Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce Inc | Community organisation
Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce Inc
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21.01.2022 Have Your Say on Digital Connectivity Chamber Members in the Goulburn electorate are invited to share their views on digital connectivity at community consultation events. Results from these community consultation events and an online survey will help inform the NSW Liberals and Nationals Government how the $400 million Regional Digital Connectivity program should be invested. The survey closes on 31 December 2019 and is open to all residents and visitors in regional NSW here.... Hard copies of the survey are also available at the local Service NSW centre and council. For further information about the Regional Digital Connectivity program, visit here: The Regional Digital Connectivity program is funded by the $4.2 billion Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund.
19.01.2022 Reminder: Free Bulky Waste Disposal A reminder to Chamber Members that Goulburn Mulwaree Council is offering free household bulky waste disposal this coming weekend at the Waste Management Centres in Goulburn, Tarago and Marulan. Residents of Goulburn Mulwaree will be able to dispose of bulky waste such as household furniture, green waste, cardboard and clean steel for free at the waste centres, with each property limited to two cubic metres of waste. The same items that were... previously accepted in the September clean up service will be accepted during the November disposal weekend. The items must be sorted so that recyclables such as green waste, steel and cardboard are placed in the appropriate areas at the waste centres. The following items are excluded from the November free disposal weekend: * Any items with a per-item charge at Council’s waste centres (e.g. mattresses, fridges/freezers/air-conditioners, tyres, animals) * E-waste (e.g. televisions, computers, computer accessories) * Hazardous waste (e.g. asbestos, paint, chemicals, batteries) The annual Household Chemical CleanOut will be held on Saturday 7 December 2019 from 8am to 12pm at the Goulburn Recreation Area, and from 2pm to 4pm at Tarago Waste Management Centre. You can take household quantities of the following household chemicals and items up to a maximum of 20 litres or 20 kilograms of a single item, including solvents and household cleaners, floor care products, ammonia-based cleaners, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, pool chemicals, hobby chemicals, motor fuels, fluorescent globes and tubes, acids and alkalis, smoke detectors, paint and paint-related products, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, car and household batteries, motor oils and cooking oils. The Goulburn, Marulan and Tarago waste centres will be open from 7am to 4pm on Saturday 2nd November and Sunday 3rd November. For more information call the Waste Info Line on 4823 4417.
17.01.2022 Register for one of the two Community Workshops on the 12th May 2021 at Marulan Hall We respectfully request everyone register to assist with catering, planning and ensuring we can meet COVID-Safe requirements.
16.01.2022 Goulburn Mulwaree Housing Strategy The revised Draft Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy (Draft Strategy) for the Goulburn Mulwaree LGA will be on public exhibition from 18 October to 13 December 2019. A previous version of the Draft Strategy was exhibited earlier this year, however, following feedback from submissions and additional consideration of land constraints for development in the urban investigation area, a number of changes to the original document have been made. Th...e Draft Strategy is intended to inform future residential rezoning and the delivery of housing to meet local demand in Goulburn and Marulan for the next 20 years. You can find soft copies of the Draft Strategy at Council's website: Written submissions will be received at any time during the period of public exhibition, but must be submitted to Council before close of business Friday 13 December 2019. Submissions are to be addressed to: The General Manager, Locked Bag 22, Goulburn NSW 2580, alternatively they can be emailed to [email protected]. Council also invites comments to be made on the Goulburn Mulwaree Yoursay webpage at Chamber Members are encouraged to talk to Council staff about the Draft Housing Strategy at one of two drop-ins: 19 November 2019 2pm-6pm Marulan Community Hall 70 George Street, Marulan 25 November 2019 2pm-6pm Council Chambers 184 Bourke Street, Goulburn For more information please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 4823 4444.
15.01.2022 Watch to see a preview of the finished project for Goulburn Hospital. Construction kicks off next week! #marulan #goulburnbasehospital #goulburnhospital
13.01.2022 March 2021 Newsletter Now Available Go to our web site and click on March 2021. Have a great Easter everyone! #marulantourism #marulan #marulannewsletter #discovermarulan
12.01.2022 COUNCIL OUTREACH MEETING REMINDER Chamber Members are reminded that Council is holding a Community Outreach meeting tonight (Thursday, 31st October) from 6:30pm at the Towrang Hall. Next month, they'll be holding their outreach meeting at the Tallong Hall from 6.30pm on Tuesday, 26th November.... The Chamber Executive attended the Marulan meeting which was held on the 17th October. Outreach meetings provide an opportunity for community members to meet and discuss council related issues with Councillors and senior staff. Chamber Members are encouraged to attend and have their say on council matters and projects.
08.01.2022 Goulburn Mulwaree Council advises that they have had to make changes to address potential water quality issues at the source in Marulan, and are now again drawing water from the Wollondilly River. The water delivered to households will meet all Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
04.01.2022 Weekend success! Thank you to everyone who attended! #sydneyclockmakerssociety #sydneyclockmakers #marulan #marulanchamberofcommerce #gunlake #clocks #goulburnpallativecare #goulburnoncology
04.01.2022 Marulan Bypass Pavement Rehabilitation TfNSW has a website for the proposed road works in Marlulan and residents can subscribe to get the latest updates and contact them for any further information. We will notify you of any further updates as soon as we are made aware. Follow Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce Inc to be kept informed.... #Marulan #marulanbypass #marulantourism
02.01.2022 Family event this weekend in Marulan! Entrance by gold coin which in turn will be donated to the Goulburn Palliative Care & Oncology Support Group. This is a Chamber initiative and sponsored kindly by Gunlake. Entrance by gold coin which in turn will be donated to the Goulburn Palliative Care & Oncology Support Group. ... This is a first of its kind in Marulan and there will be a display of self made clocks as well as demonstrations of clockmaking equipment. Appraisals of clocks and watches will be given, and again, by gold coin donation for Oncology and Palliative Group. The Clockmakers are a non-profit organisation. As the Clockmakers have chosen Marulan as their meeting venue due to its being the only town on the 150th meridian which makes it unique, we hope you are able to attend this event. #sydneyclockmakerssociety #sydneyclockmakers #marulan #marulanchamberofcommerce #gunlake Discover Marulan #clocks #goulburnpallativecare #goulburnoncology
01.01.2022 As part of our consultation, we've engaged Micromex Research to undertake a random phone survey of residents across the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Government Area ...with a focus on residents in the Bungonia, Marulan and Windellama areas. The phone survey aims to understand resident attitudes toward energy from waste generally as well as our proposal for an energy from waste facility at Bungonia. The phone survey is voluntary and will take about 10-12 minutes. The survey is designed to capture a representative sample of the community. Your participation is appreciated. Discover Marulan Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce Inc Bungonia Goulburn Post Goulburn Mulwaree Council