Marion Church of Christ in Mitchell Park, South Australia, Australia | Church of Christ
Marion Church of Christ
Locality: Mitchell Park, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8277 7388
Address: Cnr Marion Rd & Alawoona Ave 5043 Mitchell Park, SA, Australia
Likes: 331
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25.01.2022 Did you miss our Sunday services? You can now connect in through the week with our You Tube Channel anytime of the day or night. This weeks sermon from Senior Pastor Bill Tyrie conitnued in the series Navigating Life in a Troubled Word - Press On Signpost Philippians 3:12-13...
25.01.2022 Spring Photos - wed love you to share your photos of Spring. Adelaide in Spring - or maybe if you live somewhere else in the world. #marionchurchofchrist #spring
24.01.2022 Join us right now. Its not too late. Live 6pm service at Marion Church of Christ.
24.01.2022 Join us each day as we Countdown to Christmas Day.
24.01.2022 Getting ready ... Tune in ... Live ... Navigating Life in a Troubled World at 10am (plus again at 6pm)...
24.01.2022 Our next prayer night is on Wednesday 18 November. Contact the church office to get the ZOOM link closer to the day.
24.01.2022 Bills back on Sunday with the next signpost in the sermon series Navigating Life in a Troubled World so tune in wherever you are at 10am & 6pm.
23.01.2022 So cute - are your pets waiting to sign in and worship with you on Sunday. Please join us as we continue in our Fruits of Wisdom series, sing along to the worship songs from home (which ones might be on the MCC CD - I wonder? - which by the way is out SOON - so preorder your copies) Here's the link - Sunday 10am - see you there!... See more
23.01.2022 Tuesday 1 December is GivingTuesday a global day of giving. We'll unite for a worldwide celebration of generosity. People around the globe will come together in unity and showing kindness and generosity in all its forms by giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support communities and causes. We encourage you to please give to the MarionLIFE Community Services Christmas Hamper Appeal. #GivingTuesdayAUS ... MarionLIFE Community Services Inc GiveNow Side Gate Cafe Good Gear Op Shop See more
23.01.2022 Fathers day is this Sunday - its a day to remember, to reflect, to give thanks to those men in our lives who have made and continue to make positive moments in our lives. Numbers 6:24-26 24 May the Lord bless you and keep you.... 25 May the Lord smile down on you and show you his kindness. 26 May the Lord answer your prayers and give you peace. Please join us online or onsite on Sunday at 10am and 6pm Here is the link for our online services:
22.01.2022 We are up and running thanks to Aaron. We appreciate all you have done to get online church happening. Paste in your browser:
22.01.2022 Join us online or in person @ Marion Church of Christ 6pm tonight!
21.01.2022 Element Youth is the MCC youth group welcoming year 7 to 12 students. Friday Nights @ 7:00 P M Pick up is still 8:45-8:55 PM ... Location: Marion Church of Christ Cost: $4 Vision Investing in youth through community outreach and spiritual growth. Mission Through encouraging and valuing youth, we are equipping and guiding the next generation to grow spiritually and in community through teaching and modelling Christ.
21.01.2022 Connect in for our Online Services this Sunday 16 August 10am & 6pm. Click on the link below at 9.55am and 5.55pm for the Countdown to the service going live.
21.01.2022 Come along this Saturday to Good Gear - your local Op Shop from 9.30am to 1.30pm. There are lots of bargains on the racks and shelves. Youll be glad you popped in!
20.01.2022 Element Youth are hanigng out at Good Gear - Op Shop Extraordinaire - this Friday 7 May 7pm. Will be a fun night. See you there! Invite your friends.
20.01.2022 Connect in this Sunday with Marion Church of Christ services 10am & 6pm.
20.01.2022 Were about to start. Join us online you tube Marion Church of Christ LIVE
20.01.2022 We are connecting online again on Sunday at 10am. It was wonderful to say "HELLO" on the chat panel last Sunday - Everyone's Welcome - See you there!
20.01.2022 2 days till were back for on-site/online services. Connect in with us as we worship our loving God.
20.01.2022 Its a very exciting morning We are back for church onsite AND church online at 10am. Click on this link to connect in:
19.01.2022 Did you know it is National Dog Day today? Do you have a pet dog? Wed love you to post a special picture of your dog or pet on this post. We are so thankful to God for our pets, the joy and love they give unconditionally.
19.01.2022 Tiger Woods, Karrie Webb, Greg Norman....and You! Join the list of all time golfing greats by competing in the Element Youth Invitational Indoor Mini-Golf Classic! This week we will be competing in an ultra-fun, ultra-goofy indoor mini-golf session at the church. This year's all new designed 9 holes are sure to challenge even the greatest golfers. And at the end the winner will be able to don the fabled denim jacket and claim top prize! So please come dressed in your best attire (or not) and be ready for a night of sensational fun! When? Friday 7pm - 9pm What? Indoor Mini Golf Where? Marion Church of Christ Who? You and your friends! See you Friday!
18.01.2022 Spring is finally here - the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the air is refreshing. A great time to COME and SEE - our Sunday services at 10am and 6pm - either online at Marion Church of Christ You Tube Channel or onsite with RSVPs to [email protected] or on our APP download Church Central Australia
18.01.2022 This is a great course to connect in with and participate - register with MarionLIFE and start on Tuesday 15th September.
17.01.2022 Monday 3 August is the reopening date for EAT-IN Meals at Side Gate Cafe from 9.30am - 1.30pm, plus Wednesdays and Thursdays. Love to see you there.
17.01.2022 Connect in with MarionLIFE Community Services Christmas Hamper Appeal - reaching out and connecting with our local community.
17.01.2022 Check out Navigating Life in a Troubled World - Peace Signpost, the latest from our sermons section.
16.01.2022 If you missed our Sunday services, you dont need to miss out! Jump onto You Tube Marion Church of Christ and catch up on the lastest services.
16.01.2022 We are onsite for worship (no singing at this stage) Come and say hello - it’ll be great to see you. Just rsvp in the comment area. If you are watching online we’re live 10am on YouTube.
15.01.2022 If you missed today’s service online - check out YouTube channel later in the day to view. Thanks to everyone involved in getting this service online, for your work through the week with the many challenges. Praise God!
15.01.2022 Come to check out the HUGE bargains at Good Gear - please share and let you friends know to follow GOOD GEARs Facebook page - it will be great to let people know about this fantastic volunteer run OP Shop to our community and beyond.
13.01.2022 Thank you God for leading and guiding our amazing team of Pastors here at MCC. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 The Message The Way He Wants You to Live 12-13 And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!
13.01.2022 At our 6pm service onsite, Pastor Bill is speaking the Word on the series Fruit of Wisdom - in our ways. Proverbs 4:26 be careful what you do, always do what is right.
12.01.2022 Open today theres a seat for you
12.01.2022 This Wednesday 19 May 7.30pm we gather again onsite for prayer with your church family. Matthew 18:19-20 Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Everyone is welcome!
12.01.2022 What a blessing to our most frail and vulnerable our Aged Care workers are. Thank you so much for your care and dedication.
11.01.2022 Kids@Marion - Join us on Sunday for A New Beginning (Noah’s ark, from Genesis 6-9) all Lighthousers Fun . Friendship . Faith
11.01.2022 Carols at Home - streaming "LIVE' to you in your homes on Saturday 12 December 7.30pm on our Youtube channel Everyone's welcome - Share and invite everyone you know across Australia and the WORLD to connect in to a great night of Christmas Carols.
11.01.2022 Countdown 25mins. Join us onsite or online. Connect with one another.
10.01.2022 Next Wednesday we gather again onsite for prayer, inviting the presence and power of the Holy Spirit as we pray to our loving God for our church, community, country and individually.
10.01.2022 Yes we’re back online this Sunday 10am. Connect in the Chat area and say Hello HTTPS://
10.01.2022 Countdown to Christmas with us as we anticipate and reflect on the birth of Jesus over these next 25 days.
08.01.2022 Element Youth - Let's return in style by having a MOVIE NIGHT. Feel free to BYO bean bag. This Friday 7pm. Pickup 8.55pm. Location Marion Church of Christ. Cost $4
08.01.2022 All families and kids - this Sunday is Mother's Day and we’ll celebrate the women in our lives who are special and significant. Kids@marion will be doing some craft and also enjoying learning more from the Bible as part of our new series "Jesus The Storybook Bible". This week's verse is"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 Sunday 9 May 10am Marion Church of Christ All kids welcome.
08.01.2022 We are thrilled to have this display at Side Gate Cafe - it is wonderful to see the artwork and stories of these inspiring women from the Women Together Group MarionLIFE Community Services Inc. Come along to enjoy a barista coffee as you look around the display Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.30am - 1.00pm.
08.01.2022 Pondering something ... Join us online Sunday 10am and 6pm live on YouTube Marion Church of Christ Or join us onsite
07.01.2022 Roy Lessin quote as we reflect on Fathers Day
07.01.2022 Everyone's welcome and invited to join us for our first service of the New Year. Sunday 3 January 10am only (onsite and online) - come and celebrate the new year with us and hear the new sermon series - Our souls need ...
06.01.2022 Heres a way to connect as a local community - Mitchell Park - Big Dish Up Cooking Course. Just a phone call away to reserve your spot. Lots of fun, learning and yummy cooking. #marionlife #marionchurchofchrist
06.01.2022 We can sing in church again - so see you Sunday to make some joyful noises! [Given that our COVID safe protocols continue to meet guidelines, we distance seats 1.5m , there is no physical contact eg hugging and shaking of hands and we clean everything - we can return to singing as of this Sunday]
06.01.2022 One day - thats tomorrow. Sunday 2nd August 10am & 6pm Join us online or on-site. Marion Church of Christ
06.01.2022 Its been 19 weeks since we met in person and now were blessed to gather online and onsite. Click link to connect online 10am
06.01.2022 If you didn't get to our Mother's Day services, we encourage you to catchup on our 10am service on the MCC Youtube Channel Follow the series, A restored soul in psalms, Ruth investigates the 'Cling' Principle. Readings: Psalm 63:8 and Matthew 15:21-28
05.01.2022 If you missed our online service this week - connect in with The Marion Church of Christ You Tube Channel
05.01.2022 3 days until we open onsite Sun 2 August 10am & 6pm Marion Church of Christ
05.01.2022 The New Year is nearly upon us.
05.01.2022 We are nearly ready to go online for todays 10am service. Please join with us to praise our all powerful, amazing Heavenly Father.
04.01.2022 Hey all Youth and Young Adults - we have a 3 day event coming up in January "KICK START" from January 20 to 22. Register your interest and join the fun!
03.01.2022 Like and Follow MarionLIFE so you can be a part of MarionLIFE month in June.
03.01.2022 Christmas eve at Marion Church of Christ Connect in with us onsite or online 7pm tonight. 7pm24th December Family Christmas Eve Service Join us onsite for a special event that is family friendly and something for everyone!... 11pm24th December Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Reflective and peaceful service to take time out from the busy-ness and remember the Reason for the Season. 9am 25th December Christmas Day Service A great way to start your festivities, celebrating the birth of Jesus with us.
03.01.2022 Come along to our services on Mother's Day - a time to say thanks, to reflect, to spend with one another. Sunday 9 May 10am and 6pm Marion Church of Christ Corner of Alawoona Ave and Marion Road, Mitchell Park
03.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone. 9am 25th December Christmas Day Service Please join us today to start your festivities, celebrating the birth of Jesus with us. Luke 2:11... 11 The Savioryes, the Messiah, the Lordhas been born tonight in Bethlehem! See more
03.01.2022 We're stating the obvious - it's going to be a hot day! Keep cool. Drink water. Stay inside. Look out for one other by making a phone call. Side Gate Cafe Good Gear Op Shop ... @marionlifecommunityservices See more
03.01.2022 This week is #WomensHealthWeek (7-11 September 2020) It is a great reminder for women to take a moment and think about the ways we can improve our healthcare. ...Check in with the important women in your life, and encourage them to make that appointment they may be avoiding. Jean Hailes for Womens Health and Diabetes Australia are providing some useful resources throughout the week!
03.01.2022 Heavenly Father thank you for the wonderful ways you have used our volunteers across the many and varied areas of our church and community from MarionLIFE Community Services to Side Gate Cafe and Good Gear bringing services, conversation, joy and faith to our community. Side Gate Cafe Good Gear Op Shop @marionlifecommunityservices
02.01.2022 Pop this date in your diary. Wed 19 May 7.30pm. Prayer Night - everyone's welcome. Come to pray, reflect, connect, learn - no matter where you are on your walk as a Christian - we invite you to join with us in prayer.
02.01.2022 Comfort is such a powerful word - compassion, consolation, encouragement, happiness and joy. Connect in with Pastor Sonya's sermon last Sunday as she explores the Word on Comfort in the series: A Restored Soul in Psalms.
02.01.2022 Home cooked meals - just the way you like them. Available in Take-away or Dine-in. Always with a smile. Great value prices. Youll be glad you dropped in at Side Gate Cafe.
01.01.2022 If you missed today’s 10am service, then catch us onsite at 6pm tonight or through the week on YouTube to revisit the 10am service. It was an awesome day of worship
01.01.2022 Happy New Year from Marion Church of Christ
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