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Marjorie Mann Lawley Day Care Centre in Perth, Western Australia | Nursery

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Marjorie Mann Lawley Day Care Centre

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9370 5554

Address: 30 Clifton cresent Mount Lawley 6050 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 A social distance visit from Miss Joanne brought some smiles to the centre today

25.01.2022 UPDATE As of today we will be taking everyones temperature on arrival. Anyone with a temperature over 37.5C will have to be absent from the centre. These may seem extreme measures but it is to keep everyone safe.... We thank everyone for their understanding standing and continued support during these uncertain times.

24.01.2022 These tips and resources lists are amazing! We had to share with our families, as we know they are a great way for building a future with respectful relationships for all we cant wait to get our hands on some of the books listed above.

24.01.2022 Marjorie Mann age 92 Founder of Marjorie Mann Lawley Daycare Michael Mann son of Marjorie donated this lovely photo. We will be hanging her pride of place in the foyer in the next few weeks

23.01.2022 Wishing all our families a happy and safe Easter. Love all the staff at Marjorie Mann

23.01.2022 For those stuck at home at the moment, here is an activity for you to explore at home with your children if you wish, its a great way to practice listening skills and then do some creative thinking together. We are even going to explore it here.

22.01.2022 Our children have been showing a great interest in the arts recently so as a centre we have decided to introduce an art programme for the children which will be lead by Petrina who has a background in creative arts. As our Atelierista Petrina will work with the children’s interests to strengthen their relationships with the different techniques of art, honor memories and record their experiences. Over time the children will be introduced to the many languages of art and using and vast range of materials to express their thoughts and ideas. It is our belief that children will be encouraged to develop their creativity through developmentally appropriate art experiences.

22.01.2022 With the Corona Virus inevitably becoming locally transmitted Marjorie Mann has released their action plan. See the office for more information Lets work together to keep the spread to a minimum and keep our community safe

21.01.2022 The past few months, we've been reviewing our Centre policies in our Staff Meetings and had an opportunity to discuss our policy and practices around sleep. This year, we have been exploring outdoor sleeping both in our Kindy Room in the summertime and over the past few months, in our Babies Room. For several children who co-sleep with their families at home, we were finding that sleeping in a cot room was not working for them. The team was eager to find a way to support them... to sleep at the Centre, understanding that security for these children meant being close to people that they trust. After critical reflection and partnering with families, the Babies Room has incorporated outdoor sleeping as a solution to this challenge and truly reaped the benefits. When children were offered a bed in play space where they could still hear the voices of educators and children, we've noticed that they slept longer, more deeply and woke feeling settled and ready to return to their play. We continue to follow our policies around safe sleeping in our outdoor spaces and celebrate how honouring family practices at Marjorie Mann is helping children and their families to feel secure, respected and supported. See more

21.01.2022 On this #ANZACDay we come together to thank all our service men and women for their sacrifice and service. We can’t physically come together, but can of course still help commemorate our fallen soldiers from the safety of our own driveways as we did last year. We would love to see your photos of your Light Up The Dawn #lestweforget

21.01.2022 Its been a very different year. Educators Day is the perfect time to show your appreciation for your childs Educators

21.01.2022 As Australia celebrates World Teacher’s Day today, Marjorie Mann would like to recognise the teachers within our team who work hard to support the learning of the children in our Centre- many thanks to Sham, Maranda and Caroline! We would also like to celebrate and thank the family members of the children in our service who are teachers, supporting learning in our community. We appreciate the important work that you do every day.

21.01.2022 Spreading some cheer to our community We Are All In This Together

20.01.2022 Our Philosophy is under review for the month of July.We would love to hear your thoughts ............ What makes Marjorie Mann Special to you and your family?

20.01.2022 The team are building their understanding of Aboriginal culture and on Saturday had a lovely tour in kings with Kerry-Anne

19.01.2022 Play is the highest form of research- Albert Einstein

19.01.2022 Dear families, With our days warming up the U.V is getting higher again please ensure you pack a sun safe hat for your child/children daily. But also remember on the rainy days we love to explore the weather so gumboots, rain jackets or an umbrella too. Also lots of spare clothing for moments like our fun in the weather and with pouring our own drinks and just having some fun in water play, but also for toileting accidents too. ... Remember to pack your wet bags daily to help with our sustainability goal of not using plastic bags. If your cleaning out your child/childrens wardrobes keep us in mind we are running very low on spare clothing too.

18.01.2022 Email correspondence has been sent to all families for clarification.

18.01.2022 What you need to know

17.01.2022 Our team researching and reflecting on cultural competency collaboratively, with the global call for respectful relationships that is occurring in our world right now. We believe we can help achieve the call for respectful relationships through education, educating ourselves, the families and the children at Marjorie Mann We would love to hear about our families cultures so we can build our knowledge, so if you have time please see your childs educators or send us an email

17.01.2022 Great work from the kids at Marjorie Mann Lawley Day Care Centre who heard about our struggling farmers and wanted to help. How good does everyone look in their farm gear To read more about their efforts -

15.01.2022 The kindy children extended on their STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) experiences today with some loose parts. They worked in groups and individually to create a car/ skateboard Science: The process of finding out about the world and how it works by exploring, gathering data, looking for relationships and patterns, and generating explanations and ideas using evidence. Technology: The tools that have been designed to meet human needs such as balance sca...les to compare weights, lenses to look closely at living things, and digital tools like computers and tablets. Engineering: The process of designing tools, systems, and structures that help humans meet their needs or solve problems. Mathematics: The study of quantities (how many or how much), structures (shapes), space (angles and distances), and change.

15.01.2022 To follow on with the children’s interest in sustainability our children had a visit from Faerie Cara from Eco Faeries She discussed with the children Australian wildlife, litter, recycling, reducing plastic, composting waste and to love nature . Then together they planted some pea seeds for the children to take home to look after... We are grateful to the City of Stirling who supplied this incursion for our children as they could see how interested they are in sustainability.

15.01.2022 Check out Yagan square for some great school holiday workshops, a great way to connect to our First Nations People and learn more about their culture

13.01.2022 Educational TV, we love it

13.01.2022 YOUR FEEDBACK IS HIGHLY VALUABLE As you are aware we are seeking feedback to help with our reflections towards continual improvement To gain an understanding of how our children feel when their educators respond to childrens ideas educator Jenna took to the floor to question our children ... Educator: How do you feel when your educators listen to you? Leo Rodino: Happy Leo was enjoying a painting activity so Jenna asked if he could paint a picture of what he feels when his educators listen to him.

13.01.2022 Marjorie Mann is joining in with the community and Australia with adding a bear out the front. As the children here love the story were going on a bear hunt we thought we had to participate. If your not already maybe you could join in, by placing a bear in your front window for children when in isolation going on a walk can turn it into a game of going on their own bear hunt it might bring some smiles in a difficult time

12.01.2022 With the corona virus spreading We remind you to keep up with healthy hygiene habits.

12.01.2022 May 2nd to May 8th marked Compost Week, a great opportunity for us to reflect on our sustainability journey, led by our Sustainability Officer, Ully. On Thursday, we celebrated with an incursion, welcoming Kim of Sustainability Assets Management (SAM) and his son Rowan to the Kindy Yard to help us set up our own composting bin and help us learn more about how our worm farm works. This learning journey has all stemmed from the children's ongoing interest in rubbish over the p...ast year and has evolved into an ongoing project learning about recycling, sorting, gardening, waste and what we can do with it. With composting and worm farming in particular, Ully noted that the process of recycling food waste is one that children can actively participate in, participating in all steps in the process from start to finish through hands-on learning experiences. We see so much meaningful learning embedded in this process and are thrilled to see children exploring their relationship to nature and how they can care for Country.

12.01.2022 I bet we have excited children and parents about this news

10.01.2022 Some great news for all our children

09.01.2022 Free parenting webinar, we have been loving webinars at Marjorie Mann since covid has kept us indoors.

08.01.2022 Continuing with our philosophy review today we spent some time with the children to hear their voice

08.01.2022 This is an extremely important message to keep our educators safe If you are feeling unwell with ANY symptoms of a cold or flu - STAY HOME. That means:... If you are unwell, dont go to work. If your child/ren are unwell, dont go to daycare or school If you or children/ren are unwell, dont go to the shops. If you or child/ren are unwell, only leave the house if you need to seek medical attention. If you are unwell, wait until you are feeling 100% before going back to work or daycare or school Theres every chance that it will just be a cold - but dont take the risk. Stay. Home. Thank you from us all at Marjorie Mann working together we will survive

08.01.2022 NAIDOC week 8-15 November gives us the opportunity to celebrate the history, culture & achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This years theme is Always Was, Always Will Be

07.01.2022 We want to wish all our Mothers a very happy Mothers Day. We hope that you enjoy your special day and the presents sent home for you this week. We read some stories around mothers this week and reflected on our own mothers, some of the things we said from the kindy 2 room: -mummy is funny -my mum cooks at my house... -she knows a lot about dinosaurs -she gives me cuddles when Im sad and when she goes to the shop she gets me chocolate cookies and I like it - my mummy gives me food -she likes to play with me -mumma got me a chocolate bilby, mum jumps on me with a tiger and giraffe -Im making something for Mothers Day, my mums not allowed to know -my mum makes me chocolate milk and toast. See more

07.01.2022 With the weather becoming cooler by the day and days becoming shorter We thought it would be a good time to look at some benefits of outdoor play in the winter: Colder weather brings lots of different and fresh challenges for kids and offers new ways of learning outdoors. Children are encouraged to assess risks such as slippery surfaces caused by the rain ; they can then adapt their play to ensure safety. It also helps children to acquire new problem-solving skills and prom...otes cognitive thinking. And lets not forget its fun!! What other benefits do you think there are to outdoor play?

07.01.2022 More great educational TV, we are loving how these shows are using their platform to address these global issues.

06.01.2022 Today we have been privileged to welcome Rita Murphy who is a founder of our beautiful centre. Rita was delighted to see the centre is still thriving and all the happy children brought her such joy.

05.01.2022 We are reviewing our Reconciliation Action Plan and would love your feedback

05.01.2022 Have you seen our new Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) display? We would love your input. A Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a document that identifies the services goals for quality improvement and notes some strategies for achieving those goals. ... It also highlights the services strengths

05.01.2022 Families we are sharing this valuable story time link from Koori curriculum, story time is Mondays but you can review it anytime on their Facebook page and look out for Wednesday where Jessica will do show and tell with Aboriginal Artefacts Introducing "Story time with Jess"! A new segment where Jess sits down and reads through one of her favourite stories from the Koori Curriculum store. In preparation for ANZAC Day, this week, we listen to Alfreds War. Follow along with the video below and find this title at

04.01.2022 A good guide we thought we should share with our families who are about to start toileting or who are in the process.

01.01.2022 Happy Friday Everyone

01.01.2022 Marjorie Mann is a community where our children’s education is at the centre of everything we do. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy we believe it takes a village to raise our children,which is why everyone is involved in the children’s learning including our Food Coordinator. Here we can see Veronique with the children collecting herbs from our garden which will then be added into our delicious and healthy lunch.

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