My Driving School- Moreton Bay Region in Woody Point | Business service
My Driving School- Moreton Bay Region
Locality: Woody Point
Phone: +61 436 390 153
Address: 24 kate st 4019 Woody Point, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1482
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25.01.2022 You've probably seen these around but what are they for?
24.01.2022 You really wonder how a car gets there...
23.01.2022 Wondering what's happening at the PETRIE ROUNDABOUT? The intersection is being upgraded, with construction due to start later this year, finishing in 2021. The ...changes you see now are in preparation. Features of this upgrade include: include: - replacing the existing roundabout with a signalised T-intersection - widening Anzac Avenue and Gympie Road on approach to the intersection - providing 2 signalised right-turn lanes from Anzac Avenue to Dayboro Road - installing a left-turn slip lane from Dayboro Road to Anzac Avenue - providing 2 signalised right-turn lanes from Dayboro Road to Gympie Road - installing a left-turn slip lane from Gympie Road to Dayboro Road - providing a signalised U-turn facility on Gympie Road for local access to Mill Street - access to Young Street via a U-turn for motorists travelling south on Anzac Avenue - improving pedestrian and bike-riding facilities, including on-road cycle lanes, shared footpaths and signalised crossings. See the TMR page for more information :
23.01.2022 #QuizTime - in what order should the cars go? #QuizAnswer - the give way sign for the red vehicle makes this the terminating road of the T-intersection, with the yellow and blue vehicles on the continuing road which curves. Blue must give way to yellow as it is effectively crossing a lane of oncoming traffic to enter a new road, while red goes last as it is turning right from the terminating road and facing a give-way sign and line.
22.01.2022 Queensland transport quiz- know your road rules, and nows your chance to prove it. The lights are flashing at this level crossingbut the boom gates havent lowered yet. Should the green car drive through the crossing?... Looks like there's no fooling you guys! ;) It's a no, the car shouldn't enter the crossing. A driver mustn't enter a level crossing if the warning lights are operating, or warning bells are ringing. It's important to note a driver mustn't enter a level crossing if: a gate, boom or barrier at the crossing is closed or is opening or closing a train or tram is on, or entering the crossing an approaching train or tram can be seen, or is sounding a warning, and there would be a danger of a collision if the driver entered the crossing the driver cannot drive through the crossing because it, or the road beyond, is blocked. An on-the-spot fine applies to drivers disobeying this rule.
22.01.2022 Queensland transport quiz- The orange car wants to turn right. Are they allowed to drive over the painted island to enter the turning lane? Answer- It's a yes! ... You can drive on a painted traffic island that's surrounded by a single continuous line for up to 50m to enter a turning lane that begins immediately after the island, to enter or leave a road, and to overtake a cyclist. When driving on a painted island to enter a turning lane, you must give way to traffic already in, or entering the turning lane.
22.01.2022 The places you can go with a licence.. redcliffe markets
22.01.2022 Air is free 20psi is a low pressure. But the tyre still looks ok to drive on. You can see how the tyre almost separates from the wheel under hard steering at 40 km/h
21.01.2022 Some good racing here!
20.01.2022 Don't text and drive, we can't even text and walk
20.01.2022 #QuizTime - the red vehicle is wanting to leave a local shopping centre car park. Which vehicle gives way in this scenario? #QuizAnswer - the red car has to give way, as they are entering a road from a ‘road related area’ such as a carpark, and must give way to all vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians on the road they are entering.
20.01.2022 The things you can do with a licence.. 4*4.
20.01.2022 You know your road rules, and nows your chance to prove it. Queensland transport quiz- weather conditions are fine and there's no traffic on this roadso what's the minimum safe following distance the blue car should be maintaining?... Answer- Following another vehicle too closely is what we call 'tailgating'and if you're tailgating it can make it a lot harder to stop safely in time to avoid a crash. In ideal conditions you should leave *at least 2 seconds* behind the vehicle in front of you. If the conditions are poor or you're towing a trailer or caravan, you should increase your following distance. If you are following a large vehicle you should increase your following distance and stay out of it's blind spot. Here's a clip with some good strategies for keeping a safe following distance
19.01.2022 Big shout out to the original Uber drivers: Dads. Thanks for always driving safely and for all the cringeworthy dad jokes. Always remember to set a good example when you get behind the wheel.
19.01.2022 Drive to Mt Ngun ngun for a walk then to Caboolture markets for brekky. The things you can do with a licence...
19.01.2022 Effective today. New prices.
18.01.2022 I knew the answer. Did you!! #QuizTime - which vehicles can make these turns legally? A) Only blue, green and yellow B) Only green... C) None, all are illegal D) All vehicles can turn legally #QuizAnswer D! A driver can cross a single continuous dividing line if they are entering or leaving the road e.g. turning to enter a side road, a driveway or a carpark.
18.01.2022 What happens when Russell Ingall dons drunk goggles for our final Road Safety Week test? Alcohol slows down your response times and affects your vision and judgement all important factors when driving. See for yourself #RoadSafetyF1rst
18.01.2022 Mental health awareness- I was diagnosed almost 10 yrs ago with genetic depression, I have learnt coping strategies in that time but sometimes on bad days it still gets the better of me. Today is one of those bad days, it isn't extreme and most would not be able to tell. I am sitting on my bed watching a movie trying to distract my mind and chest from a feeling of dread. A hollow feeling with tears wanting to burst down my face. A lot of the time people will ask what is happ...ening in your life to cause you to have a bad day. The thing is with depression it often is not caused by moments or anything in particular. Everything ends up racing through your head from wondering how people really feel about you to giving up and checking out for a bit. At the moment with work there is a little bit of extra stress but it is manageable and you just have to keep telling yourself it is, you have to keep telling yourself your family and friends are there for you till it passes. The reason I write this is so people can gain a bit more understanding about a hidden illness, one you can not see and a lot do not understand. Depression is different with different people but one thing remains the same, the feeling of dread. If you have a family and friend with depression make sure you let them know every now and then you are there for them so when they start to question they can refer back to it. #mydrivingschool #drivinginstructor #moretonbayregion #mentalhealthawareness #staysafe #pulltheplug #camehome #limits #distracteddriving #besafe #youmatter #youcandoit #strength #highpassratedrivingschool #morethanbasics #ruok
17.01.2022 Road trip music sorted- The cars - whos gonna drive you home. Drivers seat by sniff n tears. Radar love by golden earing. Fun fun fun by beach boys. What is your road trip music like?
16.01.2022 #QuizTime - all the vehicles have stopped and wish to move as shown. Which vehicle moves last? #QuizAnswer - the last vehicle to move would be the red car! Black goes first, then blue, yellow and red as they all are facing give way or stop signs/lines and give way to the right rules apply. The pink car can turn left while the black or blue vehicle moves through the intersection. How did you go?
16.01.2022 New prices effective from Sept the 7th.
15.01.2022 Don't be a mr Bean and drive distracted..
15.01.2022 Heres a dad joke for all those fathers out there... Happy fathers day!!
15.01.2022 At 100km/hr, the average truck needs at LEAST 185m to come to a stop. That’s the length of about two footy fields! Avoid cutting in front of trucks and into their braking zone.
15.01.2022 How not to merge 101- Bit hard to see but the merging car does not plan ahead. Waits right till the end then pushes in front via going out of the designated lanes thus causing the other cars to slow down. Make sure you plan your mergers, match traffic speed and try not to cause unnecessary braking by pushing in. Definitely when there is no reason for it.
14.01.2022 Trucks have larger blind spots than cars which means truck drivers may not be able to see you. If you're driving, riding or walking near trucks take extra care ...and remember: 1. Dont cut in front or step out in front of trucks 2. Never overtake a turning truck 3. Avoid trucks' blind spots #BeTruckAware #RuralRoadSafetyMonth See more
14.01.2022 You know your road rules, and nows your chance to prove it. Queensland transport quiz. The driver of the blue car is not overtaking the yellow carso is it okay for them to remain in the middle lane? And the answer is yes, its ok for the blue car to remain in the middle lane. ... A driver must not drive in the right-hand lane on multi-lane roads if the speed limit is 90km/h or more, or if the road has a keep left unless overtaking sign unless they are turning right, overtaking, in a special purpose lane that they can be in or are in congested traffic. In this case, the middle lane isn't the right lane. Although this is the rule I do recommend sitting in the far left lane unless overtaking.
14.01.2022 This is a common occurance on roads, but yet in defensive driving it is classed as the wrong choice. The white car speeds up the merge, gets as far as possible breaks and moves in causing all the cars behind it to slow down. But what is wrong with it? They got it? ... The biggest reason is this causes traffic disturbance and is one of the leading causes of highway backups. (Another is people not leaving big enough safety gaps for merging traffic thus causing breaking while traffic merges in similar situations) The white car on approach, should match the speed of the cars already on the highway. The best spot is the one that disturbs the traffic the least. It should mimic a lane change.
13.01.2022 Not the best quality video but Terry captured this. The people you find on the road amaze me, always teach to stsy observant even in the most mundane situations. You never know who is around you....
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Nelson, Shanae, Jonothan, Sara, Jacob, Zac, Max, Brandon, Nicole, Brook, Nash, Lauren, Breeshae, Jesse, Joshua, Mckenzie, Tenika and Brianna on passing your test last month. Drive safe and remember you are still learning.
12.01.2022 That is one way to fix
10.01.2022 We can now book online for tests...
10.01.2022 Yahoo Ric... love good reviews
08.01.2022 You know your road rules, and now’s your chance to prove it. The traffic lights at this intersection are out of order and are *flashing yellow*. The white car... is going straight ahead. They must give way to A. All other cars B. The yellow car only C. No one, the other cars must give way to them D. The red car only
08.01.2022 With more heavy rain expected on parts of the east coast, here's a timely reminder to never drive in floodwaters. #BigWeather #YourPlanetAU #flood #emergency
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Pheobe, Ella, Tineka, Chloe, Annalise, Bailey, Calia, Daylan, Matthew, Gabriel, joshua, Sebastian, Brad, Jorja and Cooper on passing your test last month. Remember you are still learning. Stay safe.
06.01.2022 You know your road rules, and nows your chance to prove it. The driver of the blue car wants to overtake the haul out vehicle carrying a load of crops. They can see that the road ahead is clearso is the driver allowed to overtake the haul out vehicle here? The blue car can overtake the haul out vehicle crossing the single broken line, when its safe to do so.... Remember, when overtaking heavy vehicles, such as haul out vehicles only overtake when you can see clearly ahead and the road ahead is clear. When it is safe to overtake, indicate, accelerate and overtake quickly, without exceeding the speed limit. Leave a sufficient gap when moving back in to the lane and after overtaking, maintain your speed so the heavy vehicle does not need to brake.
06.01.2022 Yesterday at pcyc workshop. Car maintenance and police pull over- what to do.
06.01.2022 Love good reviews...
05.01.2022 So true- I found this. Reves check does not always show it either.
04.01.2022 Planning to hit the road with the caravan anytime soon? We're all being encouraged to holiday close to home, so here's some helpful info on how to stop to...wing wobble and sway This video by Road Safety Commission shows just how weight distribution can cause serious issues when towing
03.01.2022 Congratulations to tiffany, Sydney, Jacobi, Jessie, James, Nikita, Aemy, zacary, Bernie and Kate for passing their driving test last month. With priority testing and a shorter month it was a push but you got it. Drive safe and remember you are still learning.
03.01.2022 The places you can go with your licence... house parties. Happy 32nd to one of our instructors and my good friend Adrianna.
02.01.2022 Queensland transport quiz- know your road rules, and now’s your chance to prove it. Who needs to give way the orange car or the pedestrian walking on the footpath?... Answer: The orange car needs to give way. Rememberwhen you're leaving a road, you must give way to pedestrians on the footpath you're intending to cross. Always keep an eye out for pedestrians, especially children who are still developing their road awareness skills. Take special care when you're driving near schools and playgrounds.
02.01.2022 The things you can do with a licence... remember to follow your road rules on the beach.
02.01.2022 How not to merge- There was 2 faults in this one. The white van needed to adjust speed via acceleator earlier on so they did not have too brake to get in and the black ute is tailgating the white van meaning it has to slow down more than necessary causing Terry to brake and slow right down to let it in. The idea of merging is to disturb the highway as little as possible.
01.01.2022 I am me. Mondays are days at home on the computer running admin side of life. We are a team of 9. 8 other driving instructors. Some only manage part time while others are full time but the best thing about my team is they care. They care about the business and each student. #mydrivingschool #businessowner #womenempowerment #managedifferent #mentalhealth #driveforessentials #dontgiveup
01.01.2022 Failure of our system! I saw this post from a defensive driving school. They do wonderful work in the area and are a good school. It is talking about who is responsible for teaching her the basics of car maintenance. Learning to drive is the first time people have to take responsibility of there own learning. Our system sets it up that they themselves are responsible to learn everything that is necessary no one is dictating to them learn this learn that. Sadly there is very ...little value on higher defensive driving skills, extra curriculum skills and re-freshing basic knowledge. Our testing system is a base pass. You have to prove you are at least this competent to drive not fully competent and know everything. A p plate indicates to people I am a provisional thus still learning and developing into a full license holder. I do take offence at the swip at driving schools as we are given very little time with a student. If we are lucky we will get 10hrs or more. Often enough we only have enough time to go over the very basics and very few basic defensive driving techniques. There is no dictation on how many driving lessons a person takes. If we have time I would of course teach this. I have tried to put on free car maintenance days but this has failed with only one student turning up on two different occasions. So who is responsible- is it the learner who is meant to take responsibility to know this as a car driver, the supervisor as someone who is meant to help guide the learner, the instructor who is there is help as much as possible with the little time given or Queensland transport for not dictating and having a dedicated compency system or mandatory learning?
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