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Medical Intuitive Quantum Energy Healing Lia Estate | Alternative & holistic health service

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Medical Intuitive Quantum Energy Healing Lia Estate

Phone: +61 408 398 303


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25.01.2022 A friend sent me this post about the effectiveness of wearing a mask at this time. Please watch and note this post, for further updates. If I find enough fabric and I am able, I will be making please check in for further updates.

22.01.2022 This is a very serious message!

21.01.2022 A Sunday blessing ... Got a vision to draw this image a few months ago, not quite finished work in progress ... Thought it might support everyone at this time ... Use your own thoughts and beliefs to interpret blessings... original artwork -Lia Estate Artist / Photographer

18.01.2022 Hey I'm on television...please check it out. TONIGHT THE 13th EPISODE OF THE SECOND SEASON OF HEALTH, WELLBEING & LIFESTYLE!!!! Tonight at 7pm the 13th episode of the 2nd season will be aired on C44. The episode will be repeated on Tuesday at 8am. The Show is also broadcasted on Foxtel C173 on Saturdays at 6.30pm and C44 Adelaide on Thursdays at 8.30pm and repeated on Mondays at 6pm.... Tonight our guests are talking about: Pauline Healy - Age Care and the new regulations Lia Estate - Using the benefits of creativity to be present If you will be not around your TV set that time NO WORRIES you can watch it live on line If you have missed the previous episodes you can watch them on our website or subscribe to our Youtube channel to get notified every time a new episode is uploaded. Have you any comment, proposal or/and question about the show? Go to our website and let us know : Happy viewing and keep well!

17.01.2022 Good Sound Advice to follow:...

17.01.2022 How do you feel about this statement: If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned... for you? Not much. Quote from Jim Rohn. Comment your thoughts and reflections!

15.01.2022 Selma Blair reminds us all what true human resilience looks like.

14.01.2022 Thought for the day - Be Present xoxo

14.01.2022 Finally - Very interesting and positive view from a Medical Doctor - finally, in line with Energy Healing, Medical Intuitive, and Investigative Energy techniques, regarding our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes to life and how they may manifest into Dis-Ease.

12.01.2022 Bruce Lipton: Learn How To Control Your Mind * * * Shift your consciousness and perception for health and well being.

12.01.2022 Art Therapy 1 hour Sessions are now available

11.01.2022 Today is a turning point, and it marks a turning into the next phase of this momentous Year. As usual, this post will have an astrological context but also try express the themes as much as I can Up until today, the 7 planets’ outside the orbit of the Earth have been moving backwards or ‘retrograde’. Highly unusual and rare. Under ‘retrograde’ phenomena things don’t move forward too much and that has been the case. More about restraint, restriction confinement, moving backward if you like. ‘Stay at home’ as I alluded to in my last post. Today The God of the Law and Justice, Jupiter (Zeus), after a 4 month retrograde turns direction and starts to move forward. If there’s one planet you want to move forward under the current times its Jupiter, planet of expansion, freedom, travel, possibility, venturing into new territory. Not only has Jupiter been retrograde but has been moving through the sign of Capricorn. Cap is a more austere sign representing restraint and restriction, totally contrary to the expansive nature of Jupiter. He just hasnt been able to do what he want to do. This very much is reflected by the current circumstances It’s like the ‘Just’ King who wants to rule and exert his authority but been unable because he has been locked up, restrained and confined, shackled in a cage, unable to execute his duties. The image that comes to mind is the unjust and unlawful imprisonment of Edmond Dantes in the ‘Count of Monte Cristo’. He finally escapes and begins his pursuit to extract Justice (and revenge) on those who were responsible for his unlawful imprisonment Today is that day, a new phase of this journey begins Also being in the sign of Capricorn, Jupiter / Zeus has been under the auspices of his father Chronus (Saturn), representing the old authoritarian order. As of today Zeus turns and begins the pursuit of his father to overthrow him, which happens with great intensity under, and contingent with, the astrological signal in December referred to as the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter to Saturn. The overthrow occurs about the time of the Solstice and significantly in the more elevated social sign of Aquarius. Could there be a more exquisite signal. And Jupiter can operate more freely in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the group as well as social Justice. However we don’t have to wait for December. We are enveloped and moving toward this. It is a once in 20 year paradigm shift, which is embedded into a much larger paradigm shift,as is beng alluded to. At the moment we are under the astrological density of planets in Capricorn, the sign of Authority, which most of the world is buckling under. But Capricorn and its ruler Saturn, also currently a big player, are also the instructors of necessary lessons. Aquarius being an ‘air’ sign is also a much ‘lighter’ energy. We are being called toward this. You may feel you are being called to a higher more elevated human state. But social justice is not bestowed. What is bestowed is what we must confront and transform so we can have equality and social Justice and consequently a just social order. Benevolence is rarely bestowed, especially in a Karmic time Athena, Zeus’ beloved daughter, is also currently in the Sign of Capricorn and begins to aid her father. We can draw on her wisdom to aid us in moving forward wisely in our own way and part the momentum of the group. You may finding the impulse to start to move forward and under the auspices, it can be done is a grounded responsible way, that demands being an authority We are at a phenomenal point in the movement and evolution of humanity. Are we going back to ‘normal’?. No. The forces are constellating and organizing and starting to move Jupiter is the planet of justice and judicial matters. Current astrological momentum points toward a constitutional crisis or crisis’. This may be the constitutional crisis to end all constitutional crisis’. Or to paraphrase Keating (Paul not John), coincidentally a Capricorn, it will be the ‘constitutional crisis we have to have’. There is a momentum in this direction as we move to what is termed this great conjunction of Jupiter to Saturn, the Son the Father, the New Order seeking to overthrow the old. The Nexus point is December. The momentum is building and is not fueled by business, or economics, viruses or whatever else. Its fueled by what is it to be a human being and what is fair and right and just. At this time, as I say, the other planets have all been moving retrograde and not been in action. Retrogrades allows for preparation / reflection / researching / understanding / reviewing and developing strategies to take as we move forward. With all the planets going retrograde its like the leading players in the team have been in the change rooms in the half time break and are about to come out to play. And I think they’ve had enough frankly. Expect the upheaval and clash of ideology. It will be felt and come through us. You may be feeling the impulse to start to move and act according to what is Just. It means risk, courage and confrontation will be required. This is contingent with Jupiter and the sign he is associated with, Sagittarius. There are eclipses coming up in Sagittarius to propel this momentum forward. As Justice becomes paramount, will more Lawyers and Legal authorities surface, as a matter of conscience, to question the justness of laws and the execution of laws, and to call to account the authorities who are constitutionally required to adhere to the law. We need some of these players with big clout, like RFK Jnr in America, to step up and help lead the group. In the sign of Capricorn it can be done with strength, responsibility and authority. Capricorn it is not quick, but can be strong, resilient and resolute. If you have read thus far, I thank you So much going on at the moment. I welcome your comments Vic

08.01.2022 Just do this everytime. Life’s to short to carry grudges around

07.01.2022 Creativity comes in many forms and has many Faces ... Lia Estate Artist / Photographer

05.01.2022 Who will be my 5? Clinically diagnosed anxiety is not just being a bit worried, you can't just "chill out a bit" or "get over it". It eats into your well being, your confidence, your health and your life and it is 24/7. When someone cancels, or ducks out, or makes a pathetic excuse please understand that it isn't personal, it isn't laziness, it isn't being rude. It's because they can't physically do it. When someone needs supporting/encouraging/ hand holding it isn't patheti...c, it isn't attention seeking, it isn't childish - it's because they are desperate to beat it but can't do it alone. Anxiety is awful, being isolated and believing your friends don't care sucks even more . How many of you have had a night out planned, or arranged coffee or a beer with friends and suddenly the 4 walls you inhabit seem the only safe haven because it's the only place you don't have to pretend you are ok, so you cancel. Or when you are invited out you tell them how terribly sorry you are, but you're already booked up that weekend, when you are actually just really busy holding it together in your safe box. So the first problem starts, all by itself. People stop asking you and the isolation that at first wasn't true becomes your only truth. Please don't give up on your friends. Ring them if they don't reply to a message. They really do want to talk, they just don't know how to say it some days. And in work every passing comment is a negative, you constantly do more to get over the feeling you are not good enough. The exhaustion from not sleeping because you panic all night over what you cannot influence means you make mistakes, you live in a fog and it is a vicious circle. I'm asking for just 5 friends who will take the time to put this on their wall to help raise awareness of and for those who have mental health difficulties. You just have to copy it from my wall and paste it to yours. Who will be my 5 ... I wonder? Mental Health Awareness See more

04.01.2022 Interview on Channel 31......

03.01.2022 What do you see? Check out what I photographed on the weekend on the freeway ... The clouds showed me more than I was expecting ... Notice the face on the large bright cloud where the overall shape looks like a pooch ... Blue spot to the left UFO or dirty windscreen? ... Lia Estate Artist / Photographer

03.01.2022 If you need support ...In these troubling times, sessions are available online on ... Skype, Messenger or Telephone/Mobile sessions. Inquires welcome - Lia Estate` 0408398303. [email protected]

03.01.2022 Our Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle TV show’s team is excited about our new studio and fact we start the recordings of new episodes.

01.01.2022 We can choose to live unconsciously with no intentions or purpose. OR We can fulfill our life, each day, with infinite possibilities and choose to consciously create our life with intention and purpose. You always have a choice.

01.01.2022 So be the butterfly, accept change and move towards a new you.

01.01.2022 This liberation comes hand in hand with the onus of responsibility for creating your own life, intentionally. . We at Spirit Science want so m...uch to share these insights and experiences with all of you. We love you and appreciate your attention to the messages here. . Big thank you!! :) . #selfmastery #dowhatyoulove #flowstate #meditation #presence #beherenow #spirituality #synchronized #energyupgrade #exitthematrix #lookwithin #awaken #successmindset #success #thepowerofnow #spiritscience See more

01.01.2022 The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. The wonderful charity MIND have a 24 hour helpline: 1300 286 463 or for carers on 1300 554 660 Please could any two of my Facebook friends just copy and repost to share the helpline far and wide. Just two. Any two. Say done.

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