Marrickville Intensive English Centre in Marrickville, New South Wales | High School
Marrickville Intensive English Centre
Locality: Marrickville, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9550 0251
Address: Northcote St 2204 Marrickville, NSW, Australia
Likes: 7966
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25.01.2022 We hope all MIEC Graduates from last term have settled and enjoying your new school. #throwbackwednesday #miecgraduation #mieccandoanything #learntogethergrowtogether #learningenglish
25.01.2022 Our new SRC are running their first fundraising event this FridayJeans for Genes ! Help them raise money to fund the research needed to save childrens lives. Bring $2 or more to school on Friday and wear your favourite pair of jeans. #jeansforgenesau ... @jeansforgenesau See more
25.01.2022 Congratulations to Sohui and Helen in receiving your Head Teachers Silver Award at yesterdays MIEC assembly. We are extremely proud of how hard you two have worked this term. #studentachievement #miecassembly #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether #academicachievement
24.01.2022 Dear MIEC Family, The Department of Education has just released a COVID-19 update today. If you have any questions, please call the school on (02) 95500251 and one of our friendly staff members will happily answer any of your questions.
23.01.2022 Congratulations to Minh and Geegee in being todays lucky PBL winners and receiving a $5 canteen voucher. We would also like to congratulate all the students who have been behaving in a positive and safe manner at school this term. Get your blue cards in and you might be the lucky PBL winner at next weeks MIEC assembly. ... #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #engagementinlearning #safety #pbl #mieccandoanything
23.01.2022 Great news MIEC Family! MIEC Homework Centre is starting again next Tuesday. Please hand in your permission notes to Mr Sagan by Monday next week. If you need a permission note or lost your permission note, please see Mr Sagan or one of our friendly staff members in the front office. ... See you then! #tuition #homework #learntogethergrowtogether #learningenglish #esl #growthmindset #publiceducation #futurelearning #literacy #numeracy #alwayslearning #supportingstudents #learningeveryday #learningisfun #tesol #publicandproud #proudlypublic
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Sohui and Helen in receiving your Head Teacher's Silver Award at yesterday's MIEC assembly. We are extremely proud of how hard you two have worked this term. #studentachievement #miecassembly #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether #academicachievement
22.01.2022 Thank you to all of the wonderful students and teachers who supported our jeans for genes fundraising day! #raisemoney #findcures #jean-ius #jeansforgenes #jeansforgenesau @jeansforgenesau
21.01.2022 This term, Ms Lo and Ms McIvor have been working with some of our former students at Burwood Girls High School. They have reported back to say how well everyone is doing and how much they’ve all improved. We are all so proud of you. @studentsofburwoodgirls ... #IECContingencyplan #EAL/D
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Minh and Geegee in being today's lucky PBL winners and receiving a $5 canteen voucher. We would also like to congratulate all the students who have been behaving in a positive and safe manner at school this term. Get your blue cards in and you might be the lucky PBL winner at next week's MIEC assembly. ... #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #engagementinlearning #safety #pbl #mieccandoanything
20.01.2022 Jane Jiang is an up and coming violinist who gave a phenomenal violin performance at last terms MIEC Graduation Assembly. We are extremely proud of your achievements Jane. We wish you all the success in your future. #violinist #talentedmusicians #mieccandoanything #violin #classicalmusic #achievement #music #performance #excellence #miecgraduation
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Cristal for receiving your Silver certificate at todays assembly. MIEC is extremely proud of your achievement and dedication to your learning. #learntogethergrowtogether #mieccandoanything #miecassembly #learningenglish
19.01.2022 Looking for things to in the school holidays? Check out the @pcycmarrickville basketball competition! Let your teachers know if you need help with registration. PCYC Marrickville X The U League 3x3 Basketball is here!... Boys & Girls U13, U15, U18 & Open Men's events $80 per team, minimum four games per team Sign up or find more information at #3x3 #theuleague #innerwestcouncil #pcyc #basketball #sydneybasketball #youthbasketball See more
17.01.2022 Congratulations to Minh in being the lucky RESi winner at todays assembly. At Marrickville Intensive English Centre, we encourage our students to act respectfully, safely and most importantly, engaged in all their lessons. As a reward for their continuous positive behaviour, we give away a $5 canteen voucher to the lucky RESi raffle winner. ... So students, start putting your blue cards into the RESi box and you might just be the lucky #positivebehaviourforlearning winner at next weeks assembly. #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #safety #engagementinlearning #mieccandoanything #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether
17.01.2022 It has been wonderful seeing students back in the classroom this week. Heres 1A working hard with Ms Tremblay to revise the parts of speech. They finished off the lesson with an exciting Kahoot quiz. #phase1returntoschool #detnsw #nswpublicschools #internationalstudents #learning #learningenglish #kahoot
15.01.2022 We are here to help. Swipe to read in Chinese Mongolian Vietnamese . #onlinelearning #learningfromhome #esl #englishlanguagelearners #internationalstudents #tipsforonlinelearning #onlinelearningsuccess
15.01.2022 Good news MIEC Students! We are heading back to school full time starting on Monday (25/05/2020) next week. Dont forget to bring all your school books and equipment . We are all looking forward to seeing your friendly faces! ... #returntoschool #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether #returningtoschool #mieccandoanything
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Minh and Cristal for receiving their Orange certificates at todays assembly. These two students have worked extremely hard throughout last term and this term. MIEC is extremely proud of your achievement and dedication to your learning. #learntogethergrowtogether #mieccandoanything #miecassembly #learningenglish
15.01.2022 Last Friday, we went on an excursion to the city and Manly beach. A wonderful day out!
15.01.2022 Congratulations Alvin in winning this term's MIEC Table Tennis Competition. #tabletennis #schoolsports #physicalactivity #mieccandoanything #learntogethergrowtogether #participate #sport #fitness
14.01.2022 Still confused on how to use Google Classroom? Watch this video on how to use Google Classroom and Turn In your class task after each lesson so you have a better understanding. If you are still having problems, you can always leave a comment for the teacher and they will help you. Alternatively, you can always email your teacher or call the school. #googleclassroom #onlinelearning #learningfromhome #tipsforonlinelearning #learningenglish #ictskills #onlinelearningsuccess #elearning #elearningsolutions #onlinetraining #digitallearning #education #classroom #edtech
12.01.2022 Its time for another set of online learning tips. We all know that one of the best ways to improve our English is by reading books. You can borrow books online at any time from our wonderful school library. Swipe to read in Chinese Mongolian Vietnamese . #onlinelearning #learningfromhome #esl #englishlanguagelearners #internationalstudents #tipsforonlinelearning #onlinelearningsuccess
12.01.2022 Check out these amazing mythical creature sculptures that our students have been creating in Visual Arts. *3B sculptures still to come* Thank you to Ms Oliver for the video.
12.01.2022 Do you enjoy a challenge? Do you enjoy folding paper planes in class? Now is your chance to enter your unique paper plane design at this years Paper Plane Competition. ... To celebrate Science Week Marrickville High School is hosting the annual Paper Plane Competition. We are encouraging all MIEC and MHS students to participate in the annual competition. Every lunchtime during Science Week (17th-21st August), MHS Science teachers will host paper plane designing, building and testing workshops to prepare students for the Competition Day on Friday 21st August. Please see one of your MIEC teachers for more information about the competition categories and rules. #scienceweek2020 #paperplane #innovation #futureenginner #challenge #education #educationmatters #learntogethergrowtogether #mieccandoanything #science #scienceisfun #learningenglish
11.01.2022 Our last set of online learning tips. This is especially important now that we are returning to school one day a week. We should all be following the regular school timetable and bell times from home and at school. We are so excited to see 3B students at school today! Swipe to read in Chinese Mongolian Vietnamese . #onlinelearning #learningfromhome #esl #englishlanguagelearners #internationalstudents #tipsforonlinelearning #onlinelearningsuccess
11.01.2022 In case you missed our exhibition at lunch, check out these amazing model sustainable houses that our L3 students have researched, designed and built as part of their STEM project. Which one would you live in? #sustainableliving #sustainabledesign #stemeducation #stem #stemactivities #tesol #esl #internationalstudents #eslteacher
10.01.2022 Dear MIEC Family, Please download the NSW School Updates app onto your mobile phone to receive operational status (school open/school closed) updates for NSW Public Schools. How to use the app:... 1. Download the app NSW School Updates from App Store or Google Play 2. Search and select Marrickville High School 3. Choose Allow Push Notification so that you can be notified if the the school becomes non-operational (school closed) If the school is non-operational (school closed), you will receive further communication from the school to your email. Thank you for your cooperation.
10.01.2022 Cansin gave a wonderful presentation at todays assembly reminding MIEC students to bring a gold coin donation for Jeans for Genes tomorrow. Remember that you still have to wear your school shirt, jacket and black shoes tomorrow. @jeansforgenesau #jeans #fundraising #mieccandoanything #bekind #makeadifference #wearjeanschangelives #miecsrcfundraising
10.01.2022 Congratulations Alvin in winning this terms MIEC Table Tennis Competition. #tabletennis #schoolsports #physicalactivity #mieccandoanything #learntogethergrowtogether #participate #sport #fitness
10.01.2022 A message from NSW Department of Education: If your child is unwell, get them tested and keep them at home until they receive a negative result. Read the latest COVID-19 advice for families on: #staysafe
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Angela, Jiaying and Cansin in receiving your Orange certificate and Ulysses in receiving your first Silver award at todays assembly. We are extremely proud at how hard you have worked this term. Keep up the excellent work. #learntogethergrowtogether #mieccandoanything #learningenglish #academicachievement
09.01.2022 Am I seeing things? Check out these cool Photoshop artworks that our students created with Ms Oliver. #photoshop #photoshopart #MIEC #tesol #internationalstudents
08.01.2022 Here’s Ms Tremblay working with our Stage 6 Society and Culture students here at Marrickville High School. They have started working on their PIP, personal interest project, which will be a 4000-word document once completed. Keep up the great work, guys! ... @marrickvillehighschool
07.01.2022 MIEC students are improving their reading skills online and at school with our new online reading program. This targeted, personalised program allows students to work at their own pace and improve vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. #reading #onlinereading #comprehension #readingstrategies #vocabulary #englishgrammar #comprehensionstrategies #esl #tesol #learningenglish #internationalstudents
07.01.2022 We would like to introduce the new MIEC SRC members for Term 3 2020. If you need any help with school or need someone to talk to come see Cansin, Karma, Ulysses, Melissa, Geegee, Emika or Ms Tremblay. The SRC are currently preparing some exciting events for this term, so stay tuned for more information. #miecsrc #learntogether #community
07.01.2022 Congratulations to Cristal in being the lucky RESi winner at today's assembly. At Marrickville Intensive English Centre, we encourage our students to act respectfully, safely and most importantly, engaged in all their lessons. As a reward for their continuous positive behaviour, we give away a $5 canteen voucher to the lucky RESi raffle winner. ... So students, start putting your blue cards into the RESi box and you just might be the lucky #positivebehaviourforlearning winner at next week's assembly. #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #safety #engagementinlearning #mieccandoanything #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether
07.01.2022 Here’s our Level 3 PD class creating memory jars. This fun activity gave us the chance to talk about what we miss from our countries. It was a good reminder that we are not alone and can support each other through this tough time.
06.01.2022 Jane Jiang is an up and coming violinist who gave a phenomenal violin performance at last term's MIEC Graduation Assembly. We are extremely proud of your achievements Jane. We wish you all the success in your future. #violinist #talentedmusicians #mieccandoanything #violin #classicalmusic #achievement #music #performance #excellence #miecgraduation
06.01.2022 Hi MIEC Family, Just a reminder that it is the Queens Birthday (public holiday) on Monday. We will start school on Tuesday (9/06/2020) next week. Have a safe long weekend!... #publicholiday See more
05.01.2022 #throwback Friday. Here are some #sculptures our MIEC students made last year to #inspire this terms students in their #visualart class when they design their very own #monster sculptures. #ceramics #studentwork #artwork #mieccandoanything #artistinthemaking #artist #creative #originalart #sculpture
05.01.2022 NEW MIEC TIMETABLE for Weeks 3 & 4 MIEC Students will begin going back to school one day a week from next week (11/05/2020). Please look at the picture below to see which day you will be going to school. All other classes on each day will continue with your online learning on Google Classroom at home. ... Students will need to: - be at school at 8:30am - wear your full school uniform - bring your school books - bring your own recess and lunch We have also posted your NEW SCHOOL TIMETABLE which will start next week, onto Google Classroom. Please read through all the information very carefully and if you have any questions, please call MIEC on (02) 9550 0251 and one of our friendly staff members will be able to help you. #returningtoschool #mieccandoanything #highschool #miec
05.01.2022 We wish everyone a safe and happy school holiday. Term 3 will start on Tuesday 21st July 2020. #schoolholiday #learntogethergrowtogether #mieccandoanything
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Cristal in being the lucky RESi winner at todays assembly. At Marrickville Intensive English Centre, we encourage our students to act respectfully, safely and most importantly, engaged in all their lessons. As a reward for their continuous positive behaviour, we give away a $5 canteen voucher to the lucky RESi raffle winner. ... So students, start putting your blue cards into the RESi box and you just might be the lucky #positivebehaviourforlearning winner at next weeks assembly. #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #safety #engagementinlearning #mieccandoanything #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether
04.01.2022 At Marrickville Intensive English Centre, we encourage our students to act respectfully, safely and most importantly, engaged in all their lessons. As a reward for their continuous positive behaviour, we are organising an end of term raffle. So students, get your blue cards in today or tomorrow and you just might be the lucky #positivebehaviourforlearning winner! ... #positivebehaviourforlearning #respect #safety #engagementinlearning #mieccandoanything #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether
02.01.2022 Hi MIEC Family, In support of @wear_it_purple Day tomorrow, we are asking all students to wear something purple and bring a gold coin donation to support our rainbow young teenagers. #wearitpurpleday #awareness #inclusive... #supportingstudents #lgbtq #miecsrcfundraising #wearethechange #lgbtq #solidarity #lgbtqia See more
02.01.2022 This term, level 3 students have been learning about life in Ancient Rome. 3B have been given a challenge to build an aqueduct structure and describe how the system works. Stay tuned to see if the students were successful in their designs. #teamwork #ancientrome #ancienthistory #learningenglish #learntogethergrowtogether #schoolproject #aqueduct #stemeducation #hsie #history #creativethinking #history #historyproject #criticalthinking #collaboration
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