Mayday Mummy | Businesses
Mayday Mummy
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25.01.2022 We've been overwhelmed with your amazing support and encouragement. Your heartfelt comments have brought us to tears.....happy tears - knowing the difficult decision we've made was a wise one. Thank you so much.... We wish you all good health for the coming weeks /months. The Mayday Mummy team look forward to assisting families again post-coronavirus. The expiry date of all current vouchers will be extended by 6 months.
25.01.2022 When mum and business owner, Mrs S, was just about to leave the office to pick-up her toddler from daycare, her Manager walked out the door in QUIT on the spot! "Yikes" said the mum, or perhaps a shorter 4 letter word! She phoned Mayday Mummy who is on her way now to collect her little one from daycare, take her home and do dinner/bath and bed.
25.01.2022 Join the Monday Madness - Mayday Mummy Vouchers selling fast! We're celebrating our 8th Birthday with a special offer....a 3 hour Voucher for FREE. Simply purchase a 7 hour Mayday Mummy Voucher and you will receive a 3 hour voucher for FREE to gift to a friend (or keep it for yourself).... For further information and to purchase: Be quick, limited vouchers available!
23.01.2022 These hands have cared for so many over the past few years. On the eve of a very special day, it is the perfect time to thank the Mayday Mummy Team. These extraordinary women exude kindness, compassion and empathy. Even during these days of isolation, each of them continue to shower others with their motherly care with phone calls, texts and letters.... Happy Mother's Day and thank you my dear friends at Mayday Mummy.
21.01.2022 It’s been a week of Mums Caring For Mums. 3 women gifted 3 Mayday Mummy bookings to 3 struggling mums. It has been a joy and privilege to care for these lovely families.
20.01.2022 What does Mayday Mummy Jennifer do when she finds out, at the very last minute, that it's her client's birthday AND she's gluten free?!........... She whips up this beauty!! Jennifer - you are so talented and kind - THANK YOU !!
20.01.2022 Why did this fruit salad bowl almost make a mum cry??? Mrs M had not been sleeping much as she had been caring for her husband in hospital, 2 young children and working full time. Today, whilst this mum was on a 3hr teleconference call from her home office, Mayday Mummy delivered this simple bowl.... No words of thanks necessary, her face said it all!! It is so rewarding to care for another mum.
19.01.2022 Whilst Mrs P took her eldest child to the physio, Mayday Mummy was caring for her toddler and making a mess in her kitchen !! With a fridge and pantry well stocked with "funky ingredients" (aka gluten-free and diary-free), Mayday Mummy was able to make; Chicken/Veg meatballs, Orange Coconut Rock Cakes, Choc Chip cookies, Banana cake and mini muffins. The children, who have food allergies/intolerances, were thrilled with these snacks for their school lunch boxes.... How did Mayday Mummy keep a toddler entertained during this cook-athon? She opened the bottom kitchen drawer.... full of plastic cups, bowls and containers galore! Heaven for this sweet little toddler.
19.01.2022 Two desperate phone calls from the same Northern Beaches mum. The first, received a few months ago, was for Mayday Mummy to care for her 10 week old baby boy whilst she took her 4 year old to hospital. And this morning, that 10 week old is now The Last Man Standing!... He didn’t eat the dodgy chicken that has made the other 4 members of his family very sick with food poisoning. Mayday Mummy Rosie to the rescue.
17.01.2022 Now more than ever, the juggling act for mums is FULL-ON! It is a timely reminder to take care of your own health. It was exactly a year ago, we shared the following post...... **************************************************************************** Despite being fully booked, Mayday Mummy just HAD to help Mrs K. There were 14 anxious, nervous and sleep deprived women relying on Mrs K to work that day. These women had all received abnormal mammogram results and had been called back to the breast screening clinic for further tests and scans. The C word had been on these womens’ minds for days. Mrs K’s regular nanny had called in sick at the last minute. There was a risk Mrs K would have to cancel her clinic for the day but knew an extra day of not knowing would be excruciating x14 ! Thank you Mayday Mummy who changed her holiday plans and came to the rescue.
16.01.2022 Back to school banana. The daughter of a Mayday Mummy will be surprised at recess. Chances are she won't be impressed.....since she is in Yr 12!!... See more
16.01.2022 Oh no! It is rarely good news when the Mayday Mummy phone rings at 4:15am. Single mum, to a 8 month old baby, was taken by ambulance to hospital during the night. With most of her family living in the UK, a dear friend called Mayday Mummy. She knew we had assisted this special family of 2 on several occasions before.... This mum is in good hands in hospital, but is desperate to make a speedy recovery and return home to her baby.
15.01.2022 What do Mayday Mummies do in their own home during Coronavirus isolation? Some of us bake....and bake....and bake!!
14.01.2022 We helped a lovely Canadian tourist today. This young mum is camper-vanning with her 2 young children around Australia. In Sydney for just a couple of days, her dream was to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge. What better way to celebrate today - her birthday. ... Her two children enjoyed a visit to the Aquarium and exploring Darling Harbour with Mayday Mummy.
12.01.2022 Caring for the entire family, not just the children, is what Mayday Mummy does best. Cooking a few meals and snacks, tackling that never ending pile of laundry and restoring order to the Tupperware cupboard, were just a few little extras that Mayday Mummy was able to do whilst little Miss 2yr old had an afternoon nap. Dad was particular enthusiastic about the Chicken Curry, Savoury Muffins and Mini Apple Crumples. And mum sampled the chicken Meatballs and reminisced about that episode of Seinfield about Muffin Tops these Choc Chip Muffins made her giggle!
12.01.2022 It's the little things that can make a new mum cry..... Fortunately, it was this little bowl of strawberries and water in a wine glass that Mayday Mummy had waiting for Mrs C when she woke from a much needed morning nap. What a glorious day to take in that view from this young family's balcony.... We don't mind happy grateful tears!!
10.01.2022 This is every mother’s worst nightmare. Mayday Mummy had goosebumps hearing what had happened just hours earlier. Mrs P had been called to daycare to collect her toddler in the morning who had a fever. A negative COVID test result and no other symptoms, the GP sent them home suggesting she manage the fever with Panadol/Nurofen.... Later that evening, Mrs P noticed her toddler’s hands, feet and lips turn purple and within minutes her fever was over 41C. A call to Telehealth resulted in an ambulance arriving at their front door to take the little one to the Emergency Department at the local hospital. Today, Mrs P was exhausted no sleep and worrying about her baby had taken its toll. Whilst bubba happily sat in her highchair, playing with her food, Mayday Mummy was able to prepare some meals and snacks for the family. When it was time for the toddler’s afternoon nap, Mrs P asked Mayday Mummy to check on her every 15-20 min she didn’t! Mayday Mummy actually sat on the floor next to her cot and watched her because she knew that is what mum would have done. It is a privilege to step into another mother’s shoes and care for their treasures particularly during these scary times.
10.01.2022 Upon arrival, Mayday Mummy checked the client’s fridge and pantry.they were pretty empty. A brisk stroller walk to the shops to buy ingredients, before little Miss 1 years old was due for her morning nap. Well, what a nap it was..2.5hrs !... And what did Mayday Mummy do during nap time? She was able to fill the fridge with 7 meals, including; Chicken Laksa, Beef & Veg Meatballs, Apricot Chicken, Bolognese, Thai-style Vermicilli Noodles with chicken some cooked meals for the next couple of days and several double batches to freeze. Plus special Gluten-free and Diary-free Choc Chip Cookies for Miss Kindy’s recess and Choc Fudge Brownies for mum and dad. And when the very happy little toddler woke she helped fold a MOUNTAIN of laundry. Mum who is just the loveliest lady, juggling 2 kids and full time work was extremely grateful. It really is an absolute pleasure to care for the entire family and lighten another mother’s load.
09.01.2022 Swimming lesson + toddler = LUNCH then NAP . Mayday Mummy + client's kitchen = COOKING . Simple comfort food made for this lovely young family; Roasted Vegetable Soup, Tuna Pasta Bake and Mixed Berry Muffins.
09.01.2022 Mrs N just had to do something.her friend was on the phone crying and crying and crying. Emotional, sleep-deprived and feeling very home-sick, this new first-time mum needed a helping hand. What Mrs N did next was extraordinarily kind and generous she booked and paid for Mayday Mummy to go to her friend’s home and care for their 3 week old baby.... During the booking mum, dad and the precious newborn all slept. Oh SLEEEEP only new parents truly understand the impact of sleep deprivation. Poor dad could hardly string words together. Such an amazing gift and Mrs N has offered to shout her friend another Mayday Mummy booking next week.
08.01.2022 Our FREE 3 Hour Voucher Offer ends soon. Don't miss out! Simply purchase a 7 hour Mayday Mummy Voucher and you will receive a 3 hour voucher for FREE to gift to a friend (or keep it for yourself).... For further information and to purchase:
07.01.2022 Who would have ever thought we'd be pegging these on our clotheslines? On a positive note - at least they are not like socks needing a pair!
07.01.2022 It was a weekend filled with celebrations for the Mayday Mummy Team. On Saturday, our "45 year-old-looking" Mayday Mummy turned 60! And on Sunday, our beautifully calm, book-loving Mayday Mummy, celebrated a very significant Wedding Anniversary. This surprise party included the ultimate gift....her son, daughter-in-law and grand kids home from Canada - the first time in 3 years!!... We have a saying at Mayday Mummy - family is everything and always comes first!
07.01.2022 There are several ways of describing the length of labour; Number of hours, Level of pain, Types of pain medication... .and then there’s How many craft, cooking and imaginary play activities a pre-schooler can complete with Mayday Mummy!! Congratulations Mr and Mrs B on the safe arrival of your baby boy.
04.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE This is an open letter sent to my amazing Mayday Mummy team last night.... "Dear Mayday Mummies,... As you know - Family always comes first, and I consider each of you as part of my extended family. I care deeply about you and your own families. Coronavirus news, attitudes and recommendations are changing daily. Many of us are now realising the magnitude and flow on impacts to the way in which we all live. In light of the announcement made this morning by Scott Morrison and other expert medical advice, I have made a difficult decision. Your health, and that of your families and friends is invaluable. No business should put finances ahead of their loved ones safety. Therefore, Mayday Mummy will temporarily cease accepting bookings. I send this email to you with tears in my eyes. I know it is the right decision, but still extremely difficult. This is NOT the end of Mayday Mummy, but our opportunity to protect ourselves and our clients so we can continue our wonderful care of Sydney families for many years to come, post-coronavirus."
03.01.2022 It’s only Tuesday and already this week the Mayday Mummy team has received so many unique and special calls for help. From: Lane Cove to North Balgowlah, Mosman to Duffys Forest, Lindfield to St Ives and so many other Sydney suburbs.... Some really emotional calls received. Parents phoned Mayday Mummy this week for; Toddler having major orthopaedic surgery Regular nanny away Husband having day surgery Putting house on the market Purchase a Mayday Mummy voucher for a fellow mum Last minute work meeting Toddler with HFM Situation at school Extra pair of hands for struggling mum of 3 Care for newborn whilst mum SLEEEEPS Child unwell, negative COVID-19 test but cannot attend daycare Our compassion is plentiful and empathy is genuine. Thank you for trusting the Mayday Mummy team to help at these difficult times.
03.01.2022 These dark stairs lead to a very special apartment...... Expectant mum, Mrs B and her young family. An early morning surprise with waters breaking, resulting in an emergency trip to hospital for a c-section.... Little Mr "I just turned 5!" and Mayday Mummy will have a fun and busy morning with baking and craft. It's a wonderful day to have a baby!!
03.01.2022 Of all the emergencies we have responded to over the past 8 years, this is still Mayday Mummy Sharon's MOST memorable! No one could have predicted the extraordinary events that occurred. It was 6 years ago, but feels like just the other day when........ Mayday Mummy responded to a call from an expectant mum in Frenchs Forest, who was having mild and irregular contractions. (Note: she had met the family 3 weeks prior and was their Emergency On-Call contact to care for their 2 year old daughter during labour.) When Mayday Mummy arrived, she could hear little Miss 2 yr old screaming. Finally, my knock on the door was answered by a frazzled dad who .. had just delivered the baby 2 minutes prior!! Scooping up a distraught toddler, who had witnessed the unplanned home-birth, Mayday Mummy was able to comfort and distract her with a bottle of milk and cuddles in the living room. The ambulance arrived 10mins later, cut the cord and transported mum and bub to hospital. Dad followed and spent the next few hours "recovering". When dad left for work (in the construction industry) that morning, he had no idea he would be delivering his own baby on the bedroom floor, that night. She arrived just 7 minutes after mum's waters broke. Whilst this beautiful family moved interstate a few years ago, we still exchange a special message every July 30th - a day none of us will EVER forget. Wishing little Miss O a very happy birthday.
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