MAX Pinjarra | Local business
MAX Pinjarra
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25.01.2022 Ride On Mower Racing is back. This Sunday from 10.30 at the old Equestrian Grounds, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. There will be a sausage sizzle, coffee van and refreshments for sale, so come on down for a day of fun. It's a fun day out, so come and join in, if you have a mower at home, take the deck off it and come and race, all you need is a helmet, long sleeves and shoes and you are in. Call Jarrad on 0419 048 001
25.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is pushing ahead for our 2021 event on Easter Sunday, April 4. We have a lot planned, Lawn mower racing looks like it will be a WA v SA battle, there are over 40 Panel Vans entered for the WA Panel Van State Titles, the BYE Dyno Comp, lots of free kids entertainment, trade and market stalls, food trucks and of course plenty of WA finest hot rods and street machines, including Brad Durtanovichs' show stopping Monaro. Entries are still open and... you can enter online at If you just want top come and have a look at one of the biggest one day car shows outside of Perth, gates open at 10, and entry is only $10 adults, kids under 16 are free. It will be a day not to be missed, with something for everyone. Sunday April 4, from 10am at Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Make Smoking History, MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. See more
23.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra has $10 early bird entries, but they close soon. $10 for you, your car and who ever else is in your car has to be the best value around. MAX Pinjarra is the bigges one day car show outside of the Perth CBD, and it has something for everyone. Get your entry in today download a form or enter online ar If you entered for 2020, and want to be a part of the 2021 event, no payment will be required, but you must fill in an entry form. Dowload one from the webpage, fill it in with your details, and mark on it "PAID 2020" and i will sort it from there. Earlybird entries close December 31, get yours in today.
23.01.2022 From rusty family farm hack, to gleaming and gorgeous street cruiser. This Holden ute of Anton Brown is one of many cars on display at Make Smoking History MAX PInjarra. It will be a day not to be missed with so much for everyone. Spectator gates will open at 10 and the show runs to around 3. Only $15 entry gets you and who ever else may be in the car with you into the show, that seriously has to be the best value day out ever! There is still time to enter enter online at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval. Pinjarra. #uglyducklingtobeautifulswan #dickersspeedshoppe #holdenute #greatcarshow #makesmokinghistory #firstsundayofapril #maxpinjarra #shireofmurray #shannosinsurance #bendigobank #bestonedaycarshowinperth
22.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, $10 Early bird entries are now open.. head to and enter online. The 11th (should have been the 12th) MAX Pinjarra is on Easter Sunday April 4 2021. Get your entry in now!
22.01.2022 Andrew Polkingtons holden ute has to be one of the finest around. The paint is sensational, interior is amazing and attention to detail has to be seen to be believed. It will be one of hundreds of Perths finest hot rods and street machines on display at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra. It really is one of the biggest one day car shows outside of the metro area, $1000 dyno comp, lawnmower racing, food truck festival, plenty of free activities for the kids, it all adds up to... a great family day out. $15 Online entries close on March 31, but you are able to enter on the day for $20. Thanks to Repco, all entries are in the draw for 1 of 2 $200 gift vouchers (conditions apply). Entries available from Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval PInjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray #greatholdenute #maxpinjarra #autoglym #fantasticcars #bestonedaycarshowaround #makesmokinghistorywa #shireofmurray #pinjarrarocks #thingstodoinpinjarra #visitthepeerlregion #dickersspeedshoppe See more
21.01.2022 Yes, the cat is well and truly out of the bag!! It has not been seen in WA for 15 years or more, but Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is proud to say that we are bringing FAT GTO to you. This is one of the finest examples of automotive art the country has ever seen, and you can check it out at MAX Pinjarra. MAX Pinjarra is one of the biggest one day car shows, family fun days outside of the metro area, dyno comp, lawn mower racing, food, trade and market stalls, free kids entertainment we have it all happening. There is still time to enter enter online at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval. Pinjarra. #shireofmurray #pinjarracarshow #maxpinjarracarshow #familyfunday #bestcarshow #fordsandholdens #americanmusclecars
20.01.2022 You have probably picked it up with the new header, but, with no certainty as to what was going to unfold with Covid, it has been decided to not look at running an event for 2020 and look toward the 2021 event. Next years event will be held over the Easter Weekend on Sunday April 4, we will still be going ahead with the Ride On Mower Racing, and am looking at something big there. I welcome your ideas, if there is something you want to see at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra... 2021, let me know. I can't guarantee we will run with your idea, but you never know. (PLEASE THOUGH, DON'T SUGGEST BURNOUTS, THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN). Early bird entries will be out a little earlier than usual, so keep your eyes open for that, and keep across the website and facebook page for news as it comes to hand. Put that date in your diary, Easter Sunday April 4 2021. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire of Murray See more
20.01.2022 The cat is out of tha bag. FAT GTO is back in Australia, and will be at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra. This Pontiac GTO stunned Australia, when it was debuted some 15 years ago, It toured Australia for a while and was in Perth for Motorvation, before being sold and shipped to America. We will be working closely with Clinton Wall and First Class Automotive Transport to ensure this car arrives safe and sound. It is just one of many attractions including the Panel Van Stat...e Titles, a food truck festival, lawnmower racing, a $1000 dyno comp and plenty more. Vehicle entry is only $15 and closes April 1. Entry is available online at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #shireofmurray #pinjarraevents #pinjarracarshow #maxpinjarra #makesmokinghistory #fatgto #pontiacgto #greatamericanmusclecars #fantasticaustralianmusclecars #pinjarrafamilyfunday #lawnmowerracingpinjarra See more
19.01.2022 Word is out and we have have a truck load of lawnmowers coming from South Australia to play at Make Smoking History MAX PInjarra. This is going to be huge and a heap of fun. No need to worry about dust though, the lawn mowers will be racing on the oval behind the main arean, and we will have measures in place in case. This is only a small part of what is going on at one of the biggest one day car shows outside of the metro area. a few huindred great cars, bikes and hotrods, and market stalls, the Motul Oils $1000 dyno comp, free kids entertainment and plenty more. There is still time to enter enter online at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval. Pinjarra. #boddingtonlawnmowerracingassn #lawnmowerracingrocks #maxpinjarra #makesmokinghistory #shannonsinsurance #shireofmurray #pinjarracarshow #pinjarrafamilyfunday #firstsundayofapril #bestonedaycarshowaround #visitpinjarra See more
18.01.2022 This is why i like to keep the the "no Dickhead" policy. I happens folks. He may very well have not been the first, but he will be known as that one who f#*#ed it up for everyone else. Do you want to be known as "The One Who f###ed it up for everyone else?". Please show respect for event promotors, fellow car enthusiasts and yourself.
16.01.2022 Panel Van, Sin Bin, Shaggn Wagon, F**k Truck .. call them what you like, but if you like panel vans you should be at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra for the Panel Van State Titles. Hosted by the Majestic Vanners Perth Chapter, Panel vans from all over the state will converge on Pinjarra for this full on one day event. There will be plenty of vans and over 300 of WAs' finest Hotrods, Street Machines and motorbikes on display, along with a dyno comp, free kids entertainment,... lawnmower racing, food truck festival and plenty more. Vehicle entry is only $15, and you can enter online now at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #carshows #maxpinjarracarshow #makesmokinghistory #shireofmurray #panelvanshowpinjarra #panelvanshowpinjarra #carshowpinjarra #aprilcarshows #dynocomp #lawnmowerracing #sirrossmclartyoval #pinjarra #pinjarrafamilyfunday #firstsundayofapril #bestonedaycarshowinwesternaurtralia See more
14.01.2022 Want to win $1000?. Make Smoking History, in conjunction with Motul Oil is giving you the chance to win it in tthe $1000 dyno comp. If your heavy hitter is registered, entered into MAX Pinjarra and you drive the vehicle to the event, you can enter the dyno and have a crack at the $1000. There will be trophies for all classes, aspirated and natural, and the Horsepower hero will grab the $1000. Entry is $15 for MAX, plus $50 for the dyno. Entries available from Make Smoking History, MAX PInjarra. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Proudly supported by Shire of Murray. #pinjarracarshow #besthotrodshowaround #holdens #fords #americanmusclecars #japanesehightechcars #byeperformance #maxpinjarracarshow #makesmokinghistory #pinjarraevents #firstsundayofapril #bestonedaycarshowinwesternaustralia
13.01.2022 The 11th, (should have been the 12th) Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is back, Easter Sunday, April 4 at Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. A great family fun day with plenty to see and do for everyone. Lawn Mower Racing, Dyno comp, food truck festival, free kids entertainment and more. Try your hand at the Auto One Race Simulator, and you could be a winner. Online entries are $20, and they are back up and running and you can enter at Entries close on April 1, though entry on the day will be available. Spectator price is adult $10, (accompanied) under 16 free and show off parking is available. Gate price, + $10 per car. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Easter Sunday April 4, Sir Ros McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire of Murray See more
12.01.2022 The early bird is back and once he gets his coffee, he is off to enter Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra 2021. Easter Sunday April; 4 2021, MAX Pinjarra is back . $10 early bird entries are now open until December 31. Enter online, or download an entry form from Don't miss this one, it will be a beauty. Sunday April 4 2021.
12.01.2022 Who said lawnmowers were for cutting grass? Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra has teamed up with the Boddington ride On Mower Racing Assn to bring you a day of action packed lawnmower racing. Lawnmower racing, $1000 dyno comp, food truck festival, free childrens entertainment, market stalss and heaps of great cars to check out?, how many more reasins do you want to be a part of this great event?, Oh, I will give you 2 more, thanks to Repco, we have 2 x $200 vouchers to be wo...n, just by entering (conditions apply), so there is another 200 reasons to enter today. Entry forms available from $15 online entries close on March 31. Entry will be available on the day at $20 per car. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #firstsundayofapril #maxpinjarrafamilyfunday #greatdayoutforeveryone #foodtruckfestival #freekidsactivities #plentyforeveryone #makesmokinghistorywa #shireofmurrayevents #peelregion #pinjarra #bestonedaycarshowinwesternaustralia See more
11.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, 2020 Event 17/03/2020 To all concerned Even though I am sure it will come as no surprise, the Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra committee has decided to postpone the 2020 event indefinitely. This was not an easy decision to make, but it was based on the current restrictions placed on events by the Australian Federal Government and Shire of Murray recommendations. The health and well being of our committee, volunteers , vendors and guests w...ill always be our first priority, and we did not want to do anything that might jeopardise that. In the end, The MAX Pinjarra committee work hard to bring you a great event. We feel with current restrictions in place MAX Pinjarra 2020 would not be up to our usual standard and we owe it to our sponsors, vendors, entrants and spectators alike to present the best and safest show possible. All Sponsors, entrants and vendors will be contacted in due course with regards to monies paid. We apologise for the disappointment, but these are very difficult times we are in and require some very difficult decisions. You can be assured, Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra will be back. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected] or call me on 0419 191 535. Again, I apologise for any disappointment or inconvenience this may cause. Richie Howlett Coordinator Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra
07.01.2022 No matter how old or young you are, nearly everyone has had a panel van experience of some description, Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra will bring those memories flooding back with the Panel Van State titles. The gang from Majestic Vanners WA Chapter will be hosting the state titles, and looking to see the best panel vans in the state on the oval. Now, thanks to Repco, we have 2 x $200 vouchers to be won, just by entering (conditions apply), so there is another 200 reasons... to enter today. Entry forms available from $15 online entries close on March 31. Entry will be available on the day at $20 per car. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #shireofmurray #pinjarra #maxpinjarracarshow #makesmokinghistorywa #healthway #repco #bestonedaycarshow #panelvanlife #oldfbpanelvan #holdenpanelvans #fordpanelvans #lawnmowerracingrocks #byeperformance #thousanddollardynocomp See more
07.01.2022 Hey thanks Dano for the video. Lawn mower racing, not super fast, but lots of fun. Come and have a look Sunday December 6. The old equestrian centre, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra
07.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX PInjarra is on Easter Sunday April 4 2021. We have lots of things on the boil and we will be making up for missing a year. $10 early bird entries are open now, you can enter on line or down load an entry form from $10 entry has to be the best value around it gets you, your vehcile and your passengers into a day full of things to do. There will be heaps of free entertainment for the kids, dyno, food truck festival, trade and market stalls, lawn mower racing and plenty more to keep you entertained for the day. If you entered for 2020 and want to reenter for 2021, email [email protected] and i will let you know what you need to do. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 4 2021. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray
06.01.2022 The 11th annual Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is on Sunday April 5 at Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Vehicle entry is only $15, and entries are available online at Online entries close April 1 so be quick! That 15 dollars gets you and your family into one of the biggest one day car shows in WA with something there for everyone. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray #bestonedaycarshowaround #maxpinjarrafamilyfunday #boddingtonlawnmowerracingassn #1000dollardyno #byeperformance #tyrepowerpinjarra #shannonsinsurance #makesmokinghistorywa #mandurahboltsupplies #toughsealpaintprotection #highperformanceamericanmusclecars
06.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is shaping up to be a beauty, there is nearly 50 Panel Vans entered for the Panel Van State titles, record entries for the Ride On Mower Racing, BYE Dyno Comp and we will be nudging 300 of WA's finest Street Machines, Hot Rods and bikes. There will be food Vans, plenty of free entertainment for kids and the weather is looking awesome, so i can't see a reason why MAX Pinjarra won't be going off like the proverbial frog in a sock. Online have now closed, but you can enter on the day ($20), you need to be there before 0945 am to get onto the oval. If you dont want to enter, we will have show off parking, on the grounds, but not on the oval so you can come and go as you please, cost is gate admission ($10 per adult) plus $10 to park. Spectator gates open at 10, admission is $10 per adult, under 16 free, dogs are welcome, but they must be on a lead, and you must clean up after them. Remember, it will be hot so it is as important to keep your dog hydrated as it is to keep yourself and your kids hydrated. Get your hat, your sunnies and your sunscreen and be at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra this Easter Sunday. Proudly Supported by the Shire of Murray. See more
06.01.2022 Ride on Mower Racing is coming to Pinjarra. It's fun and action packed, Saturday October 24 at the Old Equestrian grounds, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. If you want to know about racing a mower, call Jarrad 0419 048 001.
04.01.2022 Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is less than 2 weeks away. Pre entries close on 1st April so get in now to save yourself some money. (On the day entries will be available. Late entry fees apply). So much going on, Lawn Mower Racing, you can win prizes on the Auto One RaceKraft Simulator, Dyno Comp, food vendors, plenty of kids entertainment and heaps more. spectator gates open at 10am, and admission is only $10 per adult, kids under 16 free, Show off parking is available in the grounds, but not on the oval for only $10 (plus gate admission). It has been 2 years since we last had a show, and we are keen to tunr on the best one day car show outside of the Metro area. Easter Sunday, April 4, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra is proudly supported by The Shire Of Murray.
02.01.2022 The Panel Van is making a comeback! Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra in conjunction with the Majestic Vanners Western Australian Chapter are hosting the Panel Van state Titles. Panel vans of all shapes and sizes will be heading to Pinjarra in the quest to find the best panel van in WA. Entries are open to all vanners and are available for only $15 at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval, Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #majesticvanners #majesticvannerswesternaustralia #panelvanstatetitles #maxpinjarrafamilyfunday #shireofmurray #pinjarraevents #firstsundayofapril #fordpanelvans #holdenpanelvans #makesmokinghistorywa ##bestonedaycarshowinwesternaurtralia #shannonsinsurance #mandurahboltsupplies #kandypromotions
02.01.2022 This is just one of the sweeet entries we have for Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra. Shane Ramsays Torana looks sensational and I cant wait to see it in the flesh. It will be one of hundreds of WA's finest hot rods and street machines on display, along with great food and refreshments, trade and market stalls, the Motul oils $1000 dyno comp, lawn mower racing and plenty more, this is one of the biggest one day car shows outside of Perth. Online entires close 31st March so get yours today at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire of Murray. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. #shireofmurray #pinjarracarshow #makesmokinghistory #shannonsinsurance #bestholdens #coolfords
01.01.2022 Does your car have big horsepower? Is your car regod?, can you drive it to MAX Pinjarra? do you want to win $1000?. Motul Oil and BYE Performance bring you the $1000 dyno shootout, there will be trohies for all classes, natural and boosted and the horsepower hero will win $1000. Places are limited so enter now to avoid missing out. Now, thanks to Repco, we have 2 x $200 vouchers to be won, just by entering (conditions apply), so there is another 200 reasons to enter today. ... Entry forms available from $15 online entries close on March 31. Entry will be available on the day at $20 per car. Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval Pinjarra. Proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. #onethousanddollardynocomp #realwheeldyno #byeperformance #canyoumakeoveronethousandhorsepower #streetregisteredanddriven #maxpinjarrafoodtruckfestival #motuloil #autoglym #dickersspeedshop #maxpinjarra #bestonedaycarshow #allroadsleadtopinjarra #thingstodoinpainjarra See more
01.01.2022 How would you like $1000 cash? (well it will be a cheque). Do you have a high horespower street registered beast. If your car is registered, and you can drive it to Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, stick it on the BYE Performance dyno and you could win $1000, of course we will have trophies for all classes, natural and boosted, but the horespower hero goes home with the $1000 thanks to Motul Oils. Entry is only $15 to MAX, plus $50 for the dyno, and remember, your car MUST licensed (we need to site papers), and you MUST drive it to the event. There is still time to enter enter online at Make Smoking History MAX Pinjarra, proudly supported by the Shire Of Murray. Sunday April 5, Sir Ross McLarty Oval. Pinjarra. #motuloils #byeperformance #bestdynocompever #maxpinjarra #shireofmurray #pinjarracarshow #familyfunday #greatdayoutforall #lawnmowerracing #plentytosee #bestonedaycarshowinwa See more
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