Martins Electrical in Cowra, New South Wales, Australia | Home improvement
Martins Electrical
Locality: Cowra, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6342 2244
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25.01.2022 Coming Soon #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #biriteelectrical #birite #jaycar #jaycarresller #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
25.01.2022 I always made pancakes in a fry pan and I thought I was pretty good at it. But then I tried a pan cake maker. I was hooked straight away. Perfect texture and cooked to perfection. Pancakes anyone??
25.01.2022 Google Chromecast BACK IN STOCK LIMITED NUMBERS #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #cowransw #cowra #chromecast #biriteelectrical #birite #googlechromecast
23.01.2022 Dyson Handstick Vacuums V7Motorhead - $599.00 V8Animal - $799.00 V10Animal+ $999.00... #dysonhandstick #dysonv10animal #dysonv8animal #dysonv7motorhead #biriteelectrical #birite #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
21.01.2022 One only Speed Queen 7.5Kg Top Load Washing Machine CLEARENCE PRICE $1995.00 Save $700.00 on the price of the new model $2695.00... #speedqueenlaundry #sarahwilsonagencies #martinscowra #martinsbiriteelectrical #birite #biriteelectrical #cowra #cowransw #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
21.01.2022 Fresh into store TCL 75" QUHD Android Television $2429.00 #biriteelectrical #birite #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #tclelectronics #tcltv #androidtv #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
20.01.2022 1 only Automatic Hand Sanitising Station $249.00 #cowransw #cowra #biriteelectrical #birite #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #jaycar #jaycarresller #covidsafe
19.01.2022 Are you a gamer? Well make sure you keep up with all the action of the #CallofDutyWorldLeague on your #TCLSmartTV #TCL #COD #CallofDuty #thecreativelife
18.01.2022 Friday, 27th March 2020 COWRA BIG FREEZE CHARITY BOWLS DAY... Wholl get DUNKED? #cowrabigfreeze #fightmnd #fightmnd #menofleaguefoundation #cowra #cowransw #cowrabowlingclub #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
18.01.2022 Fathers Day Gifts #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #fathersdaygifts #fathersday #visitcowra #visitcowransw #cowransw #cowra #biriteelectrical #birite #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
18.01.2022 Now available #shophumm @shophumm
14.01.2022 Fresh into store today Simpson 4.5kg Vented Clothes Dryer $399.00 Simpson 6.5kg Vented Clothes Dryer $629.00 Westinghouse 140lt Chest Freezer $389.00... Be quick they wont last. #cowransw #cowra #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #biriteelectrical #clothesdryer #chestfreezer
11.01.2022 New into store Westinghouse 4 Door Dark Stainless 600Lt French Door Fridge $2299.00 Call in today a check it out... #martinscowra #martinsbiriteelectrical #biriteelectrical #cowra #cowransw #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
08.01.2022 Come down to Martins and see the videos now playing in the taxi rank window #cowrabreakout75 #cowracouncil #cowratourism #biriteelectrical #birite #cowra #cowransw #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra #cowrabreakout #cowrabreakoutanniversary #cowrajapanesegarden
08.01.2022 My mum used to make the best roast chicken...
08.01.2022 ENGEL GOES RETRO Now is Stock 40Lt Retro Fridge/Freezer with matching Transit Bag $1634.00... 60Lt also available $2124.00 #martinsbiriteelectrical #biriteelectrical #martinscowra #cowra #cowransw #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
07.01.2022 Please use Sanitising Station upon entry #covidsafe #cowransw #cowra #birite #biriteelectrical
07.01.2022 I love pumpkin soup...
06.01.2022 Its on again the Annual Festival 4s Tournament. Monday 2nd March to Thursday 5th March 1st prize $4000.00... Entry Fee $400.00 per team, close 22nd February Contact Michael Munn or 0412065575 or [email protected] to secure your place #lawnbowls #cowra #cowransw #cowrabowlingclub #visitcowra #visitcowransw #visitcowra #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra #cowrafestivalofinternationalunderstanding #cowrafestival
06.01.2022 CLEARANCE SALES TCL 55" QLED Android TV Was $1399.00... NOW $1249.00 #tcltv #tclaustralia #biriteelectrical #birite #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
06.01.2022 New Stock TCL Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer $329.00 #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #birite #biriteelectrical #tclaustralia #tclelectronics #tclsoundbars #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
05.01.2022 At long last we have a range of Vented Clothes Dryers in stock. Ranging from $429.00 - $629.00 #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #birite #biriteelectrical #clothesdryer
04.01.2022 Now available #zipmoney #zippay
02.01.2022 LG 14Kg Front Load Washing Machine ($1469.00) & LG 8Kg Condensor Clothes Dryer ($1059.00) Individual Price $2518.00 PACKAGED PRICE $2250.00... #lgelectronics #lgwashingmachine #lgclothesdryer #biriteelectrical #birite #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #cowra #cowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
02.01.2022 Clearance TCL 32" HD LED Television with Netflix Model No: 32S6500S 2 only Was $349.00 Now $299.00... #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #biriteelectrical #birite #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra #tclelectronics #tcltv #tclaustralia #tcl
02.01.2022 Another item for the Cowra Big Freeze Charity Bowls Day & Auction a Signed South Sydney jumper. Thanks @markynico much appreciated. #cowrabowlingclub #cowrabigfreeze #cowra #cowransw #visitcowransw #visitcowra #rabbitohs #southsydneyrabbitohs #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra
01.01.2022 Fresh into store URBANISTA BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES Tokyo $199.00, Detroit $149.00, Stockholm $149.00, New York $349.00 #urbanista #urbanistadetroit #urbanistastockholm #urbanistanewyork #urbanistatokyo #biriteelectrical #birite #martinsbiriteelectrical #martinscowra #cowransw #cowra #visitcowra #visitcowransw #itshappeningincowra #topthingstodoincowra @ Martins Electrical
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