. To ensure you receive your merchandise prior to Round 1, you will need to have your order in by Monday August 31. Future orders will be made, but if you want/need your stuff by round 1, get it done by 31. 2. Registration/Subs Registration is open for all players (follow this link to access the registration page Please make sure you register as soon as possible. If you are a new player to the club, please contact Rob Stewart before hand so he can work his administration magic. It would be appreciated if players could also pay their subs (or work out a payment plan) before the season. The club has a number of expenses that pop up before the start of the season, and having subs paid makes this much easier. 3. Junior Coaches and training Just a reminder that the club is on the lookout of for junior coaches. If you are interested in coaching a junior team, please get in contact with junior co-ordinator Josh Harmer. It would be great for these positions to be filled before the season start. Also keep an eye out for training details for the juniors. 4. Senior Training Numbers have been really good for senior training so far. We have completed two sessions and have 3 more booked in at Gillespie Sport over the coming weeks. If you cannot make training, remember to get in contact with Coaching Director Warrick Stanborough to let him know. Keep an eye out for details regarding outdoor training as we move into September and the (hopefully) nicer weather. We also have a number of events in the pipeworks early in the season (assuming South Australia retains low/minimal COVID numbers) so please keep an eye out for those as well.
04.01.2022 A very big congratulations to Marion's Under 16 Division 1 side, who won the Grand Final on Sunday and completed an undefeated season! Special acknowledgement to Ozzy Robertson and Josh Beckham with 4 wickets each, and Zac Campbell for guiding the tricky chase with 54*! Well done to all! Go Rams!
02.01.2022 Round 3 Senior Cricket A1s v PAOC@ Marion Oval. Starts at 1pm Report 12pm... Stanborough McAllister Rowe Emerson Williams Henderson Scott B.Stewart Shah Sellaweha Amarasinghe B1s v PAOC@ Park 9. Start 1pm Report 12pm Irons R.Stanborough Tapscott Manuel Bartlett Strachan Martin Gaunt Jenner R.Stewart Ebert B3s vs Payneham @ Payneham Oval. Start 1pm. Report 12pm. Curnow Starling Valente Woodberry Bailey Ellis L.Capper Perera Harris Hehir Ortega C2s vs PAOC @Marion2. Start 1pm. Report 12pm Harmer Forsyth Harding Ullah McPherson Pearson Jose Kerrisen Tokely Streng B.Capper L03s vs Flinders Uni @ Flinders Uni. Start time 1pm. Field Smith Wood Garrick Sapkota Holdback N.Gill Abhilash Babu Edachalil College Davey Mike LO7s vs Gepps Cross @ Duncan Fraser Reserve. Start time 1pm. Clarke B.Stanborough Wilden Powell Rountree Rountree H.Supple Underwood Issac Nikil Kathiravan Derer Good Luck Rams
02.01.2022 ATCA 'C' GRADE SEMI FINALS FIXTURES C1 Marion Rams Cricket Club vs Hope Valley Cricket Club @ Marion #2 Golden Grove Cricket Club vs Fulham Cricket Club @ Field C2 Adelaide University Cricket Club vs Marion Rams Cricket Club @ TBC Port District Footballers Cricket Club vs Payneham Dukes Cricket Club @ Largs Reserve
02.01.2022 Our Division 1 T20 team tomorrow begins its defence of the title it won last season. We are partaking in a grand final rematch with Unley, and due to this, ATCA has decided to livestream the match. If you cannot make the game tomorrow, follow this link to watch the match on your computer/tablet/phone ( The livestream will begin at approximately 3pm. If you can make the game, it is a Kingswood Oval Our Division 2 team is also playing Unley tomorrow at Kingswood Oval, beginning at 12pm, so if you can get down to support both teams in this double header, that would be great. If not, jump online at 3pm to watch the Division 1 team.
01.01.2022 Senior Women’s Team The Marion Cricket Club is looking for players for our senior women’s cricket team. Registration is now open for this team (follow this link to register) and is open to all females for the age of 12 and up. All abilities are more than welcome. This team will complement our current junior girls’ team, so any member of that team is welcome to register with the senior team as well. Games are played on a Sunday afternoon and are played in the T20 format. We need to finalise number by the middle of September, so we encourage all potential members to register as soon as possible. For all enquires, please contact Club Secretary Rob Stewart at [email protected]
01.01.2022 MCC Seeking Senior Playing Coach for 2020/21 Please see attached document for all relevant information.
01.01.2022 Please be advised that Girls and U12 trainings have been cancelled tonight due to weather.
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