Medals Australia | Product/service
Medals Australia
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25.01.2022 Repost @dylanalcott Congrats Dylan. You legend!So humble & an extremely talented sportsman..... Well done @dylanalcott you are such an inspiration! -... - - #aussieaussieaussie #tennis #proudaustralian #legend #australianopen2019 See more
24.01.2022 4mm commemorative medallions. Simple & effective.... Big shout out of thanks to the International Canoe Association Of Australia for trusting us - -... - - - #medals #medalsmedalsmedals #medalsaustralia #custommedals #canoe #commemoration #sailing See more
23.01.2022 One of our favs! - - - -... #medalsoftheworld #coriobaystingrays #basketball #geelong #basketballgeelong #medalsaustralia #custommedals See more
23.01.2022 What a wonderful weekend with great people. If you look closely you will see our engraving tent in the background!
22.01.2022 What a beautiful morning for the Gold Coast Running Festival. Good luck to everyone participating!
22.01.2022 #martialarts #mixedmartialarts #medalsaustralia #custommedals #medalsoftheworld
22.01.2022 Proud to have designed & supplied the 2019 medals for Law Enforcement Queenslands Torch Run! #medalsaustralia #custommedals #torchrun #runningforacause #virtualrun #medalsmedalsmedals @ Queensland
22.01.2022 #sharethedignityaustralia #runningmumsaustralia #medalsaustralia #custommedals #runningforacause #medalsmedalsmedals
22.01.2022 #repost Good luck to everyone participating in the @triathlonpink in Melbourne this weekend! #pink #funrun #friendship #triathlon
21.01.2022 Who says medals have to be just gold, silver & bronze? We are loving the new trend in BLACK plating!
21.01.2022 Who doesnt love a bit of purple glitter!! #medalsaustralia #custommedals #taekwondo #medalsmedalsmedals
21.01.2022 Good luck to everyone participating in the 2020 (virtual) Baybreak Multisports Festival from this weekend. Thank you for trusting us with your awesome medals! ... - - - #baybreakmultisportfestival #funrun #marathonmedals #medalsaustralia #medals #medalsoftheworld #herveybay #funrun #frasercoastregionalcouncil #kingstonherveybay #marathon
19.01.2022 New bling for some lucky rowers! Good luck to everyone participating in the 2019 Qld Schools Championships: - - #rowing #qldrowing #medalsaustralia #medals #medalsoftheworld #custommedals
19.01.2022 #noice #different #unusual #medalsaustralia #custommedals #sponsorship #beanbeat #coffee #design #medalsmedalsmedals #medalsoftheworld
18.01.2022 #athletics #medalsaustralia #trackandfield #custommedals
17.01.2022 Quality, custom designed... - - - -... - #medalsoftheworld #medalsmedalsmedals #futsal #medalsaustralia #qualitycustommedals #custommedals #champions #goldmedals See more
17.01.2022 #encouragementaward #medalsaustralia #kawanadolphins #rugbyleague
16.01.2022 #repost #appreciationpost Thank you @littleballetstars we hope your little stars love these as much as we do! #lovewhatwedo #medalsaustralia #custommedals
16.01.2022 #happyeaster #easter2020 #stopthecurve #pleasestayhome #weareinthistogether #thiswillpass #bekind
15.01.2022 #repost These futsal medals are awesome! Thank you @justfutsalnsw for trusting us with your medals. #futsal #justfutsalnsw #medals #medalsaustralia #custommedals #sportingmedals
14.01.2022 Good luck to everyone participating in the Shuffle 4 Parkinsons virtual event, kicking off this weekend. We are so proud to have been involved in such a worthwhile cause! #virtualevent #partnership #weareallinthistogether #runningmedals #medals #custommedals #funrun #medalsaustralia
14.01.2022 #lestweforget #anzacday2020
13.01.2022 #repost @southside.aquatics Thank you @southside.aquatics for trusting us with your bling!
13.01.2022 Saturday September 28th - Enzos open swim classic! #herveybay #swimming #oceanswimming #medalsaustralia #custommedals #medalsoftheworld
13.01.2022 There were plenty of sore legs on the Gold Coast this morning, after the 7NEWS Running Festival. Huge crowds of runners raced through the streets of Robina, raising money for a good cause. #7NEWS
12.01.2022 AFL medals Its nearly finals time!! #lovethistimeoftheyear #medalsaustralia #aflvic #afl #custommedals
11.01.2022 #merrychristmas #gratitudepost #medalsaustralia A very big thank you to all of our awesome customers, right across Australia. 2019 has been such a fun & rewarding year made all the more better because of the great people we get to work with. Stay safe & enjoy this special time of the year with your loved ones.
10.01.2022 Good luck to everyone participating in the Shuffle 4 Parkinson’s virtual event, kicking off this weekend. We are so proud to have been involved in such a worthwhile cause! #virtualevent #partnership #weareallinthistogether #runningmedals #medals #custommedals #funrun #medalsaustralia
09.01.2022 #repost @dolphinsaus Congratulations to our new world record holding swimmers!
09.01.2022 2019 is already starting to get BUSY!!
06.01.2022 #repost How cool is this Chicago marathon medal! Were loving the detail
03.01.2022 Medals Australia are proud partners of the 2019 River Run 100 being held on a Saturday September 7th in Brisbane. A fun day with events to suit all fitness levels with the added benefit of raising money for so many worthwhile causes! @riverrun100ultramarathon For more details check out -... - - - #riverrun100 #medalsaustralia #custommedals #runningforacause #dreams2live4 #cysticfibrosisqld #kellycarltonlegacy #hummingbirdhouse #diabetesqld #mcgrathfoundation #beyondblue #mates4mates #campquality #redkite #canteen #youngcare #rbwhfoundation #leukaemiafoundation #pinkhope See more
02.01.2022 #Repost #appreciationpost A big thank you to Little Athletics Victoria for trusting us with your awesome 2020 Carnival Medals! Its so rewarding when we see these smiles #lovewhatwedo #medalsaustralia #medalsmedalsmedals #athletics #custommedals #littleathletics
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