ICMG Meadow Heights Mosque in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Mosque
ICMG Meadow Heights Mosque
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Address: 15-17 Hudson Circuit, Meadow Heights 3048 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.icmg.org.au
Likes: 3320
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25.01.2022 Enjoying summer schoolEnjoying summer school
25.01.2022 Bahçemiz enlendi. Snflar neelendi. Pek çok melek dün Bizim camiye geldi...... #Yazkursuhogeldi!
25.01.2022 Melbourne çin ftar Vakti: 17:31 CMG Meadow Heights Camii/Avustralya Okuyan: mam Nüsrettin ÖZTÜRK
24.01.2022 Bugünkü kursumuz.. Tilavet ve Nimet...
24.01.2022 Moderatör Nüsrettin Öztürk - ICMG Meadow Heights Camii mam Hatibi Konuklarmz: Selami Aydn- Elaz l Müftüsü Muhammet Serdar Tunç- Ü Murat Camii mam Hatibi
24.01.2022 Eitim Merkezimizde bugünden (31.12.2020) geriye kalan harika kareler... Ders... kram... Oyun...... Havuz... #Camiçocuklagüzel
24.01.2022 Kutlu Nebinin Dilinden Mesajlar Peygamber Efendimizden Merhamet Örnekleri
24.01.2022 Kutlu Nebinin Dilinden Mesajlar ALE HUZURU
23.01.2022 Yaz okulumuzun son günü... Tatilden fedakarlk ederek Hayat Kitaplarn okumann hevesinden olan #Örencilerimiz... Onlar, Camimizle buluturan deerli #Velilerimiz...... Onlara, Yüce Kitab sevdirerek öretmenin gayretinde olan kymetli #Öretmenlerimiz... Ve tüm bu güzelliklerin hayata geçirilmesinde var güçleriyle çalan #YazOkuluMüdürümüz, #EitimBakanmz, #ubeBakanmz ve #Bütünyöneticilerimiz... Hepinize TEEKKÜRLER... yiki varsnz..
23.01.2022 Yasin-i erif ve Dua 20:00’da. Hep birlikte niyazda bulualm...Yasin-i erif ve Dua 20:00’da. Hep birlikte niyazda bulualm...
22.01.2022 Yasin-i erif ve Dua... 22 Ekim 2020 Rabbim makbul eylesin...
21.01.2022 Avustralya’daki müslümanlara pek çok faydal ite sorumluluk alm, liderlik etmi özellikle de Camimizin imar ve inasnda öncü olmu Tark Solak beyefendi rahmeti rahmana kavumutur. Rabbim rahmet ve merhametiyle muamele eylesin. Mekan cennet, makam ali olsun. Tüm akraba, dost ve sevenlerinin ba saolsun.... Not: Okunan hatimlerin duas 29 Ekim Perembe günü saat 20:30 da yaplacak ve camimizin facebook sayfasndan canl olarak yaynlanacaktr.
21.01.2022 Bizim için çok deerlisiniz...
21.01.2022 Cuma Salamz: (23 Ekim 2020) Es-Salatu ve’s -Selamu Aleyke ya Rasulallah! Es-Salatu ve’s-Selamu Aleyke ya Habiballah! Es-Salatu ve’s-Selamu Aleyke ya Nûra Arillah!... Es-Salatu ve’s-Selamu Aleyke ya Hayra Halgillah! Es-Salatu ve’s-Selamu Aleyke ya Seyyide’l-Evveline ve’l-Ahirin! ve’l-Hamdü Lillahi Rabbi’l-Alemin! Ey Allah’n Resûlü, salat-u selam senin üzerine olsun! Ey Allah’n Habibi, salat-u selam senin üzerine olsun! Ey Allah’n Arnn Nuru, salat-u selam senin üzerine olsun! Ey Allah’n mahlukatnn hayrls, salat-u selam senin üzerine olsun! Ey öncekilerin ve sonrakilerin efendisi, salat-u selam senin üzerine olsun! Hamd alemlerin Rabbi olan Allah içindir!
18.01.2022 Cuma Salas 25 Eylül 2020 Hayrl ve bereketli Cumalar...
16.01.2022 !! Official Announcement !! ICMG Meadow Heights Mosque is pleased to announce the re-opening and commencement of prayers! Our Mosque will be open during the 5 daily prayer times. ... However it is important to note that due to covid-19 restriction rules, we will not be able to operate as we used to. Adjustments has been made to fit the Melbourne COVID restrictions guidelines. As a community we have decided we want to allow groups of 50 for each prayer. Prayers will be held under the pergola (See image below) In order to have a better understanding on how prayers will operate, the following information will provide an insight in to how things will work: Every prayer will hold groups of 50 people. We recommend arriving earlier than the designated prayer time to secure your spot. If you have missed out on the first group of 50, our volunteer from ICMG will kindly inform you of when you will be able to perform prayer and will therefore allocate you outside the gate to wait till it is permissible to enter. Once every group has prayed, the gates will then get locked and re-opened for next prayer. Please keep in mind to socially distance yourself whilst waiting for your turn to pray outside the gates. With the restrictions, comes more rules and regulations that need to be addressed They are as followed: Sign in: Upon arrival to the main entrance, there will be a table right ahead of you that requires you to provide information. A volunteer will be there to guide you through this process and will ask you to write vital information such as your name, number and the time of your arrival. Ablution/Wudhu: Please ensure to have your ablution/wudhu prior coming to the mosque as our ablution area is closed till further notice. Prayer Mat: Please bring your own prayer mat for safety and hygiene purposes. Face mask: Please have your face mask on through out the prayer as this is mandatory throughout the entire state. Associating with friends is not a valid reason for the removal of your mask. Please ensure to keep masks on at ALL times (unless you have a medical exception). This system has been altered for you to be able to visit your mosque once again. We as a community feel blessed by Allah to be able to re-enter our mosques and pray even under stricter circumstances. We will like to also thank each one of you for following the community guidelines and ensure to not visit anywhere if you’re experiencing any symptoms of covid-19.
16.01.2022 Abdestini al da gel, Seccadeni unutma! Mesafeye dikkat et. Kalbinde asla kin tutma!
15.01.2022 Assalamu alaikum Eid ul fitr at meadow heights mosque On Thursday at 7:45am Please join us Jazakal khayr
14.01.2022 Meadow Heights Mosque Friday Prayer (08/01/2021) For Friday prayer in Meadow Heights Mosque (Camii), please register your name in the prayer session you want to attend. Please note that each prayer session is limited to 600 people Friday Prayer Session 1 (1:17-2:00 pm) ... https://form.jotform.com/203208168486863 Friday Prayer Session 2 (2:00-2:45 pm) https://form.jotform.com/203208508715856 If you do not know how to register your name using the above mentioned links, please send a text message to the following number: (04) 1903-5732 with your Full Name and the Friday Prayer Session number that you want to attend. Notes: Please have your Wudu done at home. Please bring your prayer mat and mask with you. Please help us in keeping the Mosque clean after use. Please leave the Mosque as soon as the prayer finishes to make a space for the next prayer session. Wasalamu alikum
14.01.2022 Sorunsuz bir ekilde 7 grup halinde Cuma namazmz idrak ettik. Yeniden evine kabul eden Rabbimize hamdolsun... Günlerdir uraan, emek verenler varolsun. Bütün bu süreci vakar ve sayg içerisinde yürütmemize vesile olan siz deerli cemaatinizden Allah raz olsun.... Rabbim bir daha bizi Camilerimizden mahrum brakmasn....
14.01.2022 Camimiz hazr. 17 Hal. Her hal 3 kii... The Mosque is ready. 17 carpets. 1 carpet for 3 people...
14.01.2022 ICMG Meadow Heights Education Centre Tuesday Classes 2021 enrolments will begin on the 8th of December 2020. Enrolments will take place at 8 Papworth Place Meadow Heights on 08/12/2020 at 17:30 - 19:30. 1 Hour Islamic Studies and 1 Hour Quran. All classes are in English. ... Yearly fee is $200 to be paid upon enrolment. *photo pre covid.
13.01.2022 Güncel Hayat ve slam 24.10.2020
12.01.2022 Meadow Heights Mosque Friday Prayer (04/12/2020) For Friday prayer in Meadow Heights Mosque (Camii), please register your name in the prayer session you want to attend. Please note that each prayer session is limited to 150 people Friday Prayer Session 1 (1:10-1:45 pm) : https://form.jotform.com/203208168486863 Friday Prayer Session 2 (1:45-2:30 pm) : https://form.jotform.com/203208508715856... Friday Prayer Session 3 (2:30-3:15 pm) :https://form.jotform.com/203208646090855 Friday Prayer Session 4 (3:15-4:00 pm) :https://form.jotform.com/203207838945866 If you do not know how to register your name using the above mentioned links, please send a text message to the following number: (04) 1903-5732 with your Full Name and the Friday Prayer Session number that you want to attend. Notes: Please have your Wudu done at home. Please bring your prayer mat and mask with you. Please help us in keeping the Mosque clean after use. Please leave the Mosque as soon as the prayer finishes to make a space for the next prayer session. Wasalamu alikom See more
12.01.2022 Kutlu Nebinin Dilinden Mesajlar HLAS VE SAMMYET
11.01.2022 Cuma Vaaz: slam’da Ticaret Ahlak-2 25 Eylül 2020 Hayrl ve bereketli Cumalar...
10.01.2022 14 November 2020
09.01.2022 Meadow Heights Mosque Friday Prayer (27/11/2020) For Friday prayer in Meadow Heights Mosque (Camii), please register your name in the prayer session you want to attend. Please note that each prayer session is limited to 150 people Friday Prayer Session 1 (1:10-1:45 pm) : https://form.jotform.com/203208168486863 Friday Prayer Session 2 (1:45-2:30 pm) : https://form.jotform.com/203208508715856... Friday Prayer Session 3 (2:30-3:15 pm) :https://form.jotform.com/203208646090855 Friday Prayer Session 4 (3:15-4:00 pm) :https://form.jotform.com/203207838945866 If you do not know how to register your name using the above mentioned links, please send a text message to the following number: (04) 1903-5732 with your Full Name and the Friday Prayer Session number that you want to attend. Notes: Please have your Wudu done at home. Please bring your prayer mat and mask with you. Please help us in keeping the Mosque clean after use. Please leave the Mosque as soon as the prayer finishes to make a space for the next prayer session. Wasalamu alikom See more
08.01.2022 7:30’da (pm) Yasin-i erif ve Dua... Birlikte dua zaman..7:30’da (pm) Yasin-i erif ve Dua... Birlikte dua zaman..
08.01.2022 Yasin-i erif ve Dua... 20:30’da... Eller duada, gözler Kur’an’da...Yasin-i erif ve Dua... 20:30’da... Eller duada, gözler Kur’an’da...
07.01.2022 Deerli Takipçilerimiz! Online rat Programlarmz, 20:00’da balayacaktr. Saygyla duyurulur...Deerli Takipçilerimiz! Online rat Programlarmz, 20:00’da balayacaktr. Saygyla duyurulur...
06.01.2022 Taziye ve Dua...
06.01.2022 Yasin-i erif ve Dua 24 Eylül 2020
05.01.2022 ICMG Egitim Merkezi Cumartesi Türkçe okulumuz 2021 kayitlari baslamistir. 05/12/2020 ve 12/12/2020 tarihlerinde 8 Papworth place Meadow Heights adresinde sabah saat 9:00 12:00 arasi ogrenci kayitlarinizi yaptirabilirsiniz. Yeni Kayit ücreti $250dir (Yillik)... Kayit yenileme $200dir (Yillik) 1 saat din dersi, 1 saat kuran ve 1 saat Türkçe dersleri görülmektedir.
04.01.2022 Don’t forget please!
03.01.2022 Tedbir bizden, takdir rabbimizden...
03.01.2022 Melbourne çin ftar Vakti: 17:33 CMG Meadow Heights Camii/Avustralya Okuyan: mam Nüsrettin ÖZTÜRK
03.01.2022 Tark Solak kardeimizin Taziye Program..
02.01.2022 Cuma Vaaz: slamda Ticaret Ahlak-4 (Faiz Niçin Yasaklanmtr) 23 Ekim 2020
02.01.2022 Gönülden Gönüle Muhabbet Vakti Kurra Hafz Bünyamin Topçuolu #AyasofyaCamii Ramazan Ötkün ICMG Bölge Bakan Hafz Nusrettin Öztürk ICMG Meadow Heights Mosque mam Hatib-i
02.01.2022 Mevlit Kandili Özel Yayn 28 Ekim Çaramba 20:30
01.01.2022 Yasin-i erif ve Dua... 1 Ekim 2020
01.01.2022 Lütfen Unutmayalm!
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