Mashenka Barlag Kinesiology | Medical and health
Mashenka Barlag Kinesiology
Phone: +61 401 337 716
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25.01.2022 COLLOIDAL SILVER AND WHY IT IS AMAZING TO HAVE IN YOUR FIRST AID KIT: Ps we have it available for $15 for a 500 ml bottle A cut and paste job but soooo many amazing ways to use it! ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Touch for health is a Kinesiology modality that works with some of the major muscles. Here is a beautiful demonstration of the muscles!
25.01.2022 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE - how to use the difference strengths! Please comprehend the difference between 3.5% and 35% food grade. 3.5% is for topical use. Great for earaches, mouth infections, skin eruptions, puncture wounds. Great for cleaning mould etc... I will add more resources on this below. 35% is for hydrotherapy, - put 100 ml in the bath and soak for 20 minutes. - it can also be used as an alternative to antibiotics with drops in a glass of water. - Do NOT apply 35% topically including in your ear!! Benefits of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Benefits of 3.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Which bottles did I suggest? I suggest both 500 ml 3.5 % and 500 ml 35% If we are run down I put 10 drops of 3.5% in our both of our ears plus have a hydrogen peroxide bath. Add in Liposomal and we tend to nail things fairly quickly. One of my competitor sells a 200 ml 35 % for $47 you can get both total 1 litre for $50 500ml 3.5% is $20 500ml 35% $30 Pm me for details
25.01.2022 The best kind of message: a client I saw for one session two days ago, who could not move her neck and her body was neurologically disorganised. You are welcome!
24.01.2022 The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (1874-1963) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both... And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
22.01.2022 GRATITUDE JOURNAL by Melanie Spears. A mindful and gracious way to start the new year. ~~ this year it comes with a bonus CD ~~... The 2020 Gratitude Diary theme for 2020 is balance. Within these pages you will find tips and suggestions as to how you can create more balance in your daily life Other features include . . . Day to a page organisational Diary Daily space to give thanks for your life experiences Moon orientation and astrology guide Uplifting quotes Stunning images Comes with a BONUS CD! 11 tracks: total running time 45mins RETAIL PRICE - $40 My price - $30 Please let me know if anyone would like one. I have about 10 left. They are truly beautiful Pick up available from my Ashmore clinic or They can be posted
22.01.2022 Many of us kinesiologists are getting a kick out of this! I used to be treading the corporate escalator too. Glad I grew my Kinesiology and Spinal Flow wings! I am prepping to teach level 1 Hyperton-x sports kinesiology soon with the wonderful Valerie King. Let me know if you are keen.
21.01.2022 I just saw this post and am I moved to share.
20.01.2022 DIY Hand Sanitiser * Isopropyl alcohol * Glycerol * Hydrogen peroxide 3.5% ... * Distilled water * Spray bottle * Essential Oil like Thieves or Ravintsara. Mix 1 cups alcohol with 2 teaspoons of glycerol. You can buy jugs of glycerol online, and it's an important ingredient because it keeps the alcohol from drying out your hands. If you can't find glycerol, proceed with the rest of the recipe anyway and just remember to moisturize your hands after applying the sanitizer. Mix in 1 tablespoon of 3.5 food grade hydrogen peroxide, then another cup of distilled water. (If you're working with a lower-concentration solution of rubbing alcohol, use far less water; remember, at least of your final mixture has to be alcohol.) You can then add a thieves oil, or for kids use Ravintsara. ( thieves blend for kids). I really like the Pranarom Brand which I Stock which is an 8 oil organic certified blend which costs $27. Load the solution into spray bottle. You can wet a paper towel with it as well and use that as a wipe.
20.01.2022 Welcome to 2020! We are enjoying the first and final few holiday days before we fly back into action next week. The Kinesiology Clinic is open again next week so please pm me to book in for your sessions.
20.01.2022 ARE YOU IN PAIN? If you are in pain, it's because one of your 7 Spinal Gateways has become blocked. When a Gateway is blocked, pain, illness, and disease will result. What you need to learn to begin healing is to identify: ... WHERE is the blockage in your body? Come and have an assessment and I can demonstrate where they are. WHY did it become blocked? There are three main causes: emotional, chemical, and physical. Emotional could be a past trauma that is stored in your body - yes, stored there - the body goes into fight/flight mode and it stays stuck there, sometimes for years. Chemical could be pollution, processed foods, household chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Physical could be too much sitting, not enough movement, repetitive movements, childbirth - there are many. If there's one thing you must understand before you can begin healing it is to understand your pain first. You must make the connections between your past, and present life to understand your pain. If you are looking for support in your health journey please book in a session so we can create a health support package for you.
19.01.2022 Simply Be yourself Be yourself simply Be you, simply Be
19.01.2022 Our wonderful body!
18.01.2022 Next week is National Kinesiology week. If you have ever wanted to try kinesiology I am offering discounted sessions for the first 10 new client bookings. I love that kinesiology can facilitate a conversation with your body. Listening to one's body is a pathway to healing. The more pro active and informed you are in your prep and education of your health, the less likely you will need medical intervention....Continue reading
16.01.2022 I get upto all kinds of exciting projects and initiatives. This is one of my latest: It was such a divine collaboration. Here is a natural health first aid kit for crunchy mums.
16.01.2022 I will be teaching Hyperton-x Sports Kinesiology soon with my wonderful colleague Valerie King. The only thing that was needed was a good prop for teaching: a skeleton! So I sourced one! Here he is driving home with me!... So what is Hyperton-x you ask? Hyperton-X is a form of Kinesiology that uses muscle testing to test for and correct imbalanced muscles. It works with the body’s natural energy systems and the mind-brain-body computer to restore balance. This enables improvement in many physical, mental and emotional areas. Hyperton-X is used to effectively assist with the following issues conditions, and more: * Immune dysfunction * Asthma, Allergies * Hormonal imbalance * Circulatory imbalance * Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, Autism * Learning Disabilities * Seizure Disorders * Myofascial dysfunction * Fibromyalgia * Neck / Shoulder pain * Tinnitus * Movement Disorders * Sleep Disorders * Head Injuries, Cranial Traumas * Whiplash related symptoms, * M.J. disorder related symptoms * Persistent Sciatica * Hip instability * Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tennis Elbow * Scoliosis Hyperton-X can correct imbalances and emotions that affect the physical body and brain function. These imbalances may have been causing pain, allergies, learning difficulties, poor brain function, restricted sporting performance or preventing complete recovery from injury. This is very simple, yet powerful work. How does Hyperton-X work? The human brain’s computer usually holds outdated or irrelevant information which continues to affect how people function, physically and mentally. Hyperton-X uses muscle testing to gather information, clear the excess tension and unwanted and outdated emotions held in relevant muscles (hypertonicity) and update the brain's programs to restore optimum function in all areas. Over-tense and protective muscles can often cause short-circuits, impacting performance in every area of life. Interested in learning? Please send me a pm as we are creating a schedule of events. Interested in sessions? I would absolutely love to help you!
15.01.2022 Kinesiologists can practice again! I am open for sessions! You can book via this link:
12.01.2022 Tooth Ache and the Metaphysical Connection I saw this picture and I was fascinated and wanted to share my research. As many of us know all parts of the body are intimately connected to each other and all parts of our body communicate with us. ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Master, how can I face isolation? Clean your house. Thoroughly. In every corner. Even the ones you never felt like, the courage and the patience to play. Make your house bright and well cared for. It removes dust, cobwebs, impurities. Even the most hidden. Your house represents you: if you take care of it, you also take care of yourself.... - Master but the time is long. After taking care of me through my house, how can I live the isolation? Fix what can be fixed and remove what you no longer need. Dedicate yourself to the patchwork, embroider the starts of your pants, sew well the frayed edges of your dresses, restore a piece of furniture, repair everything worth repairing. The rest, throw it away. With gratitude. And with the awareness that its cycle has ended. Fixing and removing outside of yourself allows you to fix or remove what's inside of you. - Master and then what? What can I do all the time alone? Sowing. Even a seed in a vase. Take care of a plant, water it every day, talk to it, give it a name, remove the dry leaves and weeds that can suffocate it and steal precious vital energy. It is a way of caring for your inner seeds, your desires, your intentions, your ideals. - Master and if the void comes to visit me? ... If fear of illness and death come? Talk to them. Prepare the table for them too, reserve a place for each of your fears. Invite them to dinner with you. And ask them why they came from so far to your house. What message do they want to bring you. What do they want to communicate to you. - Master, I don't think I can do this ... It is not isolation your problem, but the fear of facing your inner dragons. Those that you always wanted to get away from you. Now you can't run away. Look them in the eyes, listen to them and you will discover that they put you against the wall. They've isolated you so they can talk to you. Like the seeds that can only sprout if they are alone. Zen Life /author unknown
11.01.2022 Breakfast with Mrs Maloney! Quarantine Life!
11.01.2022 Mrs Maloney, all skinny and boney, thinks quarantine should include a bottle of wine!
11.01.2022 Doing what feels good for the body. Love it!
10.01.2022 We are stocking Liposomal Vitamin C which is excellent for the immune system. Here are some resources on the benefits Benefits of Liposomal Vit c: ... Our stock is $40 for 200 ml Pm if you are interested. We also have Our stock includes: Liposomal vit c is $40 for 200 ml Colloidal Silver $15 for 500 ml Hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade 500 ml for $30 Hydrogen peroxide food grade 500 ml 3.5% for $20 Diatomaceous Earth $10 200 ml Thieves $27 organic certified 8 oil blend Plus other oils Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide The One Minute Cure: Surgeon Instructs Dog Officers Use H2O2 and Retrieve That Fingertip!! Benefits of Colloidal Silver Thieves
09.01.2022 Beautiful sunset spreading of your Ashes. We will miss you.
08.01.2022 HOMEMADE ELDERBERRY GUMMIES Elderberry gummies are a tasty way to boost your immune system, and a fun way to get children to take their medicine. Elderberry syrup is well known in natural health circles as an immune-stimulating tonic, but why get out the medicine spoon when it’s a lot more fun to pop a few elderberry gummies in your mouth!
07.01.2022 Mrs Maloney is very informed about health. She loves a good read of the New Dawn magazine. Great Article about vitamin C deficiency and how it effects skin and bones. She waited patiently on my waiting room couch till it was her turn to receive a Kinesiology balance! She is feeling great! #quarentinelife
06.01.2022 ANXIETY IN KIDS & TEENS- "Strong, steady breathing is like a lullaby for an anxious brain, but it’s not enough to tell kids what to do, we also have to explain why it works. Strong, deep breathing sends a message to the amygdala that you’re safe. This eases the surging of fight or flight neurochemicals, which will ease the feelings that come with anxiety. You don’t need to believe it’s true, it will just happen. The calming effects of strong steady breathing are wired into u...s. Think of strong deep breathing like a reset for your brain and body. Your anxious thoughts might still be there, but your body and mind will start to feel calmer, you’ll start to feel stronger, and you’ll be more able to think clearly and bravely. Brains are excellent, but they work best when we’re in charge. It’s important to have kids and teens practice anxiety when they are calm, before they use it in the midst of anxiety. During anxiety the brain is too busy keeping us safe and it doesn’t have spare resources to do anything unfamiliar. Practicing during calm (maybe as part of a bedtime routine, or when they start the day) will set up neural pathways that make it more familiar and easier for the brain to access during anxiety. Strong steady breathing opens the way for courage - it will help them calm anxiety, so they can do brave" Karen Young
06.01.2022 Which one do you choose? Literally the hardest question I'll get asked today. I think the lake house for me!
05.01.2022 Leave fevers well enough alone, it has a job to do.
03.01.2022 Look at this gorgeous natural health first aid kit that I have collated with one of my besties! It's now on special!
03.01.2022 Shortbread cookies with edible flowers Cookies made by Lori Stern. **Recipe on the web page at the bottom of the video:
02.01.2022 How has your life changed since having kids? What are the things you find yourself saying you would not have imagined?
01.01.2022 One Chinese New Year a long time ago Buddha invited all the animals to meet him. Nearly all of them ignored his invitation, being preoccupied with important things like eating, drinking, sleeping and mating, but twelve animals did come to see him. In order of arrival came the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Buddha offered each animal a year, which would be named after him till the end of time and would express the symbolic ch...aracter of the related animal. Such is the legend. To you Rat, I give my seed and the honour of sowing it. Every seed will become a plant and multiply a million times, But you will have no time to see it grow. You are like a small child, determined, without a plan. You are the starting point, renewing the Idea. You are the governor of the Gallbladder. Women born in a Rat year have quick minds and dexterous hands, and are able to learn anything. Your life means action, providing people with good judgment, assertiveness, decisiveness and determination. They are optimistic and energetic, and people born in the Rat year are likable by all. They are sensitive to other’s emotions but are stubborn with your opinion. Their personality is kind, but due to weak communication skills, their words may seem impolite and abrupt. They are considerate of their families and friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR OF THE RAT,
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