Mark McLachlan; A Point of View | Other
Mark McLachlan; A Point of View
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25.01.2022 VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC VP Day, 15 August 1945 On 14 August 1945, the Emperor met with his most senior military officers and asked them to cooperate with him in... ending the war. Cabinet convened and unanimously ratified the Emperor’s wishes. The Foreign Ministry transmitted orders to its embassies in Switzerland and Sweden to accept the Allied terms of surrender. These orders were received in Washington at 02:49 on 14 August. News of the Japanese acceptance of the surrender terms was announced to the American public via radio at 7 pm on 14 August. Meanwhile, the text of the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War was finalised and signed on 14 August, and at 23:00 the Emperor made a gramophone recording of himself reading it. On 15 August at 12:00 noon Japan standard time, the Emperor’s recorded Imperial Rescript was broadcast across the Empire (the ‘Jewel Voice Broadcast’) announcing the surrender of Japan to the Allies. 15 August was gazetted as a public holiday by the Australian government as ‘VP Day’ (‘Victory in the Pacific’). On that day, General Thomas Blamey, Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Military Forces, issued this ‘Order of the Day’ to members of the Allied Forces at Morotai in the Netherlands East Indies on the occasion of the Japanese surrender.
21.01.2022 Big day yesterday doing some scoping work with DTMR (Corridor Division) to work out what needs to be done before we open the trail & what loop roads we can use ...until the bridges are up to scratch. This morning a few of our members went for a ride from Builyan to Many Peaks to collate some info & then checked out the Builyan/Many Peaks Cemetery & the old gate that have been recently reinstalled. AGM today at Builyan Hall, be great to see you there. Have a great weekend See more
20.01.2022 The Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail is gearing up thanks to $330,000 in funding from the Palaszczuk Government. The funding for concept designs has been locked as part of a $10 million coup for rail trails across the state. This money will go towards funding the concept design for three new individual trails as the region bounces back from COVID-19, including: The Awoonga Lake Rail Trail (36.28 kilometres), The Kalpowar Tunnels Rail Trail (31.2 kilometres) and The Burnett River Bridges Rail Trail (28.8 kilometres). For every dollar we invest in bike-riding, that means $5 returned in economic benefit to our region dollars crucial as we turn the tide on COVID-19. When we talk rail trails, we’re talking jobs in construction, jobs in tourism and new opportunities for local businesses. The concept design of these three trails, a partnership between Gladstone Regional Council, North Burnett Regional Council and the Queensland Government is another big step towards supporting local construction and tourism jobs. #supportlocal #UniteAndRecover
20.01.2022 Council held a workshop in Calliope this week about economic development of the region. You can do a survey on Council's website. Let them know your thoughts, I pushed for things Council can do to improve economic development in those parts of the Region outside Gladstone. There are over 10,000 square kilometres in the region where beef, forestry, timber and tourism are the main economic drivers.... I mentioned Council doing anything they can to promote tourism, especially for projects such asthe Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail A key thing Council could do for the villages in the Boyne Valley and other areas is to encourage local manufacturing by removing the high charges for material change of use and other charges in these areas. Small centres used to be classified as "Village" which allowed any block to be used for almost any purpose. We are now locked in as residential, and apart from house blocks, the smallest subdivision allowed is about 600 acres. The present town plan almost centralizes all manufacturing development to Gladstone. This needs changing. I also pushed for more bitumen on local roads, for Council to advocate for bitumen on the main road to Monto and development of the heavy transport routes into Gladstone. This will be key for any development of a meatworks in Gladstone. I also raised improving/providing services to smaller centres such as free library wi fi in local halls as this is readily available in larger centres. Things such as this add to the livability of the area.
18.01.2022 I have a strong respect for most unions. I've seen the crap some can engage in, but most do a good job for their members. I saw the good and bad working on building sites years ago, and my father in law said to me "the union is the working mans' only defence" The big wigs in QFES are quite prone to putting shit on the RFBAQ (volunteers association), and I am told the UFU.
17.01.2022 This was posted on the QRFS page, so most won't be able to see the post. This is the start of the post. Below that is a sample of the comments. One said they were going and for over 50, the comment samples sum up the rest. The relationship between many volunteers and RFS is busted. It goes both ways, many blueshirts do a great job and cop it in the neck, but many volunteers have had enough. Volunteer Firies have manned the border crossings & Brisbane Airport, but it is fire s...eason now. "AFL GRAND FINAL ACTIVATION OPPORTUNITY Calling for VOLUNTEERS FROM ALL QFES PERSONNEL and VOLUNTEERS. WHAT Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) has been asked to support the delivery of the AFL Grand Final on Saturday 24 October 2020 by assisting with the rapid installation and removal of staging, audio and video equipment needed for the pre-match and half-time entertainment." "The entertainment industry has copped a hiding and the AFL wants free roadies. Piss off!" "Volunteers for fires, not free workers for a organisation worth millions" "How many millions $ has the government ripped out of rural fire ? And now they want free labour " "We're a firefighting service, not cheap labour. Tell them to get stuffed. From me."
17.01.2022 CAUTION: TRAFFIC LIGHTS GLADSTONE_MONTO RD FLOODWAY RESTORATIONS Contractors will be using traffic signals 24/7. The first site will be Floodway 07 at the bottom of the Golembil Hill on the south side where contractors will be doing bulk earthworks and pavement construction, one lane at a time, on the approach to the completed concrete floodway.... The signals will be attended by a traffic controller during the day and operated on a timer overnight.
16.01.2022 Progress building causeways on the road to Monto. The road is also getting a gravel re-sheet, starting any day.
16.01.2022 Hold Hard That is the call our half back used to yell at us when the weight was really on. Amazing how that mouthy little bugger could get the best out of his forwards. A rugby scrum is all about power, technique and teamwork. You don't always get it right.... For the first time in their lives young Australians are witnessing the true power, technique and teamwork of Australian democracy. All they have seen for the past decade is an indolent self serving childish version of a system that was building severe disprect - to the point conversations were appearing about the demise of democracy. I'd say they are now seeing it near it's best. It does not matter which party is in power or the mistakes they have or may make. They are doing their best. If Albo was PM and every premier was swapped for their opposition counterpart, they would be doing their best as well. The virus team in that scrum have people working to support them and endanger our team, and we have the right to push back. If you are on the team that says corona is manufactured by 5g and blowing a hot hair dryer up your nose will kill it, just know that the rest of us, through good government and the police, have the right to push back. It is not a police state that will fine and lock you up when you go too far, it is the community (who just want to be safe) through government and police. The call has been made and the response is showing - Hold Hard.
11.01.2022 The Boyne Burnett Rail Trail is one step closer to completion tonight. The 200 kilometre historic rail link stretches from Gayndah to Gladstone, and it's hoped... it will be a major tourism drawcard. #WINNews6pm Glenn Butcher - Member for Gladstone Desley O'Grady Councillor Gladstone Regional Council Gladstone Regional Council
11.01.2022 UPDATE - the kids are going home!!!!3005 shares, lots of voices and a WIN!!!! Annastacia Palacszuk has given in - the kids are going home. WE'RE ALL COMING HOM...E "I, Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer, have provided an exemption for primary and secondary boarding school students with a primary place of residence in either the Australian Capital and Territory (ACT) or a New South Wales (NSW) Local Government Area (LGA) with no active cases of Covd19. It would appear the voice of regional Australia has been heard. #nobordersforboarders There are 491 Queensland children boarders who want to cross the border home and back to school in October. 400 Victorians have been approved to travel to Queensland as part of the AFL Grand Final preparations as our Premier announces "embracing the AFL family". She has designed a special safeguarding process for AFL leaders, players and their children. So this begs the question - if we can design safeguarding systems for VIP's, boxing stage builders, and the AFL families why can't we safeguard Queensland boarders wanting to return to rural NSW for school holidays? I really feel for any families looking at this photo in today's Australian and wondering why they won't see their school age children till Christmas. There are hundreds of NSW school children who cross the border to QLD every day under exemptions. Why can’t boarders go ONCE for holidays.
10.01.2022 Great day out in the Boyne Valley doing some scoping work for the rail trail. We have a long way to go before it will be open to the public but slowly making pr...ogress. Great to have a botanist come along and identified some on the plant species along the trail. Found my favourite flower, did some exploring at the Glassford Creek Copper mine, checked out Markham gardens & called into the Many Peaks/Builyan Cemetery on the way home. Gladstone Region, beautiful one day, perfect the next. See more
09.01.2022 Qld Fire & Emergency Services Budget: $750m Rural Fire Service has 1400 volunteer brigades (about 33000 members) protecting 93% of QLD. RFS had NO input into the division of the budget.... Over 600 brigades do not have a vehicle supplied, rather supply their own. This year the State is building 14 new units. The volunteers association (RFBAQ) is funding 7 much better units from their own funds. It needs 60 units per year to maintain the fleet. The big build in 2018/19 was because so many units reached end of service life (20years). Do you think volunteer fire fighters deserve better, or will we end up having to flog out fires with a wet bag?
08.01.2022 Click through to read the article. Promoting the economic benefits that will come with our Trail can build support across the region It’s unbelievable the amount of money that’s just flowing down that (Brisbane Valley) rail trail
06.01.2022 At the start of the year I found out all I could about this project. It is vital for the development of this region. HAVE YOUR SAY, and do your best to see it does not go through the middle of Calliope past the school.
06.01.2022 This is to let you know I have no association with Boyne Valley Community Discovery Centre Inc websites going forward, after building and maintaining them for 17 years (volunteer). The screenshot below shows funds from the gate of the event were to go to a local charity. This never occurred. I do not think there is any lower act, and will not be associated with this. I believed that the funds would be dealt with honestly at the time. That is the only reason I put it up on the site.
04.01.2022 Tap through for map and more information The Public is most welcome 10am 14/08/2020
03.01.2022 These laws effect me directly, and the video best represents the truth
03.01.2022 I've been following progress on the EU FTA for a couple of years. Have received this invitation to attend and ask a question (written). Good thing from covid is that it is now virtual Eu wants Geographical Indicators (GI's) for their goods, think only use Champagne for French wine grown in that region.... If Australia agrees my question will be to see if Australia can get GI's for Australian Eucalyptus species (eg Spotted Gum) to only be used for Australian timber. Other countries grow significant amounts of Austimber, but should not be able to market it as the Aus name.
02.01.2022 Sunbaked Dates a true high energy story ABC radio has a quiz weekday afternoons.... An English journalist gives a choice of 3 unusual things in the British press, and the audience has to guess which is false. This one is true. An English lady has been promoting a great new free way to build your energy levels and good health. Doctors have warned of side-effects. To get the benefits, all you have to do is lie on your back, put your legs over your head and sun bake your date for five minutes a day. She says she has so much more energy, she has been able to give up drinking coffee. Doctors have warned you might get a sun burnt date.
01.01.2022 Minister Mick de Brenni; Minister for Housing and Public Works speaking about fighting bushfires this week: But the best protection for our community has to be our dedicated full time professional firefighters who service our region. Hmmmmm, I guess the 30,000 odd volunteer Rural Fire Brigade members who protect over 90% of the state are just decoration.... I reckon he just can't see through the smoke from Springwood, and has never bothered to look more closely (did some one say Brisbane pollies like this couldn't give a rats)
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