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Maternal Brain Research: Neural Adaptations of the PostPartum Year | Scientist

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Maternal Brain Research: Neural Adaptations of the PostPartum Year

Phone: +61 3 9902 9781


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22.01.2022 Join us as we chat about maternal brain research, debunk some myths about ‘baby brain’ and ensure that a little known developmental life stage gets the air time it deserves Our focus for the half hour: My latest research: the brains science has neglected-until now! Baby brain - so much more than where you last left your keys.... Matrescence - the overlooked developmental life stage every mother needs to know exists. See more

14.01.2022 Getting excited about Thursday with Our Fourth Trimester!!

13.01.2022 Matters concerning the brain are so complex, and what we often find with complex matters is that they can become watered down to something that no longer adequ...ately describes them. (Don’t get me started on motherhood ). This unfortunately has been the case with ‘baby brain’ it has been so oversimplified resulting in negative connotations of what might actually be an amazing neurological feat! I say might (despite personally already believing baby brain is amazing!) because in addition to watering down the complex changes in maternal neurobiology, we have the added problem of this being an under researched area of scientific investigation. Under researched yes, but the science is there, and it’s emerging more and more every day to help us understand the significant changes (not just cognition) that go on in our maternal brains. Motherhood is a role that requires so much of us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and socially, is it any wonder that it the scientific evidence is growing to support the idea that our brains adapt to help us meet these requirements? Whilst I find all of this fascinating, without a background in neuroscience there’s only so far I can go. But please! I encourage you to check out and follow the incredibly important work of Winnie Orchard you’ll find some great short videos over on her page Maternal Brain Research: Neural Adaptations of the PostPartum Year. Winnie will help you to understand that the adaptations of the maternal brain (your brain!) are about so much more than just where you last put your keys. So I’m clearly not a neuroscientist but I have come up with what I think is an excellent and much needed facelift to combat the negative wrap that baby brain unfairly receives. Instead of losing your keys (yes forgetfulness is a part of baby brain but it’s only one part of it) and thinking ‘Aargh! my bloody bloomin baby brain’ (if you’ve Alf Stewart tendencies). Think instead beautiful blooming baby brain, it’s growing and changing rapidly, some old information being tipped out to make way for rich new information on what I need to know to nurture myself and my baby and it’s blooming beautiful! #babybrain

01.01.2022 Tune in on Thursday as I talk to Our Fourth Trimester about the science of the maternal brain!! All things baby brain, and why its the blooming best! Come along - and bring your questions

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