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Crystal Light Healing Bed in Canberra

Phone: +61 431 606 940


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25.01.2022 Another beautiful sharing from our Crystal Light Bed Open Day yesterday Golden Light Energy Healing Centre - Dear Pati -don't know what happned yesterday but when I got home I was a different person. I felt like my own self . Could not believe the difference. The negativity has been lifted. Thank you for your help. Love Iris. X

23.01.2022 Received this inner message from the Plants The flower of this time for healing deep eco grief is FRANGIPANI Made a flower essence yesterday Healing attributes My body is a sacred Temple #Peace #Silence #Heartcentered #Calm #DivineOrder #Lemuria #Meditation #EnvironmentalHealing #MotherEarthLove... Awareness that Life Happens FOR me (us) not to me (us) and all is not as it seems Go deep within for new insights re living on our beloved Mother Earth now in harmony with all life More to come as I keep proving this Frangipani Essence. PM me if you would like to take some and join this Healing Circle of Discovery Sending you all Frangipani blessings now . See more

22.01.2022 Please go to the link For our live service starting very soon 7pm tonight

22.01.2022 Beauties Join us this Sunday 27 September at 7pm right here in The Spirituality Church of Canberra Facebook group. Guided by me, Associated Pastor Cath, I... will be joined by the amazing Amanda Burrell from WellSound Crystal Bowl Healing and Angelic Reiki speaking on the healing power of sound. We are in for an extra treat too. The beautiful Associate Pastor Patricia from Golden Light Energy Healing Centre will be bringing us messages from loved ones in spirit. Can't wait to see you all. Love Cath The Loving Lotus See more

21.01.2022 We are entering the ring of Fire folks. We are burning away the dross to reveal the inner Gold of new Consciousness 3pm exactly here in Canberra Australia but only visible at the tip of Cape York Can you feel it ? Ready or not we will release and renew so go with the transforming Cosmic energies folks Resistance is futile

20.01.2022 The Equinox is approaching Equal day and equal night Balance of the opposites... A powerful time to do Earth Ceremony for cleansing and renewal The Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony with White Eagle Medicine Woman and the 60+ Earth Grid Point Leaders from around the World is on again for the 7th year. The Theme is Spiritual Sensuality Will you give back to Mother Earth? Grid Point 44 (near Wilpena Pound/St.Mary’s Peak/S.A) Leader Patricia Hueneke invites you to join us this Tuesday 22nd September from 7pm -9pm on Zoom from here in Canberra Australia for this Ceremony. Bring your drums and rattles. Bring your great Hearts of love for our Earth Mother and ourselves Here is how you can join us Email me at [email protected] or PM me here ASAP for the Zoom link and ceremony information You can also Text me 0431606940 Send your donation ($25 suggested) to or online at Patricia C Hueneke BSB 801009 Account 001049717 This year it all happens here online via zoom. I will lead you through the Ceremony Please join us

19.01.2022 You are invited to our first Crystal Light Healing Bed Open Day for 2020 this Saturday 18th January 10am -5pm at the Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston ACT. Book your 30min session ($50) with Pati text 0431606940 or go to Deep healing, relaxation, chakra cleansing, balancing and energising.

18.01.2022 So excited to be offering this New 5-week Program "From Struggle to THRIVE" starting 22nd June 7pm.

18.01.2022 Please message me ASAP if you are wanting to join us. We start on Monday 16th November at 7pm for our first weekly Live or on the replay Annual membership is great value at $150. As soon as you pay the membership, I send you an invite to join our private FB Online Learning Group where it all happens Let’s Learn Herbal Healing ....

18.01.2022 Going LIVE today at 5pm for FullMoon Magic Meditation and Readings on my new public FB Group Page Let’s Thrive See you in the live or replay

17.01.2022 Deep healing, relaxation, chakra cleansing, balancing and energising. Make a leap on this Leap Year Day Inviting you to our Crystal Light Healing Bed Open Day this Saturday 29th February 10am -5pm at the Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston ACT. Book your 30min session ($50) with Pati text 0431606940 Deep healing, relaxation, chakra cleansing, balancing and energising. Leap into the new you

17.01.2022 Starting very soon

16.01.2022 Join us tomorrow Wednesday 4th November for our FB LIVE at 8pm. Energy update, healing meditation, readings and giveawayson the Let’s Thrive FB Group Page with Medium Pati

15.01.2022 Inviting you to our first Crystal Light Healing Bed Open Day for 2020 this Saturday 18th January 10am -5pm at the Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston ACT. Book your 30min session ($50) with Pati text 0431606940 Deep healing, relaxation, chakra cleansing, balancing and energising. More info at

14.01.2022 At this time the most important thing to do to protect yourself from the virus is not only keep your hands clean but build your immune system....this is the most important thing and I can help you in Canberra, as I have a Crystal Light Healing Bed @ Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston Just pm or ph me anytime and I will arrange for you to come and lie fully clothed under the lights for half an boosts the immune system, clears stress, assists depression and anxiety and clears skin problems as well as being anti aging....can you believe it...give it a try.. See you soon Appointments available at 0431606940 Cost is $80

14.01.2022 You are invited to our Crystal Light Healing Bed Open Day this Saturday 8th February 10am -5pm at the Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston ACT. Book your 30min session ($50) with Pati text 0431606940 or go to Deep healing, relaxation, chakra cleansing, balancing and energising.

14.01.2022 Going live tomorrow Wednesday at 8pm

12.01.2022 Another great day of healing coming up today with sessions fully booked. See you all soon. Blessings Medium Pati

12.01.2022 Energy Card I chose for this week: 46. Spiritual Surgery Deep tissue repair. Spiritual surgery on the body. Relax & allow the surgeons to help you. Physical pain. Crystals for healing. Self healing. Repair on all levels. Ask for help. Time for a Crystal Light Healing Bed Session? Yes ... Text Pati 0431606940 to book your session From Healing Energy Cards by Lee-Anne Peters

12.01.2022 #SunDay This Memory came up today The Golden Light of your Divine Soul -your SUN - can express itself through Nature and the Plants to YOUR consciousness and embodiment Let’s Learn Herbal Healing is a vehicle for embodying more of your Divine Soul EssenceThis is a path to truly Healing and Thriving in life Let me show you how. Join me as we explore this together ... Text me 0431606940 for details See more

11.01.2022 Lots of fruit and veg in the shops. Time yo go Vegetarian/Vegan perhaps

11.01.2022 See you Live at 5pm this evening

11.01.2022 In the absence of any medical cures for Corona Virus, as a practising herbalist for over 25 years,may I suggest my special antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and lung support herbal mixture which is available now from my @Golden Light Energy Healing Centre 2 Lambell Close Palmerston ACT, to protect you and support your respiratory and immune system. The 50 ml herbal mixture may be taken in 5drop doses 2xdaily starting now as a preventative and in larger doses for treatment. (Cost $70). Available for immediate pickup. Please always check with your GP if needed, for medical advice re your specific health conditions Text me at 0431606940 or PM me. Also available from with PayPal for mailing within Australia Yours in good health

10.01.2022 Hello everyone The Crystal Light Healing Bed Sessions are on again at the Golden Light Energy Healing Centre in Canberra so please text me at 0431606940 to book your session

09.01.2022 Going live today Friday 3rd April at 11:11 pm for our Crystal Light Healing Transmission. join me at Heartfelt donations are welcome to www.PayPal.Me/patriciahueneke

09.01.2022 Hi Soul Tribe It’s all happening over at our new Public FB Group Page Let’s Thrive Would love you to join me over there

09.01.2022 Jo Worthy shared about her session on the Crystal Light Healing Bed at our Open Day yesterday - I have just returned home after having a healing/consult with the magnificent Patricia Hueneke on her crystal bed. I feel so much more peaceful and very nourished - thank you Pati as it was a great session and I’m very appreciative. I also selected a magnificent card to assist me on my current journey. ... What a great opportunity to hand-delivery Pati’s copy of Love Worthy. I also look forward to seeing you at my official book launch on Thursday 20 February at 7 pm. #joworthyauthor #loveworthy

08.01.2022 Going LIVE at 8pm tonight on my Let’s Thrive Page. See you there

07.01.2022 Please join our next 6-week From Struggle to Thrive online program HOST -Healing Medium Patricia Hueneke DATE: Monday 28th September 7pm onwards (weekly live & replay) VENUE- online via Zoom and our private FB Social Learning Group TICKET LINK-... Transform your life struggles into living a thriving life, no matter where you are at right now. PM me for more details See more

07.01.2022 Inviting you to join us

05.01.2022 Today I am feelin so grateful My home is a place of pure magic Food, healing herbs and veggies to eat and flowers and fruits are in the garden and even in the outer chaos am feeling waves and waves of love coming over me for no particular reason

03.01.2022 Going live at 5pm today on my FB page with a Gardenia healing Meditation followed by live personal readings to some I choose with personal messages See you at 5pm today or in the replay Donations welcome to continue my healing work online to www.PayPal.Me/patriciahueneke Details of healing with Gardenia Golden Light Plant Essence on Page 41 of my book Living in the Golden Light by Pati Solva Hueneke at See more

03.01.2022 Calling in the Blue Medicine Buddha for healing today

02.01.2022 I have been guided by Spirit to offer personal virtual distance online LIVE Crystal Light Bed Healing Sessions at this time. If you would like to book your 40 minute session with follow up short consult with me, please text me ASAP at 0431606940 or email me at [email protected] to arrange a time to suit you ($75). You can pay $75 at PayPal.Me/patriciahueneke ... We can connect on FB messenger FaceTime/Zoom/or ph video-whatever suits you. I will give you instructions on how to receive the healing and then connect with you again after your virtual CLB session for your feedback and to bring you any messages I have received for you as I sat with you in meditation during your session. During your session the Crystal Light Bed will be turned on for the Spirit Doctors and your own Guides to work with your personal healing intention.

02.01.2022 What are you struggling with? Are you ready to let go and start thriving? Then this is for you. See you online enrol at


01.01.2022 Hi Light Beings Received this inner message today Everything that is separate from our own Divine nature is falling apart and everything that IS our Divine Nature is coming to BE Stop and drop into our hearts with our breath now

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