Mary Michalopoulos in Northcote, Victoria | Medical and health
Mary Michalopoulos
Locality: Northcote, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9489 8299
Address: 247 High Street 3070 Northcote, VIC, Australia
Likes: 46
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25.01.2022 Its here! Ive been working on a new look for my branding. Ill slowly be implementing this through my business this year. I hope you like it.
24.01.2022 The announcement has just been made that all Allied Health (that means podiatry) will have a full return tomorrow. If you’ve been required to delay an appointment, please call for a time, there is no reason to put off your foot care. #foothealthaus #northcote #melbournepodiatrist #podiatristmary #loveyourfeet #goodfeet #healthyfeet
22.01.2022 Lets be honest, you know your baby doesnt need those expensive shoes. If your baby is not walking you just need to keep those tootsies warm with some snuggly socks, some old fashioned knitted booties can be lovely. Allowing your baby to go barefoot helps encourage their natural foot development, building strong little muscles. Infant feet are very different from your own adult feet, if you have any concerns about how your babys feet are developing, bring them in for an assessment.
22.01.2022 Before they wore shoes, humans had a big toe that worked more like a thumb, helping them to climb trees.
20.01.2022 Sometimes they wear socks with sandals.But, a dad is a wonderful thing to have, to aspire to be and to remember fondly. I hope all of my patients find a way to connect with their families today. ... #marymichalopoulos #podiatristmary #NorthcotePodiatrist #podiatristnorthcote #happyfeethappylife #happyfeethappylife #painfreefeet #CarltonPodiarty #CarltonPodiartrist #PodiartristCarlton #PodiartristMelbourne #melbournefootcare #melbournefoot #melbournefeet #BetterFeetMelbourne See more
20.01.2022 If youve lost a toenail, which can happen for a few reasons (dont drop heavy things on your toes), it can take up to 18 months for the nail to completely regrow.
20.01.2022 Its the perfect day for it! But if your feet are holding your back, make an appointment. Lets get you moving again.
17.01.2022 The humble tennis ball. When its lacking bounce on the tennis court, give it a new life as a foot massage tool. Simply rolling your foot on a tennis ball can help to: improve your circulation reduce tension in your foot... stimulate muscles and it can feel good! You can even do this exercise while watching TV. If youre experiencing pain in your feet that isnt improving, make an appointment and I can help you take your next pain-free steps. Call 9489 8299. You dont need a referral to attend.
17.01.2022 Your feet are one of the most ticklish parts of your body. This can be a good thing. But, if your feet arent as ticklish as they once were the reduced sensitivity can be worth getting checked out.
17.01.2022 Mothers Day is such a special day. A day to take a moment and think of all mums. For the extra special mums who dont have their children with them, today is also a day for you. This year, we might not all be together physically to celebrate the day but you can share how you feel with a phone call, a delivery or a promise to catch up at a later date.
16.01.2022 Podiatrist Mary Michalopoulos. Good Feet = Happy Life. Make an appointment today.
16.01.2022 Its the day of love, when we take a moment to reflect on those who care for us. Today we pay tribute to those in our lives who support us all day, every day. So, dont forget your feet.... Love your feet. Look after them. They are worth it.
15.01.2022 Look for the balloons if you’re taking your walk down High Street today!
14.01.2022 If your feet are hurting it can really ruin your whole day. Its super easy to make an appointment to have your feet examined and start finding solutions to treat your pain issues.
14.01.2022 Right now some patients are finding it harder to make it to their appointments, but its important not to neglect your feet. If you need a home visit, please call the rooms to discuss a time.
11.01.2022 Did you know I have appointments available in Carlton North every Tuesday? Located at 488 Rathdowne Street, Carlton North 3054, you can call 9380 4655 to make a time to see me. The rooms are open between 8am and 3pm.
10.01.2022 Its Shrove Tuesday, or as its better known - Pancake Day. I am very lucky to have some delicious options to indulge in both in Northcote and in Carlton North where my clinics are. If youre looking for a pancake suggestion, the option at @tinkernorthcote wont let you down!
09.01.2022 Its troubling times for our community right now, but my practice remains open and ready to provide care for patients. Please call and let me know if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms and I can re-arrange your appointment time for you. Patients who have been overseas will need to self quarantine for 14 days and should not attend the clinic for an appointment. ... If you have had contact with anyone who has coronavirus, you should also not attend your podiatry appointment. Remember to wash your hands many many times to help stop the spread of the virus.
08.01.2022 What we eat can impact all areas of our health and your feet are not immune from this. Take some time to consider what youre eating and how that might be contributing to your pain or discomfort in your feet. - Osteoporosis - Diabetes - Excess weight... Each of these things can cause you to injure or hurt your feet. Make sure you have a balanced diet that contains the vitamins and minerals your whole body needs to keep feeling good.
07.01.2022 There are lots of messages coming at you right now and so many changes we need to make in our lives to protect ourselves and our community. Washing your hands often and well is one of the best ways to help avoid a virus. Do not be offended if there are shops, health providers or friends and family constantly asking you or offering you the chance to wash your hands. Even if you have recently washed your hands if you enter a shop, business or even your home it is a good to wash them again. Some extra points about handwashing: - People frequently touch their eyes, nose and mouth without even realising it. Germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and make us sick. - Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them. - Germs from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects, like handrails, tabletops, or toys, and then transferred to another persons hands. - Removing germs through handwashing helps prevent respiratory infections and may even help prevent skin and eye infections. Lets all keep up the extra handwashing to help keep everyone safe.
07.01.2022 School is back! Children need shoes that support their active lives. Theyll be jumping and running, skipping and bouncing when they jump off monkey bars (and all the things they are not meant to climb). Some children can benefit from having a professional foot review. If your child indicates they have any discomfort you can book an appointment for a review. Its a simple and easy check-up, and the biggest concern to your child will be trying not to giggle if they have ticklish toes.
06.01.2022 Its time to walk this way! Have you been out walking lately, or have your sore feet prevented you getting those extra steps in? If youre not stepping out regularly, grab the phone, call the number - (03) 9489 8299 and let me help you walk your way to better health.
05.01.2022 Home Visits. The world is moving very fast right now. I am aware that some of my patients may need different levels of care than usual. For some patients, a home visit might be the best option. Please call me to discuss your needs and if a home visit might be possible.... Call (03) 9489 8299
05.01.2022 Hello, To provide the best health service possible right now, I am making a small change. Appointments for patients in Carlton North will now be held at my clinic at 247 High Street, Northcote. When visiting the Northcote clinic, you will be the only patient waiting for your appointment, this will allow us all to continue with the best social distancing we can. ... There is no need to come to your appointment early. If you are currently unable to attend the clinic, please call me to discuss if a home visit might be more suitable. Phone (03) 9489 8299.
05.01.2022 GOT EXTRAS COVER? If you've got extras cover, check if your yearly limits end on December 31. If you have podiatry cover, don't miss out on an appointment. Call and book a time so we can make sure your feet are getting the attention they deserve.... #marymichalopoulos #podiatristmary #NorthcotePodiatrist #podiatristnorthcote #happyfeethappylife #happyfeethappylife #painfreefeet #CarltonPodiarty #CarltonPodiartrist #PodiartristCarlton #PodiartristMelbourne #melbournefootcare #melbournefoot #melbournefeet #BetterFeetMelbourne
04.01.2022 Its that special day to pay recognition to all thats being done for equal rights for women around the world. But, just as important, its a reminder, of how much still needs to be done for our daughters, our sisters, our mums and the women in our lives. To all the girls in the world, keep putting your best foot forward. We cant wait to see all the things youre going to achieve.
03.01.2022 When we age, our feet also change. There are a number of things you might notice about your feet that are different from what they once were. The good news is, there are ways we can care for our feet to help make sure they continue to help us stay active. Click the link to read about caring for ageing feet.
03.01.2022 Hello! I am just getting started here on Facebook and hope to share lots of tips and information on how your feet can help you be happier and healthier. I hope you enjoy my posts and Id love to hear if you have any questions I can help with.
02.01.2022 Welcome to winter! Where you get to wear your boots, closed-toe shoes, and fluffy slippers! But are you wearing those slippers more than usual? Be aware that wearing oversized slippers with little support for long periods of time can result in foot pain. Consider wearing more supportive shoes through the day, and keep your slippers for staying warm and cozy in the evening.
02.01.2022 Even though the kids had many weeks at home this year, the mid-year holidays are a great time to check how their school shoes are fitting. If theyve had shoes since January some may be looking like this. Many childrens feet will have grown quite a lot. Some shoes may have taken quite a battering in the playground as the kids jump, climb, run and swing through the playground. Check-in with your kids and ask if they have noticed any pain or discomfort in their feet. This can often be easily helped and ensures they dont miss out on any of their favourite sports or activities.
02.01.2022 The AFL Grand Final looks different! You can make your game different by having a 'strong' weak foot. When training for competitive sport it’s a good idea to also train your weak foot. The one you don’t naturally use. ... Don't worry that you're not playing in a major league. You can improve your weak foot with training. Repeating the actions with your weak foot so often that it actually becomes quite reliable. It will take some time though, it’s likely your weaker foot is less flexible and lacks the strength of your preferred foot. So get started today. #marymichalopoulos #podiatristmary #NorthcotePodiatrist #podiatristnorthcote #happyfeethappylife #happyfeethappylife #painfreefeet #CarltonPodiarty #CarltonPodiartrist #PodiartristCarlton #loveyourfeet #PodiartristMelbourne #melbournefootcare #melbournefoot #melbournefeet
01.01.2022 As many new rules and changes are introduced, I understand that some of my patients may not be able to attend the clinic for an appointment. As much as possible, I will try and provide home visits to help make sure you are still able to receive the help and care you need for your feet. 9489 8299 to discuss if you need to have a home visit.
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