Measina Treasures of Samoa | Brand
Measina Treasures of Samoa
Phone: +61 415 824 943
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25.01.2022 Read our latest blog to get more details about our upcoming FREE SIVA AFI WORKSHOP for beginners. Registrations are required to participate. BONUS if you live in Western Melbourne and are one of the first 12 to register you will get a FREE PRACTICE STICK! This program is supported through the Village Response Plan funded by the Victorian Government's Community Crime Prevention Program. #wearepasifika #wearebrimbank #weareone #standingtogether #wearethevillage
24.01.2022 #SamoanWordTuesday Isaraelu - Eggplant #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaincursions #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan
23.01.2022 #SamoanWordTuesday Karoti - Carrot #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaincursions #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan #tamaitaisamoa #tamaitivideosubscription
23.01.2022 Pacific Islanders have a unique blood type! Red Cross Australia is looking for Pacific Islanders in Australia to participate in a workshop. For full details and to register your interest click the link #redcrossaustralia #redcrossaustraliabloodbank #donateblood
22.01.2022 We know that our USA customers are heading into winter. This is why our USA store is currently stocking our new Measina range in long sleeve tshirts and sweaters. Click the link in bio to check out our USA store (ships directly from the USA) #measinaclothing #measinasamoa #Leleitele #proudsamoan #everythingisleleitele #childrensfashion #childrenstshirts
22.01.2022 Our Tamaiti Program shares the legends of Samoa with our children so they can remember them growing up outside of Samoa. Watch the full video here #measinasamoa #tamaitivideosubscription #samoanforkids #teachmesamoan
21.01.2022 We just launched our Measina Affiliate Program. Where you share links to our courses and get a commission on any sales you make. One of the most common questions we get asked is how much money can I make. Here is a short video to help you understand how payments work and how much is possible to make.... Click the link to become a part of the Measina Affiliate Aiga. #measinasamoa #samoan #affilitemarketing #measinaaffiliateaiga #socialmarketing #sidegig #sidehustle
20.01.2022 Is there anything more exciting than when the siva afi performer lights up the stage/ground? Yes! When we launch new Siva Afi gear for fire performers to our online store next week! In the comments TAG a siva afi performer in Australia, New Zealand or even Asia who needs new boards and donuts to light up.... #measinasamoa #sivaafi #sivaaficompany #fireperformer #sivaafiperformer #melbourne #australia #newzealand #japan #hongkong
19.01.2022 We launched our Measina Affiliate Marketing Program! Here is a video that gives you more information about what an Affiliate is and how you can make money sharing the treasures of Samoa. Watch the full video here #measinasamoa #samoan #measinaaffiliateaiga #affiliatemarketing #makemoneysharingthetreasuresofsamoa
19.01.2022 Alofa means Love. What a perfect way to show the world you have alofa in your heart than an Alofa Tote. Click the link to purchase from our Australian store.... #measinaclothing #samoanclothing #samoandesigner #designerclothing #samoanclothes #menswear #womensclothing #childrensclothing #samoan #samoanpowerhouse #samoanpride #samoans #samoanprincess #samoansuperman #samoanstyle #samoanstrong #samoanfamily #instafashion #fashionstyling #fashiongram #samoanbag #samoantote
18.01.2022 We teach our children Samoan through songs in the Tamaiti program. Here is an example directly from the November episodes. Subscribe to Tamaiti and connect your children to Samoan language and culture, click the link #earlychildhoodeducation #learning #learnathome #measinasamoa #measinaonlinecourses #tamaitiprogram #learnsamoanonline #samoanforkids
18.01.2022 Have you really been to Samoa if you haven't slept in a beach fale? LIKE if you have slept in a beach fale COMMENT if you have and loved it SHARE of you think life is great in a beach fale... #measinasamoa #samoan #beachfale #beautifulsamoa #savaii #lifeonthebeach #lifeisgood
16.01.2022 Logan Tapuala is our Siva Afi Beginner's Instructor and even has his own online Siva Afi Course! Follow Logan at Logan Siva Afi for cool Siva Afi videos, tutorials, tips, tricks and fun stuff #sivaafi #measinasivaafi #sivaafiaustralia #learnsivaafi #sivaafitutorials #sivaafilifestyle #samoan #samoanculture #amplifysamoanculture
15.01.2022 *Language Warning* Play without volume if it offends you Today we are focusing on sharing our stories, by our people. You are not alone!... Read a story by @olealwaysdancing_ and growing up Samoan overseas. #GrowingUpSamoan I wasn't raised up in the Smoan culture. I didn't always know how to speak or understand the language. I didn't always feel comfortable in my skin. Being the Black face amongst a bunch of Brown. The struggle to obtain a sense of my own Samoan identity as well as trying to remain Me through it all. I didn't feel like there was a place for Samoans like me. Like I was too old to try and learn the culture. I've always been a Dancer and as with many other hardships in my life, I used dance as a va'a (canoe) to navigate and learn more of my culture. I'm not the best. What you see in this video isn't planned or choreographed. Anykine actions and my lil twisteez sticking out from playing with my Napps I was helping a good friend practice some Siva Samoa basics for her wedding. My attempt to explain Musicality, Timing, Rhythm, Grace, and Appeal from a Samoan lens. Now, I'm no professional or expert on the Siva Samoa. I've just had practice. Lots of practice (and beatings and okes) My favorite way of showing my Love and Respect for my Samoan culture is through my service; is by giving back. No fame. No fortune. Always have fun. "o le ala i le Pule o le Tautua" Video and story credit: @olealwaysdancing_ #SivaSamoaSunday #SivaSamoa #SamoanSundays #DoItForTheCulture #DoItForLove #TausisiLouAganuu #disSAMOA #AigaiLeTai #FonotiBloodline #BrownClan #AfroNesian #KnowYourWhy #hastagsforfree #olealwaysdancing
15.01.2022 Did you know we have a USA store? Well, we do! Get free shipping when you spend $20 or more and use the code IGFS at checkout (also available for Australia Store). Click the link in bio... #measinasamoa #measinaclothing #freeshipping #buysamoan #malo #longsleevetshirt #samoanclothing #samoandesigner #supportsamoanbusinesses
14.01.2022 This week we celebrate NAIDOC WEEK here in Australia. Measina acknowledges that we are working and filming on indigenous lands and include this acknowledgement in each episode of our Tamaiti program. We do this so that we can show our respect and gratitude for allowing us to use this land.... It is also to teach our tamaiti, children, the importance of respecting the indigenous peoples and the lands on which they may live. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #naidocweek #naidoc2020 #measinasamoa #tamaitiprogram
10.01.2022 "The nifo'oti was a wooden club characterised by long teeth along one side and a single curved hook projecting at the end of the other." (Sean Mallon) Today we see the nifo'oti made with a metal hook and no teeth on the side. #measinasamoa #samoan #samoancarving #samoanclubs #nifooti
09.01.2022 #SamoanWordTuesday Maukeni - Pumpkin #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaincursions #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan
08.01.2022 Order frozen taro online and go in a draw to win $$
07.01.2022 When you have no yeast or self raising flour you can still make a delicious bread the whole family will love. Faapapa is a coconut bread traditionally cooked in an earth oven called an umu. Delicious as a snack or with a cup of koko. #meaaisamoa #measinasamoa #samoanfood #samoanfoodislife #samoanfoods #faapapa #coconutbread #coconutbreadrecipe
07.01.2022 We can't control whether or not the borders open, but we can tell people where we would rather be. I know I'd rather be in Samoa! Click the image to purchase.... #measinasamoa #measinamerch #IdRatherBeInSamoa #ceramicmug #samoan
06.01.2022 Teach Samoan to your friends and colleagues in this Malo Tshirt. Not only will you help them learn the language but you will feel proud representing Samoa! Available in our Australian Store. Click the link to purchase #measinaclothing #measinasamoa #samoan #samoanclothing #malo #mensfashion #mensstyle #menstshirtsonline #menstshirts
06.01.2022 Our latest YouTube video tells the meaning of the Samoan Tatau (tattoos). Click the link and watch the video then tell us in the comments what an 'alu'alu is. #measinasamoa #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #polytube #tatau #tatausamoa #samoantattoo #samoantattoomeaning #samoantattoodesigns #malu #pea #samoan #samoantraditionaltattoos
05.01.2022 It is back! Our Measina Unisex Fanny Pack Belt Bag was taken off our online store at the beginning of COVID. It is now back and still looking great. This product is made in the USA. It is the perfect time to order in time for Christmas (85 days away).... This is a gift that can be given to young and old and is actually really handy. Click the link in bio to purchase from our US Store today. #measinaclothing #measinasamoa #fannypack #bumbag #beltbag #designerbags
05.01.2022 A Siva Samoa for the start of a new week For the full dance head to @tamaitailalelei and click the link in their bio (or check out their YouTube Channel). Video credit: @tamaitailalelei... Music: O oe o le Toa - Vaniah Toloa #sivasamoa #tamaitaisamoa #tamaitailalelei #vaniahtoloa #samoan #samoanculture
05.01.2022 #SamoanWordTuesday Foliga - Face #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaincursions #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan
05.01.2022 We are still in stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne so we gave our neighbours a siva afi performance in our backyard. Watch the full video here
05.01.2022 #samoanwordtuesday Isu - Nose #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaincursions #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan
05.01.2022 A very common traditional Samoan breakfast food is called Koko Esi. Today we learn direct from Samoa how to make Koko Esi. Watch full video here #kokoesi #howtomakekokoesi #samoanfood #polyfood
04.01.2022 Ever go to the gym and see another islander and wonder if they are Samoan? This Malo t-shirt will tell everyone that you are Samoan and proud of it. Click the link in bio to purchase today. #measinaclothing #measinasamoa #Malo #proudsamoan #saymalototheworld #mensfashion #menstshirts
04.01.2022 What is the difference between Siva Afi and Ailao? Fire Ailao is the ancient Samoan tradition where warriors returned and told their war stories by throwing and catching their war clubs in an entertaining manner. These movements are now used in Siva Afi with the addition of fire.... We are currently holding an ailao competition so that our beginners can feel confident in themselves, their moves and grow stronger as warriors. We have three amazing judges who we will announce next week. Click the link in our bio to see competition details. #sivaafi #fireknifedance #ailao #ailaoafi #sivaafisamoa #sivaafiaustralia #sivaafiperformer
03.01.2022 KEKE PUA'A We all know that the name is Keke Pua'a, but sometimes it isn't pork inside. It could be chicken, lamb, beef, I have even had one with a saimigi mixture (it was pretty good). What do you like most in your Keke Pua'a (chicken, lamb, pork, beef)? Tell us in the comments below... #measinasamoa #meaaisamoa #samoanfood #kekepuaa #steamedporkbun
03.01.2022 You have until Sunday to register for our FREE online Siva Afi Holiday Workshop on October 2nd. Registrations are required to participate. Click the link to register #measinasamoa #samoan #sivaafionline #sivaafiworkshop #sivaafi #freeworkshop #weareone #wearebrimbank #wearepasifika
02.01.2022 We are trying to decide which is best: Taro vs Pumpkin Fa'ausi If you think Taro Fa'ausi should win leave a in the comments If you think Pumpkin Fa'ausi should win leave a in the comments... Please vote in the comments below Let the Fa'ausi Games begin...
02.01.2022 #SamoanWordTuesday Tele - Many #measinasamoa #Samoan #Language #Heritage #GaganaSamoa #measinasamoa #measinaworkshops #victorianschools #education #handsonlearning #decoloniseeducation #handsoneducation #culturespecific #samoan #melbourne #educationalprogram #engaging #learnsamoan
01.01.2022 We developed Tamaiti Season 1 as an online, on demand resource for parents and early childhood educators to teach Samoan culture to our children and the wider community. It has direct links to the Early Childhood Framework in Australia and has been developed with the assistance of an Early Childhood Education advisor and native speaking Samoans. The University of Nebraska states:... Research suggests adults who engage children in culturally responsive educational experiences help to: Build young children's self-confidence and skills Increase children's awareness, appreciation, and inclusion of diverse beliefs and cultures Maximize children's academic achievement and educational success If you would like to see Tamaiti in your childcare centre (worldwide) DM us your name and their email address and we will send them a free trial. #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodeducator #teachmesamoan #samoanforkids #tamaitiseason1 #earlylearning #preschool #kindergarten #preschoolaustralia #daycareaustralia #childcareaustralia #childcarecentreaustralia #daycarelife #daycare #childcarecentre #samoanculture #culturediversity #inclusion #inclusionmatters #culturaldiversity #antibiaseducation #antibiascurriculum #antibiaseducationinearlychildhood
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