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23.01.2022 Only fools look for a straight path to success. - unknown. Van Gough was a genius with a brush, sharing his love affair with his traditional blue and yellows. S...unflowers were his safe place where beauty reigned. A devoted brother and uncle, he moved along Europe enjoying the nomads life. A life that so many of us now seek, yet he was tormented by his own lack of success. Painting over 900 paintings, he barely sold a canvas while alive. 900 paintings filled with Vincent’s time, love and effort - and he could barely pay for the rent of his brother whom he loved so dearly. His dementia seeing him self harm more than once. Eventually in a tragedy, leading to take his own life. As I walked through the exhibition, I was struck by the variety of his works and how he would paint the same scene more than once. Mesmerised, everyone watched in awe as the artworks danced across the walls and floor in a performance of light and movement. Much like so many of us, Van Gough was riddled with the pain of his life not meeting his expectations. When his friend Gaugain came to stay as planned but left to travel with friends, Van Gough became frenzied, apparently desperate to not be alone, and he cut off his own ear. Though Van Gough’s pain was evident, his art, as tortured as it was - inspired true beauty. He resided in a place that so many of us know - the space between expectation and reality. So what does that mean for inspiring entrepreneurs, people with goals, seekers of the future? Should we give up if we are not making the rent, or paint anyway, just for the . Van Gough leaves two impressions on me: 1. Do what you do for the love, not the $ 2. Live your life with passion - for in the end that truly is all that matters. And the final word from Vincent Van Gough It is good to love many things, for therein lies strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done with love is well done.
21.01.2022 Does your picture add up? Performers constantly seek efficiency, ways to make things easier, faster, more seamless. Keen on process improvement and managing cha...nge, we are chameleons within the world with a get it done! attitude. All of which is OK....until you come across a conflict that you cannot reconcile and it throws you into inner turmoil. A friend's partner is overweight. So much so that she has been told she is at a dangerous risk of a fatal heart attack. Like the pragmatic person that he is, he tries to help her while he watches her addiction to food slowly extinguish her light and he cooks her what she likes. He is in constant conflict with himself and it affects every aspect of his life. Welcome to cognitive dissonance - When a person’s beliefs are challenged, or when their behavior is not aligned with their beliefs, this creates a disagreement (dissonance). ... He constantly experiences stress, anxiety, regret, shame, embarrassment, or feelings of negative self-worth from his actions. It affects every aspect of who he is. He feels like his decisions to keep his partner happy will also lead to her demise. Cognitive dissonance is so common - especially at work. You want to lead with your values, but you are asked to participate in something completely unaligned....and you're stuck! How you handle this is completely up to you. Only you can identify what you are willing to do. However, consider this: * every conflict that is endured causes you more dis-ease * conflict can always be perceived in alternative ways * a mindset of scarcity will always lead you to fear, where you will put up with anything. Dissonance is avoidable. If you are unsure how you feel about it - write it down and reflect. You will soon find out.
10.01.2022 We look elsewhere for something mystical to come and fix our problems. The truth is that we have what we need. Faith, Trust & Powerful. Unlocking it may take more than a lifeitme - or you can choose differently.... You can make 2MM shifts to become Stronger, Faster & Smarter - with less effort. Imagine the possibilities, then make them reality.
05.01.2022 Master Your Potential VIP Coaching
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