Martinovich Psychological Services in Fremantle, Western Australia | Counsellor
Martinovich Psychological Services
Locality: Fremantle, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9433 6559
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25.01.2022 Have you ever had a friend in distress telling you something terrible that they are facing, and you felt unsure about how to best respond and support them? Often in the face of distress and discomfort we can go into a problem-solving mode to try and reduce the distress. But is this always what the other person wants or needs? The following reminds us of the power of just being present and listening as a signficant way of supporting others.... #MPSPsychology
25.01.2022 "Our Stone Age brains just weren't designed to handle the sedentary, isolated, indoor, sleep-deprived, fast-food-laden, stressed-out pace of twenty-first-century life" - Dr Stephen Ilardie Have you ever had a bad night's sleep and woken up the next day feeling exhausted, unable to concentrate and quite irritable? This is a common occurrence in society and for some, this is a daily struggle. So why is sleep so important and what can you do to improve it? When we sleep, our bra...Continue reading
24.01.2022 This week brings us International Youth Day! A day to celebrate young peoples voices, actions and initiatives. A day to stop and remember that youth hold the future in their hands. A day to think about the changes to our world and the challenges and opportunities it presents for young people. This years theme is "Youth Engagement for Global Action" as the U.N. seeks to provide a clearer path for the youth to speak out on global concerns especially in the light of global impact of covid-19. Take a minute to think about the young people in your life and hear their voice. #MPSPsychology #InternationalYouthDay2020
24.01.2022 Some people know how to make the most out of life no matter what the circumstances....These older gentlemen played footy like boys at #cottesloebeach this morning, in the wind and rain. Then cooled off with a swim. We hope they dont mind us posting but we couldnt resist as watching them was so inspiring and made us smile, in fact it made our day. Thank you Sirs
24.01.2022 THIS WAY UP provide online courses that are designed to help you identify, understand, and improve psychological difficulties like stress, insomnia, worry, anxiety and depression. They use a CBT model and provide practical module-based courses to help improve your coping skills and how you are feeling. These modules can complement psychology services provided at MPS #mpspsychology. Until the 30/6/20 all This Way Up courses are free.
24.01.2022 Mens Health Week - Dads in the Perinatal Period Up to 1 in 20 expecting dads will struggle with postnatal depression and up to 1 in 10 following the birth of their baby. Anxiety is just as common and many dads may experience anxiety and depression at the same time. Pregnancy and the first year (and beyond) of parenthood is equally exciting as it is challenging and overwhelming for both mums and dads. Whilst for many, it is normal to experience some anxiety about the arrival... of a new baby - for some men, fatherhood may bring about unexpected and unwelcome thoughts and emotions that can really impact on their experience and enjoyment of being a dad. But there is help available for the wonderful fathers out there, click the link below for information from PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia). Call us for more information about the services & support MPS offers! #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #mpsperinatalmentalhealth #menshealthweek2020 #dadsareimportant #supportingdads #mensmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth
23.01.2022 Looking for a fabulous new psych to join our team
23.01.2022 A great reminder heading into the weekend... Regular physical activity has been shown to benefit both our physical health and our mental health. It can help with improved mood, sleep, more energy and feeling more relaxed. The Department of Health recommends 30 minutes a day, but any activity is better than none!... If you are not physically active start small and slowly increase. Find activities that you enjoy, and try including other people in your exercise routine too.
21.01.2022 Thanks to @journey_to_wellness_ for a reminder of the benefits of holding our thinking in the present
21.01.2022 SMILING Many of us may have heard the term "laughter is the best medicine", but did you know that smiling has a few secrets of its own, which we may not be aware of? Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you have smiled today? Have you possibly thought about what effect a smile may have had on you, or even on somebody else? Smiling is a very underrated activity, yet the positive effects of this simple action have some very powerful outcomes for us (and Research on smiling has shown that this simple activity can lower stress, boost your immune system, lift your mood and cause some relaxation. Who knew?! Whether you pretend to smile or genuinely smile, your brain doesnt know any different. It just knows that the action which then triggers a positive effect in our brain and body. Heres how it works: When you smile, a chemical reaction in the brain is triggered, which releases "happy" hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. The release of serotonin is associated with reduced stress. Dopamine on the other hand, assists with our mood and low levels of this hormone are associated with mood disorders, such as depression. As an added benefit, research has shown that when you smile, others around you smile too - smiling is indeed contagious! So next time you are feeling irritable or down, try smiling, even if its forced. You are tricking your brain into being positive even if you genuinely dont feel that way and the benefits for your mind and body are just incredible. #smile #mpspsychology
21.01.2022 Check out this fantastic article by "7 Mindful Parenting Lessons for the Pandemic" #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #parentswellbeing #selfcompassion #selfcare
20.01.2022 Thanks to The Black Dog Institute for putting together this great article. It summarises six handy tips for dealing with feelings of uncertainty and distress if your employment has been impacted by COVID-19.
19.01.2022 Earlier this year when #Covid19 first came to Australian shores and we were asked to #stayhome, MPS Psychologists became curious about how these restrictions were impacting peoples working lives. So our team developed and launched a survey entitled "Working From Home During COVID-19" which collected information from a random population sample of Aussies to gauge just how employees were adjusting to working from home, in these very unique circumstances. Your anonymous input ...has been incredibly valuable to #mpspsychology, and we have already begun to utilise this data to make informed decisions about how we can adapt and improve our services and training to better support our clients. Since times have changed so dramatically and without any warning, it is vital that there is appropriate #mentalhealthsupport both at home and at work, for those who need it. Click on the image to see the results of our survey. Interestingly, our results echo those of many other surveys done across Australia. Thank you again to those who participated, your input has been very informative and we hope that these results are just as interesting to you!
19.01.2022 This week its Womens Health Week, a week dedicated to all women across Australia that encourages women to make good health a priority. Each day this week focusses on a different womens health topic, including both physical and mental health. Follow the link to explore some helpful health tips, tools, and information, or find an event to get involved in. #WomensHealthWeek
19.01.2022 Day 3 of Womans Health Week is focussed on the inside story, looking at bladder, gut, and bowel health. Now is a time to check-in on your inner workings and start to have an idea of the signs of a healthy bowel and bladder functioning. For women over 50 years, regular check-ups with your GP are also important with screening for bowel cancer and kidney health. Head to link for more information. And be on the look out for tomorrows topic, which is all things mental healt...h, focussing on sleep, anxiety, and how physical activity and nutrition can impact our mental wellbeing.
19.01.2022 Dropping anchor exercises, or expansive awareness exercise, are techniques that can be useful to help us deal with difficult thoughts, feelings, emotions, or memories, more effectively. The techniques involve acknowledging thoughts / feelings, tuning back into our body, and engaging in the present moment. Have a go for yourself, by following along with this 40 second recording!
18.01.2022 Having multiple ways to relax is super important for our health and #wellbeing, especially when we are feeling stressed or going for a rough time. Thanks to Australia for putting together some ideas for young people on ways to chill out that doesnt have to be too pricey. Having a go at some of these these might help people to find the things they like to do to relax. Dont forget #MPSPsychology can also provide psychological services for young people who are having difficulties with stress, mood and coping. If you have questions about our services please call our office on 9433 6559
18.01.2022 MPS have been looking after Police, Paramedics amd DFES career firefighters and volunteers for many years and welcome the are they triple ok?initiative to help family and friends talk to their frontline emergency worker loved ones. Now there is some training to help start the conversation...
18.01.2022 This week it's Women's Health Week, a week dedicated to all women across Australia that encourages women to make good health a priority. Each day this week focusses on a different women's health topic, including both physical and mental health. Follow the link to explore some helpful health tips, tools, and information, or find an event to get involved in. #WomensHealthWeek
17.01.2022 It was inspiring to attend last nights book launch by WA physiotherapist Julie Sprigg Cant wait to read her book about her pioneering Physio efforts in Ethiopia. Aparently Julie comes from the gorgeous town of Boyup Brook, which weve had the pleasure of practicing in from time to time over the past year. Julie generously donated all ticket sales to the wonderful collaborative giving circle #100Women who had some delightful representatives at the launch last night.... It was so lovely to be among so many inspirational women Thank you #mpspsychology
16.01.2022 Enjoy the weekend folks! #mpspsychology
16.01.2022 Keeping a relationship stable, happy and with a deep sense of connection and shared meaning requires ongoing commitment and communication. The Gottman Institute is dedicated to building healthier and deeper relationships, and have regular blogs about means to do so. The link below provides a blog which looks at ways of discussing and developing shared rituals for a greater sense of shared meaning to deepen couples connection in a relationship. Shared rituals and tradition...s help build a sense of each other and keep connection and understanding going. MPS has clinicians who are able to help you and your partner explore the things that may be getting in the way of developing this shared meaning and to build a healthier relationship. #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #ritualsofconnection #healthyrelationships #couplestherapy #gottmaninstitute
15.01.2022 Ah that Friday feeling ... Enjoy your weekend folks! From the MPS team... #weekend #mpspsychology #fremantle #dunsborough #rockingham #tgifriday
15.01.2022 Sometimes we need a little bit of help getting on top of our to do list. Perhaps this week you might like to try using the Eisenhower Matrix to help you with prioritising tasks and getting things done. This matrix helps us prioritise tasks based on both their urgency and importance, meaning it can help us to get things done in the right order. Use it by drawing your matrix, like the one in this image, and add your to do list items in the appropriate boxes. Then start with th...e tasks in the top left, that are both urgent and important. Next are the tasks that need scheduled, then those that are best to be delegated. For more tips on how to use the matrix, and to find out where it got its name, have a read of this article:
14.01.2022 It was nice to finish a stressful week with a little tactile grounding exercise in our #dunsborough practice today. So many different textures around our rooms to work with. Grounding can be achieved by using whatever is around you at the time, you dont have to be at #mpsychology ..give it a go at home @ Dunsborough, Western Australia
14.01.2022 Its mens health week. Hey guys when was your last check up with your GP and psychologist?
13.01.2022 Thinking and talking about mental health, our own and others, is so important. The Black Dog Institute are focused on researching and understanding mental health across the lifespan. For the month of Spetember they are hosting Mullets for Mental Health to raise awareness and funds for mental health research. Follow the link for more information or hop on the black dog institute website for resources and stories about mental health. #Mulletsformentalhealth #MPSPsychology
12.01.2022 This week brings us International Youth Day! A day to celebrate young people's voices, actions and initiatives. A day to stop and remember that youth hold the future in their hands. A day to think about the changes to our world and the challenges and opportunities it presents for young people. This years theme is "Youth Engagement for Global Action" as the U.N. seeks to provide a clearer path for the youth to speak out on global concerns especially in the light of global impact of covid-19. Take a minute to think about the young people in your life and hear their voice. #MPSPsychology #InternationalYouthDay2020
12.01.2022 #MPSpsychology not only provides clinical services, but also organisational psychology services. #organisationalpsychology is the study and science of behaviours of people at work. It works in a similar manner to the clinical approach, where there are assessments and then appropriate intervention strategies are implemented. The same principle is applied in organisational settings with assessments and intervention strategies. The understanding and application of both human be...haviour and organisational systems helps to improve individual, team and organisational effectiveness, performance and #wellbeing. If youve been following #MPSpsychology, you may remember that we conducted a questionnaire a couple of months back where we asked anonymous participants to provide some insight into what you think is required to improve team and organisational communication. The results are in and there are no surprises to the simple changes managers can make to improve these aspects: 1) Communication is key! A simple check-in from your manager or fellow colleagues goes a long way. 2) Be aware that you are not micro-managing your team - this creates the opposite effect to showing a genuine interest. 3) Be open to feedback from your team. A solid working relationship is a two-way street and shouldnt be a top-down approach. Inclusion is key! 4) Provide timely feedback to your employees. Show your employees they are important and valued by providing timely feedback. 5) Setting aside a regular time in your calendar to meet 1:1 with your employees, helps keep the channels of communication open and builds trusting relationships. 6) Setting aside time for your team to meet frequently together, providing a sense of cohesion and avoiding each team member feeling as though they are operating as a silo. 7) Make time for non-work related catch-ups. A little breather amongst the pressures of work have numerous positive effects on employees. 8) This may sound simple, but ensure that your employees have properly working equipment to fulfill their role. There is nothing more frustrating than having a laptop that keeps shutting down, or having ongoing printer issues #reducethefrustration 9) Be transparent. In order to build trusting relationships with employees (and vice versa), managers need to be open and honest, particularly in times of uncertainty #covid19 10) Be yourself! Employees can see through insincerity and this doesnt contribute positively to any relationship. #MPSpsychology #fremantle #rockingham #dunsborough #organisationalpsychology #scientistpractitioner #wellbeingatwork #communication #trust #feedback #employeesarenotrobots
12.01.2022 Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community - World Health Organization Thanks to black dog institute for collating the following information on some practical ways to improve our well-being!
11.01.2022 The 15th 21st of June is Mens Health Week, a time dedicated to increasing awareness of the state of mens health. This infographic shows one alarming statistic in particular, that suicide is one of the top three reasons for reduced lifespans in men. And did you know that deaths by suicide occur among males at a rate four times greater than that of females? Everyone can help to bring mens health to the forefront this week and into the future. You can support the cause simple acts such as sharing and listening to stories about mens mental health. Conversations like this, and encouraging men and boys to seek help when its needed, are powerful in normalising difficult experiences and reaffirming the message that seeking help is an act of strength and not a weakness! #MensHealthWeek
11.01.2022 We are all very familiar with the stereotype of perfectionism, but what is it really? Perfectionism can look very different in different people, but is usually characterised by holding very high and unrelenting standards for one's self to the point where these standards become extremely personally demanding. It is also characterised by basing one’s self-worth largely on one’s ability to meet these unrelenting standards. Perfectionists are known for overdoing it, and this may ...present as behaviours like not knowing when to stop, repeating things, overcompensating, checking, and reassurance seeking. But did you know that perfectionism can actually get in the way of achieving too? Sometimes perfectionists may under do it by avoiding or procrastinating tasks if they feel they are not able to excel at these in the way that they would like. Perfectionists are also not usually perfectionistic in all aspects of their lives. It's absolutely possible to be perfectionistic in one area, and not others. Aspects of life one may have perfectionism in include study, work, relationships, parenting, weight/shape, hobbies, sport, and many others. Unfortunately, Perfectionists can experience many negative consequences due to their thinking styles and behaviour. These can include anxiety symptoms, low mood, and it can even have negative impacts on their relationships due to their narrowed interests and the immense amount of time required to meet such unrelenting standards. If you or someone you know is struggling with perfectionism, a psychologist may be able to assist in helping to achieve a better balance. Our psychologist Teesha Baines has recently completed further training on working with clinical perfectionism delivered by the WA Department of Health's Centre for Clinical Interventions. If you would like to know more about treatment options or availability please call our office on 0894336559.
11.01.2022 Some great tips on forgiveness! Thanks The Gottman Institute #MPSpsychology #psychologist #mentalhealth #relationships #forgiveness
11.01.2022 Are you an expecting or new parent, or even a caring friend or family member of someone who is? The perinatal period can be a challenging time for many care givers, particularly new parents. Adjusting to the challenges and changes that occur in the first year and tuning in to the many transitions can often leave care givers feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. There may be moments filled with fleeting doubt and times when things may feel out of control on the journey of and adapting getting to know your baby and your baby getting to know you. It is important that care givers feel supported on their journey into parenthood and beyond. Ready to COPE is a free e-newsletter that provides men and women with timely, relevant information about their emotional and mental wellbeing throughout their pregnancy and first twelve months following the birth of their baby. COPE developed Ready to COPE to help men and women become aware of the range of common challenges that they may encounter in the perinatal period. Check out the link below for more information on how to sign up. MPS psychologists offer tailored intervention services to support expecting and new parents during pregnancy and in the perinatal period. #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #perinatalmentalhealth #mpswellbeing #mpssupportingyou #COPE
11.01.2022 It probably won’t surprise anyone that our trees are decorated with blues @mps_psychology practices
11.01.2022 Mental health does not discriminate, yet there is a stigma attached to men and boys seeking help with general and mental health issues. The false belief is that we all just need to get on with it and get over it. We generally put off having conversations with our mates when we arent feeling great, we avoid seeing our GP and resist talking to our partners for fear of feeling less of a man. The perception is that men and boys need to be strong and therefore, showing any vu...lnerability or emotion means that we are a burden to others, we are weak and not a real man. In reality, all of these perceptions are exactly that: perceptions! They are skewed norms which society and cultures have led us to believe are the correct ways that men need to be and act. What many of us dont realise is that ignoring health and mental health issues exacerbates the problem in the long run. We may appear to be coping well utilising the just get on with it strategy, which may help in the short term... However, the reality is that we are effectively making our problems worse and these generally present themselves in other forms, such as anger, higher alcohol intake, drug use and withdrawal from things we once enjoyed. Seeking help can have tremendously positive effects on our lives and our relationships with others. Below are some suggestions to help you get started on your physical and mental healthy journey: 1 ) If you have a mate or partner, let them know youre not doing great. They might be going through a tough time too and can share their experience with you. 2 ) Book an appointment with your GP. Your GP is a support person for both physical and mental health concerns. Let them know how you are feeling or whats going on right now. 3 ) Be open to suggestions from people you trust. 4 ) Eat yourself healthy: Ensure that you are following a healthy diet with a regular eating routine. 5 ) Get active: Take your dog for a walk, go for swim, take part in a yoga class. 6 ) Put pen to paper: If you struggle to speak to someone, write down how you feel. The positive effects of this simple activity, are enormous. 7 ) Spend time with family and friends: Humans are social beings who need social support. Get together with a mate or family member for a coffee or a golf day. 8 ) Get some ZZZZZs: Research has shown the positive effect that sleep has on us. Stick to a regular sleep routine - your body and mind will thank you. 9 ) Do some research: Educate yourself on mental health issues. Below is a link for further reading. Remember that there are professionals who can help you overcome challenging times in your life. Its up to you to speak up and reach out. Lifeline: 13 11 14 SANE: 1800 187 263 MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78 Dads in Distress: 1300 853 437 #MensHealthWeek #mpspsychology
11.01.2022 What a great post from The Gottman Institute What do you and your family do for self care? Happy weekend ... #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #selfcare #mindfulness #wellbeing #selfworth
09.01.2022 "Our Stone Age brains just werent designed to handle the sedentary, isolated, indoor, sleep-deprived, fast-food-laden, stressed-out pace of twenty-first-century life" - Dr Stephen Ilardie Have you ever had a bad nights sleep and woken up the next day feeling exhausted, unable to concentrate and quite irritable? This is a common occurrence in society and for some, this is a daily struggle. So why is sleep so important and what can you do to improve it? When we sleep, our bra...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Feeling tense or stressed? Set aside 6 minutes for yourself to pause in a comfortable space, and have a go at this relaxation activity which can help us to let go of muscle tension. How did you feel afterwards?
09.01.2022 R U OK?.....theres more to say...
08.01.2022 Thank you to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA for sharing this important message, and for inviting us along to attend your R U OK Day event yesterday. It was a fabulous event, with passionate speakers, and a great atmosphere! #ruok #mentalhealthawareness
07.01.2022 People have vastly different preferences when it comes to relaxation. Whatever your style, relaxation is one of the most important ways to look after our health and wellbeing! Have a go at this quick quiz to find out about your chill style, and get some fresh ideas on how to relax.
07.01.2022 We can often get caught up in focusing on a sense of success through our achievements and how much we get done each day, ticking off our to-do list, thinking of how productive we are. However, when we are so busy we can lose sight of other things that are important to us, like having moments of calm, connecting with family and loved ones, spending time in nature, or just having fun. Taking time to slow down, breathe and be mindful in the moment allows us to enjoy those moments and to focus on our values. So stop for a moment, focus on your breath, noticing as it travels from your nose to your chest and down to your belly and back out again. Check in with your body and really notice what is around you. #mindfulness #MPSPsychology #journeytowellness
07.01.2022 Today is Blue Knot Day, an Australian national day on which Blue Knot Foundation calls on all Australians to unite in support of the more than 5 million (1 in 4) Australian adults who have experienced complex trauma Blue Knot Day and Your Festival of Healing will be held as a virtual festival, with new ideas and events shared each hour across Facebook and YouTube. Blue Knot Day will provide survivors of complex trauma with the connection, tools, the stories, the engagement ...and inspiration to make October 28 a day of hope and healing. Head to today to check it out. #BlueKnotDay
06.01.2022 The UN has been celebrating #WorldHumanitarianDay since 2009. They acknowledged that this year, the already difficult work carried out by humanitarians has been made even more so by the COVID-19 pandemic. On World Humanitarian Day we play tribute and give heartfelt thanks to these #RealLifeHeroes who help others no matter how daunting. Follow the Link to get more information about the day and have a watch of the short video clip celebrating these special people. Today MPS would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the healthcare workers and front line staff who have continued to work tirelessly to support and protect the people of WA.
04.01.2022 Today is International Day of Yoga Here are some common benefits of regular yoga practice can increase flexibility, muscle strength & tone... can increase energy & vitality can increase blood flow may help you focus on the present may bring calm and focus to your life may help slow down mental loops (think frustration, fear & anger) What are your intentions for this Sunday? Perhaps some activities of self-care? #mpspsychology #worldyogaday #benefitsofyoga #selfcare #intentionalpractice #boostcalm #boostwellbeing #selfworth
04.01.2022 Day 3 of Woman's Health Week is focussed on the inside story, looking at bladder, gut, and bowel health. Now is a time to check-in on your inner workings and start to have an idea of the signs of a healthy bowel and bladder functioning. For women over 50 years, regular check-ups with your GP are also important with screening for bowel cancer and kidney health. Head to link for more information. And be on the look out for tomorrow's topic, which is all things mental healt...h, focussing on sleep, anxiety, and how physical activity and nutrition can impact our mental wellbeing.
03.01.2022 MPS were very pleased to be invited back once again by CISWA Council for International Students of WA, to deliver training to their members in 2020. This year we presented via Zoom on the topic of Mental Health Tools for Supporting International Students. The session focussed on building the knowledge and skills of participants to recognise and respond to common mental health conditions and crises. Our team loved the challenge of delivering an online workshop that was still ...interactive and engaging, and received great feedback on the session. If your organisation is interested in this kind of training, please contact our practice on [email protected]
03.01.2022 Thinking and talking about mental health, our own and others', is so important. The Black Dog Institute are focused on researching and understanding mental health across the lifespan. For the month of Spetember they are hosting Mullets for Mental Health to raise awareness and funds for mental health research. Follow the link for more information or hop on the black dog institute website for resources and stories about mental health. #Mulletsformentalhealth #MPSPsychology
03.01.2022 Do you have difficulties falling or staying asleep? Do you need help to understand your sleep issues and how to tackle them? Jenn is running an individual 5 week sleep program available in person (at Fremantle and Rockingham) or by phone and Telehealth. You dont need a referral and can enrol in the course for just $250. If you want to know more give Jenn a call on 9433 6559 or email [email protected]
02.01.2022 MPS are celebrating NAIDOC week, reflecting on the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples! Click the link to see what activities you can get involved in around Walyalup (Fremantle) this week. #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC
01.01.2022 Monday 22nd June is International Fathers Mental Health Day This is an annual global event which was first launched in 2016 and gives voice to those issues unique to men during their transition to fatherhood including their strengths, difficulties, and needs (COPE). 1 in 10 expecting or new dads experience perinatal anxiety or depression in Australia and 56% do not seek support.... 43% of first-time dads believe postnatal depression and anxiety is a sign of weakness. No father should be afraid to admit how he is feeling and no father should have to struggle alone. (IFMHD) Lets hear it for all the incredible fathers / dads, step-dads in the world your mental health matters #mpspsychology #mpsfremantle #mpsrockingham #mpsdunsborough #areyouokdad #fromdudetodad #internationalfathersMHday2020 #dadsmatter #supportingfathers #DadMHDay #howareyoudad
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