Marsden State School | Government organisation
Marsden State School
Phone: 07 3489 9333
Address: 32 Hickory Street, Marsden QLD 4132
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25.01.2022 The Fathering Project Just a quick reminder that Session 3 is on tomorrow night if you are interested in joining us. We are keen to see you all there again! ... Series Details: Session3: Learning Help Your Kid Learn to Love Learning Tuesday 8th September 2020 at 7.30pm Register Here - See more
25.01.2022 Congratulations 6B on 100% Attendance in Week 1. What a great start to the term and well done to the 11 other classes who all had attendance over 95%.
24.01.2022 Changes to Before School Duty for Wednesday 9th September ONLY. Could students please line up in the following areas tomorrow due to The Dean Hall being used for another event: Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 to line up in the Tuckshop Shed... Year 3 - 6 please line up outside their classrooms. Thank you for your co-operation.
24.01.2022 6CD did some wonderful reflections of today’s Remembrance Day service.
23.01.2022 It's Prep C and Prep D's turn to have an amazing day at Jacob's Well.
23.01.2022 Important Notice School power and phones are back up and running. All children that had tuckshop were very happy with the sausage sizzle and cheese sandwiches. Students that ordered tuckshop today will receive their tuckshop tomorrow. Year 6 students will receive their tuckshop next Friday as they have high school transition tomorrow and leave for camp on Monday. ... Thank you for everybodys understanding. See more
23.01.2022 Heres a cheat sheet that you can use the next time youre asked Whats the point of school? Thanks to #WeTheDifferents. For more great tips or advice, check out
22.01.2022 Graduation Cohort Photo is on Monday. This photo is an informal photo for their signature poster organised by their classroom teachers.
22.01.2022 Thank you for everyone that participated in the Odd Sock Day today. I am sure it was a little easier for everyone to get dressed this morning.
22.01.2022 Update your Job skills to gain confidence in returning to work, Life Communities have courses available now.... Contact Penny in the Hub for more information!
22.01.2022 Year 6 Graduation Announcement Last week, changes were made to COVID restrictions. These changes have allowed us the ability to have one parent attend graduation per student. We are thrilled that we are able to do this and have been working very hard behind the scenes to re-design our schedule to accommodate for this to occur. Please read below for information regarding the Graduation:... Strictly one parent per child invited An invitation will be sent out and families MUST RSVP who will be attending for us to be able to create the COVID sign in sheet Attending parents must sign in upon entry, and temperature will be taken Anyone presenting with cold or flu like symptoms must not attend Arrival time 8:30am for a prompt 8:45am start The Dean Hall door will be locked at 8:45am and no further entries will be allowed Expected finishing time will be 10:45am for the formal ceremony Attending parents will be present for class certificates and awards, then parents will exit the hall and leave school grounds so we can set the hall up for the luncheon and celebration time for students Students will exit with parents to the top oval/amphitheatre area where they can say their goodbyes etc. Attending parents must leave school grounds when we announce for the children to re-enter the hall after we have set it up for the luncheon
21.01.2022 Learn self Defence in a fun and relaxing way!!! Contact details on the bottom of the page!
21.01.2022 Congratulations to 6A on winning the highest attendance for Week 8.
21.01.2022 Some items left behind by year 6 campers. Please pick up tomorrow.
20.01.2022 Marsden State School will be celebrating International Day of Tolerance tomorrow. Tolerance is about respecting cultures, beliefs and opinions that are different from our own. Tolerance teaches us to respect each other. We welcome to all to wear clothing significant to your culture.... Please ensure your clothing abides by the sun safe dress code. As a way to share culture, we are inviting students to bring a plate to share with their class mates. ** Just a reminder to our Year 2 Families - Due to swimming, the Year 2 students will be acknowledging this day on the 23rd November. They are encouraged to wear clothing significant to their culture on Monday 23rd, as well as bring a plate of food to share with their class mates. Thank you. See more
20.01.2022 Laptop Classes- Year 4 2021 Today is the final day to express your interest for a year 4 lap top class next year. If you are interested in your son/daughter joining one of these classes. Expression of Interest forms are available for collection from the Office. Any EOI’s received after today will be placed on the waiting list. Thank you
19.01.2022 Year 6 campers on adventures trying their luck milk crate climbing. The record is 18!
18.01.2022 ATTENTION Year 6 Parents Your campers are due to arrive back to school by 2:30pm. If anything changes throughout the day, we will post it on here. Please refrain from clogging up the Office phone lines with enquiries, and instead keep an eye on this page throughout the day. As soon as we know anymore, we will let you know. Thank you
18.01.2022 Congratulations to our Year 6 graduates and award winners. We wish you all the best for the future. This movie shows the entire graduation ceremony (less the boring bits like empty space). Kids with no video permission have been removed.
18.01.2022 Prep A and Prep B are off on their adventure to Jacob's Well. They are going to have a really great day!
18.01.2022 Friday 30th October is Day for Daniel. We encourage all students,staff and the school community to wear RED to raise awareness. NO GOLD COIN IS REQUIRED
17.01.2022 FINAL REMINDER. Finance window is closing for payments as of tomorrow, 26/11/20. Please contact the office should you wish to use this service before the closure of the school year.
17.01.2022 Thank you to all the staff, students, and families who made this terms Year 6 Transition Days @ Marsden SHS a huge success #futuremakos #pride #passion #persistence
16.01.2022 Re: Year 6 Graduation Many schools have cancelled graduation activities, but we felt it important to allow this group of Year 6 students, the opportunity to make memories! We explored many options and I know some families will be disappointed not being allowed to be there to watch. Please read the following which is being sent home today with further information. We are vey excited, that for the first time, our students can select their lunch from a range of food on the, provided by a catering company that has had great reviews! This will be special for our students! Teachers and students have been eagerly anticipating this event all year; Year 6 Graduation is scheduled for Monday, 7th December 2020. Due to COVID 19 restrictions and regulations, graduation will be held on school grounds in the Dean Hall for students only. Year 6 Graduation will be an all-day event filmed by teachers; and if parents wish to have a copy they can supply a USB. Photos of students with social media permission will have photos posted on the school Facebook page during the proceedings. All students must be dropped off at the STOP DROP and GO at 9:00am. Students will be escorted to the hall for the festivities. The celebrations will include a lunch, photo booth and games; followed by certificate and trophy presentations. Students are not required to wear their school uniform for this event; however the expected level of dress is smart casual. Year 6 teachers will be discussing with Year 6 students what smart casual dress looks like in the coming weeks. Student’s behaviour will be carefully monitored; please be aware that a student is at risk of being unable to attend if consistently at the Red Zone Level.
16.01.2022 Happy World Teachers Day to all our wonderful teachers. A huge thank you to the P and C and staff for supplying a delicious morning tea and cake for all teachers to enjoy.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to 6B on winning the best attendance for week 6.
15.01.2022 Children are always learning! Prep teachers are looking forward to welcoming your curious learners as they continue on their learning journey. Work with your local schools as your child makes the step to Prep!
15.01.2022 Year 6 campers enjoying nature, bush walking adventures and canoeing.
15.01.2022 First morning of Year 6 camp, makng their own breakfast.
14.01.2022 Peer teaching its a powerful thing. We changed up our regular Reading on Rugs this morning for the White Ducks (students who have finished the SSP program) to include them buddy reading with the Green Ducks. Here is a wonderful video to show a clever little Green Duck in Prep (who is so close to becoming a purple duck) reading with a gorgeous year 1 White Duck. ... If you have siblings at home, they really can be each others best teacher. Get those older siblings feeling the joy of reading with their younger siblings and post a pic in the comments to share it with us. We love seeing kids and adults reading and engaging with texts.
14.01.2022 If the Marsden State School’s ‘Dads’ Group is something you would like to be involved with. Please email Chappy Matty on [email protected] or contact the school for more information! Be a part of the change!
14.01.2022 CommBank School Banking today. Dont forget your bank books. if you would like to sign your child/children up to start banking with Commonwealth School Banking please follow the link below.
14.01.2022 Our Year 6 camp students have arrived safe and well.
14.01.2022 A thank You to all Staff on this World Teachers Day!
13.01.2022 Wet and Wonderful day is tomorrow!
13.01.2022 Donations are not required. If you would like to donate, $1 Pink Ribbons and stickers will be for sale in the Dean Hall leading up to the day. All proceeds will be added to Marsden State School Staff Pink Ribbon Event Page.
12.01.2022 Today Year 6 campers enjoyed fishing and archery. Im sure there will be many yarns about who caught the largest fish.
11.01.2022 These unclaimed items from Year 6 can be collected from outside the year 6 block. Due health and safety restrictions, please be aware that if they are not collected today the items will be given to charity.
11.01.2022 Last photos from Year 6 camp. We hope your child has plenty of adventure stories to tell and a long good nights rest.
10.01.2022 It was great to see so many of our students getting into "Try it Tuesday". Here are just a few of the students enjoying a healthy snack.
10.01.2022 Krank activities is back...Krank activity booklets are available free from Logan City Libraries
08.01.2022 What a year it has been so far. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is how valuable community support and connection are. For many of us, it has been the phone calls from friends checking in or celebrating the big moments with family via Zoom that has helped us through this pandemic. The hubs program has never been more important, to reach those that are feeling isolated and disconnected. For our communities, hub leaders have been that friend, reaching out, checking in, a...nd offering support wherever it is needed. To say thank you to all the hub leaders for working tirelessly this year and putting their community first, we have created this video. Please share this with your networks and social media, to help us share the fantastic work of our hubs. Yours sincerely, Dr Sonja Hood CEO, Community Hubs Australia
08.01.2022 Quick Reminder Day for Daniel tomorrow. Don’t forget to wear RED.
08.01.2022 Wet and Wonderful day is well underway! The weather is just perfect!
08.01.2022 Congratulations to 6B on winning our week 3 Attendance Award.
08.01.2022 Student Council has postponed their fundraising day that was scheduled for this Wednesday to next Wednesday 4th November. We will announce the theme after our Student Council meeting tomorrow.
08.01.2022 Join Mrs Grover every Tuesday and Friday at playtime for Glee Club in the instrumental room in the music block.
07.01.2022 Free 6 week Football program weekly at Gould Adams Park Kingston..... information on the flyer
07.01.2022 First team activity for Year 6 campers - Team Flags!
07.01.2022 NAPLAN - Please ensure your children in Years 3 and 5 are on time this week and have had a good breakfast, either at home or at our breakfast club! NAPLAN testing is taking place this week. See below for the scheduled assessments that will occur in year 3 and year 5. Tuesday Writing Wednesday Reading... Thursday - Conventions of Language/Spelling Friday - Numeracy Catch up tests will also take place each day and on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
06.01.2022 Thank you to all of the Prep - Year 3 parents, students, teachers and teacher aides for another successful P-3 Movie Night. We hope you all had a good night!
05.01.2022 Nilly our TAFE English Teacher will be at Marsden State School this Wednesday at 12.15... free and relaxed classes for all ages. Contact Penny 34899333 limited seats available. Practicing COVID safe guidelines.
05.01.2022 Our Kindergarten children had so much fun today for their Marsden State School transition day Thank you for having us! #QCCS #brisbanechildcare #transition #kindergarten
05.01.2022 Year 6 campers having muddy fun after a long canoe ride.
04.01.2022 Running out of School Lunch Box ideas? Try these fun, colourful and nutritious food ideas your kids will love! #schoollunchbox #inspo
04.01.2022 P and C Krispy Kreme Fundraising Drive We are doing a Krispy Kreme Fundraising Drive to help raise funds for resources for our school. The family that sells the most Krispy Kreme boxes will receive 2 DOZEN FREE ORIGINAL GLAZED DOUGHNUTS!!!! Forms have been sent home with the youngest of the family student.... If you didnt receive a form please contact the office or follow the link below to order online. All forms will need to be returned to the office by Tuesday 6th October. Orders can also be made online by following the link below: Pick up Krispy Kreme orders form the office on Friday 23rd October 12pm- 4:30pm Thank you Marsden State School P and C
04.01.2022 Without power, the 120 students who have ordered tuckshop will be provided with a toasted cheese sandwich and sausage sizzle at no extra cost to the family. Tuckshop orders will be available to these families either tomorrow or Monday (for those year 6 students attending high school transition). If your child has any allergies that will prevent this, please private message the school. Thank you
03.01.2022 Our Student Council are fundraising for R U Ok Day today. Students are invited to wear yellow to raise awareness for mental health. Please bring a gold coin donation if you are wearing yellow. Please note, all year 6 students must wear school uniform for the Marsden State High School transition day today. They are welcome to wear the R U OK armbands in support.
02.01.2022 Dress up day at Marsden community Playgroup....we had the paw patrol crew little witches and of course pumpkins
02.01.2022 Please be aware that we are currently undertaking an emergency evacuation drill. There is no emergency but we are practising our procedures. Well done to all our staff and students who acted appropriately in this situation. Thank you.
02.01.2022 All uniforms can be purchased on Flexischools. When order is ready we will contact you for collection. Thank you
02.01.2022 Have your child’s teeth checked by a Dental Hygienist here at Marsden State School Playgroup...Wednesday 21st October
02.01.2022 Congratulations to 3A for winning the Attendance Award in week 9.
01.01.2022 Year 6 campers looking a bit weary eyed this morning. Hopefully todays activities will energise them!
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