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25.01.2022 RADIO 2SM WORTH LISTENING TO Please tune in 7.35am today for my chat with Marcus Paul, Radio 2SM, 1269 on the band, it's real straight talk, common sense radio commentary. Marcus goes very well, as he doesn't play favourites, pull punches or cover up wrongdoing among the political elites. My regular Friday segment.

24.01.2022 GET READY FOR ROLLING BLACKOUTS! Yesterday I called for the Government’s new radical left energy policy to be put to a committee for proper scrutiny before they destroy the State’s economy and wipe out THOUSANDS of jobs. They refused because they know that Matt Kean’s plan doesn’t stack up! #nswpol #nsw #OneNation #nswonenation

24.01.2022 It is hard to express just how incompetent NESA has become. Nine months ago I recommended to the NSW Govt to clean them out. Do-Nothing Gladys did nothing and now NESA has caused the Education Minister to mislead parliament. #nsweducation #nswpol

23.01.2022 ISSUES WITH PROPOSED NSW LAW PROSECUTING CONTROLLING PARTNERS #marklatham #benfordham #nswpol #auspol

23.01.2022 Highly entertaining interview with Marcus Paul In The Morning... #nswpol #auspol

23.01.2022 MATT KEAN IS KILLING MANUFACTURING IN NSW More failure from Matt Kean’s Electricity Roadmap: Tomago aluminium in the Hunter Valley has had to halt production three times in the past week due to soaring wholesale electricity prices caused by supply shortages. Kean and his green Labor allies are killing NSW manufacturing. #OneNation #nswpol #auspol

23.01.2022 FIGHTING THE NSW ELECTRICITY TAX NSW One Nation is fighting hard to stop the Liberal/Labor/Green numbers in the NSW upper house from introducing their NSW electricity tax, allowing Matt Kean to levy distributors (which pass onto consumers the cost) to underwrite their new green deal/renewable corporate rent-seekers plan. Shamefully the Labor Energy Shadow Minister, Adam Searle, who collaborated with Kean and the Greens to develop the NSW electricity tax, did not know in debat...e its full dimension, thinking it funded transmission costs alone, when it covers renewable generation, pumped hydro and battery costs. That's one massive tax!! This is what NSW Labor through the likes of Searle has become: working for weeks with Matt Kean and the Greens Shoebridge to hit working people with a new regressive flat tax on their electricity bills in a recession!! And then delegating power to Kean to work out how big the tax will be. That's more money for renewable spiv companies at the expense of working people and their power bills. NSW Labor Leader Jodi McKay in her budget speech last week talked of connecting with blue collar workers, while that same day supporting the new NSW Electricity Tax, with the size of the tax to be determined by the Green-Liberal Minister Matt Kean. This is the ultimate betrayal of working people.

23.01.2022 Palaszczuk hasnt been bullied here, in many ways she is the bully towards these grieving people. #nswpol #auspol

22.01.2022 "On display in Australia, North America and Britain is a common occurrence in history, where in good faith influential leaders and institutional decision-makers are implementing policies without understanding their origins or ultimate purpose as propounded by their intellectual originators."

22.01.2022 THE 'WHITE PRIVILEGE' SCAM EXPOSED, AGAIN White working class children are the most deprived in the UK, again highlighting the stupidity of identity politics. The wealthy elites in society had a problem 10 years ago: how could they stop looking so wealthy and elite? They invented the idea of 'white male privilege' and said that all females, people of colour and LGBTIQ are automatically disadvantaged. These things had nothing to do with class and socio-economic status.... The evidence shows this is not the case. White Privilege is a fraud, a con-job by the elites to deflect attention away from their own position and power in society. The UK research proves it, again. See more

22.01.2022 KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG Mark Latham discusses with Brent Bultitude the revelations of the Darryl Maguire ICAC hearing... #DrainTheSwamp #NSW #FakeNewsMedia... #nswpol #auspol See more

21.01.2022 JOBS JOBS JOBS! History will show that the health consequences of this recession will far exceed the health consequences of the virus itself. I spoke about the border closures and the economic fallout from the pandemic this morning on sunrise. ... Watch the full interview below. #NSW #nswpol #OneNation


21.01.2022 THE TRUTH ABOUT NSW KOALA PROTECTION Yes, the political fight between John Barilaro and Gladys Berejiklian this week has been bad, especially when they should be concentrating on job creation and healthcare. But the policy behind this, the so-called Koala SEPP, is even worse. Im attaching three maps (from NSW Department of Planning) showing where the lunatic Liberal Ministers Stokes and Kean got to on this.... The first is suburban/residential Green Valley in Liverpool. I grew up there. Then Campbelltown in South-West Sydney, where I served as a Federal MP. Then the centre of Newcastle, where you can see the Newcastle Town Hall at the top of the shot, next to the green circular building. Pink colours are designated Koala Habitat. Blue is for further investigation. Its as mad as anything you will ever see. There have been no Koalas in any of these places since the residential areas were built 50-100 years ago. Its actually a Tree SEPP, a backdoor way of protecting every tree in the State. The Green Liberals have gone completely nuts with their green ideology, pretending that koalas are in places they havent been seen for 50 years. Kean and Stokes are more likely to fly to Mars than find Koalas in these residential and commercial areas. Its bad enough to hurt farmers with these development restrictions and extra costs, but to do it in the suburbs as well, hurting mum-and-dad homeowners is a disgrace. The Nationals tried for 6 months to get these maps fixed, to make them credible, but hopeless Gladys did nothing. This is the real story of how useless the Premier is. She is devoid of any worthwhile policy making culture and this is why her Government has become so dysfunctional. Make no mistake: Barilaro was 100% correct on the policy substance of this issue. Gladys is as useful as pockets in your underpants. Mark Latham MLC

21.01.2022 Cant be good for tourism or rebuilding the economy...

21.01.2022 NSW ECONOMY - JOBS OR IDENTITY POLITICS? The was a seminar conducted last month in the Treasury where there was an attempt to abolish dangerous words like "ladies and gentlemen", "husband and wife" and "guys". Will the Minister explain to the House how language control and political correctness can possibly deal with the deep recession that New South Wales is in??... #JobsFirst #NSW #MarkLatham #nswonenation #onenation #nswpol #auspol

21.01.2022 MATT KEAN SCHEME THAT REMAINS A DREAM #nswpol #auspol

21.01.2022 KOALA-GATE UPDATE Youve seen some weird weird things from Government but nothing like this: Berejiklian has allowed Stokes and Kean to map out most of suburban Liverpool and Campbelltown declaring Minto, Rosemeadow, Glen Alpine, Ambarvale, Eagle Vale, Kearns, Eschol Park, Raby, Ingleburn, Glenfield, Macquarie Fields, Casula, Green Valley, Lurnea, Prestons, Hinchinbrook, Edmondson Park, Liverpool and Warwick Farm as Koala Habitat!! In the 1960s they cleared out all the topsoi...l prior to the building of Green Valley housing estate. No trees until the 1970s. Today, according to Stokes and Kean, the place is a Koala Habitat. My old house in Harrison Street, plus Ashcroft Primary, the lot. INSANITY Well done Rob Stokes, genius: Mount Hunter Public school, church and fire station near Camden in SW Sydney have been mapped as koala habitats right on the busy Burragorang Road. Stokes more likely to fly to the moon than find bears there!!! Official NSW Government insanity: The Inglis horse sale yards and racetrack training stables at Warwick Farm have been mapped as Koala Habitat!! In the 3rd: 2/1 Blinky Bill 7/2 Caramello Koala 6/1 Koala Lou 12/1 Cubcake Koala Write your own ticket Kwicky Koala. Check the maps, completely insane. These are unhinged people unfit to be Ministers. Do some public policy analysis and your conclusion will be entirely different. NSW has 12% of its landmass locked up as national parks/reserves, plenty of land for koalas to thrive. The Govt should also protect other obvious koala habitats like Kentlyn, Wedderburn, Gilead corridor and dump the zany desktop assessment SEPP. Problem solved right there, Gladys #KoalaGate2020 #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

21.01.2022 WELLBEING IN SCHOOLS AND PARENTS What action is the Minister taking to ensure in the New South Wales public education system that parents are always informed of matters important to the development and wellbeing of their children and never deliberately excluded? What role does she [Education Minister] see for parents in supporting studentstheir children?... #nsweducation #nswpol #auspol

20.01.2022 NSW One Nation condemns any form of Chinese Political Interference. #DrainTheSwamp #NSW #nswpol #auspol

19.01.2022 PREMIER MUST RESIGN I'm not inclined to support anything they put up when they’re led by someone who has (made) 14 breaches of the Ministerial code of conduct, and who has acted disgracefully by hiding a secret relationship. #NSWOneNation #GladysMustGo

19.01.2022 Using other people's money - some public officials just don’t get it! #realmarklatham #sunrise #nswpol #auspol

19.01.2022 UNBREAKABLE ONE NATION GOES 30 + HOURS STRAIGHT! Get ready for blackouts and higher electricity costs! Yesterday Kean’s renewable energy bill was passed with only ONE NATION and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmer’s Party standing up for reason and common sense in the face of an apathetic upper house and a lame duck opposition. The lack of due process and consultation surrounding a bill that will directly affect the lives of every person in NSW is so great that even the Federal... Energy Minister was kept out of the loop! I spoke to Ben Fordham this morning about what this bad piece of legislation means for the future of our State. Listen to the full podcast below.

18.01.2022 Any worker who belongs to the AMWU must immediately join the AWU, which believes in energy security and a manufacturing future. AMWU leaders want their members to be turkeys voting for Christmas, aligning themselves with the green extremist LEAN outfit. #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

18.01.2022 Thank you to Dale McNamara our outstanding One Nation candidate for the Upper Hunter By-election. Experienced, skilled and knows the seat inside out. Pro-coal, pro-jobs. A real doer, much needed in a district neglected for way too long. #OneNation #auspol #nswpol

17.01.2022 AFTERNOON JOKE In the year 2020, the Lord came to Noah who was living in America and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans." He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."... Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard, but no Ark. "Noah!." He roared. "Im about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?" "Forgive me, Lord." Begged Noah. "But things have changed. I needed a Building Permit. Ive been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system. My homeowners association claim that Ive violated the Neighbourhood by-laws by building the Ark in my backyard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local Planning Committee for a decision. Then the City Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Arks move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear none of it. Getting the wood was another problem. Theres a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls, but no go. When I started gathering the animals, PETA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space. Then the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that I couldnt build the Ark until theyd conducted an environmental impact study on Your proposed flood. Im still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities Im supposed to hire for my building crew. The Immigration Dept. Is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work. The Labor unions say I cant use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark-building experience. To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming Im trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species. So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this ark." Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine and a rainbow stretched across the sky. Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean youre not going to destroy the world?" "No", Said the Lord. "The Government beat me to it."

17.01.2022 INCAPACITY OF NSW GOVT TO BRING DOWN ELECTRICITY PRICES AND IMPROVE ENERGY SECURITY New South Wales used to have some of the lowest electricity prices in the world, now they are among the highest. To have sustainable, improved and growing manufacturing, we need improved energy supply. There is no mention of anything to do with energy in the economic plan, and the Prime Minister has to come in to make up for the shortfall in energy supply in New South Wales.... #KeepTheLightsOn #NSW #marklatham #nswonenation #nswenergy #onenation #nswpol #auspol

16.01.2022 How come I can't find any more news about these American COVID numbers?

16.01.2022 Time to get back to a sense of normal - sport, cafes, restaurants and visiting loved ones - living with the health circumstances but recognising the importance of jobs and the night-time economy. Have a happy weekend :)

16.01.2022 WHY WON’T KEAN SHOW US THE DATA? Matt Kean won’t release the figures behind his rushed renewable energy plan because he knows NSW households will suffer as he goes about dismantling the NSW electricity grid resulting in power bills possibly going up as much as $100 a quarter! I spoke to Ben Fordham yesterday about what One Nation is doing in the Legislative Council to fight this bad deal for the people of NSW. ... Watch the full podcast below

15.01.2022 LETS GET BACK TO NORMAL Main priority should be to get people back to work who lost their job through no fault of their own. Sydney CBD is a ghost town, 95% of public servants are working from home.... Cafes and restaurants have lost 50% of their trade. #BackToNormal #Australia #MarkLatham #nswpol #auspol

15.01.2022 The fabulous advocate Bettina Arndt has been out there speaking about Men's Issues for many decades. Check out Bettina's web site below and you can sign up for her newsletter to receive quality research and video content. #bettinaarndt #mentoo #auspol See more

15.01.2022 Tennis existed before Andy Murray and will exist long after he is gone. Margaret Court is an absolute legend!!! #nswpol #auspol

15.01.2022 Yesterday I spoke with Brent Bultitude on 2HD about how the Government's budget is jeopardising jobs in the Hunter, the HUGE holes in Matt Kean's rushed energy plan and stronger laws to help rid the Hunter of the scourge of ice. Listen to the full interview below. #nsw #nswpol #OneNation #MarkLatham #nswonenation ...

15.01.2022 THE TRUTH ABOUT AUSTRALIAN HISTORY History tells us, with few exceptions, when Cook and Banks sailed up the Australian east coast in 1770, the Indigenous thought they were ghosts and ran for safety. At Botany Bay, 'Cooman' threw spears and then ran into the bush, leaving the children behind in huts. Cook then went over and gave them beads. Post-1788, the new Sydney colony found it hard to even engage with Indigenous, who kept their distance.... There was no invasion. There was no organised military resistance from the 170 Aboriginal tribes. There was no 'First Nation'. There was no 'Frontier War'. Some may wish these things to be untrue (to suit their own political worldview) but history does not lie. See more

14.01.2022 How to turn an overflow airport into a White Elephant: no fast rail into Sydney from Badgerys Creek. 100min journey, changing trains at St Marys. Minister Tudge is a fool as Fed Govt hopes to sell this site, with faulty rail plan destroying the sale price. #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

14.01.2022 MATT KEAN’S CRUEL TRICK ON THE HUNTER! The people of the Hunter have been SWINDLED by Matt Kean’s promises when he knows full well that a Hunter Renewable Energy Zone just isn’t viable! The Hunter REZ was NEVER submitted to a feasibility study, NEVER appeared in Kean’s Energy Roadmap and was NEVER submitted to AEMO for analysis! Last week I spoke to ABC Newcastle about the cruel trick played on the people of the Hunter by Matt Kean that puts at-risk the 15 000 direct and 6...0 000 indirect coal related jobs in the region. Listen to the full interview below #nsw #nswpol #onenation #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw

14.01.2022 The problem with the NSW Government is not John Barilaro. It's the Green Liberal dominance, whereby these weak Ministers run their day by allowing Green bureaucrats, taking a break from their LGBTIQ-Harmony-Reconciliation-Safe-Space meetings, to tell them what to do. The NSW Koala SEPP is part of a decade-long erosion of basic property rights and economic development potential under this Coalition Government: land clearing laws, joke biodiversity provisions, Monaro grasslands... and now using koalas as a proxy for a Tree Preservation SEPP. #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

13.01.2022 INFILTRATION OF GREEN LEFT IDEOLOGY IN NSW I spoke with Brent Bultitude on 2HD yesterday about the hijacking of the ALP by green-leftist radicals, renewable energy rorts, gender madness in our schools, the use of the anthem debate as a distraction and the time-wasting political rhetoric surrounding the bonking ban. Listen to the full podcast below.... #nswonenation #MarkLatham #nsw #energypolicy #education

13.01.2022 Matt Kean's portrait sums up the Berejiklian government (theatre of the absurd). Can you believe this crap qualified as an Archibald finalist?

13.01.2022 STOP SCARING PEOPLE AND OPEN UP THE ECONOMY #marklatham #nswonenation #nsweconomy #nswpol


11.01.2022 PARENTAL ALIENATION LISTEN to Corrine Barraclough with the wonderful Jan James here: For more information on parental alienation which can damage children for life, read the international research report here:... #familylaw #auspol #corrinebarraclough #theGOODSAUCE

11.01.2022 DRAIN NSW SWAMP!!!

11.01.2022 It's Parliamentary Dog Day. Here they are: the Dynamic Duo #realmarklatham

11.01.2022 THE ULTIMATE RENEWABLE RORT! Matt Kean’s against Coal. Matt Kean’s against Gas. Matt Kean’s against nuclear. What does he stand for? Higher electricity prices, rolling blackouts, deindustrialisation and massive job losses. Kean’s dismantling of the electricity grid in favour of 100% renewables will result in unreliable, unstable power and higher electricity prices for households and businesses in NSW. #nswpol #NSW #OneNation #MarkLatham

11.01.2022 KEAN’S BAD ENERGY DEAL FOR NSW KEEPS GETTING WORSE NSW faces deindustrialisation and the loss of manufacturing at the hands of Matt Kean’s Renewable Energy Roadmap. This BAD ENERGY POLICY will result in many THOUSANDS of job losses as industry flees NSW! I spoke to Ray Hadley this morning about the HUGE RISK that Matt Kean is taking with the future of NSW as he runs blindfolded down the path of 100% renewables.... Listen to the full interview below. #nsw #nswpol #onenation

11.01.2022 Whatever you think of the Premier, this is a standard of government that is just appalling. The Premier is responsible for it and has to resign. #realmarklatham #sunrise #nswpol #auspol

11.01.2022 Seriously? The Shooter’s Robert Borsak blaming One Nation for the Nats win in Upper Hunter. Maybe if Shooters didn’t cut so many deals with Labor and Greens they might win more votes in their own right.

10.01.2022 ZERO TOLERANCE OF CORRUPTION The last NSW Labor Government is remembered for its corruption. The current Liberal mob are headed for the same fate. Please be assured NSW One Nation regards honesty and integrity as the Number One priority for any parliament, hence our strong stance on the Berejiklian scandals.... If you are in touch with people who work hard and honestly for a living, you will know how reprehensible corrupt conduct is, the free ride it gives to elites with the right 'connections'. It totally destroys the Australian notion of a fair go. NSW One Nation has zero tolerance of corruption or those in the media club who cover it up. Some media 'personalities' have had the same inside running in life as the corrupt conduct they seek to defend. They are a stain on our society as much as a crook MP like Daryl Maguire.

10.01.2022 A LIGHTER NOTE: Whats the difference between Australias COVID response and a Spice Girls reunion? A: Nothing really, they were both going well until Victoria stuffed it up.

10.01.2022 NSW ONE NATION: Keeping the Bastards Honest!!


09.01.2022 New stock of merchandise available now at

09.01.2022 Happy Australia Day, in the greatest nation on Earth.

08.01.2022 Is Senator Paterson aware his NSW Liberal colleague, Attorney General Speakman is investigating laws that would jail a husband for 'humiliating' his wife in front of her friends, for example, through a funny/embarrassing story? The tyranny has just begun. #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

08.01.2022 Mark Latham speaks to No Confidence Motion in Premier Gladys Berejiklian. #nswpol #auspol

07.01.2022 LABOR HAS ABANDONED THE WORKERS OF NSW Driving home from the Upper Hunter by-election on Saturday night a gratingly familiar voice came onto the radio news bulletin, offering a perfect summary of where the Australian Labor Party has got to. Senator Kristina Keneally was complaining that Defence Minister Peter Dutton wasn’t doing enough to celebrate transgender and homosexuality in the Australian Defence Force....Continue reading

07.01.2022 ONE NATION BACKS THE WORKERS OF THE HUNTER Fitzgibbon is a lone voice in the left-infiltrated Labor Party. He is a lame duck member who has been ostracised by his own party. Even worse he still supports zero net emissions by 2050 which will wipe out THOUSANDS of jobs in the Hunter! I spoke to Andrew Bolt on Sky last night reaffirming One Nation’s commitment to supporting COAL and JOBS in the Hunter. Watch the full interview below.... #nswonenation #energypolicy #nswpol #MarkLatham #nsw #coalmining

07.01.2022 AUSSIE PRIDE AND THE CURRICULUM Can the [Education] Minister name anything being taught to students that is designed to build pride in Australia and our country's many achievements? #nsweducation #nswpol #auspol

07.01.2022 At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month 1918 the guns fell silent on the western front. From a population of not even 5 million, 416 809 enlisted resulting in 60 000 deaths and over 150 000 wounded or taken prisoner. Today at 11am we stop for a minute to remember all Australians throughout our nation’s history that have made the ultimate sacrifice. We should always remember not to take the freedoms that we enjoy today for granted.... #lestweforget2020 #remembranceday #veterans #OneNation #nsw See more

07.01.2022 NSW has the fastest falling school results in the world. We need to get back to basics and not be distracted by political indoctrination in the classroom. Mark Latham's PARENTAL RIGHTS BILL will ensure schools consult with parents before teaching anything that veers into the territory of "core values", that is "ethical and moral standards, social and political values and an understanding of personal identity", and allow them to withdraw students from those classes. #Parental...RightsBill #NSW #marklatham #nsweducation #nswpol See more

07.01.2022 The Dictatorship of the Health Bureaucrat continues apace ... No team songs, presentations or speeches after junior footy teams win their grand finals. What a disgrace. Give the kids some recognition for winning!!

07.01.2022 Trump to win says one of the few pollsters to correctly call the 2016 election.

07.01.2022 LEFTIST HYPE V REALITY #nswpol #auspol

06.01.2022 Hey folks, postmodern feminism destroying itself and woke culture revealed...


06.01.2022 ANOTHER RENEWABLES RORT Why would New South Wales, which has coal and uranium in the ground, put its investments into pumped hydro when we are part of the flattest and driest landmass on earth? It just doesn't stack up! It is vital to have a reliable and affordable electricity supply not only for retail trade and tourism but also, and most importantly, for advanced manufacturing in New South Wales. The stakes are incredibly high. The Government and the Opposition cannot affor...d to get this wrong! Yet they don’t want to examine the facts, they are blinded by their renewables fanaticism. #marklatham #energypolicy #nswonenation #nsw

06.01.2022 CRITICAL THINKING IN SCHOOLS What is the point of having the Centre of Education Statistics and Evaluation [CESE], which has reported that there is no effective way of teaching or measuring critical thinking in our schools? #marklatham #nsweducation #nswpol

05.01.2022 GLADYS' LAND USE PLANNING DISASTER It's not just the farmers suffering this, if you wanted to put in a granny flat, a house extension, a development application, knock down a couple of trees, make sure you have no koalas in your backyard!! #KoalaGate2020 #nswpol #auspol

05.01.2022 REDUCED IMMIGRATION EQUALS MORE JOBS FOR AUSTRALIANS Despite what our economy has gone through, Australia’s unemployment rate is only 5.5%. With current levels of immigration basically zero, surely this is a big tick for the argument that low immigration is good for local jobs. #OneNation #auspol #nswpol

05.01.2022 INDIGENOUS POLICY: LOOK IN THE MIRROR The Left-wing radicals have been out today chanting Change the Date, Change the Anthem and Change the Constitution. But really it’s an admission of their past policy failures. There’s an Aboriginal town in northern NSW where every child living there has been sexually abused.... Changing words on bits of paper will not save those kids. It’s empty symbolism. For 50 years, the Indigenous activists campaigned for land rights as their great saviour. They got them under the 1992 Mabo decision, plus generous State Government schemes. For 100 years, the Indigenous said spend more money on them. Now in Australia, for every government dollar spent on non-Indigenous, we spend two on Aborigines. For decades the activists said create more Indigenous jobs, and now there are thousands of Aboriginal-only public service positions. None of these big policy changes have solved serious problems, helping those kids in northern NSW sleep safely at night. What we saw today with the whinging ‘Change The’ protests is testimony to the pathetic failure of the Indigenous/Leftie policy agenda in Australia. The protests were really these fools looking in the mirror and seeing their own failures. See more

04.01.2022 THE WHITE PRIVILEGE SCAM EXPOSED, AGAIN White working class children are the most deprived in the UK, again highlighting the stupidity of identity politics. The wealthy elites in society had a problem 10 years ago: how could they stop looking so wealthy and elite? They invented the idea of white male privilege and said that all females, people of colour and LGBTIQ are automatically disadvantaged. These things had nothing to do with class and socio-economic status.... The evidence shows this is not the case. White Privilege is a fraud, a con-job by the elites to deflect attention away from their own position and power in society. The UK research proves it, again. See more

04.01.2022 LET'S GET BACK TO NORMAL Main priority should be to get people back to work who lost their job through no fault of their own. Sydney CBD is a ghost town, 95% of public servants are working from home.... Cafes and restaurants have lost 50% of their trade. #BackToNormal #Australia #MarkLatham #nswpol #auspol

04.01.2022 Watch ICAC live stream today for more evidence...

04.01.2022 State of Origin Disgrace What a dreadful day for Australian sport that the NRL, apparently ashamed of our great country, has cancelled the National Anthem before the three State of Origin games. UPDATE ... Well done Scott Morrison to intervene and reverse this madcap decision. If Indigenous players like Kung-Fu Walker and Gunshot Addo-Carr don’t want to sing the anthem, that’s their business but the rest of us who love and respect Australia should not miss out on our beautiful national anthem. And most importantly for the NRL: play footy, not politics! See more

03.01.2022 GWIC IS OVER THE TOP IN MONITORING GREYHOUND INDUSTRY BAIRD GOVT DECISION TOOK THE HOPE OUT OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE Greyhound racing has been a noble working-class pursuit in this State for nearly a century now; people race their dogs and have a bit of hope in life. I think that human dimension cannot be ignored. I believe that human welfare, on balance, is more important than animal welfare and I know in this industry that if the people participating have got hope in their they have got a bit of a future, and that is a very important consideration for any compassionate Parliament. #SaveGreyhoundRacing #NSW #MarkLatham #nswonenation #onenation #nswpol #auspol #gwic

03.01.2022 The problem with the NSW Government is not John Barilaro. Its the Green Liberal dominance, whereby these weak Ministers run their day by allowing Green bureaucrats, taking a break from their LGBTIQ-Harmony-Reconciliation-Safe-Space meetings, to tell them what to do. The NSW Koala SEPP is part of a decade-long erosion of basic property rights and economic development potential under this Coalition Government: land clearing laws, joke biodiversity provisions, Monaro grasslands... and now using koalas as a proxy for a Tree Preservation SEPP. #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

03.01.2022 MARK LATHAM SAYS BRAVO JOHN BARILARO "If the wombat could climb a tree, it would be protected too. There would be a wombat SEPP. It is only because the koalas are in those trees and the Government has Orwellian mapping devices and satellite images that it thinks that this is some form of environmental protection." "To say for ideological reasons that you want to wipe out coal jobs in an entire region75,000 of themand turn it into a rust-bucket region is not the Australia...n way. " "I have had an ongoing issueI was reminded earlier in the week with the passing of John Faheywith the redevelopment of the Claymore public housing estate. In 1996 Mr Fahey abolished the Better Cities funding that I had lined up to redevelop that housing estate. Those people were living in the most squalid, desperate, hopeless circumstances, and it was a great redevelopment program. We finally get Craig Knowles in the State Labor Government to start it up, but what happens in 2011? Barry OFarrell suspends all the worka Liberal Party cancellation a second time." "The whole point of the modern Liberal Party is to get out there on green issues and identity politics and ignore the social justice. Again, if John Barilaro calls attention to that, I say good, I say bravo, I say good on him." #KoalaGate2020 #realmarklatham #nswpol #auspol

03.01.2022 VOTE KEAN, GET GREEN! Malcolm Turnbull writes "Matt Kean is on the same wavelength as Joe Biden and John Kerry" Exactly: anyone voting NSW Liberal needs to know they are not getting conservatives dedicated to jobs and energy security. They are getting Leftie Greens like Kean.... #nswpol #nsw #OneNation #auspol

03.01.2022 A PICNIC FOR GREEN BUREAUCRATS Youve never seen incompetence like it! A planning minister whos done this really has no ministerial credibility and should consider his position.... #KoalaGate2020 #nswpol #auspol

03.01.2022 RACISM IN AUSTRALIA? ANOTHER BOY WHO CRIED WOLF Some sporting ‘stars’ seem very determined to falsely portray Australia as a ‘racist nation’. First it was Adam Goodes. Then it was the Indian cricketer Mohammed Siraj, who stopped the Sydney Test on the 4th day to report fans who, he was absolutely certain, had yelled racism at him. The game was held up for 10 minutes, like a show trial and inquisition. The ABC and other woke media types all screamed ‘Racism!!!, even before an...y facts were known. Weeks later and we now know this was baloney, a false report. The six men ejected from the ground had done nothing wrong. They simply sang playful, funny songs to Siraj and said Welcome to Sydney after he got smacked around the ground that day. Are there any consequences for Siraj and his false report, vilifying these young men for singing songs? Of course not. The woke Cricket Australia elites want this narrative to be true, even without evidence. How pathetic. No wonder they won’t mention ‘Australia Day’ as they don’t believe in the great Australian ethos of a Fair Go. Given that the Siraj report has now been exposed as complete bull dust, the Indian players have lost all credibility for their other ‘complaints’ about the Sydney crowds. They have gone back to India now - great cricketers yes, but reliable sources of information about Australia, No. International studies have consistently shown that Australia is the most tolerant nation on Earth. Siraj is another little boy who cried wolf, and got away with it. #onenation #nswpol #auspol

03.01.2022 AMAZING IGNORANCE OF THE LEFT ON SHOW YET AGAIN! Margaret Court has done much more to help the needy, the vulnerable, the disadvantaged in our community, than all her critics combined. Yet the Left remain ignorant of her social justice work and are determined to tear down this great Australian. #onenation #nswpol #auspol

02.01.2022 Can't be good for tourism or rebuilding the economy...

02.01.2022 Earlier this week One Nation MP Mark Latham revealed the poor take-up rate of another one of Mr Keans green schemes, a solar system with a battery, or a retrofitted battery, with only 150 out of 3000 taking up that offer.

02.01.2022 NSW GOVT TALKING ABOUT KOALAS NOT JOBS That was the obvious solution, to say we are in a recession and the main purpose of the NSW government is job creation. Instead, theyre off with the pixies, talking about koalas and everything but jobs.... #realmarklatham #benfordham #nswpol #auspol

01.01.2022 KEAN GREEN DEAL

01.01.2022 A BAD DEAL FOR JOBS IN THE HUNTER! Kean’s energy bill will WIPE OUT THOUSANDS of jobs in the Hunter by bringing forward the CLOSURE of the region’s coal fired power stations. Kean has ABANDONED the 15000 men and women of the Hunter that work directly in the coal industry and the 60 000 that work in related industries as he continues down his green leftist path. Kean has NO CONCERN for the workers of the Hunter and won’t stop till the coal industry is ELIMINATED! I spoke to Br...ent Bultitude on Thursday about the dire consequences of Kean’s Bill for jobs in the Hunter. Click the link below to hear the full interview. #nsw #nswpol #OneNation #MarkLatham #huntervalley

01.01.2022 Well ... the CEO of Australia Post has been using taxpayer funds to dish out Cartier watches to senior execs ... my cartoon Friday's The Daily Telegraph...

01.01.2022 GLADYS LAND USE PLANNING DISASTER Its not just the farmers suffering this, if you wanted to put in a granny flat, a house extension, a development application, knock down a couple of trees, make sure you have no koalas in your backyard!! #KoalaGate2020 #nswpol #auspol

01.01.2022 Great Run, Tough Ending

01.01.2022 QANTAS DOG ACT They sacked Israel Folau, they smashed the games reputation, they propped up a CEO who messed up the broadcasting deal, and now Qantas has walked away from its sponsorship of Rugby Australia. The lesson for sports administrators is clear: Run your code in the interests of the fans and the players, dont subcontract out control to woke corporates. When it suits them theyll drop you like a bad habit, as Qantas has done.... Rugby Australia is all but defunct. Go woke, Go broke. See more

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