Melbourne PC User Group in Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
Melbourne PC User Group
Locality: Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9276 4000
Address: 479 Warrigal Rd 3189 Moorabbin, VIC, Australia
Likes: 102
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24.01.2022 On-line and other meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 13 June 3030: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm); Monday: Mornington Peninsula General inc Q&A(9:30am) & Family History (1:30pm) Physical meetings confirmed, Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30pm); Tuesday: Melb PC Committee (7pm);... Wednesday: North East Android SIG (10am); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Main Meeting (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Various topics (9:30am), Digital Images Including Photoshop (10am); Saturday 20 June: Windows Plus (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Please note: PC Update Articles Deadline Friday 19 June.
23.01.2022 Special Interest Group and other on-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 8 August 2020: Special Interest Group Conveners (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11 am),Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm); Monday: Access (database) and Excel (6:30pm); Tuesday: Investment Tools - WASINT (10:30am);... Wednesday: North East Daytime & Photography (10am), Microcontroller (7pm); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime SIG Advanced (9:30am), East (7:30pm); Friday: Essendon Open Forum (9:30am), Casey (1pm); Next Saturday 15 August: Windows Plus (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11am). See more
22.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 12 September 2020: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm); Monday: Access (database) and Excel (6:30pm); Tuesday: Melb PC Committee (7pm);... Wednesday: North East Android (10am); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Main Meeting (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Open Forum Various topics (9:30am), Digital Images Including Photoshop (10am); Next Saturday 19 September: Windows Plus (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11am). See more
22.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 27 June 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11am) Tomorrow: Website Design Tutorials (2pm) & Troubleshooting (4pm); Wednesday: North East Genealogy (10am); Monthly meeting (7pm);... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime New Users (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Main meeting (9:30); Next Saturday 6 July: Microcontroller Workshop (11am). See more
22.01.2022 Our monthly meeting will be held this Wednesday, August 3 from 7pm onwards via Google Meet, which you can access from Guest Speakers: Doug Kimberley, Mike Allison, Nan Bosler Topic: Staying well, Staying home, Staying Connected...Continue reading
19.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Monday 20 July 2020: Mornington Peninsula General inc Q&A (9:30am) & Family History (1:30pm), Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30pm); Tuesday: Melb PC Committee (7pm); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30am);... Friday: Video Production - Mt Waverley (10am); Next Saturday: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Next Sunday 26 July: Website Design Tutorials (2pm) & Troubleshooting (4pm). Please Note: Friday 24 July is PC Update Articles Deadline.
18.01.2022 The July 2020 monthly meeting will be held online Wednesday July 1 at 7pm. The July monthly meeting is a departure from the new Corona normal in a couple of ways. For a start Kirsten Greed has agreed to take over organising the meetings, so the program will be a little different. We have also decided to try something different from previous e-meetings, and let everyone "into the room" with the speakers/presenter. That is a bit of technical gamble, because with maybe 50 people...Continue reading
18.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Monday, 9 November 2020: Access & Excel (6:30 pm); Tuesday: WASINT (10:30 am); Wednesday: North-East Daytime Photography/Digital Imaging (10:00 am), Microcontroller (7:00 pm);... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Advanced (9:30 am), East (7:30 pm); Friday: Casey (1:00 pm); Next Saturday, 14 November: Raspberry Pi (2:00 pm). See more
18.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 31 October 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (~11:00 am); Wednesday: North-East Genealogy (10:00 am), Monthly meeting (7:00 pm); Thursday: Sunbury daytime new users (9:30am);... Next Saturday, 7 November: Microcontroller Workshop (~11:00 am). See more
18.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Wednesday 3 June 2020: north east genealogy (10am), Monthly meeting (7pm); Thursday: Sunbury daytime new users (9:30am); Friday: Essendon main meeting (9:30am);... Saturday 6 June: Microcontroller workshop (11am). See more
17.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 17 October, 2020: Windows Plus (10:00 am), Microcontroller Workshop (~11:00 am); Monday: Morning Peninsula General (9:30 am) & Family History (1:30 pm), Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30 pm); Tuesday: Committee (7:00 pm);... Wednesday: North-East Android (10:00 am); Thursday: Sunbury daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30 am); Friday: Video production Mt Waverley (10:00 am), deadline for submissions for November PC Update; Next Saturday: Microcontroller Workshop (~11:00 am); Next Sunday, 25 October 2020: Website design & tutorials (2:00 pm). See more
16.01.2022 Our monthly meeting will be held this Wednesday, June 3 from 7pm onwards via streaming to YouTube, which you can access from Guest Speakers: John Hollow, Kelvin Cording, Paul Hattam, Craig Evans Topic: SIG Meetings in the time of Corona... Now that we are getting so much better at meeting on line, it is an ideal time to hear from some of our special interest groups in the club. A panel of our SIG leaders are here to tell you about their group and how they have been keeping in touch lately. Reminder that your membership enables you to participate in these groups, so take the opportunity to check them out while theyre meeting online. Meeting Agenda 7.00pm sharp: Meeting opens. Host is David Stonier-Gibson. Guest speakers: John Hollow, Kelvin Cording, Paul Hattam, Craig Evans Social break Presidents Report: David Stonier-Gibson Whats New? with George Skarbek 8.30pm (approx): Close
16.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Tomorrow, Sunday 22 November 2020: Website design (2:00 pm) and tutorials (4:00 pm); Monday: Mornington Peninsula Family History Advanced DNA (2:00 pm); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30 am);... Friday: Video Production Mt Waverley (10:00 am), deadline for Special Interest Group reports for December PC Update; Next Saturday, 28 November: Microcontroller workshop (~11:00 am). See more
15.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 5 September 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Tuesday: WASINT (10:30am); Wednesday: North East Daytime & Photography (10am), Microcontroller (7pm);... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Advanced (9:30am), East (7:30pm); Friday: Essendon Open Forum (9:30am), Casey (1pm); Next Saturday 12 September: Microcontroller Workshop (11am), Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm). See more
15.01.2022 Video meetings coming up at Melb PC: Monday 18 May 2020: Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30pm); Tuesday: Melb PC Committee (7pm); Next Saturday, 23 May: Website Design Tutorials & Troubleshooting (2pm).
14.01.2022 Video meetings coming up at Melb PC: Tomorrow, Sunday 24 May 2020: Website Design Tutorials & Troubleshooting (2pm). Wednesday 27 May is the deadline for Special Interest Grtoup reports for June PC Update.
13.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 1 August 2020: Microcontroller workshop (11am); Wednesday: North East Genealogy (10am), Monthly meeting (7pm); Sunbury daytime new users (9:30am)l... Next Saturday 8 August: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2 pm). See more
13.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Monday 8 June, 2020: Access (database) and Excel (6:30pm); Tuesday: Investment Tools - WASINT (10:30am); Wednesday: North East Daytime & Photography (10am), Microcontroller (7pm);... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Advanced (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Open Forum (9:30am), Casey (1pm): Saturday 13 June: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm). See more
13.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 11 July 2020: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm); Monday: Access (database) and Excel (6:30); Tuesday: Investment Tools - WASINT (10:30);... Thursday: North East Android (10am); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Main Meeting (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Various topics (9:30am), Digital Images (10am); Saturday 18 July: Windows Plus (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11am). See more
09.01.2022 Our monthly meeting will be held this Wednesday, September 2 from 7pm onwards via Google Meet, which you can access from Guest: Linda McIver Topic: Raising Heretics: Teaching effective Scepticism using Data Science... Linda McIver Dr Linda McIver is the Founder and Executive Director of the Australian Data Science Education Institute (ADSEI), a registered charity dedicated to ensuring that all Australian students have the chance to learn Data Science and Data Literacy skills in the context of authentic projects with real impact. Linda has a PhD in Computer Science Education, and extensive experience teaching at both tertiary and secondary levels. Through ADSEI, Linda now creates engaging Data Science Projects to empower students to use tech & data science skills to make positive change in their own communities. Talk Summary: Much of our Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths education starts from a foundation of facts and known answers. This teaches our kids that the point of STEM is to Get The RIght Answer, whereas the best thing about STEM disciplines is actually fixing things and solving problems. In this talk I will show how ADSEI is dedicated to raising Heretics, and why Heresy is something we desperately need right now, both in the Data Science industry and the world as a whole. New meeting segment: iHelp Online In a similar vein to the Q&A segment that ran for many years at Moorabbin face to face monthly meetings, a member of the iHelp team will join the meeting each month to answer your technical questions. This month it is Harry Lewis. You are are invited to submit your questions to iHelp for responses during the meeting. Please send your questions by email to: [email protected] to arrive by 6pm on Wednesday, 2 September. Meeting Agenda 7.00pm sharp: Meeting opens. Host is Peter Bacon Guest speaker: Linda McIver Q & A with Linda McIver Social break Presidents Report: David Stonier-Gibson Whats New? with George Skarbek iHelp Online with Harry Lewis 9.00pm (approx): Close
09.01.2022 Melbourne PC User Group Hi Tim...Continue reading
09.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 24 October 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11:00 am); Tomorrow: Website design and tutorials (2:00 pm tutorials, 4:00 pm troubleshooting); Wednesday: Mornington Peninsula Family History Advanced DNA (2:00 pm), Deadline for SIG Reports for November PC Update;... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30 am); Next Saturday 31 October 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11:00 am). See more
08.01.2022 Invitation from Melbourne Computer Club EXPLORING TINKERCAD CIRCUIT SIMULATION You are invited to our Microcontroller Group meeting Wednesday 13th May. You dont have to be a member, but might decide youd like to join!... Members: You will be advised of a link that gives you access to join in interactively. Check Yammer group All Company.
07.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Monday 12 October 2020: Access Database & Excel (6:30 pm); Tuesday: WASINT (10:30 am);... Wednesday: North-East Photography/Digital imaging (10:00 am), Microcontroller (7:00 pm); Thursday: Sunbury daytime (Main) (9:30 am); Friday: Essendon various topics (9:30), Digital images (10:00 am); Saturday 17 October 2020: Windows Plus (10:00 am), Microcontroller workshop ~11:00 am).
06.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 4 July 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Wednesday: North East Daytime & Photography (10am), Microcontroller (7pm); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime (9:30am);... Friday: Essendon Open Forum (9:30am), Casey (1pm); Next Saturday 11 July: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (2pm). See more
06.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 15 August 2020: Windows Plus (10am), Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Monday: Mornington Peninsula General inc Q&A (9:30am) & Family History (1:30pm), Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30pm); Tuesday: Melb PC Committee (7pm); ... Wednesday: North East Android (10am); Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Main Meeting (9:30am); Friday: Essendon Various topics (9:30am), Digital Images Including Photoshop (10am); Next Saturday: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Next Sunday, 23 August: Website Design Tutorials (2pm) & Troubleshooting(4pm). Friday 21 August: PC Update Articles Deadline for September.
04.01.2022 On-line and face-to-face meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 20 June 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (Noon); Wednesday: Mornington Peninsula Family History Advanced DNA (2pm) Physical meeting confirmed; Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30am);... Saturday: Microcontroller Workshop (Noon); Next Sunday, 28 June: Website Design Tutorials (2pm) & Troubleshooting (4pm). Please note: Wednesday 24 June is the deadline for Special Interest Group reports for July PC Update.
02.01.2022 As the state government relaxes restrictions around COVID, so can we in Melb PC. Because of the ageing demographic of our members we are going to be very conservative about it. The following rules will apply from 18 June 2020 until further notice. We cant really say how long with the unprecedented situation we are in. Moorabbin rules For Moorabbin club rooms we are aware that a small number of members depend on using the WiFi for big downloads like Windows updates, and that ...has affected our stance on this. So the policy is as follows. If you have any suspicious symptoms, stay away until you have been tested with a negative result. If you are diagnosed with COVID 19 and have been in the club rooms in the previous three weeks please report that to the office on 9276 4000 Everyone coming into the club must sign in on the clipboard in reception. We will be very displeased if anyone fails to do so. There are security cameras recording! The garage is off limits unless you have specific authority to enter from two executive members of the committee. Members may come in to use the WiFi but must bring their own computer. This avoids conflicts over sanitising club computers. Club computers in public area will be disabled. Specific members are authorised by the committee to attend to work on transformations to the premises. SIGs will not be allowed to meet at Moorabbin - yet. It is OK to have hot drinks but used cups must be put in the dishwasher. It is totally unacceptable to drink a cup of water then put the cup back on the shelf. Yes, people have been spotted doing that! (We have a camera in the kitchen!) The biscuit barrel is off limits. You can consume food you bring in. You are responsible to yourself for sanitising any surface you intend to touch, such as the kitchen table. There is a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol and surfactant available. We are not providing a sanitising service. You are advised to wash your hands and/or use the hand sanitiser provided. Non-Moorabbin SIGs SIGs that use public meeting rooms across Melbourne may meet if they wish, but must comply with all the rules set by the owners of the premises. Nevertheless the committee recommends that they do not meet and instead continue with online meetings for a while longer. Stay safe! David Stonier-Gibson, President For the Committee Melbourne PC User Group Melbourne Computer Club Melbourne PC User Group T/A Melbourne Computer Club Portions copyright Melbourne PC User Group Inc. 1984-2020. ABN 43 196 519 351. Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V. Links from this site to other sites do not constitute any endorsement of those sites by Melbourne PC User Group. PC Update articles and images copyright 1984-2020 of respective authors. All Rights Reserved.
02.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 22 August 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Tomorrow: Website Design Tutorials (2pm) & Troubleshooting (4pm); Wednesday: Mornington Peninsula Family History Advanced DNA (2pm), PC Update Reports deadline;... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30am); Next Friday 28 August: Video Production - Mt Waverley (10am). See more
02.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Today, Saturday 25 July, 2020: Microcontroller Workshop (11am); Tomorrow: Website Design (2pm) & Troubleshooting (4pm); Wednesday: Mornington Peninsula Family History Advanced DNA (2pm);... Thursday: Sunbury Daytime Maintenance & Linux (9:30am); Next Saturday, 1 August: Microcontroller Workshop (11am). See more
02.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up ai Melb PC: Today, Saturday 14 November 2020: Raspberry Pi Moorabbin (~11:00 am); Monday: Mornington Peninsula General (9:30 am) & Family History (1:30 pm), Northern Suburbs Linux (7:30 pm): Tuesday: Committee (7:00 pm);... Wednesday: Northe-East Android (10:00 am); Thursday: Sunbury daytime Main (9:30 am); Friday: Essendon Various topics (9:30 am), Digital Images (10:00 am); Next Saturday: Windows Plus (10:00 am), Microcontroller workshop (~11:00 am): Next Sunday, 22 November: Website design (2:00 pm) & Tutorials (4:00 pm). See more
01.01.2022 On-line meetings coming up at Melb PC: Wednesday 1 September, 2020: North east genealogy (10am), Monthly meeting (7pm); Thursday: Sunbury daytime new users (9:30am); Friday: Essendon main meeting (9:30am), Multimedia home entertainment (10am); Next Saturday, 5 September: Microcontroller workshop (11am ).
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