Melbourne Steiner Playgroup. in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Community
Melbourne Steiner Playgroup.
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 400 196 012
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23.01.2022 A free one day Introductory Course to Steiner Teacher Training - Saturday 26 October 2019. Talks, movement, artistic classes , info about our accredited course Rudolf Steiner Ed. If you are looking for a path forward in life and a nourishing career in education, have a look at this sampler course - register here : #steinerschool #steinerteacher #waldorfschool #waldorfschule #waldorfteacher #steinereducationaustralia #studyinaustralia #primaryteacher #makeadifference #creativeeducation #artseducation #inspiration #anthroposophy #rudolfsteiner #becomeateacher See more
22.01.2022 Hooray for spring and flowers and newborn living things, we notice beauty and welcome the soft sunshine. We can observe how plants grow from seeds , how the mother bird feeds the hatchlings in her nest , how in nature's sublime wisdom, there is a natural order of things . So too, our young children need the grace that time and tenderness bring to healthy development . They need to breathe into their being good sense impressions . Children thrive on good nutrition , warmth , s...trong rhythm ( as day and night and the seasons and the stars support the natural world) , simplicity, and the striving of loving adults to care for them . There is much in the modern world that blinds us to the natural order of things , thankfully we have spring to remind us to grant our children the time for their childhoods. See more
22.01.2022 MRSS 2018 Open Day & Fair is on Saturday, November 17th from 10am-4pm. Please join us for a fun-filled family day. School tours and talks, open classrooms, mu...sic performances, art and craft, market and produce stalls, raffle, camel rides, delicious food and much more. All welcome. See more
20.01.2022 The winter in-breath The winter solstice, Sunday June 21 this year ,when the sun is at its furthest point from us in the southern sky, is an important turning point in the year. It challenges us to find the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold. With the increasing separation of the sun from the earth in winter, the earth breathes inward, drawing etheric forces deep inside its physical body. As with the earth, we too move inward. Our thinking becomes more clear a...nd active, we are capable of penetrating lifes mysteries. The celebration of the winter solstice, as with all seasonal festivals, helps us to become aware of the inner reality of the seasons. Children have a natural affinity with the experience of festivals - they are something to look toward to, part of our "becoming". Festivals help to strengthen family life, acting as golden thread that weaves throughout the year. There is a creative power when we build an environment of "physical substance but also of soul substance" (quote by L.St.Clair). We can begin to carry the festival with intention and to build anticipation- to marvel at the cold and rain and frost ,the changes in the garden, to make a winter seasonal table, to talk about the soon to come special family dinner and plan lanterns to be made. So this winter solstice, enjoy a lantern walk and look at the stars,decorate the table and share a candle-lit dinner, winter songs, poems and stories*, delicious special food (apple pie and spiced tea!), and celebrate the season with human warmth. * Stories or little anecdotes with a winter theme can be shared by all,and can be wondrous or amusing ... "I remember when...", " Once upon a time when I was about your age we went on a camping holiday and we woke up one morning ...." etc Grandparents can often bring richness to such sharing.
19.01.2022 At playgroup we follow the seasons through story, song and craft. We have just finished making felted name plaques for the bedroom door, autumn folk and vegetables, and now we leap into winter lanterns and knitting. The winter solstice, when there are the least daylight hours, takes place on June the 21st-22nd, and is a turning point in the year. We can gather with friends and family to create a midwinter solstice festival in our home. This can be expressed through foods ( apple pie a favourite), candlelit dinner, lanterns, reading poems and stories about winter, and slowing down so as to feel the hush, the quiet, the peace, as the planet turns to exhale. And so do we. Building celebrations and festivals into family life is strengthening for children and adults alike. These events are a golden thread that express our connection to sublime truths and to important cultural traditions. Our celebrations also bring renewal, when as individuals we strive to penetrate lifes mysteries with our own concious endeavour. Enjoy the forthcoming winter solstice. See more
18.01.2022 The Easter Festival The celebration of festivals helps to strengthen family life, being as a golden thread that weaves throughout the year. Children have a natural affinity with the experience of festivals - they are something to look forward to, anchoring us to the rhythms of the seasons of our earth, to the greater meanings of life and to the movement of the stars above. Easter is a cosmic festival that celebrates the mystery of the risen Christ. This event can awaken in... us an impetus to transform aspects of our own lives so that we may seek to act lovingly and truthfully and with imagination to care for people and the Earth. Children enjoy setting up an Easter table comprised of the bounty of the natural world around, which may also include life bearing elements. -Sprouted wheat grass, hand crafted chicken or hare, an Easter tree hung with blown, decorated eggs, a drawing, Easter daisies -Special food that carries over from year to year (children especially experience a festival through food) -A song, story, candle, decorate an Easter basket -An early morning Easter Sunday walk egg hunt! "Seeking and finding eggs is for all of the children a fun and important Easter experience. As human beings we can actually only seek something if we are aware or at least suspect its existence." B.Barz Children enjoy the anticipation, discovery and surprise of searching for the hidden treasures, carrying a small basket and searching in the garden or around the house. Of course, chocolate eggs are keenly sought for, but other items could include small biscuits or health balls wrapped in paper with a bow, dyed hard boiled eggs, packet of seeds ...and at the end of the hunt the eggs could be shared among the participants. An exciting and memorable annual event. Festivals nourish body, soul and spirit and provide us with an opportunity to contemplate our lives and to develop and deepen our own traditions over time. Bless you.
17.01.2022 Please share this post - there is a shortage of Steiner trained teachers . The education they provide gives children an imagination, clear thinking skills and warmth of heart much needed in the world .
17.01.2022 The Melbourne Steiner Playgroup celebrates and proudly acknowledges 100 Years of Steiner Waldorf Education. The first Waldorf /Steiner School opened in Stuttgart, Germany in September 1919. Today this 100 year anniversary is being celebrated across the world and to mark the occasion a live- stream from Berlin brings the anniversary festival as of 6 pm Australian time . ( search live-stream Waldorf 100) ... The Waldorf 100 website also has truly inspiring videos and information from around the world to celebrate this occasion. LEARN to CHANGE the WORLD See more
15.01.2022 At playgroup we cherish and protect the vital first seven years of a child's life in all that we do. We "try to maintain the positive realities of warmth and light in the whole childhood environment and little by little, as maturity is striven for, these qualities come to being in the soul of the child and the heart is high and merry." (Sylvia Brose )... Together we enjoy a sense of community, shared and expressed through our singing, craft, delicious food, seasonal songs and stories. For young children, the rhythmic constancy of each session helps develop a healthy will and builds confidence in life. We would love you to join us or visit. Warm regards, Meron [email protected] 0400196012 And just for joy , this lovely verse from the highly recommended Seven Year Wonder Book ( Isabel Wyatt) Read to a child getting ready for sleep . At night in bed I feel the windy beat of rosy wings The sky is filled with music soft and sweet which each star sings Bright fields of singing stars, go drifting by; And in them happy children sing and fly; And with them, I. I do not hear the singing stars by day, Nor spread my wings I am too brisk and busy with my play, And waking things. But music breathes as night draws nigh, Till floods of children throng the singing sky And with them, I.
14.01.2022 The winter in-breath The winter solstice, Sunday June 21 this year ,when the sun is at it's furthest point from us in the southern sky, is an important turning point in the year. It challenges us to find the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold. With the increasing separation of the sun from the earth in winter, the earth breathes inward, drawing etheric forces deep inside its physical body. As with the earth, we too move inward. Our thinking becomes more clear a...nd active, we are capable of penetrating life's mysteries. The celebration of the winter solstice, as with all seasonal festivals, helps us to become aware of the inner reality of the seasons. Children have a natural affinity with the experience of festivals - they are something to look toward to, part of our "becoming". Festivals help to strengthen family life, acting as golden thread that weaves throughout the year. There is a creative power when we build an environment of "physical substance but also of soul substance" (quote by L.St.Clair). We can begin to carry the festival with intention and to build anticipation- to marvel at the cold and rain and frost ,the changes in the garden, to make a winter seasonal table, to talk about the soon to come special family dinner and plan lanterns to be made. So this winter solstice, enjoy a lantern walk and look at the stars,decorate the table and share a candle-lit dinner, winter songs, poems and stories*, delicious special food (apple pie and spiced tea!), and celebrate the season with human warmth. * Stories or little anecdotes with a winter theme can be shared by all,and can be wondrous or amusing ... "I remember when...", " Once upon a time when I was about your age we went on a camping holiday and we woke up one morning ...." etc Grandparents can often bring richness to such sharing.
13.01.2022 School Tour and ART SHOW A fantastic chance to see the school and to imagine your child thriving in this environment. "Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility, these three forces are the very nerve of education." -Rudolf Steiner
13.01.2022 This is an inspiring account of how Steiners profound wisdom supports the education of children with special needs . ( see also the Warrah School in NSW )
12.01.2022 Spring Story Once upon a time a mother bird flew all about looking for a place to build a nest.She flew up and she flew down, and soon she rested in a green ferny garden. A little boy looked out of the window of his house and saw the bird. A big girl climbed over the fence and she saw the bird.... The children called their mother from her baking and she looked at the bird. And when the children's father came home, he peeped out the window and there in the middle of a low tree fern the bird was making her nest. How happy was the family that a bird had come to live right outside their lounge room window. The girl gave the bird some crumbs, because grandpa said that birds love crumbs. Well this little bird was very busy. She collected wooly fluff from the sweepings swooshed outside the door. She collected stringy bark from the bottom of the gum tree where the cat sharpened its claws. She collected tuffets of hair from father's haircut. And when the little boy looked closely at the nest, he even saw a piece of cotton from the mop propped at the laundry door. The little bird worked and worked until she had made a snug warm nest. And then she flew down and she sat. She sat, and she sat, and she sat, and do you know what? She laid three little eggs! She sat in her nest on her three little eggs . (on the third telling of story...) And then one day, the children were playing in the garden and they heard a 'tweet tweet, tweet tweet' ....and in the nest they saw three baby birds! 'tweet tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet' And they sat in the nest together . (source unknown)
12.01.2022 Easter contemplation - thoughts from Robert Martin, one of the founders of the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School.
12.01.2022 At the end of playgroup, when all the families have gone home ,we potter around tidying up the room . There is often a little sigh moment when you come across evidence of a child's play ,a picture of their imagination and thinking and making sense of the world . Children need lots and lots of quiet time for this, and similarly, hours of time outside each day to move freely and play heartily. Happy days.
12.01.2022 Listening for the Unknown Future - words of wisdom to help strengthen us now and into the future.
11.01.2022 Enjoy visiting the following 2019 FAIR and OPEN days "Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings,who are capable of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives ." R.Steiner
11.01.2022 Cooking cakes and soup at Melbourne Steiner playgroup "The urge to play, the particular way in which a child plays, disappears and sinks below the surface of life. Then it resurfaces, but as something different, as the skill to adapt to life. There is an inner coherence in life throughout all its stages. We need to know this in order to teach children in the right way." -R. Steiner ... Read more about this at the link below:
11.01.2022 Come and meet one of our wonderful kindergarten teachers in the warm heart that is Peppercorn kinder, then move on through our stunning primary school and new adventure playground, then see the secondary science, arts, performance hall, gymnasium areas, sports oval, all around! Bring your family and friends.
09.01.2022 Dear friends, This is a wonderful and timely resource from Susan Perrow, whose books on healing stories for children have been translated into many languages. This story has just been written to respond to our current situation. The stories are indeed powerfully healing. Please share widely.... With peace and love, M
08.01.2022 Heres ten fun facts about Steiner Education which might just inspire you to join our full-time accredited or part-time certificate courses starting 11-12th Feb.... You can become a Steiner Teacher! 1. Actors Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock attended Steiner schools, as did Nobel Medicine prize winner Thomas Südhof and Norways Jens Stoltenberg, 13th Secretary General of NATO and Prime Minister of Norway from 2000-2001 and 2005-2013. 2. Steiner Education cherishes the right of children to a full and long childhood; 3. A Steiner Teacher works creatively and artistically with the curriculum every day - no two days are the same. 4. In its birthplace, this education was and continues to be described as Waldorf Education taking its name after the Waldorf Cigarette Factory where it was first introduced in 1919 for the factory workers children; 5. Steiner classrooms are typically created to endeavour to provide a beautiful learning space for children, taking into account factors such as architectural features, wall colour, lighting, and furniture, 6. Steiner classrooms use a blackboard (rather than a whiteboard- the teacher works artistically to build up images related to the lesson content, to engage and inspire children, using quality chalk with enlivened colour qualities to bring nuance, light, dark and shading to images, which cannot be achieved with whiteboard markers; 7. Steiner education is artistic, academic and purposeful. It is a highly valued approach to helping young people develop flexible, agile thinking alongside an ability to collaborate and thrive in a 21st century world. [As stated on the Steiner Education Australia website] 8. Many Silicon Valley executives are on the record for sending their children to Steiner/Waldorf schools; 9. Steiner education supports the healthy unfolding of the whole human being: head, heart and hands. 10. A recent research project undertaken by Steiner Education Australia involving 3000 respondents found that among graduates 89% agreed that what I learn is highly appropriate to later life; 95% agree that attending a Steiner school has been an asset in my life; and 94% would recommend a Steiner school education. Does this resonate with you? Are you interested in building a purposeful meaningful career? Course Orientation Evening at the Seminar on Tuesday 21st January at 7.30 pm, 37A Wellington Park Drive, Warranwood, VIC 3134 Information: We have ONE intake into this course. VET Student Loans and Austudy available for eligible students. Call Anne in the office on 03 9876 5199 or e: [email protected]
08.01.2022 The winter in-breath The winter solstice (June 21/22), when the sun is at its furthest point from us in the southern sky, is an important point turning point in the year. It challenges us to find the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold. With the increasing separation of the sun from the earth in winter, the earth breathes inward, drawing etheric forces deep inside its physical body. As with the earth, we too move inward. Our thinking becomes more clear and active,... we are capable of penetrating lifes mysteries. The celebration of the winter solstice, as with all seasonal festivals, helps us to become aware of the inner reality of the seasons. Children have a natural affinity with the experience of festivals - they are something to look toward to, part of our "becoming". Festivals help to strengthen family life, acting as golden thread that weaves throughout the year. So enjoy a lantern walk and look at the stars, share a candle-lit dinner, winter songs, poems and stories, delicious special food (apple pie and spice tea!), and celebrate the season with human warmth.
08.01.2022 A reminder of our school tour Sat. 4th May Warranwood
07.01.2022 This most beautiful and unique school will be open for a talk and tour on Sat 4 th MAY "Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings , who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives ". R.Steiner Do come along with your family and friends and see for yourself how this education curriculum and practice meets this most urgent need of our times .
06.01.2022 Playgroup warmly invites you to our school fair and open day Come and see our kindergartens ,secondary school science and art rooms, our stunning library, music and performing arts areas ,the school dining room and huge gymnasium. And look at our new primary playground, so much fun play happens here ! Lots of wonderful children's activities ,quality market stalls and healthy food. See you there
06.01.2022 Our beautiful manifold Mother Earth has been our home for eons. And now with utter urgency, and with the kind of instinct and determination a parent gives to pulling a child back from danger, we must act now to save The Earth. All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul, now become the meaningful language of nature. Rudolf Steiner And now nature is roaring at us.... Images-NASA,ABC, Kundalini studios
06.01.2022 This is an inspiring account of how Steiner's profound wisdom supports the education of children with special needs . ( see also the Warrah School in NSW )
05.01.2022 This wonderful two year course at the Seminar forms part of a four year Bachelor of Education, enabling you to work in both Steiner/Waldorf and mainstream schools. Information night Tuesday 13th August at 7:30pm.
05.01.2022 Dear friends , This may be of interest and support .
04.01.2022 At playgroup we cherish and protect the vital first seven years of a childs life in all that we do. We "try to maintain the positive realities of warmth and light in the whole childhood environment and little by little, as maturity is striven for, these qualities come to being in the soul of the child and the heart is high and merry." (Sylvia Brose )... Together we enjoy a sense of community, shared and expressed through our singing, craft, delicious food, seasonal songs and stories. For young children, the rhythmic constancy of each session helps develop a healthy will and builds confidence in life. We would love you to join us or visit. Warm regards, Meron [email protected] 0400196012 And just for joy , this lovely verse from the highly recommended Seven Year Wonder Book ( Isabel Wyatt) Read to a child getting ready for sleep . At night in bed I feel the windy beat of rosy wings The sky is filled with music soft and sweet which each star sings Bright fields of singing stars, go drifting by; And in them happy children sing and fly; And with them, I. I do not hear the singing stars by day, Nor spread my wings I am too brisk and busy with my play, And waking things. But music breathes as night draws nigh, Till floods of children throng the singing sky And with them, I.
03.01.2022 Start 2019 by taking the first steps towards a rewarding creative career as a Steiner/Waldorf Teacher. Our Ad Dip in Rudolf Steiner Ed is the only accredited St...einer teacher training course in Australia, offering a pathway to B Ed, qualifying you teach in both Steiner and mainstream schools. Information: Meet staff, tour the campus, and hear more about this inspiring course at our Info Evening Tuesday 29th Jan at 7.30 pm. Limited places remaining in this course commencing 12th Feb 2019. Info: +61 03 9876 5199 or email: [email protected] See more
03.01.2022 Highly recommended, these Wednesday evening courses are stimulating and nourishing. The artistic activities enliven,there is warmth in the social realm, and fun abounds !
03.01.2022 Simple, poetic, pragmatic.
03.01.2022 'Listening for the Unknown Future' - words of wisdom to help strengthen us now and into the future.
02.01.2022 "If a person has done me a kindness, the deed passes away, but what the deed has planted in my soul, that remains." - R. Steiner See below for a wonderful description of how to support a healthy and kind class environment, and relevant for family life too. Article: The Kindness Ball
02.01.2022 Story time at playgroup ONCE UPON A TIME there were two little gnomes who lived under the roots of a very big tree.Their names were little Red Hat gnome and little Blue Hat gnome , and their house was the messiest house that you ever did see! They had a little straw broom who lived in the corner of the room. The little straw broom would look around and cry out " I wish someone would clean up this room !"... There were - ( sing ) "crumbs ,crumbs everywhere under the table and under the chairs all over the mat and under the bed even under the pillow where the gnomes rest their heads". Little Red Hat and little Blue Hat had to clean the room . When it was little Red Hat's turn , he was always in such a hurry . He would pick up the broom and sing - " swish-ity swash, swish-ity swash, little straw broom goes swish-ity swash . This way and that , this way and that , little straw broom goes this way and that ". But the room was just as messy as before ! There were ( sing ) " crumbs crumbs everywhere ..etc". When it was little Blue Hat's turn to sweep the floor , he simply couldn't be bothered. He would slowly pick up the broom and sing his I couldn't be bothered song ! " I couldn't be bothered, I couldn't be bothered, I couldn't be bothered to work .All through the day , I just want to play , sweeping is something I shirk ". And the room was even messier than before ! There were " crumbs crumbs everywhere.. etc ". Then one day their friend little GOLD Hat came to play . He walked into the room and looked at the floor , " what a messy room , where is the broom ?" Little Gold Hat found the broom and sang his "sweep it up " song . " Sweep it all up, sweep it all up , little straw broom will sweep it all up Crumbs in a pile, make me smile . Little straw broom will sweep it all up ". Little Gold Hat swept under the table under the chairs, he swept over the mat and under the bed , he EVEN swept under the pillows where the gnomes rest their heads . He swept all the crumbs into a beautiful pile and put the broom back in the corner . Then little Red Hat , and little Blue Hat , and little Gold Hat .....well , do you know what ? They sat down and had blueberry muffins for afternoon tea! The End
02.01.2022 PLAYGROUP VACANCIES and WARM SOCKS We have a few vacancies in our Monday and Tuesday 1-3 pm afternoon playgroups coming up in term 3 . We enjoy a beautiful environment and toys , seasonal songs and stories , parenting support and really good chai ,coffee and food . ( contact Meron 0400196012 for more information) ... And the best ever and MOST affordable ($5 ) made in Australia pure wool warm and cosy SOCKS for children and adults in great plain colours are available from Jenny the Socks Lady at the following locations - 1 st Saturday of month Kalista Market 1 st Sunday " Healesville River St Market 3 rd Saturday " Montrose Craft Market Happy days
02.01.2022 The winter in-breath The winter solstice (June 21/22), when the sun is at it's furthest point from us in the southern sky, is an important point turning point in the year. It challenges us to find the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold. With the increasing separation of the sun from the earth in winter, the earth breathes inward, drawing etheric forces deep inside its physical body. As with the earth, we too move inward. Our thinking becomes more clear and active,... we are capable of penetrating life's mysteries. The celebration of the winter solstice, as with all seasonal festivals, helps us to become aware of the inner reality of the seasons. Children have a natural affinity with the experience of festivals - they are something to look toward to, part of our "becoming". Festivals help to strengthen family life, acting as golden thread that weaves throughout the year. So enjoy a lantern walk and look at the stars, share a candle-lit dinner, winter songs, poems and stories, delicious special food (apple pie and spice tea!), and celebrate the season with human warmth.
01.01.2022 MRSS 2018 Open Day & Fair Fundraising Raffle 4th prize in our Raffle is a $1000 Natural Toy Hamper for the little people we love. Including: A Honey Bee Toys wo...bble board; An Epoche wicker apple basket with a treasure inside and De Noest Nature Altar; A Birch and Bear Spring inspired toy hamper; A Dragon Fly Toys Wooden science toys aimed at the 8-10 age group; And a Winterwood voucher, silk, & seasonal cards 1st prize is a $2000 Flexible family bike package thanks to Cycles Galleria 2nd prize is a $1000 Yarra Valley Escape & Indulgence Package 3rd prize is a $1000 Experience Hamper Tickets are $5, or $40 for 10 and are available via the link: Drawn at 2.30pm, Saturday November 17th, during our Open Day & Fair See more
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