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24.01.2022 "Love" between the devotee, Guru and Krishna is NEVER selfish, inconsiderate, forceful or impersonal, which means loving expressions is NEVER a "one-way" dictatorial master controlling the servant forceful relationship of just obeying! This is because loving devotion, obedience, trust and loyalty between Krishna and His devotee is NEVER a "one-way" street. "Real love" can only exist when there are "two" involved in a trade off in a reciprocal relationship based on loving exc...hanges. A "Loving relationship" with Krishna is NEVER founded on a demanding forceful relationship based on being mindlessly obedient and always told what to do and just obey without personal offerings of inputs and intelligent inquiry. This kind of "impersonal surrender" is dangerous because the personality and character of the individual jiva soul's natural marginal attributes, are suppressed due to denying the jiva soul's their natural ability of self expression, independent thinking and personal contributions in the Spiritual World or the Kingdom of God (Goloka-Vrindavana and Vaikuntha) "Free will" ONLY fully exists in Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavana and is greatly restricted in the material creation to the point it almost does not exist (only existing in a limited minor way in the Human species) It certainly does NOT exist in the lower species of life numbering 8 million species. In regards to the expression of love Prabhupada says this - Srila Prabhupda - ''Unless there are two persons, where is the question of love? Love means two persons, then there is exchange. When these things are transacted, then there is love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love. So if you want to love Ka, God, then these things MUST be there''. (Evening Darsana, August 9, 1976, Tehran) Srila Prabhupada - "Love is reciprocal, voluntary, good exchange of feeling. Then there is love. Not by force, no, Krishna does not want to become a lover like that, ‘You love me, otherwise I shall kill you!" (Washington DC July 8, 1976) Those in leadership who claim you do not even need to think for your self claiming they will do the thinking for you, are bogus dictatorial impersonalists and bullies and MUST be rejected. "Real love" and genuine selfless service is ALWAYS based on a "two-way" exchange of feelings that means individual contributions, personal inputs that can only be genuine when the jiva soul can express their own independent individuality of free will. Without free will and the ability to reciprocate the jiva soul or marginal living entity is no better than dead stone that can never receive or give love. The amazing thing is, Krishna ALWAYS serves His pure devotees far more than they can EVER serve Him!**.
08.01.2022 In this detailed painting below, we see the sleeping Maha Vishnu and all His Brahmanda universes that originate from His breathing and the pores of His skin as a result of His dreaming. The entire material creation is the dreams of the sleeping Maha Vishnu. Srila Prabhupada - This material world is created by the dreaming of Maha-Vishnu. The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put... into this dreamland of material creation. (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4 Chapter 29 text 83) Srila Prabhupada - Everything happening within time, which consists of past, present and future, is merely a dream. This is the secret in understanding in all the Vedic literature. (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4 Chapter 29 text 2b) Deep inside each massive Brahmanda universe is a secondary universe where Maha Vishnu expands as Garbhodakashayi Vishnu. From Garbhodakasayi Vishnu deep inside each Brahmanda, a Lord Brahma appears from Garbhodakashayi Vishnu within each Brahmanda and builds the Planetary Systems within each of their inner secondary material universe. There is one Maha Vishnu in the material creation however, there are billions of Garbhodakashayi Vishnus and Lord Brahmas because there are billions of Brahmandas each with their own secondary material universe within them. All the Garbhodakashayi Vishnus and Lord Brahmas are within their own secondary universe surrounded by and encased in an outer Brahmanda greater universe. As said above, all these Brahmandas originates from Maha Vishnu as seen in painting below.*.
06.01.2022 If you reach out to Krishna with prayer and devotional songs and jappa genuinely, then eventually Krishna WILL reciprocate. This proves loving relationships ARE based on voluntary exchanges of loving emotions and service in a two way expression between the jiva soul and Krishna.
02.01.2022 Maha Vishnu and all His Brahmanda universes that originate from His breathing and the pores of His skin. Deep inside each Brahmanda universe is a secondary universe where Maha Vishnu expands as Garbhodakashayi Vishnu. From Garbhodakasayi Vishnu deep inside each Brahmanda, a Lord Brahma appears and builds the Planetary Systems in their inner material universe.... There is one Maha Vishnu in the material creation however, there are billions of Garbhodakashayi Vishnus and Lord Brahmas. Both Garbhodakashayi Vishnu and Brahma are within their own secondary universe. Their material universe is surrounded and encased by their outer Brahmanda greater material universe that originates, with billions of others, from Maha Vishnu seen in painting below.**
01.01.2022 "Krishna helps those who do EVERYTHING they can to help themselves" Prabhupada told us this many years ago. Srila Prabhupada had a seriously infected cut finger in February 1973 in Sydney Australia.... The infection interfered with his jappa chanting and the translation of Srimad Bhagavatam work. This was very painful to Prabhupada and went on for about a week. So eventually Prabhupada asked us to bring him a doctor who could administer a penicillin injection. We did this and eventually the infection in his his finger cleared up and was healed within a day. However one young devotee was confused believing Krishna always comes to help His pure devotees. In other words, this young inexperienced devotee could not understand how Krishna would not directly protect His pure devotee who was ALWAYS chanting Hare Krishna and translating Vedic texts. So this young devotee asked Srila Prabhupada why Krishna never directly helped him, and asked for a doctor to help by providing him penicillin? Srila Prabhupada with a big smile and with great compassion answered the young devotee- "O yes, Krishna DID help me, He sent me the doctor to administer the penicillin that eventually healed my finger" (February 1973 Sydney Australia) Prabhupada later told us that it pleases Krishna very much when we are doing everything we possibly can to help ourselves. And when Krishna sees we are trying our very best, then He reciprocates by providing to us with what we lack. This is explained in Bhagavad Gita As It Is. We must do EVERYTHING possible to help ourselves when we are sick or diseased. But remember, it is Krishna’s devotee (the jiva-soul within) that Krishna fully protects, and not necessarily the material bodily vessel we are trapped in. This is because eventually in old age or serious illness that bodily vessel breaks down and decays under the laws of material nature. Krishna protects the soul when one leaves that body if they take shelter of Him**.