Cr Megan O'Hara Sullivan | Politician
Cr Megan O'Hara Sullivan
Phone: +61 410 018 610
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25.01.2022 Yesterday I attended the East Creek Community Centre AGM. There I met volunteer Nancy The following is lifted straight from Manager Sally’s 2020 report... During lockdown our volunteers were a great example of people looking out for their community, with many calling others regularly to check up on them. Nancy Hardwick, our Stroke and Brain Injury Support Coordinator, called her group weekly and had a chat with all of them, checking on their well-being. Nancy is an amazing women, she also celebrated her 88th birthday this year and keeps busy volunteering at the Centre. Nancy is a great example of how much older people in the community give back and the value of this group to our general well-being Go Nancy #IncrediblePeopleDoingIncredibleJobs
25.01.2022 Start somewhere in 2021
25.01.2022 More Police for Toowoomba
24.01.2022 Things close to my Reducing waste to landfill and supporting local industry. Today I did a site visit to Pyrocal Pty Ltd... The Pyrocal thermal treatment technology allows the recovery of resources from residual waste, whilst also significantly reducing waste volume.
23.01.2022 This is not part of my #countrypubseries. This week it was announced that $3.4 billion fund has been carved out from the budget to get mothers back into jobs, give cash to those fleeing domestic violence and tackle sexual harassment in the workplace. What’s the (not so) subtle message that these amenities send to women? It’s a new addition to an otherwise terrific renovation of an existing pub in Toowoomba.... What about women and men?
21.01.2022 Politics Pub The Perfect Combo! Please join us to participate in one, or the other....or both!
21.01.2022 Thank you John McVeigh for your service to Toowoomba and the Darling Downs - on Council and as a State and Federal MP. Although we’re from different sides of politics, John has always been very generous to me. I wish Anita, John and their family the very best, you will be in our thoughts. ... *photo taken before social distancing
21.01.2022 TOOWOOMBA CARNIVAL OF FLOWERS UNDERWAY The 71st Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers has begun! Despite a global pandemic, the gardens look just as beautiful previous years possibly even bigger and better than ever. With so many large parks and gardens across the region to choose from, visitors can celebrate Spring while keeping their distance from others. Here are just some of the colourful displays at Laurel Bank Park, with so many more to see. Include your favourite photos from your garden visits below and we’ll have a beautiful, shared album to celebrate the start of Spring! : Ellie Jolley, ABC News
20.01.2022 Biggest Police Resource Boost in 30 years Today, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced a massive boost for our hard working Queensland Police Service: 2025 new police personnel by 2025. That's at least 150 new police on the beat in the Southern Region, plus more support staff so that our officers can focus on protecting the community.
20.01.2022 Absolutely incredible to remember the floods, ten years on. Trigger Warning: This video may contain images that stir difficult emotions for you. If you or anyone you know needs help, please call Lifeline on 131114
19.01.2022 Thanks to Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise for a wonderful kick off to the Christmas season on Friday night. TSBE is committed to ensuring that our local business community will innovate, adapt and prosper and they take pride in encouraging major investment and promoting the vital need for new and upgraded infrastructure in our region. A believe this is a perfect way to finish a night...a bit of liturgical dancing with the effervescent Fiona from Bar Wunder... Take care everyone, it’s certainly been an interesting year.
19.01.2022 The ECQ has just announced the earling voting (pre-poll) locations for the state election! This year, Toowoomba North has THREE early voting centres: Railway Goods Shed (Victoria St)... Hooper Centre (Hume St) Highfields Village Shopping Centre (Highfields Rd) More details to come on opening hours!
19.01.2022 Gotta watch out when you try to be one of the cool kids It’s the getting back up that hurts! Last week I had the absolute pleasure of hanging out with the crew from Rare Squid Creative and Theresa Hall Photography at their new space at GPO in Margaret Street.... The initiative, funded by Toowoomba Region and not-for-profit organisation Renew Australia allows creative start-ups to rent out vacant sites in the CBD at no cost on a rolling month-by-month basis. The Creative CBD initiative is one way we can encourage new enterprises to the CBD and promote greater diversity and business activity in the city centre. Go Paddy, Joshua, Bindi and Theresa #creativecbdtoowoomba #IncrediblePeopleDoingIncredibleJobs
18.01.2022 Cr Kerry Shine - Toowoomba Regional Council and I just caught up with Nita Green - Senator for Queensland. She had just come from Domestic Violence Action Centre and I was just about to head to their virtual AGM. Today is International Day for the elimination of violence against women.... I would like to draw your attention to the idea of coercive control. There’s a more subtle type of abusive behavior that’s equally as harmful as physical or verbal violence. I’ve seen some of my girlfriends in situations which would be described as reasonably unhealthy. How to recognise coercive control; Isolation Monitoring Activity Restricting Gaslighting Controlling your body Reinforcing roles Sexual coercion Controlling money Manipulating kids If you need to explore these concepts more:
18.01.2022 Happy New Year from the Sully quarter. Dean and I cherish our family of creation and we love our families of origin.....but yesterday was a perfect time to hear the silence. We went walking in Ravensbourne National Park to say hello to 2021.... Nothing philosophical from this end except a phrase that keeps going around in my head The day is today, the moment is now.
18.01.2022 Great news for Toowoomba jobs! $40 million investment from the Palaszczuk Government
18.01.2022 Happy happy Friday’s If you’re like me, you love a beer on a Friday afternoon. There’s more good news to come. From 1 October restrictions on pubs will ease; the maximum number of people in outdoor dining areas and beer gardens will double I.e from one person per four square metres to one person per two square metres.... Hotel Norville Toowoomba is a particularly good local to support....especially since you can also eat at The Wofty Possum.
17.01.2022 It was a privilege to nominate Amanda Dalton for the Domestic and Family Violence Honour Roll. Protea Place Women's Support Centre helps women like you and me, who, for whatever reason, find themselves homeless.
17.01.2022 White Ribbon Day....Making Women’s Safety a man’s issue too. This beautiful reworking by Centenary Heights State High School students of an incredibly moving song. ‘Eurydice’... (Words and Lyrics by Cam Venables) She was somebody’s daughter, would’ve been somebody’s mum. She was thoughtful, she was funny, so we’re feeling overcome. Coz a lovely girl in Melbourne, with a Greek inspired name Has been murdered on her way home, and it’s such a bloody shame. Well we’re called the ‘Lucky Country’, and we talk about ‘Fair Go!’ But, there’s stuff we try to hide away, pretend not to know Like the lovely girl in Melbourne, with the Greek inspired name Who was murdered on her way home, it is such a bloody shame. We lay flowers in memory, we weep tears and grieve That there is a better way, we work for and believe Every woman is my daughter, every woman is my mum, Every woman is my sister, put it in curriculum: So that every girl, in every place, can be safe on their way home Becauseevery man, and every boy; Every man, and every boy: Every man, and every boy Should respect every woman
17.01.2022 The joy of my world’s colliding. My bestie (sister, and top fan Jane O’Hara) has been in town, observing the ground breaking work of the Toowoomba’s Flexi School. She came to City Hall and met with Councillors Geoff McDonald and James O’Shea and I this afternoon.... Thanks to passing student Sam Coleborn who got roped into taking a thousand photos of us and the autumn leaves.
16.01.2022 Busy day getting signs ready. If you would like a sign in your yard, please send me a message.
15.01.2022 I had forgotten the joy of sitting in a cinema, watching a movie on the big screen. In our magnificent The Strand cinema, I got lost in The Dry. It’s so so good. I love any Australian film, but especially ones that capture our sense of humour, our landscape, our light.... I feel particularly grateful that we are even able to go to the flicks, who knows what the future holds.
15.01.2022 Compared to other Candidates Debates going on around the world yesterday, this one was relatively sedate. Thank you Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce for hosting. Thank you CEO Todd Rohl for being a great moderator and an even better sport.... #QldLabor recognises that Small Business is a Big Deal.
14.01.2022 We lost two feminist icons this week. Helen Reddy and Susan Ryan. Here’s mum, my sisters and me singing Helen Reddy’s I Am Woman at my wedding in 1993. Susan Ryan was such a champion for the women’s movement, particularly inside the Labor party. She was a true believer in affirmative action.... Labor first began to set targets for women MPs in 1994, with a quota of 30 percent. The ultimate target is 50 percent by 2025. The LNP has long resisted calls for quotas.
13.01.2022 While I gave blood today I cracked open my first book from Mystery Date with a book. I love the presentation, synopsis but especially support the concept. All profits raised will be used to fund school supplies for marginalised children in our community. The story line sounds a bit scarily close to the bone....middle aged woman........
13.01.2022 Spring Bluff is looking AMAZING. Sadder news, the train is SOLD OUT. You can still drive, jog, bike or get yourself there by any means possible. ... It’s open throughout Carnival and beyond.
12.01.2022 As I got dressed in the dark at 4.30am yesterday morning, I needed an outfit that would go the distance. From the Mayoral prayer breakfast in Millmerran at 6.00am to seeing Thelma Plum at 7.30pm. With a couple of stops in between; a thank you morning tea for the Toowoomba Region volunteers an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meeting and some others in between.... Busy busy busy! #IncrediblePeopleDoingIncredibleJobs
12.01.2022 Don’t be a bystander.
12.01.2022 Assistant Minister Jennifer Howard MP in Toowoomba today unveiling the revitalisation project at Queens Park as well as announcing a new 5 year funding deal to secure the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers for the future.
10.01.2022 Interview your politicians. It’s not just permissible, it’s expected. Fantastic program that Youthconnect TRC.
10.01.2022 That was a bit of fun! The Grand Central Shopping Centre tree light up tonight. Here’s a before shot, do you have an after?
10.01.2022 Here’s a slightly different one to add to my car series. I was offered a spin in a Tesla electric vehicle by Mark Tranter from Renew Toowoomba Branch. I love early adopters, and Mark is keen to spread the word. I politely refused the invitation to drive it myself. Coincidentally I had been reading an article;... Electric Vehicle Charging: Implications for local government planning. This briefing explores Electric Vehicle charging and explores the issues that an EV fleet transition will raise for Councils including location selection criteria for EV charging stations, issues around charging station design, tariff choice and integration of EVs into council electricity infrastructure Interesting times ahead.
09.01.2022 I missed posting this pic on the weekend, but it’s too good not to. This was taken at Weetwood, Toowoomba. How spectacular is former Mayor of Balonne Shire, Donna Stewart’s outfit? Committee member Gerard Betros looking dashing too. A sneaky (unintentional) bomb from Brett from Browns the Greener Dry Cleaner.
08.01.2022 We all come from somewhere, we’re all going somewhere. Even if I don’t know where I’m going sometimes, I know where I’ve been. This is my beautiful family. This is where I’ve come from. My clever sister Jane made this video for my eldest sister Shay’s birthday. Delta Dawn was one of mum’s favourite songs. She sang it out of time and out of tune - much like the rest of us! Aaah family, I adore you.
08.01.2022 Following the announcement this morning, please note that Greater Brisbane is going into lockdown for three days, while contact tracers work to ensure the UK strain of COVID-19 is not circulating in the community. The lockdown comes into effect from 6pm tonight, Friday 8 January until 6pm, Monday 11 January for the following local government areas: Brisbane... Moreton Bay Ipswich Redlands Logan (NB Not Toowoomba Region) Please note that masks are now mandatory everywhere outside your own home during this period During the lockdown, residents are required to stay at home except for the following reasons: Shopping for essentials, food and necessary supplies Medical or healthcare needs, including compassionate requirements Exercise with no more than one other person, unless all from the same household Providing care or assistance to an immediate family member Work, or volunteering, or study if it is not reasonably practicable to work or learn remotely Child custody arrangements Legal obligations Visit for end of life Attend funeral (20 people) or weddings (10 people) Important for residents in this region....They are also asking anyone who was in Greater Brisbane on or since 2 January, to follow the same lockdown rules where they are now. Only leave your home for the essential reasons and wear a mask Please refer to the below QLD Government link for further details, including comprehensive FAQs.
06.01.2022 Unfortunately Stirling Hinchliffe MP was called away at the last minute and couldn’t be there in person to open the newly created Agtech and Logistics Hub. Gillian Gardiner from the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport delivered his speech. I asked if I could see the transcript because it’s such an exciting project and I wanted to get the details right. Dot points on the hub to follow....... It is a chance to consolidate the tech already available and being developed. It’s a place to facilitate the all-important connections between those with challenges and those who can provide solutions they need. This hub has a place in helping the region’s growers and producers and agtech startups to surge ahead. It aims to be a nerve centre for innovation in the region. Agriculture and food production are key industries for Queensland, employing almost 110 000 people. It is worth $18.5 billion to the state’s economy and it is crucial to this region. The Queensland Government is putting $3 million into supporting the hub over three years. Then we will hand it over to industry to carry on the job. #IncrediblePeopleDoingIncredibleJobs
05.01.2022 Annastacia Palaszczuk has had to make some tough decisions recently to keep all of us safe. As we roll out Queensland’s economic recovery plan, it’s our job to protect your job.
04.01.2022 Mid last week, I got the best birthday present ever! The Defence Housing Australia application for houses along the Toowoomba escarpment, was unanimously rejected.
02.01.2022 Let's go! Today, the Premier visited the Governor to dissolve Queensland Parliament - that means the 2020 Queensland Election has officially begun. I'm proud to be running on Annastacia Palaszczuk MP's #teamqld to represent Toowoomba North. We are going to keep Queenslander's safe, and boost our economy with more jobs, new infrastructure and better schools.
01.01.2022 These are intelligent, attractive young women who should be confident in themselves and their futures. Not looking over their shoulders, planning escape routes and attending counselling. I asked one if she’d heard the names Allison Baden-Clay, Rosie Batty or Hannah Clarke? Or heard the term coercive control? No, but she’d look that up. All the women are now too familiar with the term ‘gaslighting’. That’s where a person plays mind games and gradually erodes self-belief and confidence
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