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MarShere Dance Studios in Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia | Dancer

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MarShere Dance Studios

Locality: Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 8761 6160

Address: 13 Trade Way 3137 Kilsyth, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We are excited by the news we can return to some in studio activity from June 22! We are planning and will be communicating how this will work. If your email has changed recently let us know!

23.01.2022 Our Chief Client Officers miss seeing you all in studio! They have been busy with extra cuddles & walks, and hope everyone is feeling well. This is their cute reminder to book in your classes. The next 3 weeks is open for bookings & FREE to everyone, including people who've not danced before. We have pinned a post with the booking link to the top of our FaceBook feed! ... Any questions let us know #marsherekilsyth See more

22.01.2022 Our second installment of behind the scenes of this weeks classes for you . It's not easy teaching to a camera.

19.01.2022 With the updated restrictions announced today by the Victorian authorities, we will need to work out our plan forward. Having said that, classes & any privates Tues & Wed will go ahead! Stay tuned to our socials & emails & thanks for support xxx... Matt & Fiona

19.01.2022 Classes coming at you this week... Tag us in your home dance class! @marshere_kilsyth... #marsherekilsyth See more

18.01.2022 How you doin' ?

18.01.2022 Bookings are essential for classes so we can manage our people limits. If you need help or having trouble feel free to contact us! You should receive an email confirmation of booking. Check your spam / junk folder & message us if unsure.

18.01.2022 Our Chief Client Officer quality checking class video editing. Make sure you check your emails.....we've added you to our Google classroom where you will find your first lesson. Message us if you think the email we have maybe old or have any questions.... #marshere_kilsyth #learnexercisesocialise

16.01.2022 After class is also just as important! Once you have finished, exit has soon as you can, we will be spot cleaning & checking in other people. Wash / sanitise your hands. ... Hydrate & stretch you body. We have loved seeing those who have joined us & those still to come! Make sure you book in!

16.01.2022 Our Teen class virtually! They have been learning routines & technique from our teachers Chloe, Nicole & Emily! We've been super proud of the way they have embraced their class & hope to see them in person soon!... #lovetodance

15.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing your shining faces this week! Links and details will be by our page members and regulars page - Classes this week are FREE - so try as little or many as you like.... Matt is also offering online private lessons - $30 for 1/2hr - contact us if you would like book in.

15.01.2022 If you are joining us for class from today... Remember to keep your 1.5m distance & solo dancing only. Take note of capacity & off limits areas.... We've got plenty of hand sanitiser .

15.01.2022 Hi everyone Hope you are doing well as we continue on our lockdown pathways. We will be posting our community related content in our members and regulars page. ... If you are part of community - please make sure you join so we can connect & keep you updated over the next 6 weeks .

13.01.2022 Our Teens class are checked in, temp checked & stretching! #bestretchedtoavoidinjury

11.01.2022 We are relieved to announce that the recent State Government announcement (3:35pm 30th June) declaring 10 postcodes move back into stage 3 lockdown from Wednesd...ay 1st July 11:59pm, does NOT affect any of our MarShere studios currently. As a group of dance studios MarShere has been working with health authorities to make sure we are being compliant to all requirements, so we can operate our dance studios as safely as possible. We do understand that some students may be affected by the new lockdown announcements. We hope you continue to enjoy our socially distanced dance classes at our 14 locations. Please help us keep each other safe. Refrain from visiting a MarShere studio if you are suffering any illness no matter how minor, or are from one of the 10 postcode areas identified by the State Government. We encourage everyone to get tested for COVID 19, so as a community, we can identify and isolate areas of concern. If you are affected by the current lockdown announcement please get in touch with your studio principals to let them know ASAP.

10.01.2022 That feeling you get when dance is coming back! From the 22nd of June changes to government restrictions will mean our dance studios can reopen. Our studio pri...ncipals are working hard preparing studios and meeting online to prepare a plan to return to teaching classes in person and keeping safe. We're so excited to share details of our relaunch over the next few weeks leading up to that date. Make sure you "Like and Follow" your local MarShere Studio on Facebook to be the first to know what is happening and if your contact details have changed, please let your studio principals know so they can update. Photo Credit :@stephaniedaives

09.01.2022 On our way back - your time prior to class will be different. If you are feeling unwell - please stay home and cancel your booking. Due to capacity and cleaning we ask you stay in your car until the allocated class time. ... Bring your phone to complete our contact tracing declaration and we will also have temperature checking. Remember to warm up and stretch as we get back to moving our bodies!

08.01.2022 We're so excited! Victorian cafes and restaurants were able to open their doors to customers this morning when the next stage of restriction reductions came effect. We're still a few weeks away from the following stage which allows dance studios to reopen. Our studio principals are working together to create a plan that will allow us to keep dancing safely and within the guidelines when doors reopen. We will be announcing this shortly. While you are waiting make sure you "Like & Follow" your local MarShere studio page and get in touch with your principals if your contact details have changed so you can be the first to know. See more

08.01.2022 Thankyou to all for a great first week back in studio! It is looking fresh & clean with some new potted friends . What else has changed......check it out

07.01.2022 Remember to book in for our Live Class - Modern Technique with Matt tonight @7pm! Booking link via our members and regulars page

06.01.2022 Happy Easter to everyone! We hope the Easter Bunny was kind to you! Our Chief Client Officers managed to catch EB quickly before he had to hop-a-long on his way! ... Love to all #stayinside #marshere_kilsyth #marsherekilsyth

06.01.2022 After a little scare today......we are proud to release our timetable to you all! Take a look at the schedule and follow the link to book. Classes are also FREE for the next 4 weeks - do as many or as little as your like, just remember to cancel so others can book in.... Bookings and cancellations will close 2 hours before your class time. Any questions let us know!

06.01.2022 Remember bookings are MUST to enter the studio & close 2hrs before class starts! All classes are open to Teens & Adults (with exception to the actual Teen class on Monday).

04.01.2022 A message from Dancesport Victoria. We hope you are all staying well and looking forward to getting back into the studio as soon as we can.

03.01.2022 In line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government has announced that metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will return t...o Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions start from 11.59pm on Wednesday 8 July 2020. We are sad to announce the temporary closure of MarShere in-person classes across all Studios from Thursday onwards. Please make sure you "like & follow" your local studio Facebook page to stay informed of updates and online classes. We appreciate the support, loyalty, encouragement, and generosity shown to our teachers and principals as well as each other during these very uncertain times and we look forward to seeing you all, once we are allowed to open the doors to the studios again. For full information about changes to -

02.01.2022 Remember to bring your phone (and glasses ) to complete our check in form. The QR code is also on the front window if you are waiting for class outside . We will help you if this is all new too! Happy dancing!

02.01.2022 Come join us to dance again in studio! Our schedule will be published soon....where you will need to book your classes that we've spread across the week. Ensure you have your bag packed with the essentials.....including finding your shoes! ... Any questions let us know!

01.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day!! Whether it be driving us to classes, paying for our lessons, watching us achieve our goals, fixing / buying a costume, feeding us at comps, listening to us, sacrificing there own dancing dreams for us or just a cuddle at the right time. We love what all our mums and mum figures do and hope you have a great day!!! #mumsarethebest #mumsatdance #marsherekilsyth

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