MEANT To RISE | Charitable organisation
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25.01.2022 Survivors Prayer Dear God, Thank you that even when I felt alone in the dark, you were there. I didn't see you but I look back and know that I came out of it all because of you.... There are days that are so hard but I thank you for reminding me of how strong I am. I am a fighter, and yes I have put up a good fight with you to, but with you on my side I know I am a winner and no longer need my guard up. It is hard for me to trust because I have been let down so many times but I know that I can turn to you for anything and believe you will never abandon me. Thank You that I can let go of the heavy burden of guilt and shame that was not mine to carry in the first place, and now I choose to live free from the hurt for the rest of my life. I know I sometimes forget how far I have come and get off track but I thank you for your love that reminds me to be grateful for the little things and the fact that I am alive to live another day! I have so much more I want to say and do but I will try to be patient. I am ready to let go of my past so I can feel happier and hope that one day I will be healed and made whole again. Please Please Please protect my mind and keep me safe. I surrender all my worries to you. Amen.
24.01.2022 How gorgeous do they look These are for our "EMPOWERED TO KNOW" Safeguarding our community event giveaways. We only have limited stock so first come first serve.... THIS SATURDAY MAY 22ND 9:00-1:00PM CABOOLTURE MEMORIAL HALL SUPPER ROOM (Side entrance) MORE DETAILS OF THE EVENT IS HERE
24.01.2022 Exercise is one of many things we can do that is great for our mental health, especially when done with people who are passionate about supporting you to reach your goals. Thank you to Kylie from Spiders Boxing Club Inc for the invite to attend the Active Moreton Boxfit Class which was too good to pass up at $4! Love what you do for the community Team Spiders Starting a new activity may feel like a challenge at first but when you get in to routine of being active and have a ...few laughs in between, it gets easier. Here are a few things to remember as you work on your physical self for greater mental health. Be gentle and kind to yourself Start small and take one step at a time Do your best believing it is good enough Keep telling yourself "Yes I can" Listen to your body Don't compare yourself to anyone, no one Ask for help
24.01.2022 Today's tear jerking inspiration. For those survivors who experienced bullying on top of the sexual abuse, may you know how strong you are and that you can be anything you dream to be It's ok not to be ok ... Talking about the life experiences and effects from abuse means we are breaking out of the shame #whosashamednotme #xfactor #RiseUp #dreamscometrue #itsokaytonotbeokay #meanttorise #wearemeanttorise #iammeanttorise
24.01.2022 Because you did with what you knew to get through the hurt. The past is not what defines you but part of what makes you the stronger you today Make ammends with your little you that dwells deep within because she/he only ever wanted to be loved.... Forgiveness of self is absolutely empowering.
24.01.2022 Repeat this phrase every day for a month whilst looking in the mirror and notice what changes then share your thoughts here. I AM WORTHY!
23.01.2022 A Volunteer Soccer Coach A Disability Support Worker A Child Care Worker A supermarket worker A Chef... Bottom line predators can be found in any profession. 6 Charges of sex with a child under 10! That's just the start and that's not going to be the worst, because the worst has happened, is happening, and will continue whilst evil goes on. Let's say IT'S NOT OK! Let's talk about it. Let's be aware. Let's protect our children from being abused. How can we identify who is safe and who is not when perpetrators are highly functioning people who are sometimes well trusted individuals, business persons, family friends, the local "nice" person? Perpetrators will victimise the most vulnerable because they feel they can get away with the abuse and that the child may not ever feel brave to speak up or that no one will believe them or even care to check in on them. It is great to see that more action is being taken and that children are being rescued....there is a long way to go and more dark places to dig through. Parents, keep on guard and watch the behaviour of your child around others. #whosashamednotme #itsnotok #exposethem #thetruthexposed #childsexualabuse #survivor #rememberingsurvivorspassed
23.01.2022 Happy 3rd Anniversary Bribie Island Butterfly House! A huge thank you to Ray and Delphine for the invitation to join you in celebration of your amazing work. It was an honour to present on MEANT To RISE and all the positive impact your donations have made as we meet the needs and support survivors through their trauma of childhood sexual abuse. It was a great night acknowledging and celebrating the volunteers and highlighting the dedication you have poured in to such a spec...ial place of peace. Thank you for dinner, your companionship, and the lovely gifts. Alone we accomplish nothing compared to when we are working together. May there be years upon years to come with visitors constantly walking through reaping the peace and beauty the Butterfly House Sanctuary offers.
22.01.2022 Meant To Rise is a community of survivors doing what we love the most and supporting others to make it through their toughest times. We were very blessed to have the opportunity to share the love and dedicate one of our gift wrapping days to raise funds for Caboolture Community Action who support individuals, and families doing it tough year round and in crisis needing food, clothing, advocacy support and more. We raised $150.95 and that allowed us to do a grocery shop fil...ling a trolley of food to replenish a small portion of the 170 food hampers that Sharin from CCA said all walked out the door on Friday with individuals and families who can now enjoy a Christmas lunch and celebrate with less worry and make more joyful memories. We are community supporting community. Thank you to our generous community for helping us make this possible.
22.01.2022 Good always wins!
21.01.2022 Online child exploitation is on the rise. For more details read below. If you suspect or are experiencing abuse of any kind phone 000 for immediate assistance or 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)
21.01.2022 Last year, 39% of convicted child sex offenders did not spend one day in jail. That's just not ok, not even close. These offenders are the lowest of the low. ...For nearly three years we have been fighting to introduce mandatory sentencing for child sex offenders, against the opposition of Labor and the Greens. This week we finally prevailed, forcing Labor to backdown and our Government passed important new laws to ensure child sex offenders go to jail for at least a mandatory minimum sentence. This is going to help keep our kids safe and give our Police and prosecutors the strong laws they need to put these grubs away.
21.01.2022 What a beautiful session it was yesterday. Thank you Marnee Kent for sharing your skills and teaching us a specific art therapy method to share with our clients. Marnee is an art therapist based in Moreton Bay Region and works from a space of love and deep compassion for others, we are absolutely grateful to have you alongside us in the work we do.... Expressing the trauma can be difficult and overwhelming, we understand the need for holistic therapies that support self expression and releasing. We are excited to be putting together mini workshops specifically for survivors of all ages to come and learn techniques to support their long term healing and independance. WATCH THIS SPACE.
21.01.2022 Founder of Meant To Rise is featured in the first edition of The Disruptive Author Magazine published by Disruptive Publishing and shares about her book "Because I was abused" and the future plans of Meant To Rise. Follow this link to access it now: Thank you very much to Deborah Fay for your love and support. ... Access the video interview here.
20.01.2022 When we are about to do something that we have never done before but feel it is going to help us in a positive way, we may feel quite vulnerable. All we may want to do in that moment is run far far away. Each time we feel the fear of the unknown (something different to what we are used to or have experienced before) and acknowledge that yes it may be a little scary but, we take that step forward and do it anyway, we are faithfully trusting and learning how to let the control... go. In the space of vulnerability, is where your inner child heals because you are standing up for you. Stand up for you and be vulnerable BE VULNERABLE and ask yourself what could happen if you said yes to your dreams. BE VULNERABLE and tell your story. BE VULNERABLE and cry those tears you have been holding back for years. BE VULNERABLE and let the healing overcome you. BE VULNERABLE and trust again. BE VULNERABLE and be you. BE VULNERABLE and ask for help. BE VULNERABLE and open the door in front of you and close the one behind you.
20.01.2022 Anything is possible. Think it! Believe it! Take action towards it!... Your future is Possible
19.01.2022 At Meant To Rise we focus on encouraging healing for survivors and post a variety of positive material on our feed. We also strive to be part of educating others and preventing more children from being harmed and lives destroyed from predators. From time to time, we will share posts that we know is relevant for the community as well as encourage awareness and safety for the innocent children.... Please encourage your children to speak up if they don't feel safe around certain people, and to never keep a secret that makes them feel sick, afraid, or bad. No matter where our kids go, we must be diligent in teaching them and ensuring they feel safe to talk to you about anything and not fear your reaction towards them. ALWAYS BELIEVE THEM FIRST Teach them that even if its a teacher, a family member, a friends parent, a doctor, police can be anyone, any gender, any social status, educated or not, popular or socially isolated....a predator is good at hiding behind a smile and appears safe and friendly and someone least expected most times.
19.01.2022 So proud of this young girl for speaking up and not hiding what has happened She, like many other scared children who report their traumatic abuse are hero's because they stop it from happening to other innocent children who could have come in contact with the accused predator. PARENTS KNOW WHERE YOUR KIDS ARE GOING... ASK YOUR CHILDREN IF THEY FEEL SAFE WHEN THEY ARRIVE AND THROUGH THE NIGHT (Better to be an annoying parent knowing they are safe) FIND OUT IF THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE AT THE PERSONS HOUSE THEY ARE VISITING BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM WHERE THEY FEEL SAFE TO COME TO YOU ABOUT ANYTHING OUR CHILDREN NO MATTER HOW INDEPENDANT OR RESPONSIBLE, STILL NEED OUR GUIDANCE AND REMINDERS OF HOW TO KEEP SAFE AND BE AWARE OF THEIR SURROUNDINGS Unfortunately we can't put full trust in others to take care of our children and keep them safe, it is a parents/caregivers responsibility.
18.01.2022 SUPPORT holds one up time after time and doesn't give up because of turbulence and heavy storms. Support for a survivor is crucial as they take steps forward through healing. Team Meant To Rise send a massive THANK YOU to Kathy Sweeney - REMAX Living and her team at REMAX Living for blessing us with their support! Thank you for partnering with us and raising funds to make a difference in the life of a child as proceeds go to the "A Friend For Life Care Packs". These pac...ks will see their way in to the hands of a child and their families after child sexual abuse trauma. We appreciate you hearing our call for assistance and we are truly grateful.
18.01.2022 Signs of encouragement and hope is all around us
17.01.2022 You have come a long way
17.01.2022 Hey Queensland! Let's talk face masks Face masks can be a useful measure to help control sustained community transmission. Sustained community transmission is when we have multiple cases of locally acquired COVID-19 where contact tracing and testing is unable to identify how the person was infected. At the moment, there is no evidence to suggest that Queensland has any sustained community transmission. If you live in the greater region of Brisbane, a face mask might be if: You are in a situation where social distancing cannot be maintained, i.e. public transport or a busy shopping centre If your GP has told you to wear one If you are caring for someone who has COVID-19 If you are attending a GP clinic, hospital or ED If you are sick and getting a COVID-19 test Face masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19. It is also vital that other COVID safe practices are followed, including: Washing hands often and thoroughly Maintaining a social distancing Covering coughs or sneezes Staying at home if unwell Getting tested if you're showing any signs of COVID-19. Queensland Health
16.01.2022 Thanks to the generous Management of Morayfield Shopping Centre, Meant To Rise has been chosen to host a gift wrapping stall this year, something they do every year to support local charities raise funds for their causes. We appreciate this AMAZING opportunity to fundraise as Meant To Rise continues to grow and meet the needs of survivors. Drop in with your gifts and let one of our volunteers do the work and wrap them for you. ... We will be located near JB Hi-Fi, Millers, and NAB. STARTS MONDAY NOVEMBER 23rd ENDS DEC 24th Opening and closing times as per centre hours. See you all there
15.01.2022 Maintaining self care keeps you mentally strong for challenging times. Going without it for too long can make us feel unbalanced and more reactive. Here are some idea's or reminders of what you could do for you. Colouring/Coloring... Journal Exercise Meditate Get a massage Go for coffee with friends who are really supportive and make you laugh Read that book you have been wanting to for a while, under a tree or by the ocean Dance to your favourite song Walk along the beach Do an art class Do a pottery class My Favourite, Sleep The list is endless Enjoy
13.01.2022 What an incredible blessing! Thank you to Skye Sawers for choosing MEANT To RISE as your platform to help us raise funds in support of survivors of child sexual abuse. We are truly honoured and wish you all the best in your journey! ... Together we can make a difference To follow her journey LIKE Skye Sawers- State Finalist #meanttorise #supportingsurvivors #healingfromtrauma #AdvocateForChange
13.01.2022 Through the journey of healing we become aware of what we truly deserve in life after childhood sexual abuse trauma. We become empowered to make choices based on what we genuinely like and dislike, as well as listen/tune in to our gut instincts more. We start setting boundaries, speaking up for ourselves and create healthy relationships with positive connections that allow us to develop a sense of trust and safety around us as well as within us.... Peace, is a result of actively making choices we feel peaceful when making, and from this guessed it...a peaceful life. Sleep in peace beautiful soul xx #peaceaftertrauma #lettinggotobefree #freedomfromwithin #survivors #childhoodsexualabusetrauma #healing #stopthecycle #unseenscars #becauseIwasabused
13.01.2022 There is JUSTICE IN THE HEALING THERE IS FREEDOM NEW PERSPECTIVES ... NEW PERCEPTIONS THERE IS INNER PEACE THERE IS TRUE INNER JOY These are just a few life changing reasons why letting go and healing is a better choice. The power you hold is that YOU NOW HAVE A CHOICE TO CHOOSE YOU
13.01.2022 Setting boundaries for ourselves and maintaining them in our relationships is empowering. We need to stand firm no matter what, because we are strong and will not be taken for granted. #nomore ... #whatIsaygoes #empowered #dontgothere See more
12.01.2022 These times are tough so please reach out Support is available. Here is financial support with bills for those in the Caboolture area. We at MEANT To RISE are also here to support you in your journey of healing from child sexual abuse trauma.... Contact us today on 0480173527 or email us at [email protected]
12.01.2022 GUESS WHATS HAPPENING? WE ARE SO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE WE HAVE A HOME FOR OUR SERVICES!! Officialy known as ...... THE YELLOW HOUSE ... We are busily organizing, decorating and putting the final touches on our space. Keep Watching for our grand opening date! WE ARE..... MEANT TO RISE DREAMS COMING TRUE.... SERVING THE COMMUNITY WITH A SAFE SPACE TO HEAL AND THRIVE. Thank you to Kathy Sweeney - REMAX Living for helping us find this space and to our President Amanda Webb for working hard to finalize things. A HUGE thank you to our friendly movers Dale, Craig, and Phillip who worked tirelessly moving the furniture up the stairs and through the tight spaces. Meant To Rise is growing to meet your needs and we are grateful to our supporters
12.01.2022 THE YELLOW HOUSE -A Place To Call Home Project Meant to Rise is hosting an event and we are excitedly inviting local Businesses, Community Clubs and Organizations that would like to take part in our The Yellow House A Place To Call Home project, that is supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse trauma. Our mission and vision is to ensure that those who have been impacted through this type of offence, are given the support and services they need, on an individual b...asis, to assist them to live a life that is not governed by past or present traumas. For us to be successful in meeting the needs of the community that are, or have been, child victims of sexual abuse, we need physical and financial support from our community stakeholders. Not everyone is able to work on the front line but this is an opportunity to make a difference in the life of even one victim who just wants to know it was not his or her fault and that there is hope for their future. Healing allows transition from struggling victim to empowered survivor. We need your support. Join us and help stop the cycle Networking opportunities before and after event Refreshments will be provided Email: [email protected] RSVP: Monday Sept 21, 2020 Event Date: September 25, 2020 Time: 6:00pm Location: REMAX LIVING Shop 5/189 Station Road, Burpengary QLD 4505 THANK YOU to Kath Sweeney at REMAX Living for hosting this event, contributing your big ideas and supporting this great project.
10.01.2022 Did you know that trauma is passed down to six generations....but.... we can change that through healing. At Meant To Rise we focus on holistic support for healing and empowerment. Let's STOP the cycle.
10.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE YELLOW HOUSE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WINNER'S M BORRADALE --> 5 Day 4 night Accommodation voucher Donated by OH Marketing JENNY BUTLER--> $300 Voucher - Donated by Torqueline Automotive... ADAM LOPEZ --> Dinner for 2 -Donated by Ocean View Estates ERINA NEWCOMB --> $100 Voucher -Donated by Tyres Galore & Mechanical TONY JUDGE-->1 Month Free Boxing Sessions Donated by Spiders Boxing Club Inc JENNY BUTLER --> $100 Myer Gift Card - Donated by Smile Home Loans ANNIE C--> 1 Hr. Sound Therapy -Donated by Atlantis Soul Spa SUNITI HEWETT--> 1 Hour Facial -Donated by Inner Retreat Please expect our call Thank you to the generous businesses who have graciously donated the fabulous prizes, we appreciate your support. We wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR
08.01.2022 AMAZING PRIZES TO BE WON AND IT'S BEING DRAWN IN 10 DAYS!!! HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR TICKETS YET? DETAILS FOR TICKETS BELOW... Meant To RiseChristmas Raffle fundraiser to raise funds so we can continue to support survivors of child sexual abuse. See image with details of prizes, draw date, contact details. Bank details are below for convenience of payment. All we need is a screen shot of transfer (we dont need to see any private details just confirmation of transfer) and we will send an image of tickets to you. Here are bank details and information needed to put on buyers tickets. FULL NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL -->BANK DETAILS FOR MONEY TRANSFER National Australia Bank Meant To Rise Inc. BSB: 084745 ACCT: 521507798 REFERENCE: XMAS (NAME) Example: XMAS LUCYLANE DM or comment below if you have any questions Thank you so much everyone
07.01.2022 A big THANK YOU to Terry Young MP - Member for Longman and his Team who have been so helpful since informing us of the grant and approving our proposal leading to our final step of submission. We navigated successfully through our first Australian Government Volunteer grant available under the Families and Communities Program delivered on behalf of the Department of Social Services. We are grateful for your support and care for the community. Thank you for reaching out and... being interested to hear about those we support and what the organisation is up to. Meant To Rise aims to utilize the grant funds towards a Mental Health Facilitator training to benefit volunteers and those we support. Together we rise as a community strengthened in connection for the good of today, and the generations of tomorrow. Thank you to all our Volunteers and those who suppprt us! We hope that we can be there for you to. You are all invaluable
06.01.2022 Loving yourself unconditionally sets the standard of how you deserve to be treated. You are loving, suppportive, compassionate with an amazing ability to say the right things to others during their toughest times....YOU deserve that from yourself too. Strength in the relationship with yourself is so important for healing....there is less resistance and more self determination to become empowered.... Here are some ways to start becoming your own bestie Tell yourself how proud you are for all that you have overcome and for trying even when it was difficult. Give yourself a hug! Yes, a hug...and hold it for more than 20 seconds to release those feel good hormones Take yourself on a date, maybe for lunch, or to that local cafe you have been wanting to indulge in their caramel slice over coffee Tell yourself all those kind, encouraging words that you tell are often told you give great advice. Truly Believe in yourself and your dreams... A powerful daily affirmation "I BELIEVE I AM FREE" Listen....just listen to what your heart is telling you. Take out the expectations of the world and judgments of the past, and just listen. Your heart genuinely wants you to be happy and to see you fulfill your dreams. Yes you can be an inspiration helping others Be on your team and see yourself with love and compassion as you do for those closest to your heart. Be healed and stop the hurting within just as you would want the suffering to stop for others. Treasure yourself You are worth it!
05.01.2022 Take flight beautiful, you are meant to rise
05.01.2022 Want a chance to win $100?? Purchase a number or multiple at $5 each for your chance to win $100!! The lucky number will be chosen at the end of the movie night event and will be picked (through a random number generator) live through Facebook! Numbers starting to sell today! Comment below or message for details on payment. All funds raised go towards the expansion of services within Meant To Rise and meet the needs of more survivors who have experienced childhood sexual abus...e trauma. Click here for Movie night details on how you can join in the fun and make a difference Thank you Skye Sawers- State Finalist
04.01.2022 $5 for a chance to win $100!!!! Pick your favourite numbers and contact Skye Sawers- State Finalist. More Numbers = More Chances Thank you for your support
04.01.2022 ABSOLUTE GEMS! Thank you very much to Val and Marilyn for the donations of the first bunch of very cute bears for our "A friend for life" packs. We met Val last year at Charity Day and she graciously donated a couple of bears for the precious children we support. ... Val and Marilyn make these bears to sell at a stall in Morayfield Shopping Centre alongside other items created by their fellow parish members from Morayfield Community Uniting Church to raise funds for the great cause of assisting families with food hampers during christmas time. We appreciate all that you do for the community ! We appreciate your generous hearts ladies! If anyone is interested in donating towards this project, please don't hesitate to contact us via messenger or call 0480173527. Thank you
04.01.2022 What about hosting a Movie night with your closest peeps while fundraising to help make a difference in the life of a survivor. Check out event for details #beautyandthebeast... #movienight See more
03.01.2022 Although we love like and shares this post requires your COMMENTS. Can you help us to promote Meant To Rise on Social Media? Are you interested in us giving you a pack of materials you can use to help us to attract more donations? For helping us out (by letting us know you are interested in helping promote us) will send you the following free gift today that you can use on your own social media platforms. if you said yes to any of the above then comment #YES
03.01.2022 Come on down! We have a few fun things to giveaway to the kids to distract them while you get their christmas gifts wrapped by one of our volunteers. Bring your gifts through our stall at Morayfield Shopping Centre (JB Hi Fi end) from now till December 24th. If you have an odd shaped item and need it wrapped, we can help. ... We have shared a few days with other local not for profit charities but you will find us there most days. Thank you for your support
01.01.2022 We must continue to speak out and expose the truth around child sexual abuse and those who prey on childrens innocence. Abuse to innocent children will continue to happen if there is no action for sustainable positive change and if society continues to throw the issue of child sexual abuse in to the - to hard basket. We need your support as we endeavour to make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering from the horrific trauma inflicted by evil.... SUPPORT THE HEALING
01.01.2022 We take on the behaviors of the people we spend the most time with so make sure you spend most of your time with people who love you unconditionally, support yo...ur life dreams completely, laugh with you often, and listen with a compassionate ear when you need them most. This is your community. These are the people who you will grow, evolve, and be happy with my loves. See more
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