Massage and Injury Management Clinic in Warwick, Western Australia | Medical and health
Massage and Injury Management Clinic
Locality: Warwick, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9243 7052
Address: Suite 9, 26 Dugdale St 6024 Warwick, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Great to be back at work, not fultime but this is my choice. Why, 2 weeks of relative inactivity can lead to up to 50% of loss of muscle/strength. So many people in 3-4 weeks if they go out and smash it will be in fact smashing themselves. I have allowed 4 weeks to get my arms and hands back to being where they need to be for my workload potential. Might be able to do it quicker, but why play with the potential to have more time on the sideline? I am still outside of work doing my social distancing, (Dont know where some people have been!) to ensure my health is optimal when working with my clients.
24.01.2022 Having a monthly or once every 2 monthly massage can help you to keep on track. As we are getting more and more sedentary by nature and work, stress accumulates in our bodies more without us having awareness of it happening. Massage can both help you to feel better as well as giving you feedback as to how your soft tissues feel giving feedback as to where you could help yourself more. stretching exercise or whatever floats your boat.
23.01.2022 Dont know about everyone else, but feeling a little lost at the moment. Not used to having this much time off and no where to go! Starting to get my head back into the game of life! 1; walking again and soon the weights. 2. Juicing fresh each day- great for the immune system.... 3. Far infrared sauna, at 65* it cooks all germs (Viral). 4. Loving the fermented foods, a good start to good gut health. 5.Still meditating. 6. Back into stretching. 7.The Shatki mat, pleasure and pain rolled into one! 8. Wim Hof breathing, boosts the immune system. A blast doing this in the sauna! Then the cold shower, strangely starting to love the cold shower! 9. Reducing stress by trying not to buy into others business, dont know enough about mine to make a good judgement, so everyone elses is theirs! Stay well and take care, looking forwards to catching with people on the other side of this. See more
22.01.2022 Finally I have a bathroom mirror! Candy apple red as a highlight on top, as per part of my kitchen splash-back. The driver to finish this, my brother and partner are over towards the end of March. I will be taking just over a week off to spend time with them whilst they are here. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.
22.01.2022 Lots of fear out there, due to the share below some of us will keep operating under tighter infection control guidelines. If you need us then please feel free to contact us, my hours will be less than advertised as normal opening hours due to the said fear and probable financial strain placed on everyone. Take care Massage team
21.01.2022 My first massage course was In Kalgoorlie in around 1987! A small class at "Laurie Potter's". Our teacher was Barry Harwood. We had some fun and it eventually lead me to where I am now. At the time I was working underground, 3,600 feet to be exact, at the top end of Hannan Street. Now the super pit. I love that life can be a wonderful journey where things can happen through links we establish as we grow.
19.01.2022 OZ Hyperbarics just opened in Perth, they are offering Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapies that reach 2.0 ATA pressure. HBOT can speed up recovery time after injuries, helps the body to regenerate faster and can aid athletes to perform better. Check it out!
18.01.2022 Latest news for HCF, we will need to receipt you on the spot so we dont create delays for you to claim on your health insurance. "HCF have informed us that they are currently undertaking a major systems upgrade. As part of the transition, regular services including online and on the spot claiming channels such as HICAPS and HealthPoint will not be available between 8pm (AEST) Thursday 1 October and are scheduled to be back online from 6am Tuesday 6 October (AEDT)."
17.01.2022 Nutrition will not stop the virus, but may help to lessen any impact by it! Along with good hygiene we can feel a little safer with where we are in the world at present. And yes good nutrition does not mean we need more toilet paper!!!!!
17.01.2022 Research can be profound, ok very expensive when it can be done, but soon our fascial understanding will have some great science behind it with imaging techniques!
16.01.2022 A BIG thanks to Eddie Topia, He rang in and cancelled because he felt signs of a cold. This is social responsibility at its best, if you feel off a little bit, easy for us to re-book you and safer for everyone else. Always had the utmost respect for Eddie and this is just a small reason as to why. Thank you Brother! Lets all stay safe out there.
16.01.2022 Great article and so true in our western world. Some parts of Asia and Africa still do it well and are healthier for it! Squatting like this in theory takes pressure of the hip-ligaments (unwinding them) decreasing load, increasing mobility and overall wear and tear down. How dumb are we sitting all the time!
16.01.2022 Hard to do face to face learning at the moment with covid. Instead getting exposed to Zoom! Have just ad a different look at mobilizing both hands and feet, subtle differences to what I do normally bt will cross some of it together soon as it seems to have a good foundation in science and easy to integrate with my current work practices with joint work. I love when learning is both fun and gives a fresh approach to supplement something I am already doing.
15.01.2022 Urska has started back from a school holiday break. She works on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. It is great to have another female member to work with and balance our group. Urska Sorli Qualifications: Certificate IV in Massage Therapy April 2014... Diploma of Remedial Massage - July 2016 Myofascial Cupping March 2018 Association Membership: Australian Traditional Medicine Society - ATMS Style of Massage: Deep Tissue Trigger Point Therapy Pregnancy Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Myofascial Release Myofascial Cupping Swedish Relaxation Massage What I love about massage: Ive always been fascinated by our bodies anatomy and physiology, and after having my babies and digging deep into natural health, I decided to ditch my engineering profession and started following my passion, which lead me to study Remedial Massage. Im glad when I have the opportunity to share the knowledge I gained with my clients and I feel very honoured when my clients trust me with their aches and pains, stresses and stories, and allow me to be a part of their healing process. It really is something special to witness the transformations that can occur on the treatment table, when a person finds their ease, physically, mentally and emotionally.
15.01.2022 A good listen to a very hot topic!
15.01.2022 I am opening up Wednesday as of next week, so I am back to 4 days a week. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Others working from my clinic have their own hours and are integrating back into the workplace. We look forward to seeing you again soon as per your needs.
15.01.2022 My first massage course was In Kalgoorlie in around 1987! A small class at "Laurie Potters". Our teacher was Barry Harwood. We had some fun and it eventually lead me to where I am now. At the time I was working underground, 3,600 feet to be exact, at the top end of Hannan Street. Now the super pit. I love that life can be a wonderful journey where things can happen through links we establish as we grow.
12.01.2022 Posture is a big thing with my work. Alot of my peers don't believe in it as I do! Those who know me understand that I have come from a mechanical background, so I am looking at asking and answering questions! What, why and how with pain and dysfunction. Today my focus is lower back pain and associated problems. 90% or more people stand on one leg, acker the "Pink Flamenco". Of those 90% or more stand on the left leg, yes go figure. It does not make any difference whether the...y are left or right handed! Mechanically we load asymmetrically when we adopt this posture, so if you are within the norm and stand mostly on your Left leg you will load your muscles generally on the medial side on the left. Conversely on the lateral side on the right. Fact, our center of gravity is located just above the greater trochanter (leg attachment to the pelvis). Also of huge note is the 2 strongest muscles in the body cross our center of gravity.( Gluteous maximus and Psoas) My way of working is that if we have a deficiency within this group, then how can anything else in the body work well? We have compensation which can lead to a myriad of soft tissue injuries. 1. Lower back, either strain, disc related or facet joint pain. 2. Sacro Illiac Joint pain/dysfunction. The glute maximus force closes the SIJ, so if it is down then we can have an unstable joint. 3. Hamstring strain or tear. Hamstrings are secondary extensors. Glute the primary, so if primary is down the secondary does all the work. 4. Adductor strain/tears/pulls. Osteo-Pubitis included. Asymmetry creates an imbalanced load pattern going through the body (Torsion), which loads smaller muscles in a way they are not designed to work. Overload and injury follows. The knock on effect can and often does reach the feet as well, the right foot in often blocked with this presentation. Load when running, a person on average takes between 800 to 2000 steps to run a mile. If we take 1125 and weigh 75 kilos, we dissipate around 220 ton per mile in the mid stance of running. Where our posture is distorted then injury is almost guaranteed! Just a matter of time.
10.01.2022 OK so now we have to shut down until given the all clear! Sorry for any inconvenience to our clients, but all of our health is very important. Will post updates as they come to bear. All massage therapy services must shut down at midnight tonight - 25 March - by order of the Australian Department of Health ... Dear Malcolm AMT has received formal written clarification from the Department of Health via Alan Tudge, Federal Liberal MP, regarding the Prime Ministers announcement last night. Unless you are AHPRA registered (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and providing services that are claimable through the Medical Benefits Scheme, you cannot provide massage therapy from midnight tonight. The written advice wasnt pretty - clearly written in haste - but the message is clear and unequivocal: "Massage therapists will need to follow the government decision. If they provide services claimable by [the] Medical Benefits Scheme as a physiotherapy item that is a different matter. Being able to claim would mean they have a Medicare provider number and [are] registered with AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)." If you are lodging a claim for the Jobseeker allowance or any of the other financial hardship measures being rolled out at the moment (which may soon include rental relief), you can quote the Government-mandated shutdown from midnight tonight. We will continue to be working to find ways to support all our members through these incredibly tough times. Yours sincerely, AMT
09.01.2022 This dude is seriously next level, does not get sick due to an awesome immune system. Try breathing better to help your immune system! What do you have to loose and better now than never. Currently I am working at this, taking vitamin C, still juicing, getting into the Far infrared sauna (High heat kills viruses!) and being mindful of those I am currently in contact with.
08.01.2022 Great news, in the coming weeks we will have a new Therapist joining the group. Urska will start soon on Monday and Wednesday mornings. It will be great to have another female member to work with and balance or group. Urska Sorli Qualifications:... Certificate IV in Massage Therapy April 2014 Diploma of Remedial Massage - July 2016 Myofascial Cupping March 2018 Association Membership: Australian Traditional Medicine Society - ATMS Style of Massage: Deep Tissue Trigger Point Therapy Pregnancy Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Myofascial Release Myofascial Cupping Swedish Relaxation Massage What I love about massage: Ive always been fascinated by our bodies anatomy and physiology, and after having my babies and digging deep into natural health, I decided to ditch my engineering profession and started following my passion, which lead me to study Remedial Massage. Im glad when I have the opportunity to share the knowledge I gained with my clients and I feel very honoured when my clients trust me with their aches and pains, stresses and stories, and allow me to be a part of their healing process. It really is something special to witness the transformations that can occur on the treatment table, when a person finds their ease, physically, mentally and emotionally.
08.01.2022 Back pain post Covid? Sitting for long periods can load our back, more so when we are generally more active. Lounging on the couch can exacerbate it further. Lumbar muscles may be involved along with the potential for the quads to have an impact as well. I always work on the biggest/strongest muscles first, then look at the smaller and weaker muscles.... Motion is lotion, a good way to get back into exercise without injury is to start off slow and ease back into it over 4-6 weeks! See more
07.01.2022 Interesting thought for any athlete. As time goes on we re-look at alot of things and our perception of them can change. Advancement in medical science is continuous and helps us to change and or refine our old views due to new knowledge. Until it too may change!
07.01.2022 We all need to be calm and look at our personal situation. Have we possibly been exposed to the virus? Do we have a good diet, lots of fresh veg and fruit. Good sources of Vitamin C to help our immune system. If you feel like you are coming down with something like a client yesterday, they cancelled to help themselves and us. Be aware of contact with people who have traveled, particularly to countries of greater/higher risk.... Take care and stay safe.
07.01.2022 Your car or your body? Personally I want to look after both, the mechanic for the car and the massage therapist for my body! Cars can be easily fixed with new parts and work as good if not better after. Our bodies work better with our original parts, so please look after them, yes we can get replacements but they dont generally last as well as our ones. ...
06.01.2022 Huge potential fines for those putting others at possible risk! Wow. We as a race might become more mindful of others at the very least from this outbreak.
05.01.2022 Wow, this is both sad and refreshing. Personally I am very mindful as to any drug that I may take, at times I do but do not rattle like my father, 3 lots per day! Up to 10 tablets at a time, conflict with his medication very nearly killed him mid last year. Sometimes drugs do help and save us, I try to be very calculating when suggestions are given to me.
05.01.2022 Massage and Injury Management clinics position. At the moment we are still open for business, and as per a number of businesses we would appreciate us all to err on the side of caution. If you are not feeling 100% and it may be flu like, please take the time out and re-book for later. I am being advised through a number of sectors within my industry, some are in lock down and others, we are trying to be supportive to your needs whilst we all keep safe and sound from our coll...ective actions. Be safe and stay healthy. I am taking vitamin C along with my juicing, removing sugars and cleaning up my diet as much as possible to boost my immune system. Above all trying to be pro-active and not re-active. Take care and we will see you at your next appointment. See more
05.01.2022 Hi people, I will be working limited hours as of next week. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday only at the moment. I want time for the room to air and clean. Irena is starting back on the 3rd May.... We would ask you not to come in if you are not feeling well, running a temperature or may have had contact with someone who has recently arrived home or had contact with a person known to have the virus. This is for the health and safety for all concerned, just the normal 2 week time is required to ensure good health. I have previously mentioned in a post that I am juicing, stopped sugar intake, meditating, sauna, Wim Hof breathing and still trying to get into a good exercise routine. I have tightened up a bit due to prolonged seating, something that does not occur normally with my job. Stay healthy and well. Malcolm. See more
05.01.2022 This is validation of the power of the Vagus nerve, one that with an experienced therapist, we can have an impact on. If you are interested look at the Poly-vagal theory as well, it is a gem.
05.01.2022 Not massage, but with health being so important it is always good to have options when our health has been under attack.
04.01.2022 Posture is a big thing with my work. Alot of my peers dont believe in it as I do! Those who know me understand that I have come from a mechanical background, so I am looking at asking and answering questions! What, why and how with pain and dysfunction. Today my focus is lower back pain and associated problems. 90% or more people stand on one leg, acker the "Pink Flamenco". Of those 90% or more stand on the left leg, yes go figure. It does not make any difference whether the...y are left or right handed! Mechanically we load asymmetrically when we adopt this posture, so if you are within the norm and stand mostly on your Left leg you will load your muscles generally on the medial side on the left. Conversely on the lateral side on the right. Fact, our center of gravity is located just above the greater trochanter (leg attachment to the pelvis). Also of huge note is the 2 strongest muscles in the body cross our center of gravity.( Gluteous maximus and Psoas) My way of working is that if we have a deficiency within this group, then how can anything else in the body work well? We have compensation which can lead to a myriad of soft tissue injuries. 1. Lower back, either strain, disc related or facet joint pain. 2. Sacro Illiac Joint pain/dysfunction. The glute maximus force closes the SIJ, so if it is down then we can have an unstable joint. 3. Hamstring strain or tear. Hamstrings are secondary extensors. Glute the primary, so if primary is down the secondary does all the work. 4. Adductor strain/tears/pulls. Osteo-Pubitis included. Asymmetry creates an imbalanced load pattern going through the body (Torsion), which loads smaller muscles in a way they are not designed to work. Overload and injury follows. The knock on effect can and often does reach the feet as well, the right foot in often blocked with this presentation. Load when running, a person on average takes between 800 to 2000 steps to run a mile. If we take 1125 and weigh 75 kilos, we dissipate around 220 ton per mile in the mid stance of running. Where our posture is distorted then injury is almost guaranteed! Just a matter of time.
02.01.2022 Vitamin C may help people as per this study. Also put forward by Professor Dingle. Awareness gives us the opportunity to make better decisions for our health and well-being.
02.01.2022 Why choose Massage over other modalities? Massage targets soft tissues within the body. The largest organ in the body by volume/mass is skeletal muscle. Yes we deal with the largest organ within the body as our primary focus! We can have an impact on the skeletal and the nervous systems as a knock on effect but we are primarily soft tissue focused. (Muscle, tendon, ligament and fascia).... I have always found it strange that there is no specialist Doctor for skeletal muscle. But this has left us a large market within which we can operate with great intent.
01.01.2022 So many people buying into other peoples actions! I am not one of them as I only have understanding and control with me here and now. Yes some peoples actions may put others at risk, I will not judge them as I do not know the circumstances within which they have made their choice. I also do not encourage the, gently reminding them of the consequences that they may be putting others into, for my money is a nicer way to start dialogue with both friends and strangers. Alot of pe...ople are on edge and as such can be reactive to all input! Stay safe and well. We look forwards to be able to serve you when this is all over. Mal. See more
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