MasterDerm Clinic & MasterCell Clinic in Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia | Medical service
MasterDerm Clinic & MasterCell Clinic
Locality: Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 5526 7001
Address: Niecon plaza, 47/19 Victoria Ave 4218 Broadbeach, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Australia’s most prominent centre for advanced cellular therapy MASTERCELL STEM CELL CENTRE Performed at a Prestige Private Hospital... Exclusive Treatment Protocols Tailored Clinical Approach to Each Patient Comprehensive Programme FREE consultation with a Medical Liason Advisor View the members page here >> View the website here >>
24.01.2022 The team is in Melbourne completing advanced training in intravenous nutrients and heavy metal detox with AIMN
24.01.2022 NOT MUCH IMPROVEMENT IN METASTATIC BREAST CANCER SURVIVAL SINCE 1990. 0755267001 #breastcancer #cancersurvival #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... STUDY on BREAST CANCER : 8292 women from 1990 to 2016 - demonstrated declining in distant metastases, but NO difference in survival. CONCLUSION Relapsed Metastatic Breast Cancer incidence declined over time with decreased HER2-positive distant recurrence, a shift to more triple-negative BC and consistently poor distant disease survival. Published in Metastatic Breast Cancer Journal Scan / Review February 26, 2019
24.01.2022 Breast cancer: Estrogen byproducts may predict outlook Mastercell Clinic 0755267001 ##oestrogen #oestrogenmetabolites #naturalHRT #breastcancer #DRFELIX ... #Mastercell THAT IS THE REASON WE ALWAYS REQUEST SALIVA HORMONE LEVELS, WHICH ARE MORE PRECISE , AS WELL AS ABLE TO PROVIDE INFORMATION THAT ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON BLOOD. New research finds a link between the ratio of two types of estrogen metabolites and the risk of mortality from any cause among women who receive a diagnosis of breast cancer. Approximately 1 in 8 women in the United States will have invasive breast cancer at one point in their lives. According to the National Cancer Institute, 266,120 women developed breast cancer in 2018, and almost 41,000 died as a result. On average, the 5-year outlook of a person with breast cancer is almost 90 percent. However, various factorsinfluence their outlook, including the stage of the tumor, the age and overall health of the individual, and the hormone receptors present on the cancer cells. New research now points to another factor that may influence survival after a breast cancer diagnosis. Byproducts of the hormone estrogen may help predict a person's outlook, according to a study researchers presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, which this year takes place in Atlanta, Georgia. Tengteng Wang, a doctoral researcher at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill, is the first author of the new research. Estrogen metabolites may influence survival Wang and colleagues used the urine samples of a group of women with breast cancer to measure levels of two estrogen byproducts: 2-hydroxyestrone, or 2-OHE, and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone. The former is known as a "good"byproduct because previous studies have found that increasing its levels protected against tumors. On the other hand, the latter metabolite is a "bad" byproduct because it causes DNA damage and promotes tumor growth. "Researchers are most interested in examining the ratio of the two metabolites 2-OHE and 16-alpha-OHE, which reflects the relative balance of the 'good' metabolite versus the 'bad,'" explains Marilie Gammon, Ph.D., who is a professor in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.
23.01.2022 STUDY CONFIRMS THE EFFICACY OF PROLOTHERAPY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. GOOD RANDOMIZED GOOD SIZE CLINICAL TRIAL . 0755267001 #OSTEOARTHRITIS #kneearthritis #mastercell #DRFELIX ... Researchers investigated whether intra-articular hypertonic dextrose prolotherapy (DPT) affords an efficacious option relative to normal saline (NS) injection for the management of knee osteoarthritis (KOA), via this single-center, parallel-group, blinded, randomized controlled trial at a university primary care clinic in Hong Kong. They randomized (1:1) patients with KOA (n = 76) to DPT or NS groups for injections at weeks 0, 4, 8, and 16. Findings revealed that a reduction in pain as well as improvement of function and quality of life was brought about by intra-articular dextrose prolotherapy injections, vs blinded saline injections, in patients with KOA. This management approach not only afforded high adherence and satisfaction but also the procedure was straightforward and safe.
21.01.2022 EXCEPTIONAL RECOVERY in PARKINSON'S PATIENT ON GLUTEN FREE DIET 0755267001 #parkinsons #naturaltreatment #glutenfreediet #glutentoxicity #DRFELIX #Mastercell ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 DIABETES HAS BEEN SHOWN AS A SIGNIFICANT RISK FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AGGRESSIVE CANCERS. www.mastercel clinic 0755267001 #Diabetes #cancerrisk #naturaltreatment #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... Women with diabetes are more likely than those without the disease to be diagnosed with a more advanced and difficult to treat form of breast cancer, a Dutch study suggests. The researchers examined data on 6,267 women diagnosed with breast cancer from 2002 to 2014, including 1,567 patients with type 2 diabetes. Overall, women with diabetes were 28 percent more likely to be diagnosed with more advanced and aggressive types of tumors than women without diabetes, the study found. Whether women with diabetes used insulin didn’t appear to influence the characteristics of their breast cancers. This finding matters for patients with type 2 diabetes who may be concerned about how insulin treatment may affect breast cancer risk, said Christina Dieli-Conwright, a researcher at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles who wasn’t involved in the study. Type 2 diabetes, the most common form, is linked to obesity and aging and happens when the body can’t properly use or make enough of the hormone insulin to convert blood sugar into energy. Failure to manage the condition can result in complications like blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage and amputations. Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their symptoms with prescription drugs designed to help lower blood sugar and with lifestyle modifications like eating healthier food and exercising more often. Some of these patients also need to inject insulin to help regulate their blood sugar.
21.01.2022 NUTRITION IS KEY COMPONENT IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER Healthy cells can obtain the energy they need from glucose, fat or protein. In contrast, cancer cells are only efficient at transforming glucose and can barely get energy from proteins and even less from fats. #naturalcancertreatment #plantdiet #cancerdiet #DRFELIX #MASTER www.mastercell.Clinic 0755267001... Why choose a plant-based diet? If you are looking to emphasize fresh, whole ingredients and minimize processed foods for overall wellness, a plant-based diet does precisely that. The basic principles of a plant-based diet (PBD) are that it focuses on whole, minimally processed foods whole grains, seeds, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts should make up the majority of what you eat and limits animal products. A PBD also excludes refined foods, like added sugars, white flour, and processed oils. A plant-based diet is rooted in food quality, promoting locally sourced, organic food whenever possible.
21.01.2022 Dr Felix is featured in Get it Magazine’s April issue out now Get your free copy #getitmag #getitmaggc
20.01.2022 IF YOU FEEL TIRED AND SLUGGISH... IF YOUR MEMORY AND VISION ARE NOT AS SHARP AS THEY USED TO BE... YOU CAN'T LOOSE WEIGHT NO MATTER HARD YOU TRY.... THEN THERE IS SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW: 0755267001 #liverstress #liverfatigue #naturaltreatment #Adrenalfatigue #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... Thyroid and adrenal glands can be the most common suspects, a blood test interpreted by an Integrative Dr. Can determine if they are the culprits and draw a tailored plan. But the most overlooked cause of problems like these is a FATIGUED LIVER . Most patients (unfortunately most drs too) believe that normal liver function means good liver. Unless you have proper functional tests , you wont know. That's right, a fatigued liver. You see, your liver is the hardest working organ in your body. Every day, it has to perform over 500 essential functions. These include: Producing more than 13,000 crucial chemicals... and regulating over 50,000 vital enzymes. Balancing sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Filtering nearly 100 gallons of blood that pass through it every day. Producing a full quart of bile daily to break down fat and help with food digestion. Maintaining healthy The most overlooked cause of problems like these is a fatigued liver. That's right, a fatigued liver. You see, your liver is the hardest working organ in your body. Every day, it has to perform over 500 essential functions. These include: Producing more than 13,000 crucial chemicals... and regulating over 50,000 vital enzymes. Balancing sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Filtering nearly 100 gallons of blood that pass through it every day. Producing a full quart of bile daily to break down fat and help with food digestion. Maintaining healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, and amino acids. Converting glucose into energy your body can use. Storing essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, B, D, and K. Detoxifying waste products and pollutants, so your body can get rid of them. (If your liver stopped detoxifying, you would be dead within a few hours!) Detoxifying waste products and pollutants, so your body can get rid of them. (If your liver stopped detoxifying, you would be dead within a few hours!)
20.01.2022 Coronavirus anxiety may lead to more deaths from cancer and heart attacks, with worrying declines of up to 50% in new cancer patients and 30% in cardiac emergencies, according to Victorian experts. The pattern is part of a broader drop in patient attendances at hospitals and general practices across Australia, estimated at up to 50% across the board. But delaying cancer treatment could lead to a spike in more dangerous tumours down the track, as well as an increased number of preventable deaths, with Melbourne ear nose and throat (ENT) surgeon Stephen Kleid predicting the sudden demand after the coronavirus crisis ends could overwhelm the system and lead to further delays in treatment.
19.01.2022 THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT STRESS IS THE BIGGEST KILLER. STUDY SHOWS HOW STRESS CAN PROMOTE BREAST CANCER. 0755267001 #stress #breastcancer #DRFELIX #Mastercell Having conducted a new study in mice, researchers now have a much better understanding of how chronic (long-term, sustained) stress can accelerate the growth of cancer stem cells. They may also have found a way to prevent stress from doing its damage.... Chronic stress, which a person has consistently over a long period of time, affects mental and emotional well-being as well as physical health. Studies have tied chronic stress to accelerated cognitive impairment, a higher risk of heart problems, and problems with gut health. Previous research also suggests that exposure to stress could speed up the growth of cancer through its impact on gene activity. Now, researchers from the Dalian Medical University in China in collaboration with colleagues from across the world have located a key mechanism, which chronic stress triggers, that fuels the growth of cancer stem cells that tumors originate from. More specifically, the researchers have studied this mechanism in mouse models of breast cancer. Their findings which they report in The Journal of Clinical Investigation point the finger at the hormone epinephrine, but they also suggest a strategy to counteract the effects of stress mechanisms on cancer cells. "You can kill all the cells you want in a tumor," notes co-author Keith Kelley, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, "but if the stem cells, or mother cells, are not killed, then the tumor is going to grow and metastasize."
19.01.2022 NEW STUDY PUBLISHED AT JOURNAL OF UROLOGY CONFIRMS THE IMPORTANCE OF MONITORING CIRCULATING TUMOUR CELLS (LIQUID BIOPSY) IN PROSTATE PATIENTS IN REMISSION. THIS IS ESSENTIAL FOR EARLY DECISION AND MANAGEMENT. Phone: 0755267001 #prostatecancer #CTC #naturaltreatment #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL ... PURPOSE of THE STUDY Approximately 15% of men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer have high risk features which increase the risk of recurrence and metastasis. Better predictive biomarkers could allow for earlier detection of biochemical recurrence and change surveillance and adjuvant treatment paradigms. Circulating tumor as biomarkers in men with high risk, localized prostate cancer is not well defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two to 5 months after prostatectomy we obtained blood samples from 37 patients with high risk, localized prostate cancer, defined as stage T3a or higher, Gleason score 8 or greater, or prostate specific antigen 20 ng/ml or greater. Circulating tumor cells were enumerated using a commercial platform.Matched tumor and single circulating tumor cell sequencing was performed. RESULTS Circulating tumor cells were detected in 30 of 37 samples (81.1%) with a median of 2.4 circulating tumor cells per ml (range 0 to 22.9). Patients with detectable circulating tumor cells showed a trend toward shorter recurrence time (p[0.12). All patients with biochemical recurrence had detectable circulating tumor cells. Androgen receptor over expression was detected in 7 of 37 patients (18.9%). Patients with biochemical recurrence had more circulating tumor cell copy number aberrations (p[0.027). Matched tumor tissue and single circulating tumor cell sequencing revealed heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS We noted a high incidence of circulating tumor cell detection after radical prostatectomy and shorter time to biochemical recurrence in men with a higher circulating tumor cell burden and more circulating tumor cell copy number aberrations. Genomic alterations consistent with established copy number aberrations in prostate cancer were detectable in circulating tumor cells but often discordant with cells analyzed in bulk from primary lesions. With further testing in appropriately powered cohorts early circulating tumor cell detection could be an informative biomarker to assist with adjuvant treatment decisions.
19.01.2022 So proud , my son Raphael Felix has published his first book. On pre order on Amazon Kindle. I read the proof , it's very intriguing and a mind opener !
16.01.2022 DO NOT USE ANTI INFLAMMATORY DRUGS TO DEAL WITH CORONOVIRUS ( CONVID19) SYMPTOMS. #MASTERCELL #DRFELIX #coronovirus Phone : 0755267001 Anti-inflammatories are important drugs that are used by millions of people around the world to help treat pain, different types of arthritis, headaches, sore throats and colds. So why should we suddenly be cautious about using them?... Despite all of their beneficial effects, it has long been known that anti-inflammatories can have a depressive effect on parts of our immune systems. When it comes to taking them to help ease the symptoms of the common cold, we do not really have to worry about this slight but important reduction in the strength of our immune systems: We are very unlikely to develop complications from the common cold, let alone die from it. But we need our immune system in top working order in order to battle the coronavirus and win. When the virus enters the human body, it induces mild to severe respiratory problems, a high fever, cough and, potentially, multi-organ dysfunction, which can lead to death. An early part of our body's immune response to a virus of this sort is to release cells called mast cells, which form our first line of defence against the virus. These are released very quickly from our respiratory tract - the nasal passageway and linings of the lungs. When the mast cells come into contact with the virus, they then trigger a much bigger immune response, which involves inflammatory chemicals being released. We need these inflammatory chemicals to help tackle the virus in the medium to long term. It is the effectiveness of these chemicals that decides whether a person develops complications from the coronavirus or makes a full recovery. If we take medicines that dampen this immune response, such as ibuprofen, this can lead to us not fighting off the infection as effectively, potentially leading to a longer illness with a higher risk of complications. Commonly used anti-inflammatories include ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and steroids such as prednisolone. See more
16.01.2022 SIMPLE SUPPLEMENTS LIKE FOLIC ACID and B12 CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE TO MS PATIENTS. 0755267001 #supplements #natural treatment #MS #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL... Vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid) supplements can lower levels of homocysteine (a common amino acid), improve anemia status, and boost self-reported physical health in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to new research. The study suggests a potential role for these two vitamins in improving the quality of life of MS patients. The research article, The Effect of Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Supplementation on Serum Homocysteine, Anemia Status and Quality of Life of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, was published in the journal Clinical Nutrition Research. . Despite treatment, MS patients often experience symptoms that interfere with their daily lives. Many patients have turned to dietary supplements with the hope they would reduce the severity of their symptoms. There is substantial literature suggesting the benefits of various supplements for MS, including vitamin B12 and folic acid. Homocysteine, of which high levels are associated with heart disease and detrimental effects in the nervous system, can be more prevalent in MS patients compared to healthy individuals. That suggests homocysteine is one of the causative factors in the pathogenesis [development] of MS, researchers wrote. Lack of vitamin B12 naturally found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products can lead to a disruption in myelination, the process of forming a protective myelin coat around nerve cells. The loss of myelin is a hallmark of MS.
16.01.2022 MAIN STREAM ONCOLOGY STARTED TO REALIZE THAT "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" APPROACH TO CANCER DOES NOT WORK. Mastercell Clinic 0755267001 #tailoredcancertreatment #cancergenomics #cancergenetics #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... From ASCO ( American Society of Clinical Oncology) : World largest conference in Cancer ( up to 30000 doctors and researchers) New era' of personalised cancer Treatment Cancer is entering a "new era" of personalised medicine with drugs targeted to the specific weaknesses in each patient's tumour, say doctors. Precision medicine is one of the big themes at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Doctors say "breath-taking" advances in the understanding of tumours are being used to unlock new treatments. But there are also concerns that patients are not getting access to the precision medicines we already have. The premise of precision medicine is that cancers are not all the same - even those in the same tissue - so a tailored approach is needed. DNA clues Cancers are normal cells that have become corrupted by mutations in their DNA that leads to uncontrolled growth. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy kill everything, including healthy tissue. The idea of precision medicine is to test every patient's tumour, find the mutations that have become essential for it to survive and then select a targeted drug to counter-act the mutation - killing the tumour. Prof Peter Johnson, the chief clinician at the charity Cancer Research UK, argues: "The idea of taking something which is particular to cancer cells and targeting them isn't hugely new, what is new is our depth of understanding. "I think it is a new era of understanding and it's driven by the technology changes which have allowed us to decipher the cancer cells genetic codes at a level of detail that was unimaginable 15 or 20 years ago.
13.01.2022 Industry payments to academic oncologists common - this has to stop to have patients interest in focus Researchers obtained data on 2017 general payments consulting fees, honoraria, payments for serving as a speaker at an event other than a CME program, gifts, entertainment, food and beverage, and travel and lodging from the CMS Open Payments database. Results showed 417 oncologists (66.2%) received general payments from industry during 2017. Recipients of the highest mea...n general payments included professors, chairs and directors within departments (mean, $436,069; median, $433,819; interquartile range [IQR], $351,199-$553,932). Of the 417 faculty members who received general payments from industry, 78 (18.7%) received payments equal to more than 10% of their annual salary, 45 (10.8%) received payments equal to more than 20% of their salary, 16 (3.8%) received payments equal to more than 50% of their salary, and three (0.7%) received payments equal to more than 100% of their salary. The three highest general payments-to-salary ratios were 124% ($185,316/$149,532), 124% ($132,696/$106,706) and 242% ($923,938/$380,768). Across all 14 medical schools, the median general payment from industry-to-salary ratio was 0.8% among physicians with payments. University of California, San Diego had the highest median general payment-to-salary ratio (16%), followed by University of California, Davis (8.5%), and University of California, Irvine (4.6%). See more
13.01.2022 Major concern , we need to focus on treatment options , as immunization either naturally or by vaccination may not provide protection!
13.01.2022 CT AND PET SCANS CAN CAUSE SIGNIFICANT IONISING RADIATION DAMAGE. STUDY SHOWS HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF . #radiation #DNAdamage #ionisingradiation #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL www.mastercell.Clinic Phone: 0755267001... Just one CT scan exposes you to the same amount of ionizing radiation as 70 chest x-rays. And a combined CT/PET scan has almost two times the amount of radiation as a plain CT. And it's not uncommon for me to see patients getting two to four CT/PET scans a year. That's an incredibly high amount of radiation, and is sure to be unsafe. But not to worry. There is a simple, natural substance that you can get that will cancel most of the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Researchers took blood samples from several men and women. Then they gave them a single dose of 300 mg of melatonin. One and two hours later, they collected a second and third blood specimen. Then they exposed all of the blood specimens to a whopping dose of radiation (150 Gy) that was roughly the equivalent of 1,000 CT scans. After they irradiated the blood, they tested the white blood cells to determine the extent of radiation-induced genetic damage. Here's what they found. The lymphocytes in all of the blood samples had a degree of genetic damage from the radiation. But the cells that were taken an hour after the melatonin dosing had significantly less genetic damage. And the ones taken at the two hour mark had the least damage. The authors concluded that the data had important implications for the protection of our immune cells from the genetic damage induced by ionizing radiation. So, what does this mean for you? It means that if your doctor ever tells you that you need a CT scan or CT/PET scan, be sure to take 300 mg of melatonin about two hours before the procedure. You will basically eliminate any negative effects of the ionizing radiation. Vijayalaxmi, Reiter RJ, et al. Mutat Res. 1996 Dec 20;371(3-4):221-8. Melatonin and radioprotection from genetic damage: in vivo/in vitro studies with human volunteers.
12.01.2022 OSTEOARTRITIS (OA) IS A COMMON MEDICAL COMPLAINT AND IS TYPICALLY POORLY MANAGED. EITHER NOTHING IS DONE UNTILL PATIENTS ARE IN AGONY AND DECIDE TO GO FOR SURGERY OR WORSE, APPLY STEROIDS, WHICH FURTHER ADVANCES THE DISEASE. THERE IS A LOT THAT CAN BE DONE BEFORE DECIDING TO GO UNDER THE KNIFE. #OSTEOARTHRITIS #kneepain #naturaltreatment #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL Phone 0755267001... Osteoarthritis (OA) commonly affects the hip and knee joints, and intra-articular corticosteroid injections are UNFORTUNATELY frequently performed as a treatment. This study only refers to knees , but I suspect , because is the same mechanism that if looked into , we will see these problems for any other joint. I often see patients after steroid injection, mainly shoulders. But the procedure is not without risks. A new paper, which reviewed the outcomes of 459 injections, has identified four potential adverse events associated with this procedure: - accelerated OA progression - subchondral insufficiency fractures - complications of osteonecrosis ( bone death) - rapid joint destruction, including bone loss Sadly, this is an authorised procedure while natural approaches are frowned upon.
11.01.2022 Talking about fever and infection. I would like to remind you that " "contemporary evidence points out that hyperthermia can be a manifestation of organic defense, and should not be promptly attacked in the absence of impairment of the patient's general condition". For this very reason we offer Hyperthermia to boost our patients immune response.
11.01.2022 TRADITIONAL ONCOLOGY STARTS TO REALIZE THE VALUE OF CTC (circulating tumour cells) / LIQUID BIOPSY, BOTH TO CONFIRM REMISSION AS WELL AS TO DETECT EARLY RECURRENCE. WE USE CTC FOR OUR PATIENTS, THE VALUE OF LIQUID BIOPSY IS IMMEASURABLE. Phone 0755267001 #canceroptions #ctc #liquidbiopsy #integrativeoncology #naturaltreatment #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... 1.Circulating tumor DNA analysis shows promise for detection of colorectal cancer recurrence Circulating tumor DNA levels detected disease recurrence earlier than conventional postoperative surveillance among patients with resected colorectal cancer, according to results of a retrospective study published in JAMA Oncology. The results add to evidence that circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a sensitive marker of tumor burden and demonstrate the potential value of ctDNA analysis in stratifying these patients based on recurrence risk, according to researchers. 2.Liquid biopsy test confirms remission in HPV-associated oral cancer A novel liquid biopsy test showed compelling specificity and sensitivity in detecting HPV DNA among patients who underwent chemoradiotherapy for HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, according to findings presented at the American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting.
11.01.2022 UNEXPECTED DANGERS OF GUM DISEASE. www.mastercell.Clinic 0755267001 #gumdisease #gumdangers #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL Gum disease is common and unpleasant, but, according to a growing body of evidence, it could also play a role in a surprising range of seemingly unrelated health problems.... Plaque a sticky substance that contains bacteria builds up on teeth. If it is not brushed away, the bacteria can irritate the gums. The gums may then become swollen, sore, or infected; this is referred to as gingivitis. In general, gum disease can be treated or prevented by maintaining a good oral health regime. However, if it is left to develop, it can result in periodontitis, which weakens the supporting structures of the teeth. Gum disease, which is also called periodontal disease, is widespread. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost halfof adults in the United States have some degree of gum disease. The mechanisms behind periodontal disease are relatively well-understood, and newer research shows that this health problem may play a role in the development of a number of other conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and respiratory disease. See more
10.01.2022 NEW STUDY DEMONSTRATES THE USEFULNESS OF CURCULATING TUMOUR CELLS (CIRCULATING TUMOUR DNA) FOR BOTH MONITORING AND PROGNOSIS OF CANCER PATIENTS 07 55267001 #CTC #CirculatingDNA #cancermonitoring #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL... In this study, tumor fractions in plasma from 29 patients with metastatic breast cancer were assessed from 127 serial blood samples. Patients with mFAST-SeqS z-scores greater than 3 had significantly worse overall and progression-free survival compared with patients who had lower values. Elevated z-scores were associated with radiologically proven progression. These findings demonstrate that the mFAST-SeqS provides a fast and cost-effective method to assess the ctDNA fraction of the tumor, which is also an early method for measuring treatment response. From : Untargeted Assessment of Tumor Fractions in Plasma for Monitoring and Prognostication From Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Systemic Treatment Cancers (Basel) 2019 Aug 14
10.01.2022 Today we celebrated Ingrid ,Lais and my birthday ! Thanks for all birthday wishes
09.01.2022 VITAMIN D AND OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTS LINKED TO LOWER CANCER AND HEART ATTACK RISK 0755267001 #heartattack #cancerprevention #vitaminD #fishoil #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL ... Taking vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids could prevent cancer and heart attacks, according to a study that adds to the debate around the benefits of supplements. The study involved 25,871 people in the U.S. who took part in the Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (Vital) clinical trial for five years. Some participants took only vitamin D or fish oil; others took both; and some acted as the control by consuming neither supplement. The findings showed that taking vitamin D was linked with a lower risk of dying of cancer in people of a normal weightor a BMI of 18.5 to 25 on average. Omega-3 fatty acids were meanwhile linked to a lower risk of heart attacks. On average the participants ate an average of 1.5 servings of fish per week, and those who ate less than the average appeared to benefit most from the supplement
07.01.2022 USING PROLOTHERAPY TO HEAL DAMAGE TENDONS, CARTILAGE, MUSCLES AND JOINTS. Phone 0755267001 #damagedtendons #naturaltreatment #jointpain #damagedcartilage #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN HOSPITALS: PERFORMING 7 PROCEDURES THAT DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD. 0755267001 #surgicalharm #arthorscopy #surgicalrisks #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... Hospital doctors are still performing inappropriate surgeries that can leave patients with severe complications, a NSW study shows Hospital doctors are putting patients at risk by continuing to perform seven low-value procedures, Australian researchers warn. The seven procedures two of which are being carried out on high-risk patients are still taking place at NSW public hospitals despite not being recommended by clinical experts. The procedures include the following: - Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm in asymptomatic patients at high surgical risk - Renal artery angioplasty - Carotid endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients at high surgical risk - SPINAL FUSION for low back pain - KNEE ARTHROSCOPY for osteoarthritis or meniscal tears - COLONOSCOPY for constipation in people under 50 - ENDOSCOPY for dyspepsia in people under 55 The researchers, led by Professor Adam Elshaug of the University of Sydney’s school of public health, examined more than 9300 patient records from the state’s 225 public hospitals, looking for incidences of 16 hospital-acquired complications. "Use of these seven low-value procedures is harming patients, consuming additional hospital resources and potentially delaying care for other patients for whom the services would be appropriate, they concluded. More information: JAMA Internal Medicine 2019.
07.01.2022 WHAT IS BHRT ? Bio Identical Hormone Replacement 075526700 #BHRT #menopause #naturaltreatment ... Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the use of natural hormones to help resolve symptoms related to hormonal imbalance or decreases in hormone production related to aging. BHRT come in various forms, such as topical creams, pellets, and injections, just to name a few, and are considered a more natural solution compared to standard hormone replacement therapy.Although it is believed to be safer, there are no large studies on safety. BHRT are derived from plant and animal sources, rather than being created synthetically and most closely mimic those produced by the human body. Who would benefit from BHRT? Hormone production increases during puberty and, in healthy adults, peaks in the 20s and early 30s. Hormone levels then begin to decline in the mid-30s to early 40s. This decrease in hormones is natural, but can sometimes cause unfavorable symptoms. The use of hormone therapy can help to relieve symptoms and allows for a smoother transition into menopause. Some signs of hormone shift may include: irregular periods, thinning hair, lowered sex drive, vaginal dryness, weight gain, fatigue, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, mood changes. Additionally, for many younger women hormones can lose their rhythm, meaning that an alteration of one hormone can result in altered production of another. These hormone imbalances can be the root cause of a wide-array of symptoms that often seem disconnected, making a diagnosis of the underlying problem frustrating. Three of the most common conditions related to imbalanced hormones in younger women are premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and infertility. Symptoms that are often attributed to aging or menopause, such as weight gain and fatigue, can actually begin before menopause and, many times, are caused by other lifestyle factors, such as stress or nutritional deficiencies. At Masterderm Clinic, our goal is to identify the root cause of patient’s symptoms. We provide patients with an in-depth evaluation that includes an assessment of symptoms, concerns, and goals. We perform specialized lab work that will provide us with the necessary information to properly treat , guide and monitor our patients.
06.01.2022 NOW STUDIES CONFIRM LONG SUSPICION THAT SWEAT CAN DETOXIFY OUR BODIES. 0755267001 #detox #sweateffects #DRFELIX #Mastercell ... Findings of a groundbreaking study published in the Archives of Environmental and Contamination Toxicology, which explored the effects of bioaccumulated toxic elements within the human body and their method of excretion and concluded: "Toxic elements were found to differing degrees in each of blood, urine, and sweat. Serum levels for most metals and metalloids were comparable with those found in other studies in the scientific literature. Many toxic elements appeared to be preferentially excreted through sweat. Presumably stored in tissues, some toxic elements readily identified in the perspiration of some participants were not found in their serum. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of many toxic elements from the human body." Stephen J Genuis, Detlef Birkholz, Ilia Rodushkin, Sanjay Beesoon. Blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study: monitoring and elimination of bioaccumulated toxic elements. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2011 Aug ;61(2):344-57. Epub 2010 Nov 6. PMID: 21057782 Extracted from GreenMedInfo
04.01.2022 ITS ESSENTIAL TO MONITOR CIRCULATING TUMOUR CELLS FOR THOSE IN REMISSION, EVEN FOR DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY CANCER Phone : 0755267001 #CTC #cancermonitoring #cancerremission #DRFELIX # MASTERCELL ... Circulating tumor DNA detection linked to high risk for breast cancer relapse Circulating tumor DNA detection during follow-up for early-stage breast cancer appeared associated with high risk for future relapse, according to study results published in JAMA Oncology. The researchers found an association between the detection of circulating tumor DNA during follow-up and increased risk for relapse. Circulating tumor DNA detection at diagnosis, prior to treatment, also correlated with poorer outcomes . Among the combined cohort, molecular residual disease was detected in 29 women. Researchers observed a median lead time between detection of circulating tumor DNA and relapse of 10.7 months, and associations between detection and relapse in all breast cancer subtypes. Twenty-two of 23 women (96%) who experienced distant extracranial metastatic relapse had circulating tumor DNA detected before relapse. Circulating tumor DNA appeared less effective in detecting brain-only metastases (17%; n = 1 of 6), indicating that relapses in some areas are less likely to be detected through circulating tumor DNA analysis. SUMMARY: Other than brain metastases ALL recurrences were proceeded by rise on circulating tumour cells
03.01.2022 INTERMITTENT FASTING MAY IMPROVE MS SYMPTOMS. 0755267001 #MS #naturalcure #fasting #DRFELIX #MASTERCELL ... A study by Anne Haney Cross, MD, Professor of Neurology at the Washington University St. Louis demonstrated improvement on M S symptoms , by decreasing inflammation. This can be achieved by 2 days a week of veggies ( non starchy) only and Free other days ( no processed food though). Other way is having 16 hours fasting daily, which can be easily achieved by early dinner , followed by water or herbal tea ( no sweetners) and late lunch.
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