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Phone: +61 402 148 416
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25.01.2022 As the famous philosopher Marilyn McCoo continually informed us, finally, this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Tonight is the Summer Solstice AND the Great Conjunction - the very rare union of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. This truly brings us into the 5th Dimension and further towards the equality of ALL souls. (Be warned- it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. There will be further ‘disruptions’ to life as the old, patriarchal systems are dismantled.) I’m not sure if all the lyrics are scientifically accurate but Marilyn’s advice was Solid Gold - love will steer the stars ...
24.01.2022 As mentioned in my previous outburst - let’s ground & re-ignite our root/base/red chakras. So here’s something to try, if you like .... When you sit/lie to meditate - with each deep breath out, picture a big tap root or roots going from the base of your spine, deeper & deeper into Mother Earth. Then, picture the base of your spine as a fire, sending flames of energy snaking up your spinal column. Try doing this regularly- outside on the ground is best, but anywhere is good.... Also - how’s your relationship with caffeine (guilty), sugar, alcohol or drugs? These substances can give us a false sense of energy or have the opposite effect of exhaustion. Either way, they can dull the spark of genuine creativity & motivation that sits in your root chakra, so that’s something to consider too. (Sorry!) Obviously, this is very condensed & there are lots of methods that are worth a google. At the very least, this is something else you can do to pass the time 1.5m away from your loved-ones. See more
23.01.2022 Please, please do not wish your time away. For those of us who feel ‘stuck’ at home or in a holding pattern, this is the time to focus on those ‘goals’ (aargh- for want of a better term) that we envisaged at the beginning of the year before our world was shaken up. Do not take your eye off the ball! What we do have in abundance now is time. There will be absolutely no point to this crisis and no honour for those who have sacrificed so much if we come through this without plans in place for a more enriched life on the other side. At the risk of sounding all ‘Aquarian’ (can’t help it - that’s my sign), let’s focus/meditate on what skills/passions/desires we can bring into this new age to support ourselves, others, our animal friends AND Mother Gaea. This is our big chance to co-create a better world. Use this time wisely.
21.01.2022 A call to arms for 5D warriors. So you’ve been chosen to be a leader in these tricky 5D times but can’t find the instruction manual. Here are a few handy tips ... Stay on the path. When people complain about having to spend too much time at home, resist the urge to reach for a blunt instrument and just smile from your heart. Become best friends with change. ... Be flexible and understand that not everyone is good with change and being forced to adjust is exceptionally confronting for them. Stay healthy and strong - internally and externally. Remember that manifestation is lightning fast in these times when you’re connected into 5D consciousness, so use your thoughts and visions to support Mother Earth. Don’t lose heart over thinking that we’ll just go back to the old 3D ways. That horse has bolted AND this is just the beginning of the disruptions. Stay tuned ... See more
20.01.2022 For tonight’s Lunar Eclipse meditation we circled around a black crystal and sword to the sound of the ocean, we healed, we cut cords, we experienced angelic energy and raised our vibrations. Then I came home and put the garbage out. Life as a cosmic conduit ain’t all beer and skittles.
19.01.2022 With grimoire and Goddess cards thrown in the Commodore, this afternoon I traveled to the wilds of Belmont where I had the honour of leading a women’s circle. We laughed, we meditated, we set intentions, we ate copious amounts of freshly baked cake, while taking in the beautiful view from the lounge room window. I almost forgot today was 8/8 - The Lionsgate Portal. An optimum date for manifestation. Thank you Prue for sharing your magical energy-filled space.
19.01.2022 Due to the construction site inches away from our shop, to cleanse my crystal I’ve had to improvise by hooking it to the fence that allows us to pretend there’s not a huge, gaping hole where the garden used to be (complete with quiet, sensitive new-age builders). Hence the delightful photo! Despite the best intentions & high levels of protection, sometimes you still cop a nasty swipe of bad energy when you step between a client & an attached entity. I deliberately didn’t wear my trusty quartz during the reading in question but forgot it was in my bag. (Aaaargh!) Remember, if you have crystals, they absorb energy - good & not so good. It’s a great idea to regularly put them out in the garden for Mother Gaea to graciously cleanse. They’ll love you for it!
18.01.2022 For the discerning Christmas shopper ...
17.01.2022 A micro full moon, Beltane, All Souls Day, Halloween, a fire-dancer and names of loved-ones in a healing circle. All in a day’s work for a bunch of very powerful women who join forces more than once in a blue moon.
17.01.2022 Happy Lunar New Year peoples! I’m officially back on deck to Navigate you through 2020 - the Age of Aquarius and all that 5th dimensional stuff. Please forgive my lack of posts. Facebook & I are often not friends. You can follow me on Insta @meganaleendps. (I realise the irony of Facebook owning Instagram but I prefer it) Anyhoo - see you soon x
17.01.2022 Aah, the things you find when you’re cleaning out the back room! Happy Earth Day to all those in pointy black hats, or not.
16.01.2022 Feeling beyond relaxed after a blissfully releasing moon meditation with a group of my favourite people.
15.01.2022 Along with tonight’s full moon and partial eclipse, Sirius (Sothis) is at her closest to earth, bathing us in her magic silvery glow of renewal and abundance. This is THE perfect opportunity to really let go of everything surplus to requirement and to manifest the changes that are needed to move forward with our new lives. Siriusly!
15.01.2022 Although technically it is not Halloween in the Southern Hemisphere, I have donned the work uniform because I just like to scare people. Attempting to take a private, sneaky selfie in a pointy black hat certainly brings people into the shop!
14.01.2022 Are you generally cool, calm & collected but experiencing the occasional, seemingly irrational meltdown with everything that’s going on atm? Past lives may be influencing your reactions. It’s possible our souls have been through events like this before & we’re remembering being frightened of things beyond our control. I’m not saying this is behind all our reactions but it might be of some comfort to know that occasionally an ancient memory will be triggered during stressful times. Hopefully, this may be a helpful explanation for you. Now, the explanation of this photo ... I’ve had several lives that involved bellydance. This pic was taken during this life time before everything went south.
10.01.2022 Feeling drained by internal conflict and life balance conundrums? Overwhelmed by potentially life-changing questions with no answers forthcoming? Problem solved. Saturday night’s Virgo full moon is just the ticket for getting your tortured mind off that hamster wheel. This is the perfect moon for making changes. (Yes, there will be BIG changes.) This calming, emotionally strengthening moon will give you the resolve to let go of old responsibilities and make room for all those fabbo new opportunities out there.
10.01.2022 On behalf of my fellow Aquarians and myself, allow me to present the 99.9% full moon. As we release the ‘testing’ (understatement) July energy, the new Aquarius energy is all about the collective. What can we contribute to the greater good? It’s also a great time to go nuts and refresh your look. You’re welcome.
09.01.2022 It’s a ‘Beaver’ full moon tonight peoples - as depicted. Any other type of image could be rather distasteful. Stay tuned for some pretty moon pics later tonight ..,
08.01.2022 Tonight’s super full moon is upon us. It’s known as a flower moon in Native American culture because, well, it’s when the flowers start to grow in the Northern hemisphere. This month our relationships with others are highlighted so we can really examine how we see ourselves. So it makes this moon a ‘truth’ moon for us. Now is the ideal time to release old patterns and outdated opinions of ourselves. What is your truth? What were you put here for? As you ponder this, please enjoy my inspirational trio of glamorous ‘super full flower moon through somewhat rusty window frame’ images. (Yes, sadly this is the best I could do tonight in my jimmy-jams after a strange and wonderful day)
08.01.2022 The fabulous monthly gathering of the lunatics. Stunning sky, amazing release meditation and great drum circle. Sadly the star of the show- the moon - refused to make an appearance.
07.01.2022 The full, Pisces moon is all about change, freedom and fresh hope. In these restrictive times (more so for some, than others) this moon brings new friendships and opportunities to solve those cabin fever frustrations. Bathing in the releasing, recharging silver rays is definitely the go. Addams Family style is optional but absolutely worth trying.
03.01.2022 I feel very honoured to have Aubrey demonstrate his energy healing skills by working on my poster @blackwood_apothecary. We’re hoping at some point he can use his powers to make the white tiles green again. Uhh-dorable!
03.01.2022 As threatened, I haven’t posted on FB for ages but just thought I’d check in on you all. There are sooo many angles of this thing to talk about but I’ll keep my posts brief because EVERYONE has something to say. Firstly, please try not be scared. If you look beyond this virus, you’ll see that old, established ways of doing things are being broken down. This is EXACTLY what needs to happen for life to continue as our souls now operate in 5D consciousness/Age of Aquarius & the... divine feminine rises (Praise be!). If you do feel scared, now is the ideal time to work on your base (red) chakra, but I’ll probably post more on that later. Also, by staying at home we can give Mother Nature (& therefore ourselves) more room to re-set & regenerate - clearing paths for better ways to do things. I’m here if you need to chat. I’m also considering doing phone readings if necessary (very fancy!). Sending heaps of love xxx See more
02.01.2022 I am officially closed for the year (that’s what she said!). I will resume readings mid-January. In the meantime, I still have gift vouchers available for Christmas pressies. Thank you so much to all of you for your support. I am very lucky to have such beautiful clients and friends who have taught me sooooo much. Special thanks to Sarah, Anne, Venetia, Kim & Josie - you’ve all been so good to me. Have a lovely holiday season.
01.01.2022 I took a snap of the sun peaking through the clouds this morning. Call me delusional, but I see an angel or a bird. Very auspicious, with tonight’s lunar eclipse and all.
01.01.2022 Is this a sign for me to return to reading duties after a short break? Even the wildlife is queueing up! While I realise that spider spirit is a great symbol for me now, I still had to call my big, brave boyfriend to relocate the little critter out the back. On a totally separate, unrelated topic - anyone using the back lane near the IGA fence should probably watch where they step.
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