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Matt Swinbourn MLC

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25.01.2022 The Children's Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation Inc. is a fantastic not-for-profit organisation supporting children with cancer right here in WA. For forty years, CLCRF has helped to raise funds for childhood cancer research; raise awareness of childhood cancer; and linked families to the support they need. One of the many ways they do this is through their annual Keep the Flame Alive Quiz Night for CLCRF!... Join me on Saturday, 14 November as we raise funds for childhood cancer research. Tickets are $25 per person and can be bought here:

23.01.2022 Have your say on the Tonkin Highway Extension! Main Roads is seeking your input on what priorities should be considered when building the Tonkin Highway Extension to Mundijong. Whether it be shared paths, access to residential areas, or something else, let them know what matters to you!... Complete the survey available at Be quick, the survey closes Monday, 10 August!

22.01.2022 The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has received $493,500 to undertake activities which reduce the risk of a bushfire! The McGowan Government recognises that bushfires are a real risk in Serpentine Jarrahdale. That's why since our election in 2017, we've provided $1,434,190 for bushfire mitigation activities within the Shire. While bushfire mitigation activities reduce the risk of a bushfire, they don't replace the need for a bushfire survival plan. ... To make your fire plan, visit or call my office on 9452 8311 for a kit.

22.01.2022 September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Each year in Australia, 750 children between 0-14 years are diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, 100 children under 15 lose their fight against cancer each year. Behind each statistic, there is a story. There is: a child; ... a family; a team of healthcare workers; many researchers; and many organisations fundraising to support research to find cures. Over the next month, I want to highlight some of the stories of those who have been part of my family’s cancer journey, and to thank those who are working to find treatments and cures. As always, if you would like to find out more, or make a donation to support childhood cancer research, go to: Children's Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation Inc. Kids Cancer Support Group #GoGold

22.01.2022 If you notice a few different vehicles around Jarrahdale over the next month, don't be alarmed! The Australian Defence Force will be conducting training in Jarrahdale State Forest between mid-August and mid-September. Training will be conducted during the day and night, and blank and paint ammunition will be used during some exercises.... For further details about the training, visit the website below:

21.01.2022 KISS CONGESTION GOODBYE: the kiss and ride at Roleystone Community College is being upgraded! The School Principal, and Scott and Mel from the Roleystone P&C, raised their serious concerns with me over the safety of the kiss and ride facilities on Brooks Road and I conveyed these concerns onto the Minister for Education. It is pleasing that the Department of Education and the Local Government will now significantly improve safety and congestion in the area by upgrading a...nd extending the current kiss and ride on Brooks Road. Works are set to begin in weeks and are expected to be completed in time for the new school year.

20.01.2022 Great news for the South-East - Armadale TAFE will be completely rebuilt in the heart of town! The new $22.6 million campus will be more accessible for young people, enhance the delivery of training and be able to accommodate more students. The consolidated campus will replace ageing facilities at various locations throughout the City of Armadale, making it a better experience for students.... Since its election, the McGowan Government has reduced TAFE fees on 73 courses and has created 15 free short courses to upskill people displaced by COVID-19. Only Mark McGowan and Labor are committed to our TAFE sector.

20.01.2022 If you are feeling a bit down at the moment, there are a number of ways you can seek help. In an life-threatening emergency, call 000 immediately. Otherwise, Beyond Blue offers telephone and online chat support to people or friends of those affected by mental health issues. Visit to find out more.... Lifeline is a 24-hour crisis support line for those experiencing personal crisis or contemplating suicide. MATES in Construction offers support to people in the construction, energy and mining industry going through a rough time. It's okay to seek help if you're doing it tough. R U OK Day

20.01.2022 Serpentine National Park is set to receive a slice of the State Government’s $150m Tourism Recovery Fund - to make this beautiful natural asset even better for ...tourists and locals. Joined Hugh Jones - Labor for Darling Range and Matt Swinbourn MLC today to check it all out and meet some of the locals. Can’t wait to head back when work gets underway.

20.01.2022 It was my pleasure on Monday to be able to share a meal with these fine young people (and Mr Wolfenden) from Roleystone Community College at Parliament House. Our discussions on politics, social media and their plans for the future were most enjoyable. One of them may be related to a former student and now Minister (Rita Saffioti MLA).

19.01.2022 How fireproof is your bushfire plan? Join me for my FREE Bushfire Safety Forum on Monday, 21 December, and learn from DFES about fire spreads and how to create a bushfire plan. Matt Swinbourn's Free Bushfire Safety Forum... Monday, 21 December, 6pm-7pm Briggs Park Pavilion, cnr Mead Street and Gordin Way, Byford RSVP here:

19.01.2022 The new Robinson Park is officially open, following a major redevelopment by the City of Gosnells! I used to spend quite a bit of time at Robinson Park when I was younger and was a member of the 1st Gosnells Scout Troop. I remember some epic flour-bomb and egg wars played out at the park!

18.01.2022 Congratulations on your fantastic achievements, Averi!

18.01.2022 See below for the latest news in the easing of lockdown restrictions.

18.01.2022 The McGowan Labor Government is beginning construction on the Byford Rail Extension this year. Under the Liberals, it wouldn’t begin until 2050.

18.01.2022 SHOUT-OUT: Telethon Kids Institute The Telethon Kids Institute, based at Perth Children's Hospital, is a fantastic organisation who for many years have made important contributions to childhood cancer research. Recently, TKI researchers have been looking into whether donated natural killer cells can be used to treat leukaemia in children, and have worked to develop a drug to treat leukaemia in infants.... To learn more about TKI’s cancer research, visit Thank you for all the work you do, TKI. #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #childhoodcancerawareness

17.01.2022 Onpoint Automotive Service Centre is open and ready for your business! It was great to meet with Paul, the owner of Onpoint Automotive Service Centre on South Western Highway, which opened last month. My office was able to help Onpoint open in a timely fashion after they were experiencing delays with an application with the local council.... I look forward to seeing Onpoint grow over many years! To learn more about OnPoint and the services they offer, visit

17.01.2022 It was terrific to attend the opening of YirraKurl's latest art exhibition at Dôme Byford on Saturday evening! The exhibition features some wonderful art inspired by the local area, as well local photography and bush medicine. The exhibition runs all this NAIDOC Week, so pop into Dome Byford and have a look!... Congratulations to Mel and Deb on another successful opening! #NAIDOCWeek2020

17.01.2022 $20 MILLION TO KICKSTART KEIRNAN PARK RECREATION PRECINCT The McGowan Government has announced a $20 million investment to kickstart the construction of the Keirnan Park Recreation Precinct! Keirnan Park will be a community hub for the people of Serpentine Jarrahdale, where people can come together to recreate in a variety of ways.... Once complete, Keirnan Park will be home to: Multiple sports pitches, including two AFL/cricket fields, 16 netball courts, 16 tennis courts, and four soccer pitches Aquatic facilities, including a 25m indoor pool, 50m outdoor pool, leisure pool and spa/sauna A skate park and a BMX track A softball field This is a massive project, and one I know many have been calling for. I have been advocating for this massive investment since the McGowan Government transferred the 67 hectares that will become the new Park in 2018. I am proud to be part of the McGowan Labor Government, which continues to deliver for the people of Serpentine Jarrahdale. Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

15.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.... Lest we forget. #lestweforget2020

15.01.2022 As a person who's family has been closely affected by childhood cancer, I understand only too well that better treatments and cures only come about through medical research and innovation. One of the driving reasons for me entering Parliament was to advocate for greater investment in our healthcare system and medical research, particularly in the area of childhood cancer. I am proud that I am part of a McGowan Government that has significantly increased the funds availab...le for medical research and innovation. In May, legislation was passed to repurpose the $1.4 billion WA Future Fund as the Future Health Research and Innovation Fund. The Fund now helps WA to become an even more significant medical innovation and research hub, with the $40 million interest generated from the Fund each year being available to support medical research right here in WA. This includes research into childhood cancers being undertaken by the Telethon Kids Institute. #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #childhoodcancer

15.01.2022 The Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science is undertaking a survey on people's experiences of palliative care. If you are a: Patient with a life-limiting illness; family/friend carer of a person with a life-limiting illness; or... family/friend carer of a person with a life-limiting illness who has died in the last five years (2015-2020); you're encouraged to take the survey. You can access the survey via this link: The results of the survey will help to shape the future of palliative care in Western Australia.

15.01.2022 As it is childhood cancer awareness month, I want to tell you a bit about my son, Mitchell. Mitchell is 15 and, like most boys his age, he loves his laptop, gaming and action movies that involve destruction on a global scale (The Godzilla and Pacific Rim movies are particular favourites). What is different about Mitchell than other 15 year old boys is that he has been struggling with a very rare form of cancer for a third of his short life. Mitchell has been diagnose...d with a condition known as the Carney-Stratakis Dyad caused by an underlying genetic condition known as, Familial Paraganglioma Syndrome. This condition is so rare that we know of no other cases in children in Australia, and there are very few throughout the rest of the world. Our family has gone to great lengths to find and receive treatments for Mitchell. We have been under the excellent care of the oncologists and nurses at Perth Children's Hospital for many years. In July 2017, we took him to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US, and more recently, my wife Glenda and Mitchell were travelling regularly to Brisbane to participate in an experimental drug trial. Unfortunately, that trial has not been successful and we are now desperately looking for new trials he can participate in. Childhood cancer has been tough on Mitchell and my family. Glenda and I have decided to be open about our journey with Mitchell to help raise awareness of childhood cancers and rare diseases in the hope it may lessen the burden on another child and their family. We are fortunate in that Mitchell does not mind us sharing his story and the journey he is on online. If you are interested in keeping up with Mitchell's story, Glenda regularly blogs at Team Mitchell. #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #childhoodcancerawareness

14.01.2022 Plastics take thousands of years to break down and they pollute our environment. Plastic pollution has reached even our most remote and pristine places, and it will only get worse if we do not do something about it. This is why the McGowan Government has announced plans to phase out single-use plastics in WA. The first stage of the phase-out will include plastic plates, cutlery, stirrers and helium balloon releases. There a many alternatives to these plastics that do not hav...e the same impact on our environment. You can find our more information about our Plan for Plastics at

14.01.2022 MATES in Construction W.A RECEIVE GRANTS TO SUPPORT CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Roger Cook has announced that MATES WA has received over $520,000 in grants from Lotterywest and the Western Australian Mental Health Commission. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that MATES has not been able to run their usual fundraising events, so funding from Lotterywest will help them continue supporting construction workers and their families.... The funds from the Mental Health Commission will help MATES employ two full-time Case Managers, who support workers and families that have been affected by suicide, until the end of 2021. MATES do a fantastic job of supporting construction workers and their families with mental health and suicide prevention. If you or one of your mates is doing it tough, you can call MATES WA's 24/7 support line on 1300 642 111.

13.01.2022 Following ongoing contact tracing of the COVID-19 cases detected on Saturday, a significant number of new, very low risk, potential exposure sites have been ide...ntified. These locations relate to the work of two of the cases as food delivery drivers. The Department of Health considers the risk of transmission at these locations to be very low. You can see the list of sites here: Testing is available for anyone who was at one of these sites. Anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of being at one of the locations should get a COVID test immediately and isolate until receiving a negative result. For more information on testing, please visit:

13.01.2022 ICYMI: SHARED PATH TO BE BUILT BETWEEN MUNDIJONG AND BYFORD! Byford, Cardup and Mundijong residents are set to benefit from the construction of a shared path along Soldiers Road! The new six-kilometre path will connect residents to retail, education and the new Byford train station.... The funding is part of the McGowan Government's $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan, helping WA recover from the effects of COVID-19.

13.01.2022 Last week in Private Members Business I moved a motion that related to the 75th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the need for Australian to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Growing up in the dying years of the Cold War, the ongoing threat of Nuclear War was ever present in my young mind. Most people now do not think of nuclear weapons or war as being a real threat to them and their families, however ther...e are still over 14,000 nuclear weapons in the hands of just 9 foreign powers. This is enough to destroy our world many times over. If you want to find out more about the TPNW visit the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)website: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr Seuss

13.01.2022 Today, Mark McGowan announced the Government's plans to get WA back on track following COVID-19. The WA Recovery Plan is about creating a pipeline of jobs and undertaking initiatives that will benefit Western Australia. Keep an eye on my page over the coming weeks to see what's in store!

12.01.2022 I have booked my ticket to Hugh Jones - Labor for Darling Range campaign launch. If you're interested in supporting a great candidate, who will make an excellent member of Parliament, you should book your ticket too!

10.01.2022 If you are looking for something to do this Saturday, get on down to the WA Men's Shed Country Markets at the Jarrahdale Oval! There will be handcrafted gifts, live music, food, local produce, festivities & more... Entry is free and the gates open at 10 am.... Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Men's Shed

09.01.2022 Looking for a nice family Christmas photo? Santa is coming to the Bedfordale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Inc. tomorrow! Come and get a photo with Santa in front of the fire truck tomorrow between 10am and 12pm at 2 Waterwheel Road, Bedfordale. All photos are for a donation to the Bedfordale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - make sure you bring your camera!... Bedfordale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Inc.

09.01.2022 This week is Heart Week! Heart Week is an opportunity for us to focus on our hearts and help raise awareness about the importance of good heart health. I would like to encourage people to open a dialog about the importance of getting a Heart Health Check with their friends and family. ... To find out what’s involved in a Heart Health Check visit: #HeartFoundationWA

09.01.2022 Last year I spoke against this development in State Parliament. I am pleased that the WAPC has seen merit in the many objections that were raised by the community. Well done to Save Perth Hills, the local community and my colleague, Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda for your strong advocacy to stop this plan.

09.01.2022 I remember being at the announcement in 2017 for the original commitment to build the skate park. I’m pleased to have been there today with the Premier and Hugh to make the announcement committing to the funding of Stage 2. I also remember it being a lot less .

08.01.2022 FACILITIES AT SERPENTINE NATIONAL PARK TO RECEIVE UPGRADE! Today, Mark McGowan and Paul Papalia CSC MLA announced a $150 million package to support and enhance WA tourism. The package includes $350,000 for upgrades to visitor facilities in national and regional parks across the Peel Region.... This includes upgrades to facilities in Serpentine National Park, home to the beautiful Serpentine Falls. The tourism package is part of the McGowan Government's WA Recovery Plan, which will create a pipeline of jobs as we continue on the path of economic recovery.

07.01.2022 CONTAINER REFUND POINTS ANNOUNCED! Containers for Change WA have announced the locations of refund points for WA's Container Deposit Scheme, which launches in less than a month! For people in the Darling Range electorate, there are a number of convenient locations to drop your containers. These include:... - Exchange Depot - Byford, near the Byford Tavern - U Can Recycle - Roleystone, located at Araluen Resort - A mobile recycling service every Wednesday and Saturday at Mundijong Park To find the location closest to you, visit

07.01.2022 The Premier announced that this year's Perth Royal Show has been cancelled. I recognise this may be disappointing for many, however it is a responsible move by the McGowan Government given the continuing risks of COVID-19. It is a decision that has been made in the best interest of all Western Australians. I look forward to next year’s Show being bigger and better than ever.

06.01.2022 I wrote about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in this month’s edition of the SJ WIRE. You can read my article on Page 8 by clicking here:

06.01.2022 Latest COVID info

05.01.2022 Let the firies do what they are trained to do.

05.01.2022 Needless to say, 2020 has been a tough year for many. That's why it's important we check in with our family, friends, and work colleagues and see how they're going. Even on your mates who look like they're doing OK, because they might not be. ... When you ask, some of your mates might say they're not OK. And if someone says they're not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in, because there's more to say after R U OK. For more information on how to ask someone if they're OK and support someone going through a tough time, visit

05.01.2022 This week is National Science Week, a time to celebrate science and technology! There are events and activities for everyone, no matter your age. For example, you can learn how to build your own backyard weather station, or listen to a talk about what's becoming possible thanks to our scientific advances.... To find out what's happening and how you can get involved, visit

05.01.2022 Great to visit PERMAcast with Mark McGowan, Rita Saffioti MLA and Hugh Jones - Labor for Darling Range today!

04.01.2022 Dr. Tony Buti MLA is holding a Giant Book Sale this Saturday to raise funds for Starick! Get down to his office at 2898 Albany Hwy, Kelmscott (opposite McDonalds) to pick up a read and support a good cause.

04.01.2022 Sitting late in Parliament to pass this Bill to try and protect the Western Australian people is a small inconvenience for me. The reality is if Palmer wins the people of Western Australia lose. We cannot have this.

03.01.2022 FANTASTIC NEWS FOR WEST BYFORD STUDENTS AND FAMILIES The McGowan Government has announced $2 million for the construction of a new classroom block at West Byford Primary School! The classroom block will replace transportable classrooms currently in use at the school and will enhance facilities for students.... Not only will the project deliver exceptional learning facilities for students, it will also create jobs for WA workers. The project forms part of the McGowan Government's WA Recovery Plan, a $5.5 billion plan to drive WA's economic and social recovery from COVID-19.

03.01.2022 Great news for schools, students and tradies! Darling Range schools are sharing $200,000 to install shade structures and improve playground equipment as part of the McGowan Government's School Maintenance Blitz! Schools who received a grant include:... Beenyup Primary School ($30k) Byford Primary School ($30k) Byford Secondary College ($30k) Woodland Grove Primary School ($30k) Mundijong Primary School ($22k) Clifton Hills Primary School ($20k) Pickering Brook Primary School ($20k) Roleystone Community College ($20k) The funding will create extra work for local tradies who will install the structures and equipment.

02.01.2022 Right now, our contact tracing team is working around the clock to locate new exposure sites and close contacts, and our testing clinics are ramping up. They ar...e doing important work to keep our community safe. And I am urging every Western Australian to do the same. Based on the updated health advice, we have reverted to our mask rules as they were yesterday, as an extra precaution. This means all people in Perth and Peel must wear a mask inside and outside. This includes anyone who has been in Perth or Peel since 17 April and is now in another region. Children 12 and under are exempt, are as other exempt people, and when doing vigorous exercise outdoors.

02.01.2022 A number of locations in Perth are lit gold tonight to mark Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, including Matagarup Bridge, the Tonkin Highway Sky Ribbon and the Northbridge Tunnel! #gogold

01.01.2022 Mark McGowan has announced our Green Jobs Plan, which will create more than 1000 conservation jobs across the State! It's great to hear that the Plan includes $8 million for conservation groups to carry out on-the-ground works such as fencing and planting, and improving native vegetation and habitat for fauna such as the Carnaby's cockatoo. Landcare SJ... Roleybushcare See more

01.01.2022 This Sunday is National Tree Day! On Sunday, Landcare SJ is planting native trees in Serpentine and would like your help! The species planted will help create food, nesting and roosting space for our native black cockatoos.... Planting will take place at: Coffey Road Reserve, Serpentine from 9am, with morning tea to be served from 11am! The weather is looking good, so come down, have fun and give back to your community!

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