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Mel in a box Children's Entertainment in Varsity Lakes, Queensland | Party & entertainment service

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Mel in a box Children's Entertainment

Locality: Varsity Lakes, Queensland


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25.01.2022 Bit of mother/daughter bonding at Movie World #kidsholidayfun #gckids #motherdaughterday #rollercoasterride #schoolholidayfun

20.01.2022 Year 6 School School Camp COVID-9 style...minus the sleepover! Can’t say Lola is too upset about that either! #winningatlife #year6schoolcamp #covd19 #daycamp2020 #kidsactivitiesgoldcoast @ Palm Beach

20.01.2022 Happy 7th Birthday to Holly! I think they made this card especially for you! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you but hopefully the pressie arrived. Enjoy your #7thbirthday #birthdaygirl #kidsparties

19.01.2022 PJ Day for my little zebra girl #kidsdressups #lastdayofterm #schoolholidays

18.01.2022 The most fun thing that I get to share with her is helping her with her makeup and costumes for dance. My nan used to do this with me too #dancetradition #dancemum #imadethewig #dancelife #dancecostume #catsmusical

18.01.2022 There’s something super cute about little girls and their love of dolls. These two have a really beautiful little friendship and their imaginations allow them to enjoy hours and hours of good old fashioned roleplay with their dolls. Even at 11 Lola still gets right into it so it was fun taking them on a little shopping spree for some new friends #schoolholidayfun

17.01.2022 The trick is to emphasise the makeup #halloween2020 #littledevils #lucifer #sofun #kidshalloweencostumes #kidshalloween

16.01.2022 Climbing trees at the beach #schoolhoidayfun #goldcoastkids #climbingtreesisfun #funinthegoldcoast

11.01.2022 Lola & Holly Reunited #cousinlove #cousins #schoolholidayfun #bordersareopenfortoday @ Varsity Lakes, Queensland

11.01.2022 PROUD MUM POST Learning a powerful lesson early in life that if you dream it you can achieve it! This little lady got into both High School Excellence Programs Academic and Dance She’s all set to start Year 7 with the chance to be anything she wants to be! Well done darling girl we couldn’t be more proud...except maybe if you cleaned up after yourself around the house...Ha ha #dreamitbelieveitachieveit #highschoolnextyear #proudmummy #prouddaddy #academicexcellence #danceexcellence @miamistatehigh

10.01.2022 Happy Friday! New Kids ZOOM Parties by Melinabox available now! What could be better than a COVID friendly event with all the fun, themes, dancing, games and even prizes.....without the house full of kids! No mess! No massive party expense! Loads of fun! If you’ve got friends or family in other states this is the perfect way to connect DM for more info #zoomparties #zoompartyforkids #zoompartiesforchildren #kidspartyideas #covidsafekidsparty

10.01.2022 Parties without borders #zoomparties #partieswithoutborders #covid_19partytips #kidspartiesaustralia #aussiekids

08.01.2022 Wearing Red at Lola’s school today and remembering a lost soul Day for Daniel #dayfordaniel #cherishyourchildren #careforkids @danielmorcombefoundation

07.01.2022 So proud of our girls...they danced so well @futurestarsdancecomp Seeing them perform on the theatre stage @thestargoldcoast was such a treat for all of us. They even did their own CATS makeup! #dancersofinstagram #dancecrew #goldcoastdance

06.01.2022 As the Queen of dressing up, one would think that thy offspring would inherit this passion for the over the top and embrace any and all opportunity to explode with colour and cuteness ......But alas! It is not to be.....I have some rather disturbing news to share....In Year 6, they become skilled in the art of participating in Book Week festivities without the dress up costume! She’s gone as 12 year old Frankie Avery from Catch a Falling Star in....wait for it.....normal clothes! And with one swipe of the I wanted to go as Peppa Pig but none of my friends would do it with me wand....we have entered a new stage and are now entering uncharted waters #sheevenrefusedthesilvertinselwithstarsaccessoryI offered #bookweek2020 #year6kids #catchafallingstar @megmckinlay

05.01.2022 Ice cream sundae’s make everything a little bit better #sundayvibes #frozenyogurt #lollyfest #icecreamdate @ Robina Town Centre

05.01.2022 I hope we always enjoy mother daughter trips to the ice cream shop #icecreamwithmygirl #motherdaughtertime #schoolholidaysgoldcoast

04.01.2022 School holiday fun in the pool #schoolsout #schoolholidayfun #goldcoastkids #goldcoastkidsactivities

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