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Megan Simpson in Bendigo, Victoria | Personal coach

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Megan Simpson

Locality: Bendigo, Victoria

Phone: +61 436 325 945

Address: 391 Hargreaves Street 3550 Bendigo, VIC, Australia


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to load big map

25.01.2022 I said to a friend just today....I cannot do mediocre anymore. Not with friends, work, relationships. And then the divine Danielle La Porte offered me this Ahhhh the syncs.

25.01.2022 T H A N K .... Y O U I have so many beautiful clients atm. And the universe is sending me lots of amazing young women And yes I know why...I know its the work Im meant to do. And I love doing it. Deeply love it. ... So thank you for all of you who keep coming back. Those of you who bravely reach out. Those of you willing to do the work. Also - thank you to those who recommend me, its the greatest act of faith in what I do Huge BIG Love, M xx Pic c/o Courtney Hedger

25.01.2022 B U R N B R I G H T E R Hardship - We all experience it, in one form or another.

25.01.2022 This is why you should be as kind as kind to every human that crosses your path. Less judgment people...& more love.

24.01.2022 S E L F A D O R A T I O N Hmmmm...I’ve never put these 2 words together before. But as I sit writing a letter to the Divine (spirit, God, higher self, source)....and we were having a nice chat about what my heart needs - and these words came out. Self Adoration ... What a concept, thought, practice! I’ll be pondering this more, for sure. For now I’m off to work to see 2 beautiful young ladies and teach them more and more about self love and self worth

24.01.2022 Awwwww hello Sprrrrring

23.01.2022 Do not believe the stories in times of sadness and sorrow When we slip into sadness and what feels like the sorrow of life...our mind can take us into dark and twisted places. Do not believe the stories there. ... When our emotional self takes over and we start to think of a l l the things that are wrong, not right... Do not believe the stories. Let the sadness be the sadness. Let the sadness be felt. Let the sadness move through you. Do not believe the stories

23.01.2022 T R I B ladies I had a convo yesterday with a beautiful friend, a true soul mate, soul sister if you like... I spoke about the women around me, my tribe. ... They are outstanding. Ive got to the point where I have THE most amazing female friends, and yes some great men. Not just good blokes but g r e a t men. That can be another post I started to see that some older friendships which had stopped evolving in one way or another, needed to be wrapped up and I guess given up. Has it been sad, yes. Has there been grief, yep. Was it necessary to let go so new and more aligned friends could fill the space....yes. Heres to my homies, they know who they are They always have my back, always. There is always a yes for me in the times I ask for support. And mostly I dont even need to ask You are my lifeboat on the rough seas, and my heart adores you all. Individually you are fucking amazing. Collectively...well this blows my mind the collective wisdom is truely beyond compare As they say - find your tribe, love them hard.

23.01.2022 N O R M A L I S I N G SELF CARE. Dont wait until you ‘need’ to go away for a breather, space, peace, relaxation...take it as often as you want for your own well-being, your own emotional health. In fact take it, as a loving gesture to those close to your heart so when you return you are filled with even more love and energy to give. ... See more

23.01.2022 Is your daughter saying no no no way to joining the group....? It will be one of 2 things, fear or thinking she doesn’t need to learn this stuff. Maybe a bit of both Us adult women know these grps will be brilliant for young women. It’s stuff we wish we knew at their age ... Did anyone talk to you about self love? Remind you how goddamn amazing you are? Help you step into the confidence of just being you, as you are, full self acceptance? So here’s the thing - we set up a zoom call/ FaceTime first...before even trying to hard sell the group to her. It’s tricky for adult women to say yes to grp imagine the feeling for your teen. Let’s make her comfy, let’s help her feel safe. It’s not persuasion per say It’s giving her the opportunity to have an informed choice Cos we know if she says yes to the group...she’ll actually being saying yes to herself

23.01.2022 I’m not going to walk backwards into the future A line from a daggy Christmas movie I’m watching on this pretty special day. Google: The Great Conjunction 2020 - to get a feel for what’s happening... The energy is super powerful. I can feel it. And I can see it in experiences around me. Now is the time to let go of whatever needs to go. And dream those big dreams to allow the newness to come in. Here’s to stepping into the future, gaze ahead, past behind

22.01.2022 Happy Spring Everyone Pic by Rafael Macedo

22.01.2022 BIG Love about so much more than attracting a beautiful partner Its about:... creating the most amazing version of yourself. letting go of past relationships to clear the way for the new. finally shedding those old beliefs like Im not good enough. finding clarity in what you really want. owning your worth creating a life you LOVE. BIG Love is really about you. And about bringing out all that goodness in you that the world needs Yum. Im about to finish off the BL journey with an a m a z i n g woman from SA. Like all the others, she is gold. Through and through.

22.01.2022 Drop the JUDGE JUDY Im telling peeps a l l t h e t i m e... You cant be an arsehole to yourself and expect to feel better. ... You cant keep stomping on yourself and hope to heal and live and calmer life. That math just doesnt add up So today - if the arsehole voice comes in...grab it quick, say no thanks and let the feeling just be the feeling....without the dramatic story around the feeling. You get me? Dont be Judge Judy on ya self today BIG love, M xx

22.01.2022 For those wanting to strengthen their relationship It’s a gift I tell you, to seek ongoing wisdom and knowledge about our intimate relationships. We should all keep learning as much as we can! So our relationships can grow and get better and better

21.01.2022 4 Y E A R S T O D A Y!! Happy Birthday to moi! Happy Birthday to moi! Happy Birthday to moooooi!... Happy Birthday to meee. What a ride creating a mentoring practice after 24 years in agencies. I love it. I love the people who step through my door, I love the colleagues I work with, I love watching people create change in their lives. A BIG thank you to everyone who has supported me in supporting others Biggest love to you all today M xx

20.01.2022 Monday Lets do it

20.01.2022 I M B A C K B I T C H E S! Sorry...theres a great story from when I worked at schools where a young fella popped his backpack on and said to 3 teachers see ya later, bitches. Ill never forget it and seem to use it often Anyway yes today is my first day back at work. Some zoom sessions today , tomorrow, Wed and Thursday ... Thought I better start the morning right so Im all on board after awhile off

19.01.2022 For all Year 7 & 8 young women Bendigo event in July. Super excited to teach this age about self-love, self-worth and high-standards ...

19.01.2022 HAPPY Monday...this will help you jump into your day

19.01.2022 T H E G R E A T E S T G I F T I needed a reminder yesterday. After I heard about a new law being introduced and had my version of a tantrum A very wise friend reminded me to:... Pause Breathe Focus on me Stop reading reports on any media Stop letting my energy get dragged into the arguments Keep my energy for myself and my life Try not to sit in the different stories swirling around the globe. Focus on me, my loves. And send love out to those, happy Friday to you all Wishing you a day of inner peace, not outer grief. Wishing you a day where you can put down the disappointment and confusion and love humanity as a whole, regardless of individual opinions BIG Love, M xxx

19.01.2022 Welcome Welcome Welcome to my page beautiful people. Here you will find daily thoughts and inspirations, plus services on offer. To explain who I am and what I do in this intro...I will start with sharing that I currently live in Bendigo, Australia and support people far and wide via zoom.... As I evolve and change and grow so do my services. My heart & soul LOVES supporting women through relationship change, through education and understanding around healthy intimate relationships. Guiding women in living amazing lives through deep self love, deep self worth and not ever settling for less than she deserves Supporting women in their: Relationship with self Relationship with partner Relationship with children Relationship with the world and Attraction of healthy, connected love. Offering ongoing mentorship journeys means we get to go deeper, which means greater change and growth. Thank you for visiting my page. You can contact me via here, or 0436 325 945 or book via my web in comments. I look forward to sharing with you all soon Megan xx

18.01.2022 There’s one week left to register for this beauty

18.01.2022 F U L L M O O N Its that time put the crystals out, maybe write out what you want to release, and attract Sit under the moon for awhile and breathe Pic taken last full moon in northern nsw. Still basking in the beauty of the night and the experience

18.01.2022 Hows ya planning going...?! Even for me in northern nsw well away from Vic keeps throwing curve balls at me, changes, delays, speedy whoa These certainly are the times to practice breathing, going with the flow, readjustment. ... Wishing you all a flowy kind of Sunday BIG love, M xx

17.01.2022 New Spring Prices - starting September 1st

17.01.2022 Humanness It’s been a big big year. Which had fuck all to do with the virus and everything to do with personal pain and power. As I sat in my new container home tonight I listened to one of my favourite ‘God’ songs. ... Even when you don’t see it he’s working, even when you don’t feel it he’s working...he never stops, never stops working. It bought tears to my eyes tonight. For many many months I did not believe anything or any type of God or universe was working for me. For those months I can see now that my friends held me up. Held me until I could start to see a little bit of light again. As a sat here tonight I reflected on how being held in the darkness gives you the time and eventually the strength, to start to believe again. As the weeks and months moved on, with so many changes in my life along the way I found myself without a permanent home. And then these 2 goddamn angels appeared and lead me towards the home I sit in tonight. It’s not big, nor filled to the brim with ‘things’ but as a write this I can say - my tiny home has everything I could hope for because it’s filled with the love from my friends who I would not be here without In honour of all women I can move through the darkness and you can find the light. I don’t care so much who or what you believe in - God, Divine, The Universe, Spirit. But I can tell you there sure as shit must be something or someone looking out for us. Lean on them, they are here for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the divine women who held and helped me through. From me and my beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, delightful, truely very special, tiny HOME

16.01.2022 Y O U You were not created to live life half arsed. I can promise you that You were not created to feel crappy most of the time. Even half of the time. ... You were created to live a full life. The mere fact that you were born - tells you that you were created as a divine human, designed to live a life you LOVE. BIGGEST love, M

16.01.2022 Check out this online workshop for couples...well worth your time and energy and a beautiful way to make your relationship a priority

16.01.2022 WHY IT'S EASY TO JOIN THE ZOOM GRP FOR YOUNG WOMEN Too easy...sitting at home in front of laptop Comfort of your own environment Doesn't matter where you live - accessible! ... You choose the level of your participation, you share only when you feel comfy to You'll share the space with young women who live in totally different places, attend different schools, have different friendship groups...variety It's the most beautiful learning for young women - how to love themselves dearly, accept themselves just as they are, make choices that align with how amazing they are. Melbourne, Ballarat, , Darwin, Perth...St Arnaud!! Doesn't matter where you can join our zoom class. Full accessibility, same divine learning xxx

15.01.2022 This is SUPER exciting... I've been accepted to facilitate teen workshops at the Gathering of the Goddesses Festival at end of March How divine

15.01.2022 What Q U A L I T I E S do you l o v e in others... One of my fav qualities of a human being is reliability ... People who’s actions follow their words. People who do what they say they are going to do. Who turn up at the time they say they will, who call when they say they’ll call. We all have qualities we strongly admire in others. That’s most likely how we choose our friends and should definitely be how we choose a partner. For sure

15.01.2022 What a great day to start seeing clients again face to face, after 6 months solely online From now on itll be a bit of both

15.01.2022 I have a soft place in my heart for Mums Happy Mother’s Day amazing women. Spend a moment today with your hand on your heart, listen to your breathe and sit in the deep recognition for all the love you pour out to others Thank you, thank you, thank you

15.01.2022 My beautiful friend Gena, is about to launch her first book She’s a gem, an earth angel really. And she’s so damn wise! Her booked called Find Your Way, will be available by end of May. You’ll be able to find it on:... She’s a ripper

13.01.2022 Whole. Damn. Fire

12.01.2022 THE P O W E R F U L WOMAN ....vs the wild woman. v ... TPW knows her emotions and how to work with them. TWW unleashes her feelings into others. TPW knows how to create space to process. TWW splatters over those around her. TPW knows to come back to conversation to remedy in a respectful way. TWW has little control over when or where she says things. TPW can reflect and own her behaviour. TWW blames others for her stories. Who do you choose to be...what are you willing to do to learn how to become more of TPW and less of the other

10.01.2022 AMAZING Young Women My heart LOVES doing groups w young women. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a group of grade 6 girls all term. Divine. Have a look at their I AM posters today. Look at that love for themselves. Priceless. ... Also introduced them to Helen Reddy and showed them how dance can help us release and celebrate this life I reminded them that their words are true, always. When they don’t get the test results they want, still true. When they person they like doesn’t like them, still true. When they have big feelings that they find hard to manage, all those words are still true. Blessed to work with young women. Next semester I’m booked into Bendi Secondary College. I’ve got space for 1-2 more if you know a prin or deputy who may value this work, please shoot me a PM. BiG Love to you all this Monday night. Take time to remember who you are at your core

10.01.2022 Happy Monday Beauties Here is a reminder to take into your day, and your week

09.01.2022 B U R N I N G S H I T How do you chose to release, let go, soften those tricky feelings? Tonight Im burning shit.... Sad shit Confusing shit Disappointing shit Worrying shit Writing it out, burning the shit out of it!! Try it, very cathartic

09.01.2022 Beautiful feedback. Warms my heart. What more could I ask for really...than when you come to me, you feel completely safe to be yourself

09.01.2022 Melt my heart, love what I do. Supporting young women, super special 1 week left to register for Bendigo or online group starting Feb 16th

09.01.2022 W H A T G E A R A R E Y O U I N ? I've been having l o t s of conversations about relationships. In particular the start of possible relationships. You know when you first meet someone, the sparks fly (or don't), your brain goes a bit fuzzy and you start thinking about all the potential. You start wondering if this time round could be something long term... Let's pause for a minute ... Let's pause and breathe and remember... We c h o o s e to step into relationship with another person. Gone are the days where we 'fall' in love No falling here peeps. We observe, we watch, we take time to move through experiences with the other person to weigh up with they truely are a good match for us. This takes time. It just does. This is not some fairytale, falling in love, Disney movie. This is consciousness. This is conscious relating. So I asked a woman this week - what gear were you in, when you first met this man? And the answer was...3rd gear. And she stalled, they stalled. Too much, too quick. Conscious relationships start in first gear, I reckon. Take your time, get to know the other person and then choose if you will step into relationship with them. It's far different to what we've been taught hey. But it makes sense to me.

08.01.2022 FREE ZOOM OR FACETIME CALLS...for young women considering the groups starting in a week. Tomorrow I am setting aside time to chat with any young women thinking or half thinking ( ) about learning how to empower herself through emotional intelligence, self confidence, learning how to take beautiful care of a life she really enjoys. Available times:... 4pm - filled 4:30 5pm 5:30 6pm 6:30 - filled 7pm Shoot me a message if you'd like to connect

08.01.2022 REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE In times of sadness In times of challenge ... Remember who you are. In times of stress In times of conflict Remember who you are. In the times you feel unloved... Remember who you are. Feet on ground. Hand on heart. Breathe Breathe I am here I am safe I am loved I am right here Breathe Remember who you are

07.01.2022 Crystal grid prep for my new home arriving tomorrow In flow with the Full Moon and Dec 1st. Yeow! So yum

07.01.2022 Do you know how truely amazing you are... You ARE the creator

07.01.2022 W I L D R I D E Whoa. How's this life hey ... pretty wild. Sometimes calm, flowing, beautiful. Other times....hold on! Confusing, frustrating, painful.... I can promise you, none of us are exempt from the contrast. None of us. This means you are not alone, ever. So when it's time to hold on because the rollercoaster is in the midst of big loop or swift direction change...who do you have to support you? I'm not actually sure what my message is here ...maybe a reminder that you are never alone, that we are designed to connect and in the times of pain and confusion it's important for you to reach out. There is no glory in sitting in your pain, all by yourself, every single time it appears. Do you have the wisdom to move through it by yourself, yes. Do we all need friends and supports and an ear to listen sometimes - yes, yes...yes.

07.01.2022 She is an absolute beauty.

06.01.2022 T H E W I L D G E E S E A morning poem by Mary Oliver to start your day You do not have to be good.... You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over announcing your place in the family of things. See more

06.01.2022 D E E P L O V E ... repeat after me: For myself. ~ Thankful to myself,... For myself. Careful with my thoughts & words, Mindful of my movements & choices. Discerning in my connections, True to my heart, & to my souls whisperings. Spending time in gratitude each and every day, for who I am, what Ive learnt, who Ive attracted - into my world Pic by Ava Sol

06.01.2022 T A P it O U T Tapping is the bomb I tell ya! The bomb. I LOVE teaching clients how to tap, and take them thru a sesh. I see them going from what the hell is this?, what the hell IS this?!?.... Sometimes they describe it as magic, other times just quietly thankful they have found it

05.01.2022 G O O O O O D... It felt really good to start back work this week. 2 bloody beautiful women Monday morn to kick start my return, lucky me more today, and new referrals coming in, yum! ... Its also really good to be still in northern nsw. Super super lucky me I have some amazing new ideas in how to support women even more...more more MORE! Im now just trying to work on my f o c u s - to help the ideas being things ....Alongside drinking chai at a variety of venues with beautiful people and funky couches like the one in pic Go get your Wednesday everyone! BIG Love, M xx

05.01.2022 N A T U R A L C Y C L E S I'm being reminded that things come to an end: Jobs, holidays, friendships, relationships, homes...etc. Our egos often get caught up in the right or wrong of it. Or the sadness or disappointment of the ending. And we can take it super personally ... So this is just a gentle reminder of the natural ending of most things. And that endings don't need to mean flames, or dramatics. We can (if we choose)...make our endings connected & beautiful & peaceful. If we choose. I also suggest that this may require a conscious conversation. Particularly for the ending of any relationship, personal or intimate. A conscious conversation has the ability to leave you and the other person with warmth & sadness, rather than bitterness & sadness. And in turn that might just mean the grief is softer and the healing more gentle to lean into. Worth a thought

05.01.2022 It’s been an amazing & BIG week: New, awesome women coming to explore how to make their worlds even better. on verge of selling out first talk.... asked by a business to run a series of 3 well-being workshops for her 8 female staff. Sent off 2 proposals to schools to keep spreading the self-love message. had 2 of my own tapping sessions with a divine practitioner so I can keep stripping back my own layers of healing. For me, and so I can support others even more Thank you universe for supporting me. Happy weekend lovelies xx

04.01.2022 W O R K O U T I mean work it out really Its a beautiful thing to move your body, stretch it, strengthen it. ... Also beautiful to go for the walk, have the bath, paint your toenails, get the highlights (to better hide the greys ) All that stuff that helps you feel good about yourself. But are you getting quiet... Are you putting the phone away Are you sitting in stillness Are you sitting and watching Your breathe. Its these moments where your brain says....ahhhh thank you. In these moments where we find rest and peace and so often - answers. One of the greatest self love practices you can do. Sit and breathe.

03.01.2022 This time in 4 weeks I’ll be in heavy prep mode to stand up in front of over 60 women to deliver my first ever Courage & Crowns talk I’ll probably be tapping to be honest. So I have the confidence to begin at the 7:30 start time. So I can wholeheartedly share all the things I believe to be true for all women- the great need for self-love to be the foundation to navigate life And guess what...there’s only 4 tickets left to purchase. That’s cool as shit! I love it. Co...urage...& Crowns. As my 16 year old would so amply put it....Yassss Queen.

03.01.2022 B L O K E S The universe always seems to give me one man at a time...hold on a minute...I mean at work . Just one bloke at a time, we might have 5-6 sessions then he moves on and another legend comes in.... And for that I say - thank you. Thank you for allowing me to support and share with good men. Thank you for showing me there are men willing to do the work to better themselves. Thank you for reminding me there are good good men out there. Thank you for giving me the gift of being able to connect with men on a level that feels supportive to them. Thank you to all the men who are no longer willing to avoid, distracting, blame. Who are willing to own their shit and find ways to create a beautiful future with them steering the ship. Bloody legends - the men that walk through my door, on their own, to stand up and learn ways to better themselves. Even better

03.01.2022 P E A C E For me, peace comes from choosing to step out of drama. Sometimes Im good at it, other times not so I will almost never argue with anyone. So what do I do instead...... I live my life. I let others live theirs. (Even if I dont agree ) I keep my energy focussed on me and the people and things I love. Im open to being told to zip it Im trying to share ONLY with those who hold a safe space for this one is super important and has been a life long lesson. Why would we keep sharing with those who judge and criticise and only ever offer unsolicited advice Peace comes from staying in your own lane peeps. And sharing with those who can listen and support. Choose wisely. BIG Love, M xx

02.01.2022 R E F L E C T I O N S I’ve been doing lots of reflection since my 4 year business birthday rolled by. Reflection on my work life, on how my business came to be. Reflections on who I am & what I offer. Reflections on who I’m not. ... I know I need to write a new intro for my page but I’m a little blocked with it... ok I need to tap on that obviously I can tell you this for now...I know I’m not a traditional counselor. I don’t even call myself a counselor anymore. I know I’m far more of a teacher/mentor. Feels calmer, smoother, more of a working together type of energy to me I specialise in Self Love. Well, a client told me that one day & that feels true to me...& that feels good to me. There’s been l o t s of changes over the last 4 years. I’ve grown & changed & created & evolved. After all these years of working with people one on one...I can say - self love is the foundation for living a life where any story can be delivered to you & you have the resources & the depth of courage to move through it. Many branches stem from the foundation of Self Love. And they are delicious to learn & to teach. So there’s a little bit, about me. Hold on, maybe I’ve just written half my new intro Reflection is good...if you let it, it can lead to celebration. Of who you are, how far you’ve come & what you’ve far Big LOVE, M xx

02.01.2022 Y O U N G W O M E N S G R P S On my morning walk I tapped...about these young womens groups Ive offered... Whats the best way to do them...face to face, zoom, both, in schools...etc etc. ... I know there are parents waiting to hear from me ...& so Im letting you know Im trying to work out the best way to support these beautiful young ladies Any suggestions welcome xx

02.01.2022 Ive gotta say it... Divine women. Sweet baby heart. So full. ... Just off a zoom with an amazing woman. First time weve met and I feel so connected to her story. The deepest of gratitude that she found me, reached out and is ready to love herself as she truely deserves to be loved. Same goes....same goes for all the women who come to me. I bloody love them. Their stories, their fears, their questions, their ability to step into it all. Maybe Im not meant to say I love them, on a professional level...lucky I dont do rules. Lucky I row my own boat and say what I want to say Us women, we are one. But with our own unique stories. We truely are just walking each other home

01.01.2022 One screw at a time... Sometimes it all feels a bit much, ya know. Let’s just do one screw (day) at a time. ... Some of the best wisdom I’ve ever drilled into myself Today’s wisdom c/o Megan and Ikea

01.01.2022 Do you know you deserve to feel pretty damn good most of the time...?? I don't believe any of us were born to be feeling mediocre, shithouse, average. I do believe we will feel these ways, sometimes. But I don't believe it should be how we travel through most of our days. So I don't care who you are, your stories from the past, your current situation - you deserve to live a life that you love. ... Does that mean you might need to make changes, yep. You might need to learn new ways, yep. You might need to stop doing some things, yep. Start doing others, yep. You deserve to feel good, or better. AND you have the power within you to do so. As I like to's that grab ya?

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