Cr Maurie Soars | Politician
Cr Maurie Soars
Phone: +61 439 849 622
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25.01.2022 Roadworks - Thompson St., Aitkenvale This project is proudly funded by the Australian Governments Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and delivered in partnership with Council. Council has commenced the rollout of LRCI Program projects across the city and as a part of this program; your suburb of Aitkenvale will receive the Thompson Street ... Roadworks renewal program. Road work projects may include kerb and channel (gutters), driveways, footpaths, pavement, bitumen, and asphalt treatments. These works prolong the life of the infrastructure and improve road safety. The Thompson Street road works will be conducted within the boundaries of Ross River Road through to Burt Street and are scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 24 November 2020 and are expected to take six (6) weeks to complete (weather and conditions permitting). Pedestrian and vehicle access to properties will be maintained for most of the project; however minor restrictions will be required during the works. If your business or residence is affected, Council will provide 24 hours’ notice before to any restrictions. Works may involve: traffic management including traffic control and some road closures closure of the footpath and some parking bays safety fencing installed for pedestrian and vehicles flashing lights and noise Normal work hours are 6am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 2pm on Saturday. In exceptional cases, work may be required outside these hours. #mauriesoarsdiv8 #Aitkenvale
25.01.2022 Meat laced with glass, poison found on Castle Hill Townsville City Council is urging residents to take care when walking their pets on Castle Hill following the discovery of laced meat near walking tracks. Council has reported finding the meat laced with glass and poison to police. ... Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Margie Ryder said it was unacceptable for any member of the public to leave laced meat out anywhere in Townsville. No animal deserves to die inhumanely. Any animal could eat this meat and suffer because of it. It is not OK for anyone to leave laced meat out in our city, Cr Ryder said. There are wild dogs in Townsville, however Council has a team to trap wild dogs. It is not up to the public to take matters into their own hands, and consequently put a myriad of other animals in danger. Traps are set up on Castle Hill and are effective to help minimise the impact caused by wild dogs. If you are walking your dog in the area, make sure to keep your dog close and avoid using extendable leashes. Any trapped domestic dogs are taken to the Animal Care and Adoption Centre for behavioural assessment and a microchip scan. To report wild dog sightings, contact Council on 13 48 10.
25.01.2022 Dr Prins Ralston appointed CEO of Townsville City Council Townsville City Council today announced the appointment of experienced senior executive Dr Prins Ralston as its Chief Executive Officer. Dr Ralston has more than 30 years’ experience across the community, health and employment services, finance and legal sectors.... He has been a senior executive with national companies and organisations including Advanced Personnel Management (APM), Nous Group, Employment Services Holdings (ESH) and Mission Australia. He will start in the role on 7 December. Mayor Jenny Hill said Dr Ralston had a long involvement with Townsville and was uniquely aware of the issues facing Northern Australia. Dr Ralston has an impressive track record of leading large teams and transforming public and private organisations to deliver improved customer service and boosting financial sustainability, Cr Hill said. He has extensive experience in boardrooms across Australia and the United Kingdom but most importantly he knows and understands Townsville’s challenges and opportunities. Dr Ralston is currently the independent head of TaskforceNQ. In this role he has played a critical role in our region’s social and economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic. He has a deep knowledge of Townsville City Council’s operations and has played a key advisory role in reforming the organisation over recent years to secure better value for ratepayers and improve front line services for residents and businesses. His appointment to the Townsville City Council role is a coup for our community. Cr Hill said Dr Ralston was the standout candidate for the role after a national search and rigorous selection and appointment process. Dr Ralston said he was looking forward to working with Councillors and the council team in enhancing Townsville’s reputation as the capital of Northern Australia. Townsville has had a rough couple of years with the unprecedented monsoon of 2019 and the COVID-19 global pandemic, but the future is looking bright for the city and its residents and I am excited to be joining the team, Dr Ralston said. I know that every single employee at Council is passionate about serving the people of Townsville and I look forward to joining them. My focus will be to work as a team to continue building Townsville as a city of opportunity and great lifestyle for families, business, residents and visitors.
25.01.2022 Council is conducting road works and water main renewal works at Balls Lane and Ross River Road intersection in Mundingburra. Works have commenced and are expected to be completed by mid-December. Traffic management, including single lane closures, will be in place and traffic delays may be experienced.... This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government through the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) program and delivered in partnership with Council. For more information, visit and delivered in partnership with Council.
25.01.2022 Students building weather stations to learn about the local environment. Year 5 and 6 students are learning about the local environment and sustainability through a new education program building weather stations that will create a temperature map of the city. Townsville City Council and James Cook University have partnered to create a program for schools to teach a sustainability unit to students where they will build and deploy their own weather stations that will measure t...emperature, air pressure, humidity, and light intensity. St Anthony’s Catholic College and Rollingstone State School will trial the lessons in 2021, with the program expected to be available for more schools from next year. Council Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Maurie Soars said the lessons would teach the students about the changing climate and allow them to play a role in creating local solutions. I think it’s a great idea to allow our students to play a role in research and data collection as well as designing innovative solutions useful for Townsville as they are the future for our city, Cr Soars said. These lessons have been designed to connect with the broader curriculum requirements of Year 5 and 6 students with the help of local teachers with a focus on specific Townsville environments and wildlife. This will teach them critical thinking, problem-solving, and future focusing skills and encourage them to think about becoming our new environmental scientists, engineers and ecologists. Throughout this program, the students will build their own weather stations, deploy them across the city, use a dashboard to view and store the data and brainstorm sustainable solutions to meet the needs of our city. The St Anthony’s Catholic College Learning and Teaching Advisor Nichole Denman said it is great to be involved in a project that brings professionals into the school to share their knowledge. "It is so exciting to be involved in this project. It is always great to have outside professionals bring their knowledge and expertise to the classroom and for students to be working with real-world data to help solve real-world problems, Ms. Denman said. Cr Soars said the students involved in the project would have access to Townsville City Council staff with expertise in the environment and sustainability throughout their lessons. This project will allow the students to work closely with Council staff and give them an opportunity to ask questions and learn about real-life sustainability solutions, he said. Hopefully, this will inspire a new generation of environmental scientists who will stay in Townsville and become leaders in innovation and growth for the city. James Cook University is a key project partner in the development of a temperature map that will be formed using data collected by the weather stations.
25.01.2022 For the latest information don't forget to check our Emergency Management Dashboard Keep up to date with: Emergency news Weather warnings... Road conditions Power outages & more! Visit -
24.01.2022 As the rain falls this wet season, we know that this can be a difficult time. Please remember to check in on your neighbours and loved ones If you, or someone... you know, would like information about who to talk to, Council’s Recovery Officers are here to help link you with available community services. Visit or call 13 48 10.
24.01.2022 How to keep your pets cool as Townsville heats up Make sure to keep your pets cool this summer as the mercury rises across Townsville this month. Cats and dogs in particular need extra care to make sure they are comfortable during the height of summer, when average Townsville temperatures range from 25C to 32C daily.... Top tips to keep your pet cool - Walk your dog during the cooler parts of the day. Remember if the bitumen burns your feet, it will burn paws also. Add ice cubes to their water bowl to keep the water cool. Set up a paddling pool for your dog. Put out damp towels for your pet to sleep on. Avoid the car when it’s hot and never leave your pet alone in it. Make sure your pet has access to shade. Make pet safe frozen treats for pets to lick. Leave aircon or fan on for indoor pets. Provide a shady spot to snooze in when they get too hot.
24.01.2022 Venue registrations now open for the Northern Fringe Festival 2021! We are calling all venues pubs, bars, clubs and more to register your venue. By doing... so, you’ll have your venue available for Fringe performers to contact you to hire your space for their act. Register here For more information visit
24.01.2022 If you missed out on our Carols @ Home competition, we still want to see how you are enjoying the Carols this holiday season. Post your pictures below! Chec...k out how others have watched it with their families. The special performance from the 1RAR band is a must see! You can catch the show here
23.01.2022 #townsvilleshines #division8
23.01.2022 Recovery taskforce focuses on Indigenous issues A successful program helping at-risk Indigenous youth get a drivers licence to assist them to find employment should be extended to help North Queensland recover from the COVID-19 global pandemic, TaskforceNQ announced today. Townsville Mayor and TaskforceNQ steering committee chairperson Jenny Hill said the lack of a drivers licence had been identified as a barrier to obtaining employment.... In the last census Indigenous unemployment was 17.2 per cent and modelling indicates that it is likely to double to more than 30 per cent as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Cr Hill said. As well as calling for funding for projects to create jobs in our region, TaskforceNQ has worked to identify other barriers to employment that, with the help of state and federal governments, we can tear down. The ‘PCYC Braking the Cycle’ program helps disadvantaged young people aged 16-25 by providing free access to vehicles, road safety induction and mentor drivers. Around 70 per cent of those who participate in the program take on further education or employment opportunities within six months of completion. All PCYC program initiatives proposed will collaborate to ensure young people are being referred between programs to support their personal development.
23.01.2022 With more than 3500 mosquito species around the world, 40 of these are found in and the around Townsville throughout the year It's important that residents o...f Townsville and surrounding regions understand them and learn how to protect themselves and their families Did you know The life cycle of a mosquito has 4 stages, Egg, Larvae, Pupae and Adult. Only the female mosquito bites us. Only the bite of an infected mosquito can you make sick. An adult mosquito only becomes infected with a disease after biting someone who may already be sick or carrying a disease. How do you protect yourself from mosquitoes? The most effective way is to apply self-protection measures where possible including using repellents regularly, screening doors and windows, use mosquito coils, cover up with loose fitting light coloured clothing and if possible limiting your exposure during peak mosquito biting times throughout the day. For more information, visit
23.01.2022 This year the Mayor's Christmas Appeal is going to shine a light on the real heroes of our community - our local community organisations By donating to one o...f these organisations you be helping a local individual, family, child, mother, or father in need this Christmas! To find a local community organisation that you can support or donate to, visit Learn about Vinnies QLD below
23.01.2022 A not-so-little flock of birds will be spreading a message of hope and joy when they land in Townsville this July as part of the Messengers of Townsville public art installation. The captivating artwork will include six Gouldian finches created by internationally renowned visual artist Florentijn Hofman. The larger-than-life sculptures will be arriving in Townsville for the North Australian Festival of Arts (NAFA) on 2 July and will be spread across iconic landmarks in Townsv...Continue reading
22.01.2022 New community event to celebrate Our Townsville Townsville City Council will host a new community expo in June to showcase the city’s past, present, and future and is calling on stallholders to help ensure the event goes off with a bang. The Our Townsville event will combine all of the fun of Eco Fiesta, Heritage Day, and Disaster Ready Day with the Get Active, Pet, and Mentally Healthy expos in one mega-event at Anderson Gardens on June 6.... Our Townsville is being produced with joint funding from the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) Category C Flexible Funding Grants Program. Mayor Jenny Hill said the event was a way to celebrate the best of Townsville. Our Townsville will bring the community together to celebrate our diverse community and the values, freedoms and lifestyle that we are lucky enough to enjoy living here, Cr Greaney said. We have an incredibly resilient community, and that strength is something that we deserve to celebrate. It’s been a tough few years, with the 2019 monsoon event and COVID-19, but we’re still standing strong together. Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said the expo would cover a broad range of interests. This is a one-stop-shop for locals to check out what’s new in sustainability, to start getting disaster-ready, to brush up on their mental health knowledge, to sign up for a new way to stay active and healthy, and to get the latest tips and tricks for responsible pet ownership, Cr Greaney said. We want there to be something for everyone, so if you are a stallholder make sure you get your applications in. We’re also keen to hear from entertainers and food trucks. For more information about getting involved, head to What’s On Townsville. The DRFA flexible funding grants are being delivered under the Category C Community Development Program established after the 2019 monsoon trough floods.
22.01.2022 A few photo's from the official opening of the Mt Louisa Walking track - the event was well attended for such an early start, showing just how anticipated and needed this walking track was! #mayorjennyhill #townsvilleshines #division8
22.01.2022 Is fitness on your mind?
22.01.2022 WATER WEDNESDAY Our Water Smart City, Starts With You Tip - A great way to save water is to create a water smart dry tropics garden. Watch the video to lear...n more! Remember, small changes can make a big difference. For household water saving tips visit
21.01.2022 UPDATE #10 - 17 December Townsville City Council today announced a further easing of water restrictions implemented following a rupture of the water pipe linkin...g the Ross River Dam to the Douglas Water Treatment Plant late last week. From today, sprinklers can be used to water residential, rural and commercial lawns and gardens, including school grounds, between 6pm-8pm on the odds and evens system. Handheld watering can be undertaken at any time. Restrictions on washing vehicles and boats have been lifted, however the use of water efficient washing methods is strongly encouraged, including washing at water efficient commercial washing businesses. Commercial nurseries and market gardens can irrigate between 4pm-9am using water efficient sprinklers, hand-held triggers or twist nozzles, irrigation systems or a watering can or bucket. Watering is still not permitted between 9am-4pm. Sporting fields, including lawn bowls rinks, golf courses and the Cluden Park race course, can be irrigated using sprinklers between 6pm-8pm. Handheld watering is allowed at other times. The washing of hard surfaces is not permitted except: for-profit commercial operators engaged in the business of washing external surfaces of a building or paved surfaces under high pressure for the following purposes: pre-painting preparation activities; or pre-sale preparation activities; or complying with the provisions of a tenancy agreement or lease which require the external surface of a building to be cleaned at the expiry or termination of the tenancy or lease; or cleaning the external windows and glass areas of a building; or maintaining the external surfaces of a building (other than a roof area); or washing part of the external roof area of a building as part of the process of repainting or repairing the roof of the building; OR by water users such as abattoirs, food processing industries, care facilities, animal shelters and other industries or facilities with special needs (health/safety related only) Residential swimming pools can be filled and topped-up between 6-8pm using the odds-and-evens system. Commercial swimming pools can be filled and topped up from 6pm-8pm. Restrictions do not apply to the use of water for public health purposes or for stock watering. Water use on development sites is restricted to recycled water or bores. Repairs to the ruptured water pipe linking the Ross River Dam to the Douglas Water Treatment Plant are complete, with ongoing commissioning and testing. Pumping through the pipe is being increased slowly and air valves use to expel air. Investigations into the cause of the pipe rupture are ongoing. Council is committed to fully understanding why the pipe ruptured and until that has been determined, Council will proceed with caution. The water restrictions now in-place will support the reduced pipe capacity. Council had already commenced discussions with the Queensland and Australian Governments to install a new pipeline. Council again thanks Townsville and Magnetic Island residents and business owners for their cooperation, understanding and patience. Residents and business owners should monitor Townsville City Council’s Disaster Dashboard for latest information and updates
21.01.2022 UPDATE as at Monday 16 Nov 2020: The Strand Waterpark will re-open Wednesday 18 November, at 9am. Morning all, The Strand Waterpark is currently closed for unpl...anned maintenance. Expected reopening will be advised when possible.
21.01.2022 WATER MAIN RUPTURE UPDATE #3 - 12 December Townsville and Magnetic Island residents and business owners must immediately restrict water consumption to emergency... use only (drinking water and toilets). This means turning off your irrigation and no handheld watering, no showers, no washing clothes or dishes, filling up pools, or washing vehicles or boats. Council continues to work to repair a ruptured 1.3 metre diameter pipe which supplies the Douglas Water Treatment Plant, the city’s primary water treatment facility, and bring the city’s water network back to full capacity. Emergency water use only will help maintain basic supply for everyone and help Council restore full supply to the city sooner. Council officers and staff from external contractors BMD, NQ Excavations and CivilPlus have made good progress in replacing the ruptured pipe overnight. Council thanks these contractors for their support. The ruptured pipe has been removed and work is now underway to install the new section of pipe. It is expected to take at least 24 hours to fully re-charge the water system once the pipe is repaired and pumping has recommenced. During this time, some parts of the Townsville may experience issues with water supply. The city’s water reserves are critically low and being further depleted. A further assessment of the repair work will be conducted around 12pm and an update provided to the community around 1pm. Residents and business owners should monitor Townsville City Council’s Disaster Dashboard for latest information and updates
21.01.2022 Gallery gives green light to new Kids With Traffic Cones activity Kids can grab a hard hat, pop on a high visibility jacket and try their hand at controlling traffic inside Perc Tucker Regional Gallery these school holidays. The Kids With Traffic Cones activity was inspired by Andrea Huelin’s exhibition Men and Cones and is running on the ground floor of the gallery.... Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said the activity was an interactive way to get kids involved in art. It’s great to be able to offer a fun activity for children who are coming into Perc Tucker and looking at our exhibitions, Cr Greaney said. Having hands-on activities helps kids think more about what the art pieces mean while also having fun, which helps develop a lifelong love of art. Cr Greaney said Men and Cones was an exhibition that would be a hit with kids. As a mum of boys, I know how exciting construction can be to little ones, she said. This exhibition is fun and colourful and shines a light on the roadside workers who help keep our roads operating across North Queensland. This is definitely one to bring the kids along to. Men and Cones is running alongside two more exhibitions, Life Lines and All The Single Ladies, until February 7 next year. Kids With Traffic Cones will run until February 7. Perc Tucker Regional Gallery closes for a holiday break on Christmas Day and reopens on January 5 at 10am.
21.01.2022 Unwrapping recycling this Christmas Christmas will soon be here and with it mounds of wrapping paper, boxes that once held gifts, and meals shared with the family and friends. Residents can play a small part in making Christmas sustainable this year by knowing what can and can’t make it into the yellow bin.... Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson Russ Cook said it was easy to make Christmas more sustainable at home, with small changes to everyday habits. There are plenty of little ways we can make Christmas sustainable at home, such as making sure we’re recycling correctly and not contaminating our waste at home, Cr Cook said. We will all go through lots of wrapping paper at home, and that is something that we can pop into our recycling bins, even if it has small amounts of foil or sparkles. Residents that end up with excess cardboard and wrapping paper over Christmas can drop it off, and any other recyclables, at our waste facilities for free. Cr Cook said it’s important that residents were aware of the materials that are allowed in the recycling bin as contamination could be a hazard to staff at the waste facilities. There are six items that can go in our recycling bins at home, these are paper, cardboard, hard plastic food & drink containers, glass jars and bottles, steel tins and aluminium cans. It’s important that any recyclable food containers are rinsed before being put in the recycling to avoid any contamination of the recyclable materials. Residents also should make sure that no long items that are prone to tangling, such as Christmas lights, go into the recycling bin as they can damage machinery and put staff at risk. Townsville’s bins are collected 365 days a year and residents should aim to have their bins out by 6am on their normal collection day over Christmas. Other ways of going sustainable this Christmas include shopping locally, avoid items that use excess packaging, buy second-hand, and look at gifting experiences rather than items.
20.01.2022 Currently we have a number of cats in our care that are looking for their fur-ever home. Whether you’re looking for company, or want to expand your family, we’re certain you’ll find what your looking for here at the Adoption Centre. All cats are $30 to adopt and will be desexed and microchipped, have had their first vaccination and includes the permit to keep the cat.... To make an appointment to come and visit our furry residents, please call 0457 769 362 or view the full profiles of our lovely felines that are up for adoption.
20.01.2022 Skype with Santa this Christmas Get your COVID safe photo with Santa for free this Christmas with Townsville City Council’s Skype With Santa events. For three c...onsecutive Sundays families will be able to meet Santa at Flinders St via Skype, chat about what presents they want under the tree, and have their photo with Santa snapped, in the North Pole. The Council team will be taking snaps of families against a blue screen to photoshop Santa into a photo scene in Santa’s home. Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said Skype With Santa gave families the best of both worlds. Christmas time is all about being together, but coronavirus has changed the way we can celebrate Christmas together this year, Cr Greaney said. Luckily, little ones will still be able to chat with Santa and have their photo taken to remember Christmas 2020 a little differently with Skype With Santa. Each group will be provided a unique code to access the pictures on the photographer’s website. Cr Greaney said it was easy to get involved. Just book in your photo time via the Council website, and then come to chat with Santa via Skype at Flinders Square before having your photo snapped by the onsite photographer. When you’re getting ready for your photo, try to remember to avoid wearing blue, as this is the colour of our backdrop. Skype With Santa runs at the Cotters Markets on Sunday 29 November, Sunday 6 December and Sunday 13 December from 9am to midday. To book your photo time, visit
20.01.2022 With more rain expected today we'd like to remind everyone to stay safe on the roads and drive carefully to the conditions. Remember if it's flooded, forget i...t. For all the latest information on road conditions visit our Emergency Management Dashboard -
20.01.2022 Residents encouraged to have an emergency plan ready ahead of wet season. Townsville City Council is urging residents to make COVID-19 prevention a priority when they develop their emergency response plans for the wet season. Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) chairperson and Mayor Jenny Hill said COVID prevention was an important factor being taken into consideration ahead of the disaster season.... Long term residents are familiar with the wet season but 2020 is unlike any year we’ve faced before, Cr Hill said. We are encouraging people to think about their own well-being. Reach out to loved ones and plan to stay together instead of going to a cyclone shelter. This will reduce the risk posed by COVID-19. It is important to pick a safe building and prepare an emergency kit as debris or fallen power lines could isolate you for a few days. TLDMG deputy chairperson Kurt Rehbein said people also needed to think about their pets. Dogs and cats are much-loved members of the family and now is a great time to plan ahead, Cr Rehbein said. Check in with family and friends to see if anyone can look after your animals if you have to go to a cyclone shelter or evacuation centre. Pets aren’t allowed in shelters unless they are a guidance or assistance dog as we don’t want to risk any dog attacks or trigger any allergies. We want to make sure Townsville residents aren’t caught out, so please plan ahead so your family and pets are safe from COVID and any disasters this summer.
19.01.2022 Bring in the new year with Townsville City Council’s New Year’s Eve celebrations!
19.01.2022 Sand and sand bags available if required Townsville City Council has made sand and sandbags available at two locations should members of the public require them. Theses locations are:... Garbutt 113 Dalrymple Road, opposite Council’s depot Mount Low corner of Mount Low Parkway and Bruce Highway (Bushland Beach side of Bruce Highway). Additional locations are currently being established and will be operational later this afternoon: Rasmussen 43 Allambie Lane, carpark area for the Upper Ross PCYC Hermit Park corner of Brodie and Boundary Streets, behind Officeworks Members of the public are advised to bring their own shovel. Council is receiving reports of water over some local roads as a result of heavy rainfall. Residents are urged to drive to the conditions and not to drive through flood waters. If it’s flooded, forget it. Members of the public requiring assistance with sandbagging or leaking roofs should contact the SES on 132500 or there is a contact messenger on their FB page.
19.01.2022 How to defend your dog from parvovirus this summer Keep your dog safe from parvovirus this summer by making sure it gets its vaccinations on time. Townsville City Council is urging all dog owners to take the steps needed to help prevent parvovirus before it’s too late.... Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Margie Ryder said parvovirus cases tended to increase in Townsville during the summertime. Parvovirus, which many people just call ‘parvo’, is a highly contagious infectious disease, Cr Ryder said. Puppies and young adult dogs are the most susceptible to contracting parvo, but no dog can be considered safe from the virus. It causes severe stomach flu which destroys the lining of the small intestine and causes vomiting, lethargy, dehydration, severe stomach pain and a bloody diarrhoea. It is fatal without treatment.
19.01.2022 UPDATE #11 - 18 December Townsville City Council advises that residents and businesses are now able to wash hard surfaces following a further easing of water re...strictions. Council again thanks Townsville and Magnetic Island residents and business owners for their cooperation, understanding and patience. Residents and business owners should monitor Townsville City Council’s Disaster Dashboard for latest information and updates
18.01.2022 Visit TCC Dashboards for links to up-to-date information on all TCC Services, Emergency Management Dashboard, Animal Complaint Data and heaps more.
18.01.2022 Townsville City Grants and Partnerships are open to the Townsville community all year round. There are three categories to choose from - economic, social and en...vironmental. Applying is easy, visit or phone 13 48 10 to speak with one of our Grants Officer today!
18.01.2022 One of the many NAFA presentations being held in October. This is a free concert, however, registration is required due to Covid-19 guidelines.
18.01.2022 Resurfacing our Roads - Punari Street
17.01.2022 The Triandra track on Castle Hill will be closed from Monday 17 May - Friday 28 May. This track will be closed to conduct a trapping program for wild dogs in the area. For more information visit Council’s works and closures page ...
17.01.2022 More than 80 environmental monitoring devices to be installed across city - Townsville City Council will install more than 80 new environmental monitoring devices across the city over the next 12 months to further bolster the city’s ability to prepare and respond to natural disasters. The $605,000 project is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).... Townsville Local Disaster Management Group chairperson and Mayor Jenny Hill said this project would include the installation of 27 flood monitoring sites, 45 sewer height sensors and six cameras across the region. The key component of this project and installing more flood monitoring infrastructure is so the community can receive more near real-time information that will live on our disaster dashboard, Cr Hill said. This was one of the recommendations that came out of the IGEM review and with this confirmation of funding from the DRFA we can now get this project underway. This will ensure that in any future natural disaster, we have as much information as possible in the areas that we identified we needed more information for. Infrastructure Committee chairperson Mark Molachino said the new flood monitoring sensors and cameras would help provide more data across the city in another natural disaster. Having a larger network of sensors and cameras gives frontline agencies and staff more data and a greater capacity to respond in a natural disaster, Cr Molachino said. This is important for protecting natural and residential areas downstream and monitoring overflows of our stormwater and sewage networks. #MaurieSoarsDiv8 #townsvilleshines #mayorjennyhill
17.01.2022 Get Healthy & Active Update
16.01.2022 Taskforce calls for funding to deliver game-changing trail On World Tourism Day (27/9), TaskforceNQ and Townsville Enterprise have called for government funding to build the Paluma to Wallaman Trail. TaskforceNQ steering committee chairperson and Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the trail had the potential to deliver a wonderful boost to the region’s tourism sector as well as the wider economy.... The Paluma to Wallaman Trail will be a game-changer in nature-based tourism. It will be unlike anything currently available in Australia, Cr Hill said. The trail will consist of 125kms of pristine bushwalking and mountain biking trails through some of Australia’s most scenic locations. Providing 7 days of hiking, with 6 nights of camping through a tropical oasis, the trail will follow an ancient Indigenous trading line, a language line and a songline. At a time when the North Queensland tourism industry and the wider economy is struggling because of COVID-19, we need an investment to bring this project to fruition. Cr Hill said the trail was forecast to deliver around $24 million to North Queensland’s economy annually. Construction of the trail is expected to support 60 jobs while more than 250 direct and indirect jobs will be supported once open. This project has unanimous support from three Traditional Owner groups and three Local Governments and is a priority project in the Townsville North Queensland Product and Experience Development Plan. "We have a small window of opportunity to expedite North Queensland’s tourism recovery by leveraging our outdoor attractions, building awareness of the destination, and growing our product offering.
16.01.2022 Townsville City Council in partnership with 1RAR, Triple M and Townsville Heritage Centre, is proud to present Carols @ Home. Take a trip down memory lane as Steve ‘Pricey’ Prices hosts performances over the last five years of Carols by Candlelight reeled into one show. Enjoy the show in front of your smart TV, in the comfort and safety of your own home with your family. This free virtual family-friendly event will be simulcast on Council’s website at 6.30pm on Sunday 6 Dece...mber. The all-star line-up will include headline acts from the past five Carols by Candlelight events, including singing superstars Kate Miller-Heidke, Justine Clark, Trent Bell and many more! As a Christmas special, 1RAR have recorded a 2020 Christmas Concert especially for our Townsville community. Don’t have a smart TV or device to watch the show on? Tune into 102.3 FM Triple M at the same time to hear the show on the radio.Townsville City Council in partnership with 1RAR, Triple M and Townsville Heritage Centre, is proud to present Carols @ Home. One Night, One City, Many Screens
16.01.2022 Townsville Dashboard is the place to go for information on everything to do with your city - from local spend, animal complaints, water production and consumption, services available, Liveability, current and project population etc. A really interesting site if you have a bit of time to look.
16.01.2022 Australia Day celebrations - Australia Day as part of a month-long celebration under the Northern Stories banner. Let’s Celebrate Australia - Australia Day will coincide with HALO and will be a free and inclusive all-ages event. Australia Day formalities:... - Australia Day Awards Ceremony - Flag raising ceremony - Citizenship ceremony Let’s Celebrate Australia Event: - Get Active Expo (Stall holders Local clubs and fitness providers) Fun Run 5km #reflectrespectcelebrate #wereallpartofthestory
16.01.2022 Attention local environmental businesses and non-for profit organisations, we need you! Council has received funding under the Queensland Government Reef Assist Program to heal the Townsville landscape over the next 12 months. The program aims to drive job generation through employment and training & upskilling opportunities.... Local businesses and organisations can apply for the grant that will create up to 25 jobs between successful applicants. For more information, and to apply, visit -
16.01.2022 UPDATE #12 - 21 December Water restrictions implemented following a rupture of the water pipe linking the Ross River Dam to the Douglas Water Treatment Plant on... 11 December have today been revoked. Following ongoing commissioning and careful testing of the pipeline since the repairs were completed, Council no longer considers that there is an urgent need for water restrictions pursuant to sections 41 and 43 of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008. Council’s water conservation measures remain within the Townsville area to help ensure the city’s water security. For more information on these measures, visit our website Council again thanks Townsville and Magnetic Island residents and business owners for their cooperation, understanding and patience.
16.01.2022 South Pacific Taekwondo Initiative with the Stars Foundation I recently had the pleasure of attending South Pacific Taekwondo to participate in their Indigenous Youth Girls training session and hear about the great work this organisation is doing in our community.
15.01.2022 Townsville City Council and the National Australia Day Council present Northern Stories! When reflecting on our history, respecting all cultures, and celebratin...g together we do this through storytelling. Throughout January, we celebrate the stories of the North. We celebrate by recognising the contribution that every Australian brings to our diverse country. From 15 26 January, stories will be told from different locations through: HALO, a free immersive light show (YES its back), live story sessions, family fun activities, fun run and get active expo. Come together and celebrate the things about our nation that we are proud of and grateful for. The opportunity to understand where we have come from, where we are today and where we go from here. For more information visit
15.01.2022 Northern Lights Trail now open.
14.01.2022 Aitkenvale project boosts bus access Townsville City Council is upgrading a busy Aitkenvale street to make it more accessible for buses serving two nearby schools. Council is upgrading a roundabout and laying more than 700 metres of asphalt on Thompson Street, which runs along the side of the Cathedral School and the Townsville Community Learning Centre.... Deputy Mayor and Infrastructure Services Committee chairperson Mark Molachino said the project was reshaping the intersection. Thompson Street is very busy at peak drop-off and pick-up times and this upgrade will make the area a lot better for school buses, Cr Molachino said. Council staff are cutting back a large pavement roundabout and remodelling it so the streets are more accessible. The roundabout upgrade really improves access to Townsville Community Learning Centre a variety of buses take students with disabilities to and from the school each day. Most of the work will be completed during the school holidays and the project is scheduled to be finished before students return next year, weather permitting. This wouldn’t be possible without the Federal Government’s support so I’d like to thank them for funding this project through the Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program.
14.01.2022 Today Council launched its new booking system for our free RV and camping sites in the area, including campgrounds at Balgal Beach, Bluewater, Rollingstone, Sau...nders Beach and Toomulla! From today you must reserve your campsite as limited spots are available. In the future this new system will expand to include all Council bookable venues and spaces. Book your next getaway today
14.01.2022 Water meters to douse Magnetic Island expenses Townsville City Council has installed 1616 smart water meters to help reduce water consumption and cut ongoing costs on Magnetic Island. Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson Russ Cook said almost all homes and businesses on the Island have received a smart water meter.... This is great news for residents and Council as we won’t need to send meter readers to Magnetic Island, Cr Cook said. Meters are read four times a year so this will be an ongoing saving for Council and ratepayers. The installation of the smart water meters was part of the $10 million Water Smart Package and it is a way to better understand water use across the city. Local councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said the smart meters make it easier for people to monitor their water use. The meters allow people to track their consumption online so they can react quickly if they see any changes and they are alerted to potential leaks automatically, Cr Greaney said. The Water Smart Package is part of the $225 million 3-point water security solution funded by the State Government. Residents can find more information about Council’s Water Smart Package online:
14.01.2022 Townsville’s puppy love for man’s best friend Townsville’s most dog-friendly suburbs and favourite breeds of dogs have been revealed. There are more than 30,000 registered dogs across the city with Kirwan, Kelso and Mount Louisa having the highest number of dogs.... The most popular breed of dog in Townsville is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Staffy with more than 3,700 of the breed registered in the city. Environmental Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Chair Margie Ryder said the number of registered dogs across the city demonstrates the need for residents to be responsible pet owners. Townsville is the perfect place to own a dog and we are a very pet-friendly population, but this means it is important that our pet owners are doing the right thing, Cr Ryder said. With more than 30,000 registered dogs across the city, keeping dogs leashed and enclosed in yards properly will help keep our community safe and minimise any potential for dog attacks and injuries. I’d also urge anyone who has a dog that isn’t microchipped and registered to do so, it makes it much easier for us to reunite you with a missing pet. Townsville is also home to some unique breeds of dogs with only one of the following breeds registered in the city; Xoloitzcuintli, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Otterhound, and Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Top 5 dog-friendly suburbs: Kirwan 4517 Kelso 2914 Mt Louisa 2000 Annandale 1618 Bushland Beach 1546 Top 5 dog breeds: Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Cross 3709 Maltese Terrier Cross 1927 Border Collie 1599 Cattle Dog- 1544 Bull Arab Cross 1273
14.01.2022 Great to see the Anderson Garden water smart idea officially open , bonus was the unveiling of a chair organised by Straw No More ! Great work Scott and the Townsville City Council team !! Every little bit helps our environment sometimes I need the young generation to remind me !
14.01.2022 Make CityLibraries Townsville your summer something these holidays. Help your kids avoid a summer slide in literacy by making CityLibraries Townsville your summer something. CityLibraries are packed with great activities for children to enjoy, including books to read, games to play, free WiFi and chill out zones to relax in with friends. Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said it was important to keep children engaged during the summer break. Literacy is a vital skill for our children to maintain throughout the school holidays, but there’s no need for it to be a chore. CityLibraries Townsville makes reading and writing fun, Cr Greaney said. If you head to CityLibraries Townsville you can enjoy free books, computer games, WiFi and to enjoy the chill out zones designed for children and teens. Council has a list of 30 things to see and do for kids up to the age of 16, so check out Council’s website to work your way through the list these school holidays. But Cr Greaney said it wasn’t only kids who could get involved. Literacy is something the whole family should be invested in, whether it’s through reading stories with smaller children or discussing books that your teenagers are reading, she said. Some kids don’t like reading novels, and that’s OK. Parents can encourage their children to check out parts of the newspaper with them, or to read magazines. CityLibraries Townsville has a range of magazines, comics, newspapers and nonfiction books that children can enjoy for free. To learn more about CityLibraries Townsville or to find your closest branch, visit
14.01.2022 Nominate your local hero today for a chance to WIN 1 of 3 signed Cowboy Jerseys! Townsville’s Australia Day Awards recognise people who go above and beyond to create a community worth living in Nominations close 30 November. For more information or to nominate visit Council’s website - #MaurieSoarsDiv8 #townsvilleshines #mayorjennyhill
14.01.2022 Our waste crews are still collecting your bins during this time! Remember to: place your bins kerbside by 6am, ensure no cars are blocking access to your bins,... make sure your bin is not overloaded (max weight 50kg), and your bin lid should be able to close. For more information about bin collections, visit
14.01.2022 Mosquito treatments commence Townsville City Council crews will undertake city-wide mosquito treatments from today following recent rainfall. The ground and aerial treatments will continue during the wet weather to control the population of mosquitos in the area.... Council staff will monitor any known mosquito breeding sites over the coming weeks to minimise any impact on the community. Council recommends residents take precautions against mosquito bites such as wearing long clothing, using insect repellent and emptying any pooled water around the yard. For more information on controlling mosquitos at home, visit Council’s mosquitoes website.
14.01.2022 Townsville City Council today adopted a new corporate plan which outlines the direction of the city for the next five years. Mayor Jenny Hill said the plan wo...uld drive the city forward with a focus on global connectivity and economic, environmental, and social sustainability. The corporate plan is based around five key pillars: a city that connects you to what you need at the time you choose; a circular economy that advances business and moves towards zero waste; the hub for modern industry a sustainable destination that embraces and participates in the arts, sports, events, and recreational activities; and a leading centre of education, training, and research commercialisation. This plan was created off the back of feedback Council received in the liveability study conducted last year and through extensive consultation with industry and community groups. You can view the 2021-2026 Corporate Plan here:
14.01.2022 A friendly reminder about our Christmas operating hours Our customer service centre will close in the afternoon on Thursday 24 December and will reopen at 8am..., Tuesday 29 December. Remember our 13 48 10 number can be called 24/7 during this time if you have any urgent matters Our administration offices, CityLibrary branches and TicketShop at the Civic Theatre will close in the afternoon on Thursday 24 December and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2021. For those wanting to do a dump run remember our transfer stations and landfills are only closed on Christmas Day, Friday 25 December, and will operate regular hours on all other days over the Christmas/New Year period. For more information about our operating hours during the Christmas period visit
14.01.2022 Recycle Right Keep out soft plastics Townsville City Council is urging residents to keep soft plastics out of their recycling bins in order to protect the environment and keep the city’s recycling processing facility working effectively and efficiently. Council’s Water and Waste Committee chairperson Russ Cook said residents should put all soft plastics in their red-lid bins or take it to REDcycle collection bins at Coles or Woolworths.... The yellow-topped recycling bin is not the place for any soft plastics including chip packets, plastic wrapping or bread bags, Cr Cook said. There is a potential for soft plastics to wrap around rotating machinery parts and that causes damage and delays at the Materials Recovery Facility. Cr Cook said soft plastics were found in too many kerbside recycling bins. Soft plastics contaminate yellow-topped bins across the city, they make up more than 10% of each recycling bin, Cr Cook said. People shouldn’t wrap recyclables in shopping bags any bagged waste received at the facility will be diverted to a landfill site. All degradable or biodegradable plastic should be disposed of in red lid bins. Residents can make a big difference if they sort through their waste carefully. Soft plastics, hazardous and small items should not be placed in recycling bins. I’m urging people to help us cut contamination and Recycle Right, Cr Cook said.
13.01.2022 Visit to Qld Police Service Comms room The QPS kindly invited the TCC Councillors to visit their fast paced Communications room. This is where all the action happens. I wholeheartedly admire the dedication with which our serving Police Officers approach their roles.
13.01.2022 If you missed Carols at Home on the weekend never fear! As our gift to you, the pre-recorded Carols @ Home will stay here for you to enjoy until 31 December! ...Watch it online NOW While you're watching don't forget to take a snap of you and your family & friends watching Carols for your chance to win a $500 staycation! Comp closes this Sunday, 13 December. T&Cs apply* To enter, visit
13.01.2022 Council is conducting road work along Thompson Street in Mundingburra from Monday 23 November. Work is taking place between Ross River Road and Burt Street, n...ear The Cathedral School. This is expected to be completed by early January 2021. Traffic management may be in place throughout these works. This project is funded by the Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. For more information
12.01.2022 Council leading the way with landfill rehabilitation project Townsville City Council is the first council in Australia to use a bituminous geomembrane to cap a landfill site for its rehabilitation. The $4 million project is constructing the final cap on the remaining portion of the Hervey Range landfill.... The bituminous geomembrane is less prone to leaks and is more resilient than other products. Council’s Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson Councillor Russ Cook said it had been exciting to see the project transform the site. Our team is working to build the final capping of the landfilled waste, which had been temporarily capped with earth and mulch, Cr Cook said. This temporary capping is required to allow the landfill to settle prior to final capping. However, in the longer term, a permanent capping system is required The final capping contains layers of earth and a synthetic membrane called bituminous geomembrane. This membrane will stop rainwater from entering the landfill and it will capture the methane produced by the waste, directing it towards a flare to burn it in order to reduce council’s carbon emissions. We are nearing the end of this eight-month project. Division one representative Councillor Margie Ryder said it was the final step towards rehabilitating the site. Once this capping is finished, council will continue to monitor and control any emissions, as well as doing landscape maintenance, Cr Ryder said. The waste mound will look like a natural hill when it is finished. Council is committed to creating a cleaner and greener city and that includes rehabilitating landfills when they reach the end of their life. The site opened about 1972, so after almost 50 years we’re excited to be able to take this landfill into the next stage. The capping project began in May and it is expected to be completed next month.
12.01.2022 GET your photo with Santa for FREE this Christmas at our Skype with Santa events! Join us at Cotter’s Markets over three weekends (29 November, 6 and 13 December) to have your family photo with Santa! Due to COVID-19 contact tracing, pre-registration is required.... Registrations are now open with limited spots available, so get in quick
12.01.2022 Garden provides dry tropics education Townsville City Council has officially opened a water demonstration garden in Anderson Gardens today. The garden was designed to demonstrate water efficiency in the dry tropics, and focusses on using the correct types of soil, hydro zoning, low to medium water use native plants, drought tolerant grasses and targeted, water efficient irrigation.... Mayor Jenny Hill said the garden would work as an educational tool for residents looking to incorporate water smart methods into their own gardens. Townsville is a dry tropics city and educating residents to understand what that means in terms of our water supply and consumption is an important piece of work that Council continues to undertake, Cr Hill said. The idea of having this demonstration garden in a public space is to provide inspiration and education to residents who are wanting a thriving garden of their own in the dry tropics. Townsville residents use a significant amount of water on their gardens and we can reduce this significantly by choosing the right plants, soils, turf and irrigation we’re using. I look forward to seeing residents creating similar gardens at home as we all work together to become a water wise city. The Anderson Gardens demonstration garden is part of the Water Smart Package funded by the State Government’s $225 million 3-point water security solution.
12.01.2022 TCC are hard at work installing the Northern Lights in readiness for the Christmas season. Here are a couple of images from today at Flinders Lane fairy-light canopy and gobo projection lights truss structures, and the Christmas Tree ‘twinkle light’ installation (the red shroud is being installed this afternoon). All features & activations will be commissioned & tested starting the week of Nov 23rd.
12.01.2022 New weapon in war with mozzies Townsville City Council crews are using a new weapon in the war against mosquitoes across the city this wet season. VectoPrime FG combines the two traditional active ingredients used to eliminate larval mosquitoes.... Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Margie Ryder said it was great that Council’s Pest Control Unit was able to use this new product to reduce the impact of mosquitoes across Townsville. This new product is applied the same way as our former mosquito treatments, except we don’t have to wait for rain in order to start treating, Cr Ryder said. The product is bacteria-based and is designed to naturally kill mosquitoes, which means it does not pose a risk to humans or the greater environment. Mosquitoes carry several diseases and it’s important that we all do what we can to prevent the spread of these diseases. Council crews have started mosquito treatments in known breeding sites targeting the salt marsh mosquito after recent tidal inundations, and will continue to work to reduce the number of mosquitoes across Townsville. Cr Ryder said there were precautions that residents should take to limit the risk of mosquitoes in their home. Make sure you don’t have any pools of water in your backyard that mosquitoes could breed in this includes tins, jars, tyres, bird baths, pet drinking containers and plants like bromeliads, she said. It’s important to also spray inside homes in areas where aedes aegypti mosquitoes live. Spray under your couch, in any dark areas, and near your external doors. For more information about mosquitoes in Townsville, visit
11.01.2022 Don't forget - parking is currently FREE in the CBD Visit the CBD to go Christmas shopping, visit our gallery, grab a bite to eat and more in Townsville’s CBD..., FREE during December. Remember, two-hour free parking is only applicable in normal two hour pay and display areas in the CBD, and the two-hour time restriction still applies. For more information, visit
11.01.2022 Did you know that more than 70% of Townsville’s water is used on residential lawns and gardens? A deep soaking less often helps to grow strong roots and builds a stronger more resilient lawn. From September to December is when your lawn training efforts pay off, with water loss through evaporation at its highest. ... Remember, water no more than twice a week in the dry and never when it’s wet. For more house hold water saving tips visit
11.01.2022 The Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track is now officially open! The track is more than 3.5km and 1,700 steps which extends from the end of Bayswater Road t...o the landmark’s new lookout If you're heading down to the new Mount Louisa walking track this weekend remember to Slip, Slop & Slap and follow social distancing appropriately
11.01.2022 Townsville Resource Recovery Centre Open Day This morning I visited Townsville City Council Resource Recovery Open Day at the Bohle. What an eye opener. Did you know that Townsville residents recycle approximately 12,500 tonnes per year? Have a look at some of the pics attached to put it in perspective. ... Now is the time to look at how we can work together to keep improving our efforts. As well as understanding what can and can't be recycled, we ask that your recyclables are free from food and other contaminants, never bagged, and free from broken glass or other hazardous materials. Let’s recycle right! Did you know that non-recyclable items are removed by hand at our recycling facility? Keep it safe - Don’t put anything hazardous in your yellow lid recycling bin that could harm workers or damage machinery Keep the following items OUT of your yellow lid recycling bin: Rope Netting Wire Broken glass Chemicals Needles For more recycling tips, visit Attached pics show some of the items found in the recycling bins, the conveyor processing system, the mountainous pile of recycling to be sorted (by hand initially) to remove unwanted items - plastic bags, nappies, polystyrene to name a few. Last photo is myself with General Manager of Townsville Water and Waste Scott Moorhead overseeing the open day. TCC have open days 3 - 4 times a year - keep an eye on Facebook, and remember with the Covid restrictions you will need to book. Definitely worth a visit. Thanks to the knowledgeable staff who took myself and my wife through the facility. #townsvilleshines #mauriesoarsdiv8 #RecycleRight
11.01.2022 Building approvals on the rise New homes are on the rise in Townsville with 98 approvals for dwellings issued and more than 346 approvals across all building categories issued in November alone. This follows Townsville having its busiest quarter in seven years, with 1011 applications approved from July through to September slightly lower than the record of 1021 approved in a quarter in 2013.... Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said in the last three months, approvals for dwellings had jumped significantly. What we have seen in September, October and November is a significant increase in the number of dwelling approvals across the city. In July, there was a total of 41 dwellings approved, and this number has jumped significantly since then with 84 in September, 100 in October and another 98 in November. This really bodes well for our construction industries and local businesses who I’m sure are enjoying the steady flow of work. The top suburbs for new dwelling approvals include Burdell, Bohle Plains, Mount Low, Jensen and Julago. These building approvals are worth millions to our local economy and will support construction companies and related industries and contractors, she said. To view Council’s building approval data, visit the website
10.01.2022 HALO will return in January 2021 with a new look and feel - and run alongside Northern Stories! HALO Life Below Water will illuminate Townsville through a series of sound and light art installations throughout Queens Gardens and Castle Hill. The sound and light festival will come to life with interactive light and sound displays and large scale art installations.... Queens Gardens will be temporarily closed to the public for the installation, event delivery and pack down of the event from January 4 30 2021. The gardens will be open during specific event hours during this period. For more information, visit
10.01.2022 Morning all! We hope you all had a very festive Christmas and enjoyed some time off with loved ones. Just a reminder our Call Centre has reopened today so you can give us a call on 13 48 10 if you have any enquiries
09.01.2022 SUSTAINABILITY SUNDAY! Remember if you have any excess cardboard boxes and wrapping paper this festive season, you can drop recyclables off for free at ...your local transfer station 363 days a year! To find out what other items you can recycled for free, visit
08.01.2022 Let's celebrate together and welcome in the new year! Join us for our New Year's Eve celebrations at the following locations Riverway - head down and enjoy Sgt. Stubby: An Unlikely Hero on the big screen, food trucks and family friendly fireworks at 8pm.... The Strand - see the sky light up with our midnight fireworks spectacular For more info, visit
08.01.2022 Our team just restocked sandbags at our Dalrymple Road location however 1,000 sandbags have now been taken. Please be respectful of others using our sandbag loc...ations and remember the purpose of the sandbags is to assist residents who are at risk of localised flooding to safe guard their property. Crews are now working to source more bags for this location.
08.01.2022 Illich Park upgrade opened today! Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill, Member for Herbert Phillip Thompson and local councillor Maurie Soars officially opened Illich Park in Aitkenvale today following a $6 million upgrade. The upgrade to the much-loved park includes new outdoor fitness equipment, a basketball half court, additional lighting, new picnic shelters, seating, electric barbecues and drinking fountains which will encourage people to stay fit and active.... A 65 megalitre detention basin has also been created within the park to help improve drainage in the surrounding suburb. Cr Hill said the new and improved facilities were already a hit with the community. Playgrounds and parks, like Illich Park, are a fantastic way to get kids outside and encourage them to play and stay active, Cr Hill said. Mr Thompson said he was thrilled to see the playground opened for the community. It’s fantastic to see the Community Development Grants Programme providing funding to build and improve critical infrastructure and amenities, Mr Thompson said. Cr Soars said the revitalised park would cater for a growing sporting base. To accommodate for the increased uses, 32 new parking bays have also been put in along Elizabeth Street, Cr Soars said. #mauriesoarsdiv8 #Aitkenvale #mayorjennyhill
08.01.2022 Did You Know Council adopted supporting the Plastic Free Townsville initiative in November 2019 Plastic Free Townsville launched during COVID-19 which has brought its challenges, however from the start of March to the 31st August with just 13 businesses on board they have already been able to eliminate 68,056 pieces of single use plastic by assisting business to switch to reusable and compostable alternatives Be sure to ask your favourite local to become a member o...f Plastic Free Townsville! #MaurieSoarsDiv8 #townsvilleshines #mayorjennyhill
08.01.2022 Council has installed three new pumps to provide an enhanced secondary water intake for the Douglas Water Treatment Plant from the Ross River. The installation... of the pumps is part of a broader focus on water security for Townsville and a deliberate move from Council to commit immediate additional investment toward addressing unexpected interruptions to services last year. Read more in our Media Release: Russ Cook Councillor for Division 5
06.01.2022 We want YOU to have your say Townsville Participate and have your say on a range of projects and initiatives in our community. Your feedback will contribute t...o shaping our city, and guide Council on decision making and planning for the future. Current engagements we would love your feedback on include: Annual Pathway Construction Program Are Your Disaster Ready? Annual Bus Stop Upgrade Program If you would like to have your say, visit
06.01.2022 Load limit on Stony Creek Bridge lifted Stony Creek Bridge on Northshore Boulevard has re-opened to normal traffic following the completion of repair works. Mayor Jenny Hill said the bridge was damaged when a vehicle was set alight under it in July. The incident was referred to Police for investigation.... The heat from the fire was hot enough to spall the concrete cover on several bridge deck units, which exposed the high tensile, prestressed wires in those deck units, Cr Hill said. Temporary lane closures and a load limit have been in place while Council worked to make repairs. With the repairs now complete, Council has now removed the load limit. Division 2 councillor Sue Blom said the removal of the load limit on the bridge would be welcomed by the surrounding community. Igniting a vehicle under the bridge was a senseless act of vandalism which significantly impacted the community Cr Blom said. While the temporary lane closures and load limit on the bridge caused inconvenience for the community, they were necessary to ensure the safety of motorists using it. On behalf of Council I would like to thank the community for its understanding and patience. Council will continue to monitor and improve the resilience of this bridge in the future.
06.01.2022 Fire Ban - Townsville The Rural Fire Service has advised a Local Fire Ban has been imposed for the following local governments for the period 0001hrs Monday 23 Nov 2020 to 2359hrs on Monday, 30 Nov 2020. Townsville... Burdekin Hinchinbrook Charters Towers Whitsunday Please note - all current permits will be cancelled. This information is also available from
06.01.2022 RADF Grant Funding opens this weekend: Applications for the first RADF Grant funding in 2020/2021 will: Open Sunday 4 October 2020... Close Sunday 1 November 2020 at 11.59pm Funding available Applications for over $1,000 and up to $10,000 per application are invited You can only receive one (1) grant from RADF per financial year. Eligibility. See TCC's website for further details.
06.01.2022 Make CityLibraries Townsville books part of your permanent collection Take a little piece of the library home with you from CityLibraries Townsville’s new Pre-loved Book Corner. Townsville City Council is reducing waste by giving away the hundreds of books that are deleted from the Thuringowa branch each month.... Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said this was a great way for locals to get more books into their homes. Reading is one of the greatest ways to pass the time, whether it’s curled up alone with a novel, reading picture books with the kids, or learning something new with a non-fiction book, Cr Greaney said. There are so many great books at our CityLibraries branches that are deleted each month to make room for new books, so it’s great that we’re able to give these away in the Pre-loved Book Corner. Cr Greaney said using the Pre-loved Book Corner was easy. If you see a book in the Pre-loved Book Corner that you like, just take it. It’s that easy, she said. Once you’ve read it at home, consider passing the book on to a friend or family member, or popping it into one of the street libraries that are across Townsville. The Pre-loved Book Corner is now set up and ready for use at CityLibraries Townsville’s Thuringowa branch. For more information about CityLibraries Townsville, head to
05.01.2022 Currajong will receive the Illuka Street Roadworks renewal program commencing 18th May. Road work projects may include kerb and channel (gutters), driveways, footpaths, pavement, bitumen, and asphalt treatments. These works prolong the life of the infrastructure and improve road safety. The Illuka Street road works will be conducted within the boundaries of Bayswater Road, through to Maroong Street and are scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 and are expected to t...ake three (3) weeks to complete (weather and conditions permitting). Pedestrian and vehicle access to properties will be maintained for most of the project; however minor restrictions will be required during the works. If your business or residence is affected, Council will provide 24 hours’ notice before any restrictions. Works may involve: traffic management including traffic control and some road closures closure of the footpath and some parking bays safety fencing installed for pedestrian and vehicles flashing lights and noise Normal work hours are 6am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 2pm on Saturday. In exceptional cases, work may be required outside these hours.
04.01.2022 Deeragun project supporting local jobs and businesses Townsville City Council is reconstructing a Deeragun street in a project that will support more than 20 jobs. Workers are replacing 3,700 square metres of road pavement with a new asphalt surface in Hansen Court.... The project is being funded through the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland program.
04.01.2022 Take the Pledge for National Water Week! As Townsville’s population grows, more stress is put on our water resources. Join us in reimagining our water future and take the pledge to create lifelong water saving habits and WIN! HOW TO WIN?... From 1 25 October head to Council’s website and tell us how you are pledging to conserve water. It can be as simple as: Taking a shower for the length of your favourite song For more information including T&C's and to take the pledge, visit #MaurieSoarsDiv8 #townsvilleshines
03.01.2022 The countdown to National Water Week is on! This October, Take the Pledge to create more water wise habits Everyone who pledges is entered into a draw to win*:... 1 x $600 voucher to a local water smart business 6 x $150 voucher to a local water smart business Pledge today #mauriesoarsdiv8 #townsvilleshines #watersmart
03.01.2022 Division 8 Newsletter
03.01.2022 Make food safety a top priority this Christmas Food safety needs to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds as Christmas fast approaches. Townsville City Council is urging residents to be mindful of good food practices in their home to prevent their family and friends from becoming ill this Christmas.... Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Margie Ryder said summer months posed especially high food risks, as friends and families gather to celebrate the silly season. Many food poisoning cases can be avoided if some simple food safety practices are followed in the home, Cr Ryder said. Simple storage practices can make all the difference to your health. Bad bacteria grows best at temperatures between 5C and 60C, so residents need to make sure that hot foods are cooked or heated above 60C and cold foods are kept chilled below 5C. When cooling cooked food, separate into smaller containers to allow it to cool quicker, making sure the containers are placed within your fridge within two hours. Always ensure that your food is kept covered and protected in your fridge to prevent cross contamination between raw and cooked foods. Cr Ryder said it was also important to make sure you had enough space to store food during Christmas and the new year. It’s an easy mistake to overpack your fridge during Christmas, which is why it’s important to have eskies and ice on hand to keep your excess food cold, she said. When you have food out, make sure it gets put back into your fridge by the two hour mark. You must throw out any food that has been left out for four hours.
02.01.2022 Townsville is the first regional city to launch the Accessible Australia app in partnership with Spinal Life Australia The Accessible Australia app is a free resource where users can find accessible places and experiences and leave reviews to help others. This platform brings another layer of localised information that supports Councils work in areas such as Mobility Mapping and is another step towards making our city accessible for all. Visit to find out more!
02.01.2022 It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas ....
01.01.2022 #MaurieSoarsDiv8
01.01.2022 Townsville tell us what’s important to you and you could win a $100 voucher! We all have something to say about our area, so be part of our survey to help shape your ideal place. Have your say about what you value and what would make it a better place to live, work and shop. Your input will help guide investment over the next three years. Take the survey now #MaurieSoarsDiv8 #townsvilleshines #mayorjennyhill
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