MDL Healing Solutions in Ringwood, Victoria | Consultation agency
MDL Healing Solutions
Locality: Ringwood, Victoria
Phone: +61 499 044 990
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25.01.2022 Another way to boost our moods during these trying times is to activate our Children and Creativity sector. This is a bonus for those of you who have kids learning from home because the energy created in this area, you guessed it, supports the children in the home. The creativity is not necessarily for artists and those with artistic talents and tendencies- it's great for people like me who can't draw a straight line! For me, when this area is in balance, it helps m...e plan my online content, my workshops and classes. I can definitely feel the effects when this area isn't at its best! Enhancing creative thinking can also help you see things from other people's perspectives (which helps in sales and negotiations). It supports the thinking of creative moneymaking ideas and of new ways to accomplish your goals. To enhance this energy, find the West sector of your home and look at adding some of the following: Children's toys, games and stuffed animals. A child's artwork. Something youve created yourself. Art supplies, sewing machine, camera equipment, etc. Piano, organ or other musical instrument. Assorted theater-related materials. Metal objects as the West sector is a Metal element. Gold, silver, copper or metallic coloured items. Circles, ovals, semi-circles or sphere shapes. Crystals and gemstones. Books about art, music, dance or any creative pursuit. Books about children, child rearing or childcare. Childrens books. Art that is joyful or gives you a happy feeling. An affirmation about creativity or children. My West sector contains the cupboard where my step grandsons toys are stored, their artwork, and pictures of our children. What will you place in yours? Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx See more
25.01.2022 Let's start this colour journey off with yellow. This is the best colour to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism. The positive aspect of yellow are:... - joy - happiness - bliss Its the colour of the intellect and of clear thinking, and can also indicate a quest for enlightenment. When yellow is chosen in the first position in a Spirale consultation, it represents an old soul. Yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness. The negative aspects of yellow area: - anxiety - suspicion - fear When yellow is missing from our lives, we may be asking ourselves where and what is the joy in living. Yellow strengthens hormonal and nervous systems, helps the digestive tract and can act as a psychological lift. Where is yellow in your life? A favourite pair of shoes or a dress? If so, pay attention to how you feel the next time you want to wear it. Curious to learn what your Spirale colour choice will say to you? Contact me via DM or go to the link in my bio to book online. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #staysafe #spiralecolourtherapy #rsgcommunity #colouryourworld #colour #color #inspiration #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #selfawareness #colourreading #colourmeaning #colourmeanings #colormeaning #colormeanings #yellow #joy #happiness #bliss See more
24.01.2022 Whenever I'm asked about my work, people are never quite sure what Spirale Colour Therapy is. So I thought that, over the next few posts, I'd share some information both on colour and what you can expect during a Spirale reading. In a nutshell, a colour reading can help you identify your potential and can also assist you to discover what is currently stopping you achieving it.... During a consultation - online and face-to-face - I will ask you to choose 12 out of the 80 coloured Spirale bottles. This process is entirely one of self-selection, without my involvement. These bottles are then arranged in a colour matrix (I'll explain more about that in a later post). A colour reading is a feeling process, not a thinking one, where we must trust our inner guidance/instinct/gut feeling. There are many reasons why, in a reading, we choose the colours we do and there is no right or wrong answer. The purpose is to improve our state of health and wellbeing, and our inner self knows how to do that better than our consciousness. If the idea of a colour reading intrigues you, send me a DM or go to the link in my bio to book online. My faraway friends, this includes you as currently all my readings are done via Zoom. I look forward to sharing my love of colours with you. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #staysafe #spiralecolourtherapy #rsgcommunity #colouryourworld #colour #color #inspiration #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #selfawareness #colourreading #colourmeaning #colourmeanings #colormeaning #colormeanings
24.01.2022 Bottle 1 - # 26 (Orange) Try not to be distracted by past hurts and painful events. This colour represents your inner battles that are preventing you from expressing your truth to the world, to let the world know that you exist for a reason. It’s now time to take control of your journey. Bottle 2 - # 9 (Turquoise) Never be afraid to take a chance to stop and look within. It can help you clear your mind of all the clutter that comes with everyday life. This colour can in...dicate that perhaps you need to stop and reflect on what is right for you, and what your next steps should be. Bottle 3 - # 62 (Pale Turquoise) In this selection, this colour represents a period of happiness. Time to forget the worries of your daily life and spend quality time with family and friends. It can also mean a celebration, whether it’s your own or for someone who you love. This period is about spending quality time with people you cherish in your life. Did your message resonate with you? If you would like to learn more, you can book a full online Spirale reading via Zoom. Just head over to my bio and click on the link. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #staysafe #blessingstoyouall #colour #color #spiralecolourtherapy #choice #choices #inspiration #12or3 #whichdidyouchoose #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #messages #messageinabottle #getinspired #readingsbymonica #opportunities #answers #answerswithin #inspirations #inspiredbycolour #inspirationforyou #beinspiredtoday See more
23.01.2022 Ok, my fellow Melburnians... Stage 4 restrictions are now in place. So, how are you feeling? I feel a mixture of shock, sadness, resolution, gratefulness, relief and, surprisingly enough, focus. Theres no time like the present to go deep within and discover who you are. Take note of your mindset and thoughts.... Acknowledge the difficult circumstances and negative emotions. This is the first step towards minimising their effect on you. We all know that negativity is toxic, so overcome it with gratitude for all your blessings (big or small), and focus on creating a positive mindset. Over these coming weeks, listen to your inner dialogue, and for every negative thought, add 2 that are positive - make a concentrated effort. Then add a third positive directed at the most important person in the room - YOU. Connect with yourself, accept yourself, love yourself. This is my focus for the month of August and I hope to share my personal journey with you over the coming weeks - so stay tuned. You are important, you are enough, you are beautiful, you are loved. Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #bleesingstoyouall #we #us #thankstoourfrontlineworkers #thankstoourfrontlineheros #togetherwearestronger #wecandothis #wearamask #wearamaskplease #socialdistancing #togetherwearestronger #stayingapartkeepsustogether #helptheweak #covidkindness #covidlife #covidaustralia #smilewithyoureyes #patienceandtolerance #bekind #bekindtoothers #bekindtoeachother
23.01.2022 Well, it's been a long time coming and despite all that is happening in our world today, we finally made it! We're just putting the finishing touches on to the new and improved website and then we'll be ready to go. I'll be presenting a range of more personalised content - showing you all how I adapt Feng Shui, Spirale and eco saving principles in my own life.... Can't wait to share this new chapter in the life of MDL Healing Solutions. OH! I nearly forgot to mention - there will be giveaways to help us celebrate the new look... Stay tuned! Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx See more
22.01.2022 To round off the weekend, let's look to Spirale and see what message it has for us today. Bottle number 46 (Magenta) is telling us that we need to sincerely walk through this moment one step at a time and take each day as it comes. Many of us are under some form of extraordinary stress during these unusual times.... Be gentle on yourself. If things don't work out quite the way you'd like them to, take a deep breath, release and move on. Keep in mind the consequences of your actions. It also indicates finding a resolution to problems, ending the conflict, finding common ground - victory. If you'd like your own Spirale reading, they are now available online via Zoom. You will receive not only an in-depth colour reading, but I will send you a full audio recording of the session as well as a summary of your colours and their meanings in PDF format. Click on the link in my bio to learn more and book. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #spiralecoloutherapy #onlinereadings #onlinereading #readings #onestepatatime #begentletoyourself #bekindtoyourself
22.01.2022 Let's revisit a past post and remind you why the front door needs to be clean and free of clutter... As you we all know, Feng Shui is anti-clutter. In the case of your front door, mess is an absolute no-no! Feng Shui refers to the front door of a property as the 'Mouth of Qi'. Simply, its where good energy enters a building.... Clutter at this main entry point can cause frustration and fatigue, and you don't want to be bringing that kind of energy inside right? Keep it free of dirt, dust and cobwebs. If your family takes their shoes off before entering (as we should), invest in a box or chest and make sure that, when not worn, they are put inside. Don't forget to pay attention to the door handle! Ok, grab a broom, bucket of water and cleaning cloth, and off you go. Make the entrance to your property sparkle and as a result, become a magnet to lots of positive Chi that is floating around! Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #fengshuifrontdoor #frontdoorgoals #clutterfree #clutterfreelife #spitandpolish
21.01.2022 This, for many, is a true challenge as unfortunately, most homes have busy, cluttered wardrobes and closets. When you open a messy closet and put your clothes on, you start carrying this chaotic energy with you. Tidying your wardrobes should be a Feng Shui focus. In Feng Shui, closets are connected to your innermost, deepest, and often hidden feelings about yourself. So, if they are messy and disorganised, what does it say about your inner monologue about yourself? ... Looking at your wardrobe, how clean, peaceful and beautiful is your inner world? If you open the wardrobe door and don't know where to begin, the simplest way is to remove everything. As you do this, sort each item into piles or boxes, such as what you'll keep, what you no longer want or need, what you plan to donate to charity or sell, and items you plan to throw away. As you start to return items to the wardrobe, do it in an orderly way. Get creative, go on a Pintrest spree and research wardrobe storage ideas and work your way to an inspiring storage space. Have fun and many blessings to you all xx See more
20.01.2022 It's time for the reveal! 1st bottle - no. 4 (Yellow) It's time to clear your mind and give the grey matter a bit of a break - theres too much information flooding in at the moment! Sit outside and just breath and be. If you can, meditate to clear your thoughts. Another idea is to blast your favourite songs and sing at the top of your lungs... You can't be in your mind whilst you're being a rock/pop superstar now can you? Then come back into yourself and focus your energ...y on the goals that you have set for yourself and start working through them. 2nd bottle - no. 17 (Green) This colour speaks of a happy new change in direction coming your way. Luck is on your side as you will be in the right place at the right time. But you have to trust the change and have trust in yourself! You don't realise your own strength and the time has come to acknowledge your resilience and inner power so that you can appreciate all that you have and are. 3rd bottle - no. 45 (Pale Turquoise) A new journey or move is coming your way bringing with it freedom - freedom of thought and freedom to be your true authentic self. This journey can also be a symbolic one, i.e. moving away from issues and troubles. How wonderful that the time has come for you to lighten your load and leave the rubbish behind you both physically and emotionally. Well, what do you think? Did your message resonate with you? If you'd like to learn more or arrange a full online Spirale reading via Zoom, head over to my bio and click the link. Stay safe and many blessings xx See more
20.01.2022 Ive spoken about the main Feng Shui principles before, but I think I may have neglected to tell you one important rule... Keep your bathroom door closed. Keeping it closed and putting the toilet seat down are two of the golden rules of Feng Shui. ... Bathrooms need special attention because they contain at least three types drains: the sink, bathtub and/or shower, and toilet drains. The naturally occurring, or the good Chi you help create via Feng Shui, can escape down these drains, so you need to pay extra attention to this space. Keep the elements balanced here so that the bathroom doesn't affect the quality of your life. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #bathroomdoor #bathroomdoors #closethebathroomdoor
19.01.2022 I feel so blessed that my youngest daughter returned home before Stage 4 restrictions set in. I do also miss my eldest daughter very much - not to mention my adorable step-grandsons! Thank goodness for technology allowing me to see and speak to them on a regular basis. On a side note, I have to admit that its been absolutely hilarious watching my parents navigate video calls!... I will admit to feeling stressed and negative as I'm sure that most of us are. I will never minimise the stress of trying to work from home; of homeschooling the kids; of our young adults unable to celebrate milestone birthdays and accomplishments (18ths, 21sts, graduations). Plus, add to that the difficulties of maintaining outside family connections. We really are using technology to stay connected in my family. For example, my daughter and her fiancée will be joining us for a virtual dinner this week - each will cook the same meal and then well eat together via Zoom. Ive also rediscovered my ancient love for jigsaw puzzles (I'm obsessed with @wentworthwoodenpuzzles). But I do love some virtual bingo with the family (too funny), scategories, online quiz platforms... The list goes on and on and on! Find creative ways to connect with your loved ones. You might not be able to touch some of them or be in the same room (or house even!) but it doesn't mean you can't be together. You'll be surprised how your connections can alter and deepen to an entirely different level. Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #bleesingstoyouall #we #us #thankstoourfrontlineworkers #thankstoourfrontlineheros #togetherwearestronger #wecandothis #wearamask #wearamaskplease #socialdistancing #togetherwearestronger #stayingapartkeepsustogether #helptheweak #covidkindness #covidlife #covidaustralia #smilewithyoureyes #patienceandtolerance #bekind #bekindtoothers #bekindtoeachother #family #familyisimportant #wentworthpuzzles
18.01.2022 The current personal space surrounding you can tell a lot about who you are in this very moment. For example - your car. How many food wrappings, receipts, junk mail, clothes and empty drink bottles share this space with you? If your car is filled with rubbish, how are you when you are out on the road? Are you focused, concentrated and alert? ... What about your working space? My desk at work is neat and everything is in its own space. My desk at home... not so much. For me, this emphasises the fact that in the office I am structured, organised and productive. But at home, I can sometimes stare off into space and procrastinate. What about you? The people you surround yourself with - do they allow you to have your voice? Do they nourish not only you but the collective? Sometimes the most toxic person you know is a loved one or your superior at work. Remember that you do not have to engage in lower energy behaviour - just take a step back and rise above it all. Finally, create a little quiet space in this world that is just for you - and I suggest you do this even if you live alone. It doesn't need to be big, just enough for you to be able to sit comfortably. When you create a this quiet space, it will call out to your soul: "come, sit and listen." Decorate this space in any way that soothes you. You special nook will become a perfect place for you to ask for guidance, connect with the Divine and create a positive vision for your life. As you refocus on your inner life, you will find yourself becoming calmer, clearer, happier and more inspired to follow your heart. Take care of yourself because, if you don't, you rob the world of your incredible shining light - and heavens knows we need it! Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #spiralecolourtherapy #fengshuiconsultant #positivity #positivevibes #energy #positiveenergy #healing #inclusion #uniting #progress #weareone #onewiththeuniverse #interconnected #healtheworld #notonegativity #positivethinking #youcandoit #gratitude #grateful #followyourbliss #spreadhappiness #weareallinthistogether #dominoeffect #unitedwestand #energyhealing #helpeachother
17.01.2022 As you know, Feng Shui is about rearranging your surroundings to set the intention to attract positive Chi (energy) and harmony into your life. When you ignore things that are broken in your home, you attract the energy of neglect and deterioration. However, when you fix broken objects you set an intention to attract abundance. I always use and recommend the rule of the 3 'R's:... - Replace - Repair - Remove I recommend getting stuck into it sooner rather than later! If you look around your home and can see things that are broken, ripped, torn, stained, dirty, in disrepair or not working, know that they represent an indifference for your environment and, consequently, for yourself. Chipped crockery, glasses and decorative items along with things like peeling wallpaper or dead plants represent negative forces in your life since they block the flow of positive energy around you. When you fix anything that is broken or not working in your home, you can fix the energy surrounding what is broken in your life and, therefore, attract positive, healing energy. Grab a note pad and pen, tour your home and write up your repair to-do list. Why not do it today? And if youre in Melbourne, youve now got some time to start ticking that list off. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #fixbrokenthings #fixit #fixitright #fixitfast #repair
16.01.2022 Unfortunately my beautiful city, Melbourne, is going back into a 6 week stage 3 lockdown as of tonight. Hubby and I were discussing tasks to do around the house during this time, and the one that stood out was painting certain rooms in our home. When there is something within your home that needs attending like peeling or chipped paint, its just one of those things that starts to weigh heavily on your to-do list.... When you constantly focus on negative or niggly issues (like the peeling and chipped paint), even subconsciously, you are focusing your attention on something that is draining your energy, making you tired and feeling off. This negative energy is called Sha Qi. These issues also attract the energy of disrepair and a lack of care... and we definitely don't need around us now, do we? On a side note: the products we choose to bring into our homes also make an impact on our quality of life whether we know it or not. Toxic interior paints are the culprits behind many common ailments that can affect us. The most harmful chemical found in paints are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are carbon-containing solvents that vaporise into the air readily as paint dries. These VOCs help make paint easier to spread as well as more durable, but often have negative effects on the health of the occupants. Some exposure to such products can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea, while higher exposure levels can have more serious consequences, such as kidney damage and even cancer. So, if you decide to refresh your home with a 'lick of paint', consider your options and research a product free from nasty VOCs. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #freshcoatofpaint #housepaint #housepaints #vocs #ecofriendlychoices #ecochoices See more
16.01.2022 Today we focus on blue. This colour is one of trust, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. The positive aspects of blue are:... - peace - healing - creativity The color blue is idealistic, enhancing self-expression and our ability to communicate our needs and wants. It inspires higher ideals. In a Spirale reading it shows an analytical, rational, clear mind and is associated with service to others. The negative aspects of blue are: - isolation - separation - depression It can highlight problems in communication, especially those of speech. Blue also indicates difficulties with figures of authority. We things aren't going quite the way we plan, we tend to surround ourselves with blue. Where is the blue in your life? Do you have too much or too little? Do you fell at peace with yourself and your world? Or are you seeking peace? Curious to learn what your Spirale colour choice will say to you? Contact me via DM, link in my bio or website to arrange a meeting. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #staysafe #spiralecolourtherapy #rsgcommunity #colouryourworld #colour #color #inspiration #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #selfawareness #colourreading #colourmeaning #colourmeanings #colormeaning #colormeanings #blue #peace #healing See more
16.01.2022 I know I keep reminding you about clearing your clutter (I can hear the groans from here ). But I cannot stress enough how important it is to live and work in clutter free environments! When considering clutter, most of us would automatically think of a place full of 'stuff', but it's more than that.... I recently came across this quote, from the novelist Eleanor Brown: Clutter is not just physical stuff. Its old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self. I have never been a true hoarder but, in the past Ive been guilty of holding onto a few too many keepsakes, reminders of bygone significant events in my life. But as the years went by I realised that I needed to let go not only of the tangible clutter, but also of my internal mental and emotional ones as well. I want to grow and evolve and continue to try and better myself in every way I can, even if only in small, baby steps. Hanging onto old resentments, anger and disappointments will definitely hinder my personal growth. I have learnt to let go and am learning to walk away and detach myself from ongoing scenarios and, I can promise you, it feels so good. Do you have something from your past floating around in your emotions and mind, taking up precious room needed for new people and experiences? Know that it's ok to release, forgive and forget. Out with the old and in with the new! Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #declutter #clutterfreeliving #unclutter #clutterfreelife #clutterfreehome #energyflowswhereenergygoes #energyflows #positiveenergyflow #positiveenergyallaround #mentalclutter #smallstepsbigchanges #smallstepsmatter #smallsteps
16.01.2022 Windows are an important part of Feng Shui because they are considered the eyes of those living in the home. Dirty windows lead to blurry perceptions of the world or not being able to see the world clearly. Energetically, they will prevent you from seeing the opportunities that may be coming your way. Clean windows are also key in letting out bad energy and replacing it with the good.... By keeping the windows and the curtains or blinds clean, you can make a huge difference to the quality of the energy flow within your home. So, find some old newspaper, grab a bottle of vinegar and water and clean away the grime. Open your eyes and brighten your space. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #fengshuibathroom #cleanyourwindows See more
15.01.2022 Its really important to check the flow of positive chi in your home and how it circulates throughout. One method I use to check the energy flow in homes is to imagine the chi as water. Imagine water enters your home from the front door, where would/could it flow? The 'water' should flow harmoniously and smoothly to all areas of the property. ... One of the things that you need to check are any blocked areas in your home - areas where the energy is drained or pushed back. With the image of water flowing into your space in mind, observe where 'water' might encounter blockages. This can happen when you have a wall and/or mirror facing the door in very close proximity. This can also happen when you arrange the furniture so that it blocks the energy from flowing smoothly into the room. Be sure to position your furniture in a way that allows for a smooth flow to all areas of your home and avoid any blockages and stagnant areas, such as cluttered cupboards. Try it out. Stand outside your front door and try to see it with fresh eyes. Imagine a body of water coming to your property, open the door and welcome it in. Where does it go? Does it get caught and flow right back outside, or does it have a free path to continue to flow through your space? Stay safe and many blessings xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #staysafe #heartofthehome #chi #qi #positiveenergy #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #zen #positiveenergy #declutter #clutterfreeliving #unclutter #clutterfreelife #clutterfreehome #energyflowswhereenergygoes #energyflows #positiveenergyflow
14.01.2022 More than ever, in these uncertain times, its important to create a sacred space for ourselves in our homes. By sacred space, I don't mean that you need to dedicate an entire room or area to it. It can be as simple as sitting at your favourite chair at the dinner table. And you dont have to camp out in/on it for hours - 15 minutes can be all you need. The important thing is to let everyone in your home know that you need time out (or, like me, get up super early t...o claim your space). Theres no need for fancy ornaments, but if you want to, you can create an altar or prepare a larger area as best suits you. The most important thing is that you prepare your area with intention and in a mindful manner. As a Feng Shui consultant, I also like to bring in the five elements to my space. I do it in this way: Fire element - a candle Earth element - a crystal Metal element - a brass singing bowl Water element - a glass of water Wood element - the candle holder Mine are just suggestions that will hopefully inspire you to set up your area. Tip: if you can't have a permanent setup, then put your items on a tray and pull it out when you need it. A sacred space is a special area where you can release stress and tune into yourself. Its a space for just being. A place where you do nothing but meditate, pray or just reflect/contemplate, write, daydream, etc Dont answer emails or calls, use the internet, or watch TV in this area. Remember, this is a moment in time just for you - whether you do it at midnight or midday, for 10 minutes or for 1 hour - the focus needs to be solely on you! Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx See more
14.01.2022 A kitchen in the east of the home sits in the family, relationships and health sector. The element relating to this kitchen is wood, so the best colours to use are wooden tones such as brown, black and greens. Water colours also work well here as water supports the wood element. Avoid strong fire colours and all-white décor. Rectangular and tall shapes are recommended, but you can also add the wavy and irregular shapes of the water element. How would you incorporate shapes into your design? This area also relates to the liver and gallbladder so, if you are having related issues, have a look around your kitchen and assess if you need to tweak the Feng Shui elements. With each kitchen post, I'm sharing 2 important kitchen tips - here are numbers 5 and 6. 5. Make sure everything is in good working order. This seems obvious, but everything - from keeping the knives sharpened, to ensuring cupboards doors and drawers open and close correctly - works together for the good of the whole kitchen. Chipped bowls, glasses and cups should be replaced, and chipped paint should be touched up. Feng Shui tells us that a well-maintained kitchen energetically shows that a person is capable of caring for themselves. 6. Avoid hanging large items overhead. A kitchen trend is to hang pots and pans from the ceiling, and while this can be visually appealing, they do not promote positive Feng Shui energy as heavy objects overhead emit a threatening energy. Keep large pots and pans and other large, heavy objects out of sight in kitchen cupboards. Remember, don't stress if your kitchen isn't Feng Shui perfect, there are remedies that can be applied to lessen and negative effects. I hope this snippet of information has been useful. Feel free to contact me is you are interested in a Feng Shui audit of your property. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #spiralecolourtherapy #fengshuiconsultant #fengshuitips #fengshuiliving #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuikitchen #kitchenideas #kitchengoals #kitchendesign #kitchenliving #kitchendesignideas #kitchenorganisation #kitchenorganization #heartofthehome #thekitchenistheheartofthehome #clutterfreekitchen #positivechi #positiveenergyflow #positiveenergyonly
13.01.2022 Today's colour selections are ones of particular significance to me. I couldn't decide how to chose, so I thought Id use today's date as inspiration. Boy did the colours have a clean and strong message for me personally! Read together, they speak of added responsibilities which, in turn, push you towards another set of challenges. Its important to stay grounded and not become overwhelmed so you dont lose control of your reaction to what is happening around you.... These colours also tell us that there is a carefully considered choice that needs to be made. The consequence of your decision will have an effect on the rest of your life. This may be a moment where there is no looking back. The consequences of past actions have caught up with you. However, remember one thing: its vitally important that you let go of the past in order to move forward with your plans for a better future. What a tumultuous and life-altering year 2020 has turned into! Remember that you can now have an online Spirale Colour reading, go to the link in my bio to learn more. Blessing to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #spiralecolourtherapy #challengesahead #choicestobemade #choosecarefully #moveforwards #thinkthingsthrough #choosewisely #movingonup #leavethepastbehindyou #leavethepastbehind See more
12.01.2022 Feng Shui is all about the correct flow and movement of positive energy (chi) in the home. When furniture isn't ideally arranged, this can create energetic blockages, and lack of growth and success. For the living room, the best layout is the 'conversational' arrangement. This is when couches and chairs are arranged to face each other. This encourages togetherness and conversation. It also puts the emphasis on people, therefore, drawing the furniture away from the walls,... allowing the chi to move freely and smoothly around the furniture and the room's occupants. The bedroom is a place where good solid support helps improve health and promotes a sound and secure sleep. Therefore, the bed should ideally be positioned against a solid wall. In the dining room, the table should be solid and sit in the center of the room. In no area of the home should furnishings be placed so that they block the energetic flow through the house. Try imagining that chi is like water flowing through your home. Where does it flow easily? Where is it blocked? Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #homefurniture See more
11.01.2022 Feng Shui teaches us that the placement of your desk in your home or office space is critical to your business and financial success. Whenever possible, you must position your desk in the command/power position. This position is located diagonally across from the entry to the room, with your back to a solid wall, giving you the widest possible view of the room. Visual control over your space gives you a much greater degree of true control over your work life. ... If there are windows behind your desk, consider covering them otherwise you may start to feel as though you don't have enough support. If you stare at a blank wall, it can make you feel like you're constantly faced with obstacles and lack vision. Add artwork that sooths and inspires you. Do you need to reposition your desk now? Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #fengshuistudy #fengshuioffice #commandposition See more
10.01.2022 Depending on the size of your kitchen, you may find that you don't have enough cabinet storage space... I know I don't! If this is the case, don’t be tempted to turn your countertop into a storage shelf. This creates clutter and creates points of negative energy. Look at adding more storage space with a piece of kitchen furniture or reduce your inventory of kitchen tools, pots/pans and small appliances. ... Replace any cans are dented or boxes that are torn and/or damaged. Items that you don't like and know you'll never eat should be removed and donated. I use recycled glass coffee jars for storing my bulk purchased goods (I am an avid 'war on waste' advocate and avoid pre-packaged items whenever possible) and, lined up, they bring a sense of order and flow to not only the look of the pantry, but also to my meal preps. Also, it’s important that nothing is stored on the pantry floor. It took me almost a year to rearrange and consume products that I had stored there, and now that it’s clean and clear, there’s no going back! When you apply Feng Shui principles in your pantry, you'll feel and see an immediate difference once your kitchen cabinets are organised. What does your pantry look like? Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #homefurniture #fengshuikitchen #pantryporn #pantry See more
10.01.2022 The centre of your home is the heart of the home, and is where the energy within the building goes to recharge. Its vital to your overall Feng Shui design and is often overlooked. Its important to ensure that the chi energy radiated from the center of your home is nourishing and protective. To find the centre of your home, on your floor plan, draw two diagonal lines to connect the opposite corners of the building (a big cross). The point where the two drawn lines interse...ct is the center of your home. If your house is an odd shape and has missing corners, you can draw a square or rectangle around the outside of the building then draw the diagonal connecting lines for the center intersection. What is the number 1 important thing for this area? You know what it is - keep it clutter-free!!! Ideally keep this area open, airy and clean and if there is anything obstructing it, move it. The centre of the home is linked to the Earth element - so avoid plants because Wood and Earth clash and will drain all the positivity. Also, keep this area as bright as possible with natural light. If that's not possible, consider placing lamps or even a Himalayan salt lamp to light up and energise the chi. Go and take a look at the heart of your space - what can you do to enhance the chi that flows within? Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #staysafe #heartofthehome #chi #qi #positiveenergy #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #zen #positiveenergy #declutter #clutterfreeliving #unclutter #clutterfreelife #clutterfreehome #energyflowswhereenergygoes #energyflows #positiveenergyflow #positiveenergyallaround
09.01.2022 Your Feng Shui task for today or tomorrow (depending on where you are) is to make sure that you ramp up the abundance energy of your home by always having a fresh bowl of fruit displayed on your dining table. This bowl of healthy fruit is a symbol of prosperity, things coming to fruition and abundance. Make sure that the bowl is full at all times and remove any fruit that is past its prime.... Fruit types: - Peaches symbolise longevity. - Apples are associated with peace, good health and harmony. - Oranges, and other citrus fruits, are said to ward off bad luck. - Pineapples are symbols of wealth, fortune and prosperity. - Pomegranates symbolise fertility. - Grapes are thought to turn bad luck into good. Share pictures of your fruit bowls... I'd love to see them! Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #oranges #peaches #apples #pineapples #grapes #pomegranates #fruitbowl #fuitbowls #fruitbowlgoals
08.01.2022 Let's focus on the wealth corner of your home - I'm actually going to talk about the abundance area which speaks of abundance in all areas of your life. This is a great task for you all to do in these iso-times. First, will need to find the South East section of your home. They easiest (but not the most accurate) way is to Google your home and go to the satellite view. The north of your home is always at the top of the screen and from there, it's relatively easy to out the South East area - feel free to message me if you need help doing this. Find an appropriate area in the centre of this sector and create your abundance corner. You can put anything you like here as long as it speaks to you of increased health, wealth, happiness, etc. My abundance sector is located in my kitchen and on my mini alter (a dis-used chopping block - after all, it is in the kitchen). I have a poster of pasta shapes (abundance of food), a selenite lamp (abundance of positivity), a wooden sculpture of a duck (to enhance the wood element of this sector), a lucky bamboo plant (abundance of luck) and 3 glass jars where I collect coins. Side note: If, like me, you add the coin jars, be mindful to put money in as well as take some out - the energy needs to be moving around money. In other words, it needs to keep flowing towards you. What are you going to put in your abundance area? I'd love for you to share your ideas with us all. Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #sacredspace #loveandlight #smallsimplethings #simpletips #clarity #wellness #balance #renew #refresh #wellbeing #youtime #metime #abundance #abundancesector
07.01.2022 To carry on the theme of brightening up these difficult times, Ive been researching how I can make a habit of cultivating my happiness. Ive found these tips that I need to practice in order to brighten my life - maybe some can help you as well. 1. Change my perspective.... I have no control over my current lockdown situation, therefore, I need to swap my focus on what I can control. 2. Soak up the sunshine. Winter is coming to an end and the sun is starting to make her presence felt. I need the vitamin D and will go out and sit in the sun every day that it shines. 3. Focus on appreciation and gratefulness. I purchased a gratefulness diary and make a point of writing in it daily. 4. Meditate regularly. I have now ramped up my meditation schedule and am sticking to it! 5. Recognise and embrace my fears. For every fear faced and tackled, you will find yourself stronger, more confident, and happier. 6. Exercise regularly. The release of endorphins during exercise is a natural pain and stress reliever - time to keep the steps up! 7. Acknowledge your negativity. Its important to understand and accept that sometimes bad things happen. Understanding and accepting this will greatly reduce stress and anxiety. 8. Posture and breathing. Posture and breathing have a profound effect on your outlook on life - hunching and taking weak, shallow breaths can sap the life right out of you. So it's time to focus on sitting up with my shoulders back and taking deep breaths as often as possible, and welcome happiness throughout the day. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx See more
07.01.2022 Let's look at today's Spirale colour selection - colour number 77: Deep Magenta. This colour tells us that although you seem to be able to adapt well to change, these are 'unique' times that we are living in. So go easy on yourself. Move one step at a time and try to look around at your situation/question/issue through new eyes and look for the point of balance - the point where you don't topple from one extreme to another.... Learn to accept that thing may not go the way you planned. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing, better things may be laying ahead. This colour also speaks of a new opportunity ahead but the road to it is not yet paved. There may be some turbulence along the way but trust the process and go forward one step at a time. By moving forwards in this way, you will achieve a positive new look at life. Here are some key words for you to bear in mind today: - resourceful - adapt - flexibility Remember that online readings are available, head to the link in my bio to learn more. Blessings to you all xx See more
07.01.2022 Candles can become a very powerful Feng Shui cure if you use them strategically. Second only to fireplaces, candles are one of the strongest expressions of the Fire element in your space. There are specific Feng Shui guidelines you'll want to follow in order to improve the energy (Chi) in your home. This post focuses on red candles - red represents passion, lust, health, energy, verve, vigour, and rekindling lost love.... On the whole, modern bedrooms are sorely missing the vital quality of sacred passion, and burning candles especially good quality candles can purify and warm up the space. Lighting a candle will uplift and expand the energy in any given space. If life seems dull and routine, light a candle. If the passion has gone out of a relationship, use a candle cure. Place two red candles in the far right corner of your home, as well as in your bedroom. Light these candles twice every day. Make sure to place the candles side by side, to ensure intimacy. Please, when possible, use locally made and better quality candles. Avoid scented candles unless you know that they are scented with essential oils and not fragrances, which can have a nasty mix of chemicals that will waft through your home. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutio #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #candles #homemadecandles #lovecandles #candlelight #candlemagic #candlelove #candlelights #redcandle #redcandles #redcandlelight
06.01.2022 Shutting the bathroom door and putting the toilet seat down are two of the golden rules of Feng Shui. Many modern day Feng Shui practitioners will claim that restrooms bring bad Feng Shui. That’s because restrooms are where we take care of ‘business’. Bathrooms are where we wash off our dead skin and clean ourselves from germs that we’ve gathered throughout the day. These ideas not quite right though because we’re washing away with *clean* water. It’s unlike ancient res...trooms where our bodily wastes are lucky to be cleaned once to three times a week. So in a sense, the Feng Shui modern restrooms aren’t remotely close to those of old. So that stigma of your bathroom being a dirty and unsanitary place is not totally correct. Having said all of that, what is the most important thing to remember in a Feng Shui bathroom? Keep it clean and clutter free!!! Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #fengshuibathroom #clearyourclutter See more
06.01.2022 Feng Shui tells us that one of the best room to hang mirrors in is in the dining room. This area represents your capacity to hold on to and create abundance. Correctly placed in the dining room, a mirror can double your family's abundance. Energetically, it doubles the amount of food on the table, which then reflects the abundance of your household as you show that you have more than enough to nourish your family. When positioning the mirror, ensure that it doesn't refl...ect the front door or kitchen. Also, be mindful that the mirror doesn't chop off the heads of your diners. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #positivechi #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuihome #fengshuiexpert #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuiconsulting #fengshuiaustralia #fengshuimirror #diningroom See more
05.01.2022 I've had 5 people reach out to me this morning asking when the next Spirale colour reveal was going to happen. Coincidence? I think not! Stay tuned! Later today Ill post a picture of the bottles you need to focus on and shortly after: the big reveal. Colour plays an important role in our lives. Its a source of pleasure, can change our moods, reduce or increase tensions, cause excitement and sometimes have a soothing effect on frazzled nerves.... Think about the colours you have gravitated towards during this pandemic. Have you surrounded yourself with colours that reflected your mood/s or have you instinctively chosen a palette that is more uplifting? I seem to have gravitated towards white of late. In the positive, white can signify cleanliness, freshness, and simplicity. It can also represent a blank slate for a new beginning or a fresh start. On the negative side, white can seem stark, cold, and isolated. I definitely resonate with both! What is your current colour (or colours)? Comment below as Im very curious to see what your reactions are. Remember to stay tuned for the Spirale colour selection. Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #staysafe #blessingstoyouall #colour #color #spiralecolourtherapy #choice #choices #timetoplay #inspiration #12or3 #whichwillyouchoose #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #messages #messageinabottle See more
04.01.2022 The struggle has been real! I had all this great new content planned for August and then stage 4 lockdown came into our lives, and I lost my mojo. This has turned into a very 'human' period for me, where I have temporarily fallen into inertia and inaction. Ive felt the collective energy that surrounds me and struggled to break free from its downward pull.... It's a curious situation to find myself in as my rational mind points out my crystal clear half-full glass of sparkling mineral water with an added slice of lemon. But my emotions are stuck on the a half empty glass of murky tank water. But it's ok. That's what I need to share with you all - it's ok. It's ok to every now and again, feel the dross and heaviness. But it's also important to know that its only temporary and with effort and conviction, we can come out of it. The time has come to distance myself from the negativity and hopefully Sunday we will find out if the restrictions will be eased. Until then, I will go further within in readiness to burst through this time with strength and grace. Be kind to yourselves. Stay safe and many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #glasshalffull #optimistic #positivity #opportunity #stage4lockdown #stage4lockdownmelbourne #lockdown2020 #lockdownlife #lockdownextended #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourmind #staysafe #staysafeathome #staysafestaystrong #herecomesthesun
04.01.2022 Scent has the ability to affect peoples productivity and emotions, and Feng Shui is all about creating balance. So let's talk a little about toxic-free air fresheners. Did you know that in Australia, the ACCC does not administer a mandatory standard for cleaning product ingredient labelling? This makes it extremely difficult to make an informed decision when purchasing cleaning products for your home. So what can you do about it? Don't buy them! The benefits are ...twofold. The first being that when you make your own, you know exactly what you are using. The second is, the less people buying this toxic rubbish, the less profitable it becomes to manufacturers and, as the multinationals only care about the $$$$, we can effectively stop their production. As a collective we have so much power. As I type this, Im enjoying the refreshing and uplifting combination of bergamot and lime essential oils in my diffuser and it smells so fresh! I also make my own bathroom air fresheners, which are usually peppermint and eucalyptus based. Remember that Feng Shui is about balance, authenticity and getting back to basics. Ditch those chemicals and come back to nature and its positive energetic influence. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #naturalsolutions #naturalsolutionsforlife #chemicalfree #chemicalfreehome #chemicalfreelife #essentialoilsdiy #essentialoilsforwellness
03.01.2022 As promised, it's time to choose our Spirale message for the day. It's easy to join in the fun, just focus on the 3 bottles and choose the one (or ones) that youre most drawn to. Post your choice in the comments so that I can personally notify you when the reveal is posted.... Too easy, right? Stay safe and blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #staysafe #blessingstoyouall #colour #color #spiralecolourtherapy #choice #choices #timetoplay #inspiration #12or3 #whichwillyouchoose #colourinspirations #colourinspiration #readings #intuitivereadings #energyreadings #messages #messageinabottle
03.01.2022 Feng Shui is about improving quality of life and, after the entrance to your home, the kitchen is an important place to focus on. Your kitchen is the best place to get an accurate read of the energy of your space and how it affects you. Like all parts of your home, the kitchen is a reflection of how you are doing and feeling, but its doubly indicative of your own energy and health because it contains what you put into your body, i.e. nourishment.... So, in order that this energy be optimised, the kitchen must be kept clean and clutter-free. So right now (unless you are in the middle of a meal prep - then you're off the hook) go straight to your kitchen and clean your benchtop and, while you're at it, wash and put away those dishes in the sink. I'm serious, do it now. Go on. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #cleankitchen #cleankitchenatnight #cleankitchens #kitchenbenchtop #kitchencountertop
03.01.2022 This is my Feng Shui task for today. My pantry is clean, however, my collection of glass storage containers has grown exponentially, so I need to rearrange the whole space. Remember that a Feng Shui kitchen symbolises health and abundance, therefore, its extremely important to ensure that the flow of positive Qi is free and plentiful. Most pantries store more than food. I know that I store larger cooking utensils and tools, pots and pans, as well as small appliance...s. Organisation is the key in this area. I've actually seen posts on some incredibly beautiful pantries during this iso-time, so I suggest you do a generic search and become inspired just like I have! I'd really love to see the before and after pics of your pantries, or if you already have an amazing pantry space, please, please share your images - I may need inspiration Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolution #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #pantry #pantryorganisation #foodpantry #pantrygoals #kitchenpantry #pantryorganisation #pantrylove #pantryideas #pantryporn
02.01.2022 In these unique times, we definitely need to balance the energy of the Family, Relationships and Health sector! This sector is located in the East area of your home - read on for Feng Shui tips and tricks to enhance the energy here. This sector is a wood element and its favourable colours are black, blue and green as well as those connected to the water element - blue and white. The addition of rectangular shapes (wood) and wavy shapes (water) also strengthen the area...s energy. Artwork is a simple way to bring good Feng Shui energy into a space. So, in these iso times, why not attempt to create your own masterpiece to display here? Art that evokes healthy living and family harmony is perfect and you'll even get an added bonus if you put your artwork in a wooden frame. My sister is currently working on researching our family tree, and this is a perfect project to do in the East sector. Remember that no matter what you decide to do in this area, set your positive intention as you activate it. Are you ready to hear the number 1 thing you need to do in this area to boost your health, family and relationships? Clear the clutter! (You should have known that was where I was headed). *Reminder* I don't aspire to or recommend the use of a Bagua map! Look at a satellite image of your home, remember that the North is always to the top of your screen, and then work out where East is (happy to help if you're having issues). Finally, avoid the presence of metal in the health and family area, as the metal element weakens the wood element. Metal colors are gray and white, and it is associated with round shapes. Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #staysafe #eastsector #familyhealthrelationships #clearyourclutter #clutterfree #family #familygoals #healthandhappiness
02.01.2022 Feng Shui tells us that the quality and position of lighting has a profound effect on the occupants of a building. Light globes represent the Fire element and are one of the strongest manifestations of that energy. Together with good air quality, light replenishes our bodies depleted positive energy resources. Good lighting design can help you follow Feng Shui principles and create harmonious, pleasing rooms to live and work in.... Just think, if shadows are cast where we read or prepare food, or if light glares on a computer or TV screen, it naturally sets the Chi off balance which, in turn, affects the occupants mood/s. Harsh, unfiltered light can also have a negative impact on our positive Chi. Light globes should always be replaced as soon as they burn out. When the globes are not working, they can highlight arguments and overall strained and tense energy. Have you ever noticed that strange, cold feeling you get when you walk into a room with burnt out globes? Not a great feeling, right? Blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilife #fengshuiliving #fengshuiprinciples #positiveenergyflow #fengshuienergy #lightglobe #lightbulb #changelightbulb #houselighting #homelighting
01.01.2022 As I sit and type this, I'm glancing out of the glass kitchen door that has dog slobber all over it! Feng Shui tells us that windows (and glass doors) are the eyes of our homes, allowing us to look out to the world that surrounds us. If they are dirty, its said that they will prevent you from seeing any opportunities that may be coming your way. ... Dirty windows can also lead to blurry perceptions, in other words, not being able to see the world clearly. They are also crucial in assisting us to let out bad energy and invite in the good energy. So, clean your windows, inside and out, to allow the beauty of new experiences, people and prospects to enter your life. Must dash... I have a window that needs tending to!! Many blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #blessingstoyouall #fengshuiconsultant #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #fengshuiyourlife #fengshuistyle #completefengshui #positivechi #goodchi #qi #zen #positiveenergy #cleanwindows #cleanwindowsmakemehappy #cleanwindow #window #sparklingcleanwindows #sparklingclean
01.01.2022 There are exciting new changes coming to MDL Healing Solutions. But in light of current events, Ive postponed my re-brand launch in order to address the current situation in my adored city of Melbourne, which in my opinion, happens to be in the most beautiful state of Australia: Victoria. On Wednesday 5th of August, we will go into Stage 4 lockdown and a State of Disaster has been called.... We are all collectively feeling the fear and heaviness coming from this announcement. Now its more important that ever for US to do little things to stay connected to our communities and each other. I want to focus on the fact that we are all in this together, and we must (figuratively) band together to come out of the lockdown stronger and more connected than ever. Make the concerted effort to smile (even if its from behind your mask) and wave to the neighbours. Smile and thank the delivery person at your door. Make regular phone calls to family and friends. Like and share your friends social posts. We will come out of this stronger (plus, think of all the DIY projects we can finally complete!). My most sincere blessings to you all xx #mdlhealingsolutions #bleesingstoyouall #we #us #thankstoourfrontlineworkers #thankstoourfrontlineheros #togetherwearestronger #wecandothis #wearamask #wearamaskplease #socialdistancing #togetherwearestronger #stayingapartkeepsustogether #helptheweak #covidkindness #covidlife #covidaustralia #smilewithyoureyes #patienceandtolerance #bekind #bekindtoothers #bekindtoeachother
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