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Mark Stone Solicitor | Lawyer & law firm

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Mark Stone Solicitor

Phone: +61 7 3121 3047


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23.01.2022 The Police have a discretion not to prosecute minor matters. Clearly, the report lacks detail, but clearly the Her Honour was of the view that this was one of them.

22.01.2022 New Office Shop 2, 8 Stuart St, Dalby, QLD By appointment only.... 07 3121 3047


19.01.2022 The is much confusion about Unlicenced Persons wanting to shoot on Private Property. Unlicenced Shooters are only allowed to shoot under supervision at a range according to this Qld Weapons Act Section. There are 2 exceptions, your own children over 11 years of age and Employees. Like those two footy players, if you’re allowing someone else to shoot your guns on your property, you may be breaking the law. One of allowing an unauthorised person to possess your firearms. An...d if you make a happy video like the footy boys did, the police have all the evidence they need to convict you and take your guns.

18.01.2022 I get the feeling they are going to raise the rates? People need to reduce their debt and increase production, as best they can. Govt needs to open the economy back up and stop putting the brakes on the economy for fear of the virus.


18.01.2022 Want to contest a Will? Feeling left out? Concerned about your will? Call the office to discuss your options.

17.01.2022 Finally people are realising we need to stop the inference from China. Authorised by M Stone 2/50 Smallacombe St, Tara Qld 4421.

17.01.2022 For more information or to schedule an appointment phone 13 20 50 or visit

14.01.2022 Now, if only they would open the state borders.

13.01.2022 There are going to be a lot of unhappy landlords.

12.01.2022 How do people feel about the legalisation and sale of cannabis like that in numerous States recently in the USA? The reports are that the States that have taken this course and making millions in tax revenue? Tell us your view. CUNNAMULLA police have charged a man with serious drug offences, after finding 95 bags of cannabis in his possession this week. On Wednesday, May 27 police from the Cunnamulla CIB and Cunnamulla Police Station intercepted a man on John Street, Cunnam...ulla. A search of a package in the mans possession located 95 clip seal bags of cannabis. The local man was subsequently charged with possession of dangerous drugs and bailed to appear in the Cunnamulla Magistrates Court on August 10.

11.01.2022 My counsel referred to these paragraphs in week. The left has re-acted quite badly to her submission. Suggesting that politics should not get personal. they didn’t know who the quote was from. Roberts v Bass [2002] HCA 57; 212 CLR 1; 194 ALR 161; 77 ALJR 292 (12 December 2002) His Honour Justice Michael Kirby. Para 171 The purpose of federal, State and Territory elections in Australia is to ensure the selection of a chosen candidate or candidates to hold public office. The purpose of those who support candidates for such elections is necessarily to harm their opponents, at least electorally. Often, if not invariably, this purpose will involve attempts to harm the reputation of an opponent. In the nature of political campaigns in Australia, it is unrealistic to expect the genteel conduct that may be appropriate to other circumstances of privileged communication. Political communication in Australia is often robust, exaggerated, angry, mixing fact and comment and commonly appealing to prejudice, fear and self-interest. In this country, a philosophical ideal that political discourse should be based only upon objective facts, noble ideas and temperate beliefs gives way to the reality of passionate and sometimes irrational and highly charged interchange. Communications in this field of discourse including in, but not limited to, the mass media, place emphasis upon brevity, hyperbole, entertainment, image and vivid expression[179]. The contemporary world of Australian politics has moved far from the meeting described in Lang. Yet, even such meetings were commonly pretty robust. 172 Because this is the real world in which elections are fought in Australia, any applicable legal rule concerning qualified privilege (and the related notion of malice) must be fashioned for cases such as the present to reflect such electoral realities. Otherwise, before or after the conduct of elections, attempts will be made to bring to courts of law, under the guise of legal claims, the very disputes that it was the purpose of the representative democracy, established by the Constitution, to commit to the decision of the electors. Instead of the merits of contesting candidates being decided by thousands of citizens in vigorous exchanges before the electorate, the contest will be presented for decision to a small number of jurors or to a single judge, and reviewed on appeal by courts of small numbers. Instead of the evaluation of electoral, political and governmental conduct, excesses and aspersions being left with the electors at the ballot box, these matters will be analysed, over many days, by judges solemnly weighing their own opinions about the perceived truth or falsity, fairness or injustice of the respective assertions. Instead of political enthusiasts feeling able to express their opinions passionately, they will become tongue-tied for fear of being dragged into complex and expensive litigation and obliged to explain and justify their statements and opinions. Instead of volunteers being willing to hand out how to vote cards on election day, the pool will dry up because it will become known that such people may later be subject to cross-examination in a court of law as to the "research" they have undertaken about the truth or falsity of the documents that they have distributed[180].




07.01.2022 If anyone needs help with these, call the office for free advice.




04.01.2022 People are generally entitled to distribute their assets by way of a will as they please. The courts however, have the power to vary gifts in a will, provide be...nefits for persons omitted from a will or declare an entire will invalid to ensure family members are not left without provision. In Queensland, the law allows family members, dependents and sometimes relatives, to challenge a will if they feel they have been overlooked or inadequately provided for. We can help you make decisions regarding this process and if a challenge proceeds. If you are require further information regarding will disputes, please call us on 07 3121 3047.

04.01.2022 There has got to be tighter restrictions on foreign investment. We can’t let Australia be sold off cheap to foreign countries.

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