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Meditation for Wellbeing
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25.01.2022 My mindfulness meditation class on Sunday 26 March from 9am to 12.30pm in Hamilton Hill WA will include very useful and practical ways of dealing with negative thoughts and emotions. There are still places available for the class. Cost is $95 Michael 0421 729 893, or [email protected]
25.01.2022 A lovely easy mindfulness practice we can do with our children.
24.01.2022 This explanation is brief and fairly good. I clarify the differences and the benefits during my Wednesday evening mindfulness meditation classes in East Fremantle.
24.01.2022 such a lovely video with young children explaining how mindfulness helps them and the world!
19.01.2022 Professor Mark Williams says, "You can't stop the triggering of unhappy memories, self critical thoughts and judgemental ways of thinking - but you can stop what happens next. You can stop the spiral from feeding off itself and triggering the next cycle of negative thoughts. You can stop the cascade of destructive emotions that can end up making you unhappy, anxious, stressed, irritable or exhausted. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to recognize memories and damaging though...ts as they arise..............You can learn to observe negative thoughts as they arise, let them stay a while and then simply watch them evaporate before your eyes. And when this occurs, and extraordinary thing can happen: a profound sense of happiness and peace fills the void" We will discuss this and more at this Sunday's 18TH FEBRUARY MINDFULNESS CLASS in Hamilton Hill, Perth from 9am to 12 noon. Cost is $95. There are vacancies for this class. Michael 0421 729 893, [email protected]
19.01.2022 lovely video on mindfulness in schools
19.01.2022 The power of mindfulness can't be underestimated. If we are motivated enough we can live a life of greater ease than ever before! The elements of the program in this article are taught in my classes. Michael 0421 729 893
18.01.2022 This mini-meditation is one of the most useful meditations that you can do. The meditation is very popular with participants of the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy classes that I facilitate for Cancer CouncilWA. It doesn't necessarily need to be three minutes in duration, it can be done in one minute or less to help navigate through difficult feelings or thoughts.
18.01.2022 Another very good youtube video on the difference between mindfulness and mindlessness.
17.01.2022 I have posted this before but its a great story!! I will be facilitating a meditation class on Sunday 28th August from 9am to 12.30pm in the Fremantle region. Cost is $95. Let me know if you want to join me! Michael [email protected] or 0421 729 893
17.01.2022 At my forthcoming mindfulness meditation workshop on Sunday 18th February from 9am to 12noon in the Fremantle region we will explore further how to meditate with a very busy mind. It is very possible!! Mindfulness meditation will increase our wellbeing levels. Michael [email protected] or 0421 729 893
15.01.2022 The Australian Psychological Association survey found that the happiest Australians practise mindfulness meditation. The below article has some really interesting information on wellbeing.
15.01.2022 This short meditation is one of the most effective practices we can do to help us manage stress or anxiety. I teach this for the Cancer Council WA and participants report that they practice the three minute meditation regularly because it works! Give it a go and see what happens! Cheers Michael
15.01.2022 an interesting article and short video................
14.01.2022 This article will help me to demystify and normalize mindfulness and meditation when next teaching young people, and at schools.
12.01.2022 Meditation class this Sunday morning 9am to 12.30pm 28th August in the Fremantle area. A great opportunity to relax your body and bring some peace to your mind. The various meditations are scientifically proven to have a major influence on well-being. So if you are new to meditation or have meditated in the past this class will suit you. Please share to anyone you know who may benefit from this very rewarding class. Cost is only $95. Michael 0421 729 893 [email protected]
12.01.2022 Having taught and practiced mindfulness meditation for many years, and seen and heard wonderful stories of how people have benefited from their practice too, I wholeheartedly agree with the below article in Psychology Today. My next half day meditation class is Sunday 20th August from 9am to 12.30pm near Fremantle WA. Michael 0421 729 893
12.01.2022 This is a very informative three minute animation explaining how mindfulness changes our brains, in a positive way of course! My classes teach easy to practise mindfulness practices.
11.01.2022 Mindfulness can transform the way we relate to negative thoughts. No longer are we troubled by our mind, and it is possible to experience calmness during turbulent times. I am currently teaching three mindfulness classes with the Cancer CouncilWA and it is very satisfying to witness how participants are learning very useful mindfulness techniques to use when going through difficult challenges.
11.01.2022 Another short and very interesting video on the power of mindfulness from Mindful Schools,USA. Mindfulness is a wonderful skill for young people to learn.
10.01.2022 I have introduced mindfulness to students and they respond really well.
10.01.2022 This is a very worthwhile 6 minute animation of how mindfulness meditation changes our brains and our responses to stress. Have a look!
10.01.2022 There are some very useful ways to decrease anxiety and worry. As soon as we tune into our breath sensations the body and mind begin to relax. Each and everyone of us are born with the capacity to release tension by mindfulness of our breath. Give it a go for a few minutes and activate natural relaxation. My meditation classes in East Fremantle take place on Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
09.01.2022 MINDFULNESS MEDITATION IS GOOD FOR THE BRAIN Ian Robertson, Co-Director of the Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity says: "Our findings could have particular implications for research into brain ageing. Brains typically lose mass as they age, but less so in the brains of long term meditators. More 'youthful' brains have a reduced risk of dementia and mindfulness meditation techniques actually strengthen brain networks. Our research offers one possible reason for this -- using our breath to control one of the brain's natural chemical messengers, noradrenaline, which in the right 'dose' helps the brain grow new connections between cells. This study provides one more reason for everyone to boost the health of their brain using a whole range of activities ranging from aerobic exercise to mindfulness meditation."
09.01.2022 This program was aired last night by the ABC program Catalyst. A very good summary of mindfulness meditation.
09.01.2022 Interesting article on Google's executives practicing mindfulness. I am running a workshop on Sunday 28th August from 9am to 12.30pm where simple and easy to learn mindfulness meditation will be introduced. Let me know if you are interested or share with someone you believe will benefit from greater calmness in their lives. Michael [email protected] or 0421 729 893
07.01.2022 Very interesting story from ABC news. I am facilitating a Sunday morning mindfulness meditation workshop on 26th March near Fremantle WA from 9am to 12.30pm. Only $95 to learn wonderful meditation with proven well-being effects. Only $75 if you have previously attended any of my classes. Michael 0421 729 893 or [email protected]
06.01.2022 This is a wonderful 5 min video showing how some students are handling the stresses of life through mindfulness meditation. I am really gratified that I am now receiving enquiries from schools for meditation sessions.
04.01.2022 "You can't stop the triggering of unhappy memories, self critical thoughts and judgemental ways of thinking - but you can stop what happens next. You can stop the spiral from feeding off itself and triggering the next cycle of negative thoughts. You can stop the cascade of destructive emotions that can end up making you unhappy, anxious, stressed, irritable or exhausted. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to recognise memories and damaging thoughts as they arise. You can learn to observe negative thoughts as they arise, let them stay awhile and then simply watch them evaporate before your eyes. And when this occurs, an extraordinary thing can happen: a profound sense of happiness and peace fills the void". A quote from Professor Mark Williams, "Mindfulness. Finding Peace in a Frantic World"
04.01.2022 Really good words of advice on how we can incorporate more mindful moments into our days.
04.01.2022 A very large percentage of people experience sleep difficulties. Give the three mindful things a go and see what happens!
04.01.2022 Its not often that we consciously bring to mind what we are grateful for in our lives. Research tells us gratitude improves our mental health. Maybe worth a try?
03.01.2022 The following three step mindfulness meditation is a great way to center yourself or help deal with difficult feelings and thoughts as they are occuring. It is taught in the Cancer Council WA mindfulness classes I facilitate: 3-Minute Breathing Space This short practice is taught and repeated throughout Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. Its intended to help bring formal mindfulness practice into moments of everyday life. Its considered the most important practice in the ...program. Begin by deliberately adopting an erect and dignified posture, whether you are sitting or standing. If possible, close your eyes. Then take about one minute to guide yourself through each of the following three steps: Becoming aware. Bringing your awareness to your inner experience, ask: What is my experience right now? What thoughts are going through your mind? As best you can, acknowledge thoughts as mental events, perhaps putting them into words. What feelings are here? Turn toward any sense of emotional discomfort or unpleasant feelings, acknowledging their presence. What body sensations are here right now? Perhaps quickly scan your body to pick up any sensations of tightness or bracing. Gathering. Now, redirect your attention to focus on the physical sensations of the breath. Move in close to the sense of the breath in the abdomen, feeling the sensations of the abdominal wall expanding as the breath comes in and falling back as the breath goes out. Follow the breath all the way in and all the way out, using the breathing to anchor yourself in the present. If the mind wanders away at any time, gently escort it back to the breath. Expanding. Now, expand the field of your awareness around your breathing so it includes a sense of the body as a whole, your posture, and facial expression. If you become aware of any sensations of discomfort, tension, or resistance, take your awareness there by breathing into them on the in-breath. Then breathe out from those sensations, softening and opening with the out-breath. As best you can, bring this expanded awareness to the next moments of your day.
02.01.2022 this is a great short mindfulness meditation that can be done anytime during the day. I teach very similar meditation.
01.01.2022 A lovely 3min plus video on preschool mindfulness. I wish my preschool was like this one!!
01.01.2022 This is a really good article about living a life of integrity and how being authentic with oneself brings greater life satisfaction.
01.01.2022 This article realistically explains that mindfulness will allow us to experience our feelings without being consumed by them. My Wednesday evening classes from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in East Fremantle have recommenced this year.