Maternity Massage Sydney in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
Maternity Massage Sydney
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 412 717 385
Address: James Cook Drive, Kings Langley 2147 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 141
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25.01.2022 Wishing all our lovely clients and all new Mums, expectant Mums and mother figures a day full of love and pampering Especially thinking about all Mums who have suffered loss and those who have lost their Mum....sending you lots of love and prayers #mothersday #mumtobe2021 #newmum #newbaby #expectant #expectantmother #expectantmom #mummystime
21.01.2022 The juggle of being a working Mum, pregnant Mum or new Mum during the school holidays is REAL! Breathe and take some time for yourself...why not book a remedial, pregnancy or post-natal massage? You deserve it! ... hello@maternitymassagesydney #remedialmassage #pregnancymassage #pregnantmum #pregnantsydneymums #postnatalmassage #massageforwomen #massageformum #massageformama #pregnantinsydney #sydneymums #westernsydneymums
19.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER to all our clients and their families There's a few appointments left on Good Friday & Saturday...but be quick! We're closed on Easter Sunday & Monday for some family time, but open as usual throughout the school holidays
15.01.2022 If you live in the Luddenham area or a nearby suburb & would love a 90 minute Pregnancy, Post-natal or Remedial Massage ($125.00) from our specialist in peri-natal massage on a Monday at 12pm, then get in quick & send us an email or call to book! ***This appointment time is available every Monday from 17th May onwards. Cannot be booked online*** #pregnantinluddenham #ladiesinluddenham #luddenham #luddenhamladies #luddenhamnsw #badgeryscreek #badgeryscreeknsw #kempscreek #kem...pscreeknswaustralia #pregnantinwesternsydney #pregnantsydneymums #pregnantnsw #pregnantinnsw #pregnantluddenham #nswpregnant #glenmorepark #pregnantinglenmorepark #mulgoa #orchardhills #cecilhills #mobilemassage #mobilepregnancymassage #pregnancymassagensw #twincreeks #twincreeksnsw #pregnantintwincreeks #maternitymassage #pregnancymassage See more
13.01.2022 Give the gift of relaxation, recuperation & rehabilitation with a specialised remedial massage for that special Mumma, new Mum or expectant Mum this Mother's Day Receive an E-voucher immediately after purchase Personalised vouchers also available for you to collect or can be delivered locally (within 10km)... Each treatment includes: Consultation + 90 Minutes Remedial Massage- $125.00 #prepregnancymassage #pregnancymassage #postnatalmassage #remedialmassage #gift #giftvoucher #evoucher #mothersday #mothersdaygift #mothersdaygiftvoucher #giftformum
12.01.2022 CAESAREAN AWARENESS MONTH Today is the last day of Caesarean Awareness Month, so we're sharing a review from the lovely Lana, who had two caesarean deliveries close together. Like many women, Lana prioritised her family and caring for her newborn baby over her own rehabilitation and well-being.... Remedial massage following caesarean section is safe as soon as the catheter is removed and with medical clearance. There are many positive benefits of remedial massage in the post-partum period, including: Relaxation and restoration of energy Helps to rebalance hormones Promotes removal of waste products and toxins Improves circulation & lymphatic flow, reducing fluid retention Reduces scar tissue and adhesions, promotes healing & improves skin condition Improves muscle tone in abdomen and reduces hypertonic muscles in lumbar, hip, pelvic, legs and gluteal region Readdresses postural imbalances from pregnancy and birth Aids physiological, physical and psychological recovery and reconnection with your body Enjoy a 90 minute Full-body Post-Natal Remedial Massage in the comfort of your own home or visit us at the clinic in Kings Langley. #postnatal #postnatalmassage #remedialmassage #caegsarean #caesareanbirth #caesareansection #csection #postpartum #postpartummassage #recover #rebalance #rehabilitation #reconnection #heal #caesareanawarenessmonth #caesareanrecovery
08.01.2022 STAY SAFE & DRY SYDNEY! LET US COME TO YOU! If you'd rather not go out in this wet weather & would prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home, please contact us to book a mobile service. ... Even if you've already booked a clinic-based appointment, you can change it- no problems! Travel within 10km of Kings Langley 2147= free! Travel within 10-20km of 2147 is only $10 flatrate cost (purchase this in addition to your service package when you check out via the website) Travel 20km or further beyond 2147- please contact us for a quote Book your mobile service at: [email protected] #mobilepregnancymassage #mobilematernitymassage #mobilepostnatalmassage #pregnancymassage #pregnancymassagegiftvoucher #maternitymassage #maternitymassagesydney #pregnancymassagesydney #staysafesydney #westernsydneymums #sydneymums #massageforwomen #massageforpregnancy #massageforpregnantwomen
06.01.2022 Shout out to all the new mums who have welcomed their first baby recently! Babies are not born with a if you know a new mum, please reserve judgement, be supportive and most kind! #newmum #newmother #newmumma #bekind #besupportive #nojudgement #nojudgements #nojudgementzone #newbaby #newborn
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