Meditation Sydney in Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia | Mental health service
Meditation Sydney
Locality: Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9569 6580
Address: 220A Norton Street, 2040 Leichhardt, NSW, Australia
Likes: 566
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25.01.2022 Saying something about this post rather than just watching it would really help us in social media. Thank you for your help!
25.01.2022 Thought for the day
25.01.2022 Why Meditate and Why is Meditation Good for You? (Lets Find Out!) 1. Why meditate? Because healing your heart, mind, body, and soul are good for you and you deserve to be at your best. 2. Why is meditation good for you? Meditation awakens your genetic structure, promotes healing, clears your mind and dissolves fear. P.S. Science 100% backs up the health benefits of meditation.... 3. Why do I yawn when I meditate? This is a common question asked after our sessions. Yawning during meditation is a sign that you are releasing stress from your body. #MeditationforStressManagement #WhyMeditate #WhyisMeditationGoodforYou #WhyDoIYawnwhenIMeditate
24.01.2022 Online Meditation for Sleep and Distant Energy Healing using the Air Element New Zoom Online Meditation Course Dates Released... Over the past few weeks, a wonderful group of people from across Australia have been joining me for online meditation to assist with sleep and healing and distant energy healing. Each week, I transfer air healing energy to each individual via the air element within the deeper part of the guided meditation. Only those who have mastered and aligned with the elements can transfer distant healing in this way. #guidedmeditation #chakrameditation #sydneymeditation #MeditationAustralia #AirElementMeditation #AirHealing #DistantHealing #SleepHealingMeditation
24.01.2022 The breathtaking and healing beauty of our natural world we all must pull together to protect. Love our Galahs
23.01.2022 Best Meditation Quotes with images shared, to help you stop, breathe and reflect. Click on the love button below #BestMeditationQuote #GuidedMeditationQuote #MeditationSydney #MeditationQuotesImages #MeditationbySenka #IamDivine
23.01.2022 Free Short Guided Meditation (Use as a Stress & Anxiety Relief Meditation) Self-healing meditations increase balance and double as stress and anxiety relief meditations. The best time to meditate is in the morning just after waking. So, try your best to fit this free short guided meditation (10 minutes) in at the start of your day before coffee, packing lunches, doing school runs and going to work. I know, its another thing to schedule in, but it will be worth it., you deserve ten minutes to yourself! #OceanMeditation #SelfHealingMeditation #10MinuteMeditaiton #GuidedChakraMeditation #ShortGuidedMeditation #StressAnxietyMeditation See more
21.01.2022 Guided Chakra Healing Meditations for Beginners and Advanced Best Meditation Quotes shared, to help you stop for a moment, breathe and reflect. Click on the like button under this post or Visit the link for more guided chakra healing meditations. ... #MeditationQuote #GuidedMeditationQuote #MeditationImagesQuotes #PositiveMeditationQuotes #BestMeditationQuotes #Iamdivine #Iamcontent
20.01.2022 Will you be joining me Wednesday night, at 7.30pm with the new meditation course via zoom .
20.01.2022 Join me tomorrow night, at 7.30pm starting the last meditation course via zoom for 2020 .
19.01.2022 5 Minute Healing Meditation to Dissolve Narcissistic Abuse The best way to empower yourself and minimise the effect of these unbalanced humans is to send them Love. Yes, that's right! By sending them Love, they are unfamiliar with this pure and powerful energy and their bad behaviour will shrink and gradually dissolve, eventually packing up and leaving or going quiet. You only need to practise this meditation a few minutes a day, every day. I have been practising this now for... a couple of weeks with a Psychopathic Narcissist neighbour. Someone I have not communicated with for 8 years and a neighbour attacking me non stop over this time? Every day I have been sending loving energy to her heart chakra from my heart. Naturally asking permission of her higher self to do so, as I have shared in the video below. I am finding everything is becoming quieter on the other side of the fence. The negativity is starting to fizzle out. The unbalanced neighbour is quieter now. Another beautiful psychic I have come to know shared this technique with me. She applied the same as she had a neighbour that would practise drumming to the earlier hours of the morning, then one day, she packed up and moved out. So it is an effective technique and a great way to continue to heal each other and the earth. This technique makes sense, as Love is a much higher vibrational energy and will always override any lower darker energies. This video shows you how to empower yourself and heal yourself from narcissistic and emotional abuse with this guided meditation. Enjoy the guided healing meditation to help with your recovery when exposed to such draconian unhealthy humans. By shining the light of Love, you will rise above all this in unique ways that you will soon discover. Most of us have experienced the shocking behaviour of Psychopathic Narcissists and are a real problem in society. The symptoms listed below help you to identify this poor behaviour; Their sense of self-importance is hugely exaggerated. They require constant and excessive admiration from others. They feel they are self-entitled to anything they desire. Expect to be recognised as unrivalled by others even without any achievements to share To get what they want, they will take full advantage of others. They do not acknowledge or take into consideration the needs and feelings of others Learn More #meditationfornarcissists #HealingMeditation #MeditationbySenka #5MinuteHealingMeditation #MeditationforNarcissisticAbuse
19.01.2022 Soul Connection Meditation. Guided Meditation to Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Help You Sleep Have you Tried a 20 Minute Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety? Accessing Our True Inner Self... Many of us may spend our lives searching for knowledge in the outer world. Yet overlook the fact that the source of all answers and wisdom, lies within each of us. That universal wisdom is another name for the state of being all-conscious. At times in our life, we may find ourselves overwhelmed and thwarted by anxiety, fear, depression and hopelessness: yet we have a source of fearlessness within us that can help us overcome our inner turmoil. #GuidedMeditationforAnxietyandSleep #MeditationtoReduceStress #20MinutesGuidedMeditationforReducingAnxiety #SoulConnectionMeditation #sydneymeditation
19.01.2022 3 Reasons Why People are Turning to Guided Meditation to Reduce Anxiety and Fear What Does Science Say About Meditation for Fear and Anxiety? (Answers Below) Guided meditation for anxiety is becoming popular. Does it work and what does science have to say about meditation for fear and anxiety?... According to the World Health Organization2, 264 million people around the world experience anxiety. Some experience mild anxiety relevant to specific situations, while some endure it every day. Anxiety is an emotion that exists in all human beings. It has helped us survive and evolve over the millennia. #MeditationforAnxiety #MeditationforFear #GuidedMeditation #SydneyMeditation #ZoomMeditationOnline #MeditationCourseOnline #MeditationBenefits
19.01.2022 Join my Zoom Guided Chakra Healing Course Online Learn More > Next InStudio Guided Chakra Balancing 5-week meditation course held each Tuesday night at 7.30pm, starting 11th May. Only 3 spots left. Learn More > Trialling a Friday night InStudio Guided Meditation Course the 21st Friday starting 6.30pm Learn More > Scroll down to the course dates and listen to the video testimonial with the dragonfly. #guidedmeditation #chakrameditation #healingmeditation #relaxingmeditation #balancingmeditation #meditationbysenka
17.01.2022 An exciting afternoon releasing mum and Bub possum in a piece of paradise Free at last! I give a huge thanks to Caroline Lowther and team at Leichhardt Bendigo Bank for sponsoring the Leichhardt Mens Shed, to build these awesome possum boxes. First one used today and the new home for Mum and Bub possum. Proud to be a volunteer of Sydney Wildlife Rescue for over 12 years now. When you see any injured wildlife or wildlife on the ground. Please call Sydney Wildlife Rescue o...n 02 9413 4300 Even better add this number in your smart phone right now for rescue and emergencies. #sydneywildliferescue #wildliferescue #sydneywildlife #brushtailpossums See more
17.01.2022 I invite you to join me the 22nd July at 7.30pm for next meditation course via zoom .
16.01.2022 Dear Light Workers and Wildlife Warriors What is Soul Fragmentation? - This is a topic that has affected us all in different parts of our experience on earth in this human body. Fragmentation of Souls occurs when we have lived through traumatic events in the past that have been too painful to want to remember, so we split a part of ourselves and leave it in that timeline. It occurs whenever we allow others to step over our boundaries causing pain and grief. When we put others... before ourselves, going against our truth, needs, boundaries and free will fragmentation occur. Bit by bit, over the years, this takes us away from our divinity and starts to diminish our inner light. Leading to disillusionment and feelings of loss. Have been practising this meditation over the past week. The peace, inner strength and buzzing of the heart energy have been amazing. The way I view the world has shifted in this process. I feel much bigger in my soul and crystalline heart. More vibrant, warmth and joy in my heart. The tips and meditation in this video will help you as well. Enjoy the meditation I have channelled for you while in the Blue Mountains. #SoulFragmentation #HealYourSoul #SoulHealingMeditation #MeditationbySenka
16.01.2022 They teach us to trust, be still and cherish the moment. Our blessed and precious gentle ringtail possums
15.01.2022 Mum and bub brushtail possums that have been in my care for a couple of month before being released, as shared in the previous post. Giving back to earth mother for all the wildlife lost in the recent bushfires around Christmas.
15.01.2022 The many benefits the regular practice of meditation has to offer. Just a few listed here in this little infographic. Meditation is something people turn to for a range of reasons, whether to help with physical health, mental health or spiritual connection. Meditation is a method of training your brain and thoughts. Just as walking increases cardiovascular strength, meditation increases mental focus and concentration and has far-reaching psychological and physical health bene...fits. Listen to the podcast testimonials on this link #benefitsofmeditation #whyismeditationgoodforyou #whyismeditationsoimportant #whyshouldwemeditate #meditationinsydney
14.01.2022 Thank you for a great write up Desiree Taylor "Meditation truly helped save my life and brought so much clarity, hope, peace of mind deep healing and truth into my life....all disease begins in the energetic realm and manifests into the physical....that is why this practice is so important. It keeps me centered and aligned with my purpose, meaning and insight.. I am so grateful to have found such a beautiful healing guide with Senka Pupacic meditation classes and wanted to ...share her next courses with you...especially during these times...Meditation can 100% be used as a tool and great healing modality to improve your immune system and physical, emotional and mental health! This should be mainstream! " Meditation is a process and not an instant solution. Just as you train your body when working out, you do the same for your brain with mediation. Meditation can be very intense for some people, but everyones experience is different. Many join my meditation classes in Sydney for a variety of reasons, often its for stress management, anxiety management, feeling down, illness, fast pace of life or just that life isnt going the way they hoped. Whatever your reasons you are starting something that is going to really change the way you view your world! Researchers have found that those who regularly practise meditation were dramatically decreasing their risk of infertility, high blood pressure, pain and even rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers dubbed this the relaxation effect, a phenomenon that can produce the same effects as medication without the side effects. Our meditation classes in Sydney are designed so that you get maximum benefits in the very first meditation course of five classes. Senka is your meditation guide that leads you through the session so that you are able to achieve the relaxation effect without having to do the hard work. Its easy to get started, just click on the button at the bottom of this page to buy your first course if joining a meditation course is not for you, then you can always practise meditation from the comfort of your own home using Senkas Meditation Course that spans over four months. Click here to find out more....." #zoommeditationclasses #zoommeditationgroups #ZoomMeditation
14.01.2022 Chakra Guided Meditation for Balancing, Healing and Sleep What is a Chakra? Lets start at the beginning. Everyone has chakras located throughout their bodies. In more scientific terms, chakras are referred to as energy centres(*1).... To best explain what chakras are, first turn your mind to your physical body. You know you have a kidney, liver, lungs, heart, lymphatic system, endocrine system and so on. You also understand that if one isnt functioning well, the others are also likely to follow suit. #GuidedChakraMeditationforBeginners #MeditationChakraClearing #ChakraGuidedMeditationBalancingHealing #ChakraBalancingSleepMeditation
13.01.2022 Amazing Sydney Meditation Experiences, Stories and Testimonials Click on on the love symbol below this post scroll through the posts to find your favourite meditation article or post #MeditationTestimonial #MeditationExperience #SpiritualExperiencesDuringMeditation #MeditationExperienceStories #Iamdivine #MeditationbySenka #AmazingMeditationExperiences See more
12.01.2022 New Zoom Online Guided Chakra Meditation Course in Sydney starting this evening. Over the past few weeks, a wonderful group of people from across Australia have been joining me for online meditation to assist with sleep and healing and distant energy healing. Each week, I transfer air healing energy to each individual via the air element within the deeper part of the guided meditation. Only those who have mastered and aligned with the elements can transfer distant healing i...n this way. Tap that heart button to love this quote or Swipe up to find your favourite meditation article or post Visit the link in the bio for more guided chakra healing meditations. I love these birds I captured via video out in desert Australia. It was in a place called Birdsville, where Qld meets Northern Territory. #guidedmeditation #chakrameditation #sydneymeditation #MeditationAustralia #AirElementMeditation #AirHealing #DistantHealing #SleepHealingMeditation
10.01.2022 Inspiring Meditation Quotes shared with you, to help stop for a moment and reflect. Tap that heart button to love this quote or Swipe up to find your favourite meditation article or post Visit the link in the bio for more meditation inspiration. #MeditationQuote #GuidedMeditationQuote #MeditationImagesQuotes #PositiveMeditationQuotes #BestMeditationQuotes #Iamdivine #Iamcontent
10.01.2022 Will you be joining me tomorrow night, at 7.30pm for next meditation course via zoom .
10.01.2022 Alpha Brainwave Meditation: What are the Benefits? What is an Alpha Brainwave State and association with increases in creativity, intuition and inspiration? Our brain uses small amounts of electricity to function and process various signals and data in much the same way a computer does. These electrical currents vibrate during their journey around the brain as brain waves, pulsing at different speeds depending on what is being processed. A wave is one kind and pulsates at mid...-speed. The Alpha State is produced while you are awake and while not concentrating on anything in particular. There are several benefits to alpha brainwave meditation, most notably an increase in creativity. What are the alpha brainwave benefits? Learn More > #AlphaWaveMeditation #AlphaBrainWaves #GuidedMeditationSydney #MeditationSenka
09.01.2022 We learn so much from the natural world. Just stop, listen and watch.
09.01.2022 Best Meditation Quotes in Sydney Australia shared, to help you stop for a moment, breathe and reflect. Click on the like button below Visit the link to learn more about guided chakra healing meditations with Senka. #MeditationQuote #GuidedMeditationQuote #MeditationSydney #PositiveMeditationQuotes #BestMeditationQuotes #Iamdivine #MeditationbySenka See more
09.01.2022 Best Meditation Quotes with images shared, to help you stop, relax, breathe and reflect. Click on the love button below #BestMeditationQuote #GuidedMeditationQuote #MeditationSydney #MeditationQuotesImages #MeditationbySenka #IamDivine
09.01.2022 A big thank you for all currently joining my zoom guided chakra meditations. The second meditation is "The Dreaming" and we have been focusing on healing the fire ravaged forests. These trees are coming back to life, with a huge thanks to all supporting the healing process of the forests and wildlife. So much wildlife lost, beyond we can image. Yet focusing strongly on bringing all the wildlife back into these forests as well. Join me so we can use all our soul energy to heal our magnificent forests, wildlife and precious earth mother.
07.01.2022 Announcement to inform you of the zoom guided meditations starting this Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. Encouraging you to join me as I will help you activate your soul light weapons to use in very creative heaing and empowering ways.
07.01.2022 Another breathtaking photograph :)
07.01.2022 The last meditation course for the year is starting tonight. Just us at 7.30pm Zoom Meditations Sharing the ‘Magic Box’ Aboriginal Prophecy with you. It is said in Aboriginal lore that many hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pleiadean’s from another star system came to earth and embedded the magic box in the very core of Uluru. It is ready and waiting to be activated now, by those in Australia who are pure of heart. ... #magicboxprophecy #chakrahealingmeditationguidedvisualization #guidedmeditationrelaxation #innerpeace #rainbowchakrameditation
07.01.2022 I invite you to join me the 10th June at 7.30pm next meditation course via zoom .
06.01.2022 Boost Your Brains Performance with Meditation BRAIN FREEZE? Three major sections of our brains can affect our ability to tap into our creativity.... The first, newest, and highest level is the neocortex. This is where you do all that good work interpretation, sensory perception, language, social and emotional processing, memory, learning processes, the list goes on. #GuidedChakraMeditation #ChakraMeditation #HealingMeditation #MeditationSydney #MeditationwithSenka #MeditationImprovesBrain
05.01.2022 With our meditations we are focusing on safeguarding nature as part of earth healing with the second meditation in the sessions within the course. You are more powerful than you can image. Your power is within, and next created through thought. The most important thing to remember is to switch off negative news in all its forms as they are trying to keep your energy in very low vibrations. Time to rise up and I can help you in our group meditation course online. In the meantime, love viewing the latest news starting to roll out as this is what we are focusing on now. First of many wins and a lot more native forest and wildlife to save.
05.01.2022 30% of the money from go to the care, rescue and preservation of our wildlife thanks to To ringtail boys in care at present. These photos were taken yesterday.
05.01.2022 Next Meditation course via zoom, starts Wednesday 10th June .
04.01.2022 Best Meditation in Sydney Testimonials Tap that heart button to love this testimonial or Swipe up to find your favourite meditation article or post Visit the link in the bio for more guided chakra healing meditations. #MeditationTestimonial #GuidedMeditationTestimonial #MeditationImagesTestimonial #BestMeditationTestimonial #Iamdivine #Iamcontent #MeditationinSydney See more
04.01.2022 Will you join me Wednesday night, at 7.30pm? The new meditation course begins .
04.01.2022 I wanted to share yesterdays rescue of this gorgeous fairy wren. A big thank you for all the people participating in my zoom meditations. You help make it possible for me to continue with saving our wildlife. I highly encourage you to join if you can. When you care for and rescue our wildlife, not only do you help them they help to heal you! It is the most empowering and exhilarating feeling, when you release them back to their families. It is a spiritual experience as well and the healing takes place on so many levels for both. Most of all the true feeling of happiness and joy you experience, with this magical earth healing connection.
04.01.2022 The healing power of nature, helps bring you back into balance. Mind, body and spirit.
04.01.2022 Weekend Meditation Retreat Spiritual Healing Retreats for both Young and Mature Searching for Spiritual Retreats near me around Sydney? (Youve Come to The Right Place!)... Were Working on the Best Affordable Meditation Spiritual Retreats for Beginners and Experienced in the Blue Mountains #SpiritualHealingRetreat #MeditationRetreatBlueMountains #WeekendMeditationRetreat #BestMeditationRetreats #AffordableMeditationRetreats #MeditationRetreatforBeginners
03.01.2022 A lovely review from Barbora ervená #guidedmeditationsydney #earthhealingmeditation #relaxationmeditation #healingmeditation
03.01.2022 A lovely review from Barbora erven #guidedmeditationsydney #earthhealingmeditation #relaxationmeditation #healingmeditation
03.01.2022 Great little article on the benefits of meditation
02.01.2022 What Happens When Modern Science Catches Up with Ancient Healing? Bioenergetic Frequency Healing Imagine your doctor scanning your body with a device to detect illness, disease, and energy blockages. This may sound a little futuristic but, the concept of quantum, spiritual, energy healing is soon very possible. The device I have ordered from Germany should be arriving in December to support one to one healings in person and distant healing.... #bioenergeticmeditation #spiritualenergyhealersnearme #quantumphysicsenergyhealing #quantumspiritualhealing
01.01.2022 You are the New Earth
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