Melbourne Baseball Club in Box Hill, Victoria | Amateur sports team
Melbourne Baseball Club
Locality: Box Hill, Victoria
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25.01.2022 Hi folks We have arranged a session at the club in Sunday. Limited spaces are available for a 2pm start. Please register your interest and please make sure your registers to train with bv... Thanks
24.01.2022 Hi All As the we get closer to the start of the season we need to take care of interactions within the rooms. We have a Covid Safe plan in practice that limits the use of the rooms to exclude the use of showers. We are also limited in the interactions in the canteen and Bat until restrictions are relaxed.... The following rules will apply; Pavilion numbers limited to 4 per table, 5 tables max inside Outside pavilion, distances must be maximized. Limited Canteen service will be available when we start We prefer to not use cash for now. when in line you must be distant from the people around you. Look for spots on the ground. You MUST sign in using the QR code of sign in sheet. No Exceptions Mask use to be maximised. This is changing as restrictions ease. I will keep you informed as we go along. Steve
23.01.2022 CLUB COACH ANNOUCEMENT The Melbourne Baseball Club is excited announce that Tim Sullivan will be the Coach for for the 2020/21 season. Heres what Tim had to say about being appointed coach for this season. ... Firstly I am humbled that the committee has once again put their trust in me to lead this fantastic club on field. I'm looking forward to a full season of being able to utilise our fantastic new facilities and increase the hands on and specialist training. Although last year was disappointing from a first nine perspective I'm hoping the whole of the club can continue their development and challenge for numerous premierships this season. We have learnt a number of lessons from last season and I look forward to leading the implementation of these learnings. #MBC2020 #RedemptionSeason
23.01.2022 An update on the MLB 2020 season from the MLBPA. A return sooner rather than later sounds good to me.
22.01.2022 Good afternoon, Due to Covid-19, the previously advertised Presentation on Sunday 22nd March at Melbourne Baseball Club is now cancelled An alternative format for the Juniors Presentations is as follows:... The coaches will gather on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm, and will live stream on Melbournes Facebook site, their teams award winners. Please note the proceedings format will be as follows: 21 Award winners for Little League Minors (each player receives an award) 3 Award winners for Little League Major team 3 Award winners for Junior League Major team 3 Award winners for U16 State team We will post all of the Award winners on our Facebook site, post the live stream. Families will then be able to briefly drop into Surrey Park from 6-6:30pm on Wed 25th March, to pick-up their trophies. Let us know if you have any queries. Kind regards, Craig, Sarah and Mark.
22.01.2022 Presentation Night underway in MCC Long Room. Thank you scorers.
22.01.2022 Master +38 Game Monday Night Lovely platter supplied by Janey Noble with pre game Mojito’s cooling the Melbourne Masters Over 38 East team. The defending champions were energised and this led to a 10-0 shut out with Andrew Kent, Dave Keyhoe and Warren Hill combining for a no hitter against Upwey Yellow. Post-game feast from Malcolm followed by the 2019/20 Premiership flag unfurling with Coach Aaron Hines Legends just get older.....and better
20.01.2022 -To all of our existing players- Just letting you know that you will be receiving a survey from the Club (via email) about your intentions for the upcoming 2020-21 season. It would be much appreciated if you could fill it out so we can know what our numbers will look like for this season.... Many thanks the MBC Committee Go Dees!
20.01.2022 Annual General Meeting Melbourne Baseball Club's AGM will be this coming Tuesday the 30th of June. How due to Covid-19 restrictions if you do wish to attend the AGM at the clubrooms you will need to register your interest so as though we do not exceed our allowed capacity of 18 people.... If however you wish to be apart of the AGM via Zoom please fill out the form below so that we know your intentions of attending and we will be able to send you the information to join.
20.01.2022 Dear MCC Baseball family member. We are feverishly planning for the 20/21 Baseball Season. With winter ball being disrupted, we are planning for a full season this summer unless otherwise informed. The great news is that we are still in Division 1 and lots of work is being done to ensure we have a better on field outcomes in 20/21. The corner stone of facility improvement program, the new batting cage, is done and will be prominent in all our training activities. We expect early start to training subject to the release of the summer schedule. We are in the process of planning for the AGM which we have set for 30th of June. It will run as a zoom online meeting and we will inform people of the link as we get closer. All Junior and Senior club members are encouraged to join the AGM. With online meetings we will seek a process to vote in a secure and organised manner so we can comply with our constitution and ensure we continue with good governance. We will be requesting people to respond to an invitation so only club stakeholders will have access to the meeting. Pre-Interest can be sent to my email below. We are seeking people to join the committee with specific roles in mind. We are looking for people to support us as Junior Coordinator and Registrar Supporting the Junior Committee to deliver and enjoyable experience for our younger members and family Social Coordinators Develop and run social functions to ensure that the whole of family enjoyment factor at the club is achieved. Media and Communications Coordinator Manage our Social media content and communication to all stakeholders at the club. General Committee - Support in the operational aspects of the club, governance of the club, creating direction and policy for our on and off field operations. Each of these jobs should be able to be managed with about 1 to 1.5 hours work per week. Obviously during the season, it may be a bit more and certainly during the down season it will be much less. If anyone would like to step up and support your club and support our goals to be an enjoyable social and sporting experience please send me an email at [email protected]. Remember we can only provide a exceptional product with the support of our community, members, supporters and our families. Thanks Steve Pahos Club Secretary
19.01.2022 Changes to training Hi All Restrictions limiting training numbers has been removed so we can train in numbers up to 50 in a group. Revised information for training.... TeamApp nomination for training is no longer required. SIGN IN is still needed for all people so please register via QR or signin for juniors. Mens Thursday night sessions will start at 6pm for all as a group effective this week. That's all great news so see you at the club.
19.01.2022 CLUB ANNOUCEMENT We would like to announce that David Keyhoe has decided not to extend his role as Chairman of the Melbourne Baseball Club. David has decided to focus more of his time and attention to his new business and his family, both of which have sacrificed to one degree or other while focusing so much time on the club.... David has been Chairman of the club for about seven years and has been an integral part of making the Melbourne Baseball Club a destination club for young and old. His development of the club facilities has made it the envy of many other clubs in the baseball community. His stewardship of our players and children has seen the club develop great talent that have played for our senior teams, local representative teams, Victorian teams and Australian teams. His passion for the club has been second to none and his devotion to the club in good time and tough times has been greatly appreciated by every single player, member and stakeholder in our baseball community. On behalf of the committee, Melbourne Baseball Club members, players, stakeholders past and present, I would like to thank David for his untiring effort of making this club a great place to be. Please be on the look out tomorrow where we will have more announcements regarding the club.
19.01.2022 Senior men. We are well into training and the numbers are strong. We will be looking at sides in the next week or so so we need you all to register and come down to training next Thursday. We need to finalise numbers so we can get teams registered. If you want to play this year you need to register with bv to train and join us this Thursday. If you can’t make training then let us know so we can add you to the list. Thanks
18.01.2022 Hello Club Members Interest in joining the AGM had been somewhat UNDERWHELMING. We want our members to be involved in the running of the club so please show your interest in joining in. Most of all we need you to show your support for the people that spend hours providing you with a place to play and enjoy your sport....
18.01.2022 CLUB NEWS The Club would like to announce the following appointments for the upcoming season. The new chairman of the Baseball Club will be Malcolm Chiverton who we can all agree will meet the role with a desire and dedication that few have shown towards the club. Congratulations Malcolm... Supporting Malcolm will be our new Vice Chairman Mark Cleland Returning Treasurer Charmaine Neate and Secretary Steve Pahos General committee Alex Hondo Adam Pahos Mark Scalzo Paul Rizio Stephen Gerwing Jason Webster Mathew Dierkx Paul O'Connell Tom Arthur Cant wait for the 2020/21 Season to start Go Dees!
18.01.2022 Great News from Baseball Victoria on the easing of training restrictions for the upcoming season.
17.01.2022 Committee News Craig Mitchell will be continuing his role as Junior Chairman, this will be Craig’s ninth year as Junior Chairman making him the longest standing Junior Chairman in club history. Craig’s ongoing supportand dedication of our Juniors is one of the main reasons our Junior program is one of the best in the league.
17.01.2022 Mmm. Mmmm Nachos with chilli Chicken tacos Chilli dogs... Gotta love the Melbourne Cantina.
17.01.2022 Due to new advice by the Government and Baseball Victoria, we have decided to cancel the gathering of our Coaches to deliver the presentation night on the 24/3. We will be presenting the award winners Online and collection of trophies TBC. Apologies but this is the most sensible decision to make at this time. Regards... Craig See more
16.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Its the day Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in their world is struggling with lifes ups and downs. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Nows more important than ever to be checking in on your friends and family.... Head to for resources on how to start a conversation.
16.01.2022 Annual General Meeting To all our members with the AGM fast approaching on the 30th of June over Zoom. We will be running a test meeting on Monday the 29th of June for all members that are unfamiliar with the program Zoom meeting. If you have any questions about this please feel free to message the club on Facebook or email the club at [email protected]
15.01.2022 Masters Over 38 Champions. Defeated Upwey FTG 4-2.
15.01.2022 Training this week Hello All Training is in full flight this week with the return of training for all grades.... Its really important to register for your session via TeamApp events so we can adhere to the Covid Regs and its essential you register with BV at their website as its cross referenced. Failure to track properly will see us in a bit of trouble. Fixtures for the season are being finalised so be prepared for an early December start date. See you at the club.
15.01.2022 -Annual General Meeting- To All Our Members We are pleased to announce that the Melbourne Baseball Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 30th of June at 7.30pm. ... The meeting will be held as a Zoom Meeting, online due to the impact of Covid-19. In Line with our constitution we are required to formally seek nominations to all positions on the Committee including President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Committee. (that does not mean we are all standing down, all positions are vacated each year). In Line with our constitution any and all Nominations for the role as president require approval from the MCC so if you are interested please let me know ASAP. Nomination forms are available from Steve Pahos. Please send a note and I will send a nomination form from my email [email protected] The Zoom Meeting will require registration of your interest, a specific password and log in details will be sent to each person to join. Please complete the attached form as a registration of your interest. Voting of all points of order will also be via electronic means during the meeting. Certain protocols will need to be adopted such as verbal identification of speakers, motion raisers and seconders so we can keep proper records. An agenda will be provided soon and a list of all nominations will be provided within the 14 days required for advertising the nominations. Thanks for your continued support of the Melbourne Baseball Club.
14.01.2022 MBC Junior Presentation 2019 2020
14.01.2022 Hi all. We have rescheduled the SALT post Covid seminar... Please make every effort to join us Sorry folks Monday night the 23rd of nov at 7pm Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 4057 3072 Passcode: 128957 We have been able to organise an online seminar from SALT (Sport and Life Training) about how we can best cope with the return to sport from Covid.
14.01.2022 Baseball Victoria is pleased to share that registration is now open for the National Showcase Series Victoria tryouts. This event will replace the cancelled 2021 Australian Youth Championship and offer Victorian Under 16 and Under 18 athletes the opportunity to participate in a local showcase and underage tournament. The National Showcase Series Victoria is designed to ensure athletes still receive extensive high performance and development opportunities as well as to college and professional scouts. Tryouts for the 2021 National Showcase Series Victoria will begin at the end of this month and interested Under 16 and Under 18 players are encouraged to register. Dates and times for the tryouts at Melbourne Ballpark are as follows: Under 18 Saturday, 28 November 9.00 am - 5.00pm Monday, 30 November 6.00pm - 9.00pm Tryout enrolment to close Wednesday, 25 November Under 16 Sunday, 29 November 1.00pm - 6.00pm Saturday, 5 December 1.00pm - 6.00pm Saturday, 12 December (if required) 1.00pm to 6.00pm Tryout enrolment to close Tuesday, 1st December Specific session times will be provided after enrolment closes. The local showcase will be used for data collection and scouting purposes followed by a seven-game tournament between two teams in both the Under 16 and Under 18 age brackets. T-shirts, uniforms, caps and water bottles will be provided as part of the showcase. The approximate estimated cost at this stage for the showcase will be between $300 and $400, with payment after tryouts. Players may register for tryouts HERE. We encourage you to share this information with Under 16 and Under 18 athletes at your club. Please view our website page on the National Showcase Series Victoria for more details.
14.01.2022 Hi All Whitehorse council IS WORKING ON A PLAN FOR LIGHTING SPORTS FIELDS IN THE COUNCIL AREA. Its something we would like in our bucket list so please take some time to fill out the survey... Basically write notes of encouragement, increased participation opportunities, potential for winter expansion, fitting in with peoples lifestyles, more social interaction etc etc. Thanks
13.01.2022 Hello all Finals fixtures for this weekend have been confirmed 4ths and 5ths confirmed at Surrey Park on Sunday... 4ths start @ approx 3.30 and 5ths at 1 pm Both games are 7 innings games with not time limit We will have Pheobe in the canteen to provide food and drinks on Sunday. Monday masters confirmed at Upwey for 38s and Surrey for 45s v Blackburn Both games start at 6pm and dinner will be at the club rooms after for those who want to join And most of all dont forget the ladies are in the gf the following week. Dont forget presentation night on the 14th Best of luck everyone. Steve
13.01.2022 Hi folks We will have dinner at the club after training Thursday night. Chicken and chips. See yiu then
12.01.2022 JUNIOR AWARD PRESENTATION Melbourne Baseball Club will post our junior award winners tomorrow night. Thursday night 9th April. We will post a video for all junior teams starting at 6.30 pm. The video will be posted on Facebook and Team App.... All players, games and supporters are welcome to tune in to celebrate our junior season. See more
11.01.2022 Tim Sullivan. Men's report.
11.01.2022 Hi all Later session guys are welcome to come early. 630 would be great and we can plan a better sessions.
11.01.2022 Hello All Fixtures for 2020-21 are now posted. We also expect that training number restrictions to be lifted soon so we can train as a group. Stay tuned See you at the club
10.01.2022 MVP Winners U18 Jacob Bald Div 4 Sth Andrew Saggers Div 4 East Luke Painter 4ths Aaron Hoskin & Lenny Chiverton 3rds Shaun Hilliard... 2nds Ryan Pahos 1sts MVP - Richard Williams Award Jarryd Rogers See more
10.01.2022 Melbourne win Div 4 East 10-4. Great team effort. 5's finished the season undefeated. Congratuations to coach Bruce Webb and team.
10.01.2022 Registration for AGM Hello All A reminder that the AGM is set for Tuesday the 30th of June. The meeting is a Zoom meeting due to Covid-19.... Please register your desire to attend and we will set you up for the meeting. Use this link, If you have any items you want discussed we are forming the agenda now. Thanks Steve
08.01.2022 2019/20 Batting Award winners U18 Kurtis Smith Div 4 Sth Koby Hartin Div 4 East Luke Painter 4ths Arran Potter... 3rds Dean Kontopoulos 2nds Finn Connell 1sts Jarryd Rogers See more
07.01.2022 Committee News Craig Mitchell will be continuing his role as Junior Chairman, this will be Craigs ninth year as Junior Chairman making him the longest standing Junior Chairman in club history. Craigs ongoing supportand dedication of our Juniors is one of the main reasons our Junior program is one of the best in the league.
07.01.2022 The MCC Baseball Club is proud to announce the following juniors making state baseball squads. U16 - Max Saggers, Shintaro Katon. U18 - Kurtis Smith, Bronson Neave & Charlie O’Connell ... Congratulations and best is luck for your upcoming programs.
06.01.2022 Women's award winners. Batting: Shannon Kwok Fielding: Megan Payne
06.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. It’s the day Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in their world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Now’s more important than ever to be checking in on your friends and family.... Head to for resources on how to start a conversation.
06.01.2022 Hi All We have rescheduled the SALT Post Covid Seminar for Monday Night Please make every effort to be there... Steve Topic: DB - Baseball Club Time: Nov 23, 2020 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 4057 3072 Passcode: 128957
06.01.2022 Whitehorse City Council recognises Mens Health Week 15-21 June An Evening with Tom Boyd... Wednesday 17th June 7:30pm-8:30pm A free online presentation where former-AFL player Tom Boyd discusses his story. Tom shares techniques and strategies he personally used to overcome some of the most challenging moments in his life. He touches on living with mental health issues, dealing with criticism, as well as the happiness that can come from focusing on balance and self-care. If any of our members are interested in this presentation from former AFL star Tom Boyd please click the link below
05.01.2022 We eagerly await the next step from the government and Bv on start to our season. We hope given relaxation of restrictions to be training late October and playing November some time. Sorry we can’t be more specific but it’s all in the air at present. Meanwhile do some running or have a throw with a mate in preparation. Of course all within the guidelines. Please feel free to reach out to the committee if you have any questions.
05.01.2022 Both Masters teams qualify for Grand Final tonight. At Surrey Park, the 38's had a big 9-1 win against full strength Blackburn. At Myrtle Park, the 45's scored 5 in the last to win 8-7 over Malvern. Great weekend for the Club winning all 5 Semi Finals played. Grand Final details TBC.
05.01.2022 -CLUB NEWS- The Melbourne Baseball Club is proud to announce that Finn O’Connell has committed to join the Frontier Community College Bobcats. This is an awesome opportunity, one we know that you will take with both hands. ... The Club looks forward to seeing what you will accomplish and we have no doubt you will do the Melbourne Baseball Club proud.
05.01.2022 AGM and Committee Nominations Hello All Those wanting to join the AGM are required to register. using the following form. Nominations are still welcome for the club committee. We are seeking further nominations especially from our ladies and junior families. Support areas include Social functions and Junior Coordination support. To date the following have nominated for the 2020 committee'; David Keyhoe - Chairman Stephen Pahos - Secretary Charmaine Neate - Treasurer Malcolm Chiverton - Vice Chairman General Committee Steve Gerwing Alex Hondromatidis Paul Rizzio Mark Scalzo Mark Cleland Adam Pahos Jason Webster Tom Arthur Craig Mitchell
04.01.2022 The Committee of the Melbourne Baseball Club is proud to announce that David Keyhoe has accepted the role of Baseball Operations Manager. This role will be the critical link between our on field activities and the club management to ensure that we have the right resources and people in place so all our players and members gain the maximum enjoyment of being at the club. David will oversee coaching, player recruitment and development and will focus on making sure that all ou...r players can maximise their potential in our sport. The Committee of the Melbourne Baseball Club is also proud to announce new members to the Club Committee. Jason Webster Adam Pahos Matthew Dierx Tom Arthur
04.01.2022 2 Grand Finals at Surrey Park today. 1.00 pm - Melbourne 5th Nine vs Waverley. 3.30 pm - Melbourne 4th Nine vs Essendon. Get down and support the boys.
03.01.2022 Annual General Meeting News Tuesday 30th of June, 7.30pm With the easing of restrictions, we are happy to announce that we will hold the AGM at the Pavilion and also as a Zoom Meeting.... All members of the baseball club are welcome to participate and parents of members are also welcomed to join us. We will be voting on the committee, acceptance of the annual report and all other business that is open for discussion. For those wanting to join by zoom, we need you to register so we can send you an email link to the zoom meeting. Please let us know if you are keen to join us by clicking the below link and filling out the form.
03.01.2022 City of Whitehorse Update. As a result of the information outlined below, our baseball facilities will remain closed until further notice. This includes our batting cage. Thank you for your understanding. "Dear Sporting Club/Association There is a growing sense of anticipation about the easing of restrictions around the current COVID-19 pandemic. The National Cabinet have met today, but we need to wait to hear about the implementation for Victoria. The Victorian State of Eme...rgency is not due to expire until Monday 11 May. The Chief Health Officer of Victoria has issued a set of Directions that have the effect of law in Victoria, and they remain in place. Until they expire, or are replaced, we must still comply with them. In accordance with Federal and State Government directives all venues and sporting activities supported by Whitehorse City Council (Council) through the provision of Council facilities are closed until further notice. This has been communicated via email and letter to your club/association in March. We take this opportunity to remind all clubs/associations that until you receive further communications with directives from Council you are expected to comply this means no access to pavilions/club rooms, sports fields/courts/greens or other facility in which your activities take place until further notice. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation in this to date. Council is currently working through its recovery and recommencement of activity plans for all Council facilities in conjunction with the Victorian Government and State Sporting Associations. Victorian government announcements are expected the week commencing Monday 11 May 2020; a plan for the resumption of sports/activities in Whitehorse will be communicated by Council to all stakeholders, as soon as practicable. We reassure you that Whitehorse City Council is very keen and working hard to have sports happening in our community once again and will share with your club/association information about when and how recommencement of activity can occur as soon as we are able to. We ask for your patience during this time and support in allowing Council to focus on recovery and recommencement of activity plans. For the latest information on the COVID-19 response in Whitehorse visit; for information, fact sheets, video announcements and media releases regarding COVID-19 in Victoria, visit DHHS Coronavirus webpage. " Keep well. We'll be back soon.
01.01.2022 #ThrowbackThursday Three Legends of Victorian Baseball (L to R) Max Lord, Ken Stephens and Max Wishart circa 1950's
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