Megan Lebek Naturopathy in Mansfield, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Megan Lebek Naturopathy
Locality: Mansfield, Victoria
Phone: +61 406 503 425
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25.01.2022 As we enter into uncharted territory, it becomes increasingly important for our community to have access to healthy food and supplements. I am therefore modifying my clinical schedule to offer half-price, 15 minute immune health appointments to community members - by phone or in clinic, for only $30. Appointments will offer access to practitioner grade nutritional & herbal antiviral supplements that support immune health, together with nutritional and lifestyle recommendation...s - tailored for you. There are a limited number of appointments available, so please call or message me directly to book. Sending love & support to everyone.
24.01.2022 Limited acute appointments available from Tuesday this week for immune support. 20 min appointment, $65 With increasing numbers of in our community and a high level of demand, I am coming out of holiday mode early to provide a very limited number of acute appointments that are specific for immune health.... Appointments include: individualised immune support nutrition and lifestyle strategies to promote immune health evidence-based and tailored supplemental support Take care out there, Meg x
24.01.2022 While it is often necessary to find the cause of bloating, there are also some simple tricks you can practice to help restore your digestive health and reduce bloating quickly: 1. BITTERS. Help stimulate the flow of bile from the liver/gallbladder, enabling your body to break down food and absorb nutrients. Take bitter herbs or apple cider vinegar in water 15 minutes before meals. 2. DON'T DRINK & EAT. Too much liquid at meal times can water down digestive juices, and r...educe our digestive capacity. Stick to minimising intake of fluids to a few sips within half an hour of meals. 3. EAT MORE COOKED FOODS. The cooking process begins to break down foods, making them more readily digested. Try to increase steamed/ roasted vege, stews and soups as opposed to salads. 4. SPICES. Cinnamon, ginger, fennel, cardamom, garlic.. just to name a few! These spices have been used for hundreds of years medicinally in cooking as a digestive aid. 5. RELAX AT MEAL TIMES. Stress and anxiety activate the sympathetic nervous system, and prepare the body for fight or flight. During this state, blood flow to the digestive tract is diverted away, thereby reducing digestive capacity. Sit down for meals, enjoy the process of eating/chewing, & phones away #bloatingremedy #guthealing #gutbrainconnection #mindfulleating #mindgutconnection #digestivehealth #ibsdiet #guthealthmatters #nutritiontips #herbsrule #healingplants #mindfullness #meditationpractice #anxiety #anxiousmind #healingwithfood #mansfieldvic #victoriahighcountry #highcountryvictoria #mssurvivor #autismawareness #autoimmunediet #autoimmunepaleo #multiplesclerosis See more
23.01.2022 What if what if what if what if take 10 deep belly breaths walk in nature put on some good tunes... call a friend pat your dog do an act of kindness for a stranger Much love x Artwork by @aolanow See more
23.01.2022 How living with Multiple Sclerosis has changed my life & given me the opportunity to support others on their healing journey. Read my story. If you or, someone you know, is living with MS please feel free to get in touch, even just for a chat x .... . . . #multiplesclerosis #MS #lifewithms #mssurvivor #mswarrior #livingwithms #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathy #autoimmunedisease #autoimmune #herbs #naturalremedies #naturalhealth #nutrition #dietsdontwork #meditation #mindset #mindfullness #medicinalmushrooms #exercise #shinrinyoku #lifeisgood #lifelessons #guthealth #guthealing #mansfieldvic See more
20.01.2022 PLASTIC + HORMONE HEALTH // Plastics contain chemicals which can interfere or mimic the body's hormones - these are known as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, or EDCs. These chemicals are not limited to the well known BPAs. EDCs are linked with immune, reproductive, fertility, brain and developmental issues.... Examples of EDCs include: - Plastic bottles - Canned foods - Plastics that touch food - Heating food in plastic - Cosmetics and all products that come in contact with the skin EDCs also exist in carpet, toys, unfiltered water, air and some foods, making it almost impossible to avoid all EDCs. HOW TO MINIMISE IMPACT: Make conscious choices where possible. Fruit and vege are already packaged - no need for added plastic! Filter water Use natural cleaning products and cosmetics. @ danielamuttini via @oceansdealer #fertility #hormonehealth #naturopathicmedicine #lifeinplastic #fakeplasticeverything #naturalhealth #foodasmedicine #mansfieldvictoria
19.01.2022 IN NEED OF A REBOOT? // Are you in need of a pre-summer refresh? Or perhaps a total health overhaul? This ain't no juice cleanse, honey.... Introducing my 21-Day Holistic Reboot.... Get ready to head into post lockdown bliss, feeling like yo' best self. shed those extra KG's feel energised and revitalised clear skin improve mood and de-fog your mind At the end of 21 days, everyone will be wanting to know why you look so dang fabulous! What's included? 60 minute consultation supplements tailored to you, to support detoxification and health. 20 page diet and lifestyle guide with reboot do's and don'ts, progress charts, recipes and more. phone/zoom check-ins to support you along the way maintenance program so that you can sustain the benefits for months and even years to come! Appointments available via zoom or in person. Want more info? Head to my website. Link in bio. To find out if this program is suitable for you, DM me or head to website for more info. . . . . . . . . . . . . #weightloss #reboot #dietandlifestyleoverhaul #21days #pieceofglutenfreedairyfreecake #naturopath #bestself #dietsdontwork #naturopathy #northeastvictoria #mansfieldvictoria #guthealth
19.01.2022 CORTISOL. When it's out of whack, it can leave us feeling fried. Prolonged stress (not just the kind that's caused by being chased by tigers) can cause cortisol output to be disrupted. This can look like:... low cortisol in the morning (when it should be at its highest) = fatigue. Enter coffee. high cortisol at night when we should be winding down for sleep = wired Who's adrenals need some TLC? #ipreview via
18.01.2022 HUGE GIVEAWAY. To celebrate the new year I am giving away ONE 60 minute initial Naturopath consultation, valued at over $100. To be in the chance of winning here's what you need to do:... make sure you like the Megan Lebek Naturopathy page like this picture tag a friend in the comments or share in your feed for bonus entries! This giveaway will end at 8pm Thursday 2nd Jan, and the winner will be contacted directly and announced shortly after! Megan Lebek Naturopathy is located in Mansfield VIC, and therefore only applies to persons living within the area. If you don't live in Mansfield feel free to share the post and support the biz & keep your eyes peeled for online consultations becoming available soon. GOOD LUCK
15.01.2022 Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. It is my goal as a practitioner to provide you with the support and tools you need to take care of your health. I want you to feel empowered to make better choices in order to achiever greater health - throughout your entire life!... #educationispower #natureheals #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturalhealthcare #herbsrule #educationiskey #herbaltinctures #naturopathsuperpowers #nutritioncoaching #eatgoodfeelgood #eatclean #foodforlife #victoriahighcountry #highcountryvictoria #mansfieldvic #healthforlife #gutbrainconnection #guthealing #probioticfoods #foodasmedicine #autoimmunedisease #MS See more
14.01.2022 Dearest Facebook family, Firstly, for those with appointments on Wednesday, I am operating as usual - with additional hygiene & safety measures in place. Clients do have an option to modify appointments to either a phone or video consultation - contact me directly to request.... I will notify clients should the situation change. However, phone & video consultations will be available indefinitely for immune & stress support. Stay safe and be kind to one another x See more
13.01.2022 So... what is your gut telling you? . . Signs of a disrupted intestinal microbiome include; - gas - bloating - sugar-cravings - weight gain - fatigue - sleep disturbances - auto-immune disorders - food intolerances .... . A healthy microbiome (intestinal bacteria) is a essential component to health; it not only affects your digestive system, but is also closely linked to mental wellbeing, immune function and skin health (to name a few!) . . There are several factors that contribute maintaining a healthy microbiome - and not just diet alone! Stress levels, sleep, exercise, genetics, age are all contributors. - which is why it is so important to take a holistic approach to maintaining gut health. . . DM me if you would like more information on how your gut microbiome may be affecting your health! Appointments available early January 2020. . Icon made by a href #flaticon. See more
12.01.2022 C O M I N G S O O N . . . .
09.01.2022 Appointments now available from January 2020 Book in from this page or head to my website today!
06.01.2022 Drink some water you beautiful & capable, but dehydrated human
05.01.2022 Acute appointments (suited for immune support) have been added to my schedule - as a one off - over the following week. A 15 minute phone call or clinic visit (Wednesdays only) may allow a prescription of practitioner grade nutritional and herbal supplements, that is scientifically proven to reduce frequency and severity of viral infections - and improve your resilience to illness! Prescriptions are filled same day, with the option of express, toll delivery - to ensure yo...u receive your product ASAP. Nutritional recommendations are also provided to maximise intake of key immune boosting.nutrients - zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, omega 3. . . Get in now to secure your appointment time - they are in high demand! Booking link in bio. #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathy #herbsrule #herbaltinctures #coronapocalypse #autoimmunedisease #ms #multiplesclerosis #mansfieldvic #mansfieldvictoria #immunesupport #immunocompromised #immuneherbs #immunehealth #herbsforhealth #herbalproducts #herbalremedies #highcountryvictoria #healingwithfood See more
04.01.2022 Wherever you're at with your health, whatever your goals, we've got you. I've teamed up with @elevatehealthandwellbeing + @upsidepilates to deliver the: 8-Week Body Transformation Program.... We understand that a one-size fits all approach is neither sustainable or realistic when it comes to wellness. So our goal is to help you realise your goals through tailored, supportive and holistic framework. We want you to walk away with the tools and knowledge to support your well-being beyond the 8-weeks and for years to come. Limited spots available and they are running hot - so register your interest today DM me if you have any questions or you would like to know more.
04.01.2022 Feeling unproductive? Having trouble concentrating? Or have you lost the remote control, only to realise that you unconsciously put it in the fridge? (I actually did this a few years ago...!) Brain fog is characterised by cognitive impairments to memory, attention, and the speed of cognitive processing. It is not a medical condition, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition - ranging from poor nutrition or illness, to undiagnosed food sensitivities or sleep depr...ivation. The trick is to determine what the cause is, and treat accordingly. But in the mean time, here are some foods that are useful for improving cognitive function: Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s fight inflammation, and your brain uses omega 3 to build brain cells and nerves. Coffee. You'll be glad to hear that small amounts of coffee in the morning increase alertness, mood and concentration levels! Blueberries. Anthocyanins in blueberries (the thing that gives blueberries the deep purple colour) are potent antioxidants, and fight inflammation. Studies have shown that blueberries help improve memory! Turmeric. It's a buzz food for a reason. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, that is responsible for improving memory, easing depression and increasing brain cell production. This achieved through its outstanding anti-inflammatory benefits. Have you tried drinking turmeric tea? It's delicious. See more
03.01.2022 Lockdown party 3.0 with my housemates. Here we go again Vic! Keep smiling and enjoy the down time... it's a great opportunity to spend time focusing on your health goals! There will be no face-to-face appointments this week. If you have an appointment booked, you will be contacted directly to arrange an alternative option.... There is currently only one appointment space available this week on Wed 17th Feb @ 9:30am. Book via link in bio Take care out there x
03.01.2022 This makes my heart sing! I love my job . . . .... . . . . . #naturopath #mansfieldvictoria #victoriahihhcountry #onlinenaturopath #herbsrule #naturalwellness #microbiome #guthealth #womenshealth #pcos #endo #autoimmune #mswarrior #multiplesclerosis #smallbusiness #itsnotworkwhenyouloveitthismuch See more
03.01.2022 It is quite common for women to live with ongoing and debilitating endometriosis or PMS symptoms like pain, flooding / heavy periods, PMS mood changes and acne. I have worked with many patients who have reduced these sympoms simply by removing dairy from their diets.... I have also experienced this personally! So here's how it works in a nut shell:... It's all got to do with the dairy protein A1 casein. In most people (not all) this protein triggers an inflammatory response in the digestive tract causing an increase in histamine, mast cell activity and inflammatory cytokines throughout your body, causing menstrual pain and heavy bleeding. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you might like to try swapping out dairy for an alterative - like oat milk, for one complete cycle to see if making this change has an effect on your symptoms. While this won't work for everyone it might be worth a try! Have you experienced these benefits? I would love to hear about it #fertility #hormonehealth #naturopathicmedicine #nomorepms #monthlymoods #guthealth #leakygut #womenshealthaustralia #ditchthedairy #endometriosis #PCOS #nutrition #nourishtoflourish #mansfieldvictoria #onlinenaturopath
03.01.2022 Signs of an imbalanced gut microbiome can be widespread and go far beyond digestive issues like bloating! These symptoms are often treated independently, whilst the root cause of the problem is overlooked. That's not to say that the only cause of these symptoms is an imbalance in gut bacterial - however they are often an indication of dysbiosis. This pic shows just how important gut health is, and why it's often at the core of Naturopathic treatment plans .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #guthealthmatters #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathy #foodasmedicine #mansfieldvictoria #mansfield #highcountryvictoria #victoriahighcountry #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthhabits #bloating #autoimmunedisease #autoimmune #ms #weightlossjourney See more
15.12.2021 Hands up if lockdown has left you reeling Join me on a 7-day meditation practice to rebalance and undo the mental + emotional load that comes with a lockdown. No time? Check your daily time spent on social media ... GET STARTED Downloadinsight timer a FREE (and magnificent) mediation app. Use the search function to find the recommended meditations: DAY 1: Tara Brach. Meditation: Seeing the Goodness (7 min) DAY 2: Manoj Dias. Grounding Energy Meditation (7 min) DAY 3: Lama Yeshe Rabgye. Relaxing your mind (9 min) DAY 4: Jason McGrice. Morning Ritual (10 mins) DAY 5: Mountain Meditation by Andy Hobson (15 mins) DAY 6: Manoj Dias. Morning Meditation for Energy and Clarity (15 min) DAY 7: Tara Brach. Vipassana (Basic) Meditation (15 min) Best time of day to practice meditation? ANY TIME. If you miss a day. No sweat! Pick up where you left off the following day. Keep an eye out or my stories to follow the daily mediation. Who's in?
02.12.2021 TELEHEALTH + ZOOM APPOINTMENTS ALL WEEK. There was part of me that was hoping that the lockdown would evolve from a 7 day stint to maybe a 3 day... But alas, here we are, 3 days in! For the time being, all appointments will resume as zoom or telehealth. All current bookings will receive an email to advise of these changes.... If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call on 0406 503 425 to discuss. Take care out there
28.11.2021 "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants" - Michael Pollan
20.11.2021 After air + water, the most essential element to human health is SLEEP! Poor sleep quality + duration may contribute to: fatigue (obv)... brain fog poor ability to make decisions obesity depression anxiety insulin resistance + diabetes high blood pressure The list goes on... What I notice in a clinical setting: When sleep is improved, clients begin to experience increased motivation to implement healthy habits and improved ability to cope with stress. Top tips for healthy improving sleep: screens away 60 mins before sleep go to bed at a decent hour (<10pm) read 10-20 mins in bed meditate/yoga nidra 10 mins to calm the mind before sleep
02.11.2021 PSA: It's time to get your vitamin D levels tested! As we head into winter, it is a great time to get your bloods tested. Make sure Vitamin D is included (especially if you live in Victoria!!) *Side note - Comprehensive blood testing should be done at least annually... Up to 80% of Victorians have sub- optimal levels of Vitamin D by the end of winter. So Vitamin D should begin, well.. now! A low Vitamin D state is linked to: low mood, depression, anxiety low energy all Auto-immune disorders sleep problems frequent infections/illnesses muscle and joint pain After testing, it is important to understand your results. An accepted value of vitamin D in Australia is > 50mmol. This is way too low... especially considering that this value will decrease throughout winter... In sunny countries it is normal to have a Vitamin D value over 200mmol It is important to work closely with your practitioner to understand correct dosage and to gain access to good quality supplements in order to achieve optimal Vitamin D (and did mention regular pathology testing?) How long has it been since your vitamin D levels were tested?
18.10.2021 COFFEE. Why (the right amount) is good for you, but also when it may be time to have have a break. The good. + A potent antioxidant... + Contains magnesium which is often deficient in our diets (due to soil quality) + Supports health blood sugar regulation + Protective against neurological degenerative conditions When it may be time to have a break: - You rely on coffee's ability to increase energy. Coffee increases adrenaline output, giving a false sense of energy and keeping you in a fight or flight state. Long term this is inflammatory and may contribute to adverse health outcomes - You are in a state of high stress. Coffee and stress both increase cortisol levels. Overtime, this can contribute to adrenal insufficiency and poor stress tolerance - Your gut needs healing. Coffee can contribute to leaky gut and inflammation in the digestive tract. Give coffee a miss if you are working on your gut health The right amount of coffee is fine to include in your diet, unless you are experiencing high stress, relying on coffee for energy or have gut inflammation. Which, unfortunately is most of us. Give coffee the flick for a couple of weeks and see how you feel without to learn what effect it's having on your health.
16.10.2021 Tips to support gut health
05.10.2021 ULTRALIGHT BEAMS Nature therapy is always one of my most recommended forms of any therapy. The reason I prescribe this is because I have experienced first hand how powerful and healing it has been in my own health journey.... Some days are harder than others to find the motivation and find everything else to do apart from.whats truely needed for me on that moment. But I feel the moment I put my hiking shoes on and hit the incredible trails in the high country I being to notice the intrinsic beauty and feel the connection to the nature around me. After some time walking everything becomes so peaceful and clear. Share your most beloved walking trails below
02.10.2021 Me.... In cheese + wine realness Let me tell you a bit about myself and my work. In a nutshell, I'm a S'mor eating, margarita drinking, dog loving, snowboard riding, wilderness seeking, Naturopath. In that order.... Human first, naturopath second. But don't get me wrong! Boy, do I love my job. Having had trials and tribulations with my own health journey, I truely understand how isolating it can be to not have the right health support - but also, how empowering it is when you find it! This is what I endeavour to provide to each and everyone of the beautiful people that choose to work with me: S U P P O R T. E M P O W E R M E N T. R E A L N E S S. R E S U L T S. Who do I work with? period health + women's health chronic illness + autoimmune Reach out to me if you would like to learn more about how I can help you! DM me or head to my website to book in for your free discovery call
12.09.2021 Your gut likes diversity. It's beneficial. A diverse gut microbiome is what gives you the strongest immune system a well balanced digestive system. FEED your good bacteria and they will diversify.... + A wide variety of plant foods. + Spend more time outside. + Eat fermented foods. Daily. + Don't eat too much sugar. + Eat whole grains. + Drink green tea. As a whole, the western world is losing diversity in gut microbiome. Things like antibiotic use, spending all of our time indoors, moving to city and exposure to chemicals has contributed to this loss in biodiversity. Pick one microbiome diversifying tip, get it down pat... Move onto the next. Consistent changes are key . . . . #feedyourbiome #guthealth #gutbrain #naturopathiccare #naturopathy #bristolstoolchart #solidnumbertwo #pooeveryday #naturopathy #autoimmune #mswarrior #mentalhealth #loveyourmicrobiome #victoriahighcountry #mansfieldvic #benallavic #ipreview via
07.09.2021 Love your guts. Your gut is housing trillions of bugs. This community (your microbiome) consists of trillions of bacteria, viruses and funghi. More and more research continues to identify how important your microbiome health is to:... digestive functions mental health immune function hormone regulation weight management In a nut shell, when we have too few or too many 'bad' bugs, dysfunction can occur, affecting a whole host of body systems. Signs of possible microbiome imbalance: Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating Auto-immune conditions PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids Obesity Depression, anxiety, autism, ADHD Sleep disturbances + fatigue Sugar cravings Brain fog It is important to take a multi-factorial approach to regaining microbiome health. In conjunction with dietary and lifestyle modifications, probiotics and prebiotics can help, however it is necessary to identify the right strain of bacteria for you! More on this time come. If you suspect your microbiome may be out of whack, book in for a FREE 15-minute discovery call today and we can chat further. Link in Bio #breatheyourbiome #microbiome #loveyourguts #naturopathy #gutbugs #autoimmune #mswarrior #endowarrior #womenshealth #followzachbush #mentalhealth #selfcare #guthealth #naturopathiccare #naturopathy #bristolstoolchart #pooeveryday #solidnumbertwo #mansfieldvic #victoriahighcountry
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