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MasterMind Academy
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24.01.2022 The world is reflecting you to yourself all the time.. Join me and Eckhart Tolle tomorrow at 12p ET as we continue exploring #ANewEarth
23.01.2022 Its easy to be grateful when life is giving you roses. The task becomes more complicated when you are feeling the sting of the thorns. All of us have experienc...ed challenges or bad things in our lives. As we get older, this can considerably burden us with fear, decrease our vitality and create diseases. The cumulative effect impedes our ability to appreciate life. We are wise to transform our crises into blessings; and challenges into opportunities. Each time you take the opportunity to be grateful for who you are, what you do and what you get to experience and have in your life you increase your energy. Instead of being weighed down by lifes events, you are lifted up. See more
22.01.2022 Step outside. Go on I dare you ;)
22.01.2022 This is brilliant!!!!
22.01.2022 Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, "Uh oh, this isnt really turning out the way I wante...d it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, "Well, its still not quite right." So you have another desire... Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it. -Abraham See more
22.01.2022 In this Question and Answer preview, Eckhart advises to focus on your inner statebut not as a means to an end. To view on YouTube, please visit:
19.01.2022 "You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power YOU can cultivate." - Elizabeth Gilbert #Lif...eMakeover #ThoughtOfTheDay
17.01.2022 Everything is connected. The people of the land and the people of the sea. #DolphinsLoveUs
14.01.2022 All change is from the inner to the outer. All change begins in the self-concept. You must become the person you want to be on the inside before you see the appearance of this person on the outside. If you enjoyed this post, please like, comment and share. Thank you!
14.01.2022 When you can get to this place you will know that you have let go of ego and pride, while you hold on to those you dont allow your mind to stretch and grow with infinite possibility. Have a wonderful weekend
13.01.2022 Reach for the thought that feels better and watch what happens.-Abraham
12.01.2022 Mastermind Academy has now moved over to Renaissance Coaching. I would love you to come across to Renaissance Coaching. See you on the other side. :-)
12.01.2022 Personally, I know this to be true. Since I began practicing daily gratitude, I consistently feel 100% better each day! Amen to that comment and thanks to young Jennie Gorman for the post.
10.01.2022 You are the ocean and you are one drop of water in that ocean. You are both. You are one and you are all. You coalesced out of the infinite field of all that is... and individuated as your unique soul. You emerged out of the infinite is-ness of everything and chose human form and life on this Earth. You did this so that you/all could experience itself and the illusion of separation from the all that is. You came here to EXPERIENCE what it feels like to be one facet of the whole standing in a separate physical body from your neighbour. You came here to celebrate and enjoy the human, physical experience whilst remembering that you are far more than that. You did not come here to try to get back home the minute you remembered. You did not come here to judge the human, physical experience as being somehow dense and less spiritual. (By the way, the tough times are there to shake you up and wake you up to who you really are and to give you that one thing you are here for; EXPERIENCE). You are here to bring the love and awareness of your soul, of your infinite self into this place and this time, grounding the light of Source in your everyday life and unifying spirit and matter, heaven and earth in the process. You are not here to get stuck at the awakening and remembering phase and become some kind of guru. You are here to remember who you are and why you are here and then enjoy life, allowing that remembering to add sublime beauty to the mundane through your new open eyes. You are here to love and be loved, to share your gifts and to celebrate this human lifetime which is but the blink of eye in the context of your souls journey. And in the process you grow as a soul, you experience whatever your soul chose to experience in order to grow. You play a part in the overall evolution of human consciousness. From that place of remembering and of deep appreciation and celebration of this planet and this life you can then express your love and your gifts into the world in whatever way fulfills you and brings you joy.~
09.01.2022 Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I do BIGTIME.... Most of you that know me, know that for the last 20+ years I have used lots of different tools for Ma...nifesting the Invisible and making it Visible. Think you are powerful, capable, creative, determined to go after a goal and get it? The truth is, you dont have a CLUE how POWERFUL you really are! Your unconscious mind is, at least, 30, 000 Times more powerful that your Conscious mind. (Latest research by Bruce Lipton says 64 Thousand times, but lets be conservative and call it 30,000) Its the part of you that makes your heart Beat 100,000 times per day. The part of you that makes your hair, fingernails grow. The part of you that rebuilds every organ, your skin, EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY EVERY 1-2 YEARS. Think you are not able to create your dreams? Think you are incredibly powerful and can do what ever you want? TRUTH IS YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW GIFTED, CREATIVE, CAPABLE... POWERFUL YOU REALLY ARE TO SERVE IN THIS WORLD. You have a "silent 30 THOUSAND person army MARCHING forward with you"... Its the Power of Your Unconscious Mind... That sounds cliche... I realize that... So do yourself a favor. Go on iTunes and buy Wayne Dyers Meditations for Manifesting. Ive used this first thing in the morning for about 10 years, But BE WARNED... I have not been able to do it every day for more than a week, because at the end of that week I have so much GOODNESS... OPPORTUNITIES and MONEY coming my way I need to stop and catch up... but I keep using it consistently. Also, a side note, the breathing pattern you will learn will not only MANIFEST things, it is scientifically proven to lower your blood pressure, and calm you emotionally... In other words... it has physiological effects, not just airy-fairy "law of attraction" benefits. (dont get me wrong I love the airy-fairy!) To be totally transparent, I obviously GET NOTHING for recommending Waynes product... OTHER THAN ALL MY FRIENDS CREATING MIRACLES... THE UNEXPLAINABLE... THE IMPOSSIBLE IN THEIR LIVES. I have recommended this for about 5 years and get emails weekly about how people have TRANSFORMED their lives. BUY IT... ITUNES... Oh, and its $6. And write me and tell me how it created AMAZING things in your life. Love Yall
09.01.2022 Think about the life you desire!!
08.01.2022 This from John DeMartini is brilliant. How to dissolve shame and guilt.
08.01.2022 You build a new body every eleven months. Change your body by changing your thoughts and keeping them changed.
07.01.2022 Mastermind Academy is upgrading and changing in 2015. It is going to be New, Focused, Exciting! We are introducing Webinars, Seminars, Playshops, Trainings, and Personal Development. Are you coming along for the ride? Watch this page for more information early in the new year!
05.01.2022 You have to watch this!!
05.01.2022 It took me more or less 40 years to actually notice that all I was ever looking at was a reflection of a little story called me. Once this is noticed there i...s tremendous freedom! Nothing is working against you. You see how the story of the little me is one of suffering and limitation - without exception. Seeing that I was not managerial material meant that I could hand the running of my life over to a system - a set of Guiding Principles - that dont have suffering as a default mode. Without me in charge my life took on a vastly more miraculous quality. Things that were normally an irritating struggle showed me where I needed to relax the tight grip on someone elses ideas. There was action and results instead of pie crust thinking about doing things. When you become practiced at letting something with true power run your life the part of your mind that belonged to a set of bad old ideas kind of dies. It wasnt worth anything anyway. Instead new aspects of mind are constantly birthed. You live in a state of surprise and theres a child-like quality once again...just at a point where you had forgotten what it felt like not to be restricted by boring assumptions and misery producing rules. This isnt a special thing. It can happen to you so easily.... :)
02.01.2022 Be Mindful! Dont react...respond! <3 John
02.01.2022 Fear is only a sickness of the mind. We are often afraid only because we do not understand something - that we are all children of one Mother, more the same different, more deeply recognizable to each other than unknown. Most of our fears and terrors are not quite as real as we think, when we open to the light of Spirit and take time to understand with our hearts that which is unfamiliar and unknown. Fear of another, fear of tomorrow, fear of our own potential is only a created state of mind.. knowing this, we can recognize it, understand, then change that state of mind! Little Grandmother
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